Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To His will all flesh succumbs. From His kingdom, chaos comes! [Cryax]

Vornskr could feel the hatred boiling within the Chiss' body, spreading like a rampant malignant cancer until it had consumed his entire body. He knew that white-hit hatred was directed at him, and he relished in all of it. "Good, gorge your hatred, Cryax. It will serve you well, my servant. Hatred can be a powerful tool, a powerful motivator, and when you harness it, it can be a powerful weapon as well." He now handed off the blood needle and the remaining thread back to his hooded servants, and walked from the top of the slab to the right side, and slowly wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the dagger embedded in the Chiss' hand. With a great heave, he yanked the blade completely free, blood spurting forth to replace the void left by it's blade, and he then continued to work on Cryax's right arm. Two servants came in close to seal the gaping would on his hand, disinfecting and sealing it up as Vornskr carved more canyons in his blue flesh.

"One day, you met have a chance to claim your vengeance upon me, but for now you will serve." Vornskr finally finished with the man's arm, and went through the routine of sealing up the wounds and replenishing his blood, and then he started to carve the torso. This is where the patterns really got intricate, as the great canvas that was Cryax's chest allowed for more movement and more room to create. As much as Vornskr would carve up the Chiss' body, he would not go near the face, and would stop at the neck. He did not want his dark perversions to be so obviously apparent, and thus left the Chiss' face alone. Another place he could not carve was the Chiss' legs, as they were mostly cybernetic up to a certain point, but whatever flesh remained Vornskr carved. He eventually had his servants turn Cryax onto his back, and that opened up an entirely new avenue for gruesome mutilation.

Soon, Cryax's body was riddled with intricate Sith carvings, and now at last Vornskr could imbue his malefic will into Cryax's body. Moving his hands in intricate patterns, a dark haze began to fall upon the Chiss as the air itself hummed with eldritch power that poured from Vornskr's being like a flood.

"Sul҉i̕g t͝e҉m͟ias ruon͘is ͘s̷ek̴let̢i҉ la̕yeai̕ t̶ave duj̨ik̡r̕a ̵iv̢ m͟e̡k͜n, ̕i̢r ̧p͠r̵o̵ savi͡m̸i͟ Nu ͞sekl͟ęt͠i͝ ͟k͝a͘nal̛as͜ ̨nu͝yak ͢v̨al̀d͘i͠a͘s̀ ͡prié vi̧sa͞.́ ͢T̡e͝gu̕ sis ͞f̕e҉d̴te̶je ̀b̀uti͟ t҉a̢v̵e ͘ka͜ru͜vis k̴i̡a͡ sk҉onis͜ ͜nuyak͏ v̵i͟l̴i҉oa̶zag̴a҉!"

As he spoke those demonic words, the carvings rent upon Cryax's flesh began to churn and glow balefully as if alive, a burning sensation spreading throughout his body as the carvings became more pronounced, began to turn black and become angular like tattoos. However; these runes were not inked into his flesh, but carved in with a dagger, and thus the new imprints left upon his body were permanently apart of his body. "It is done, and now your body is mine." With a wave of his hand, the shackles that bound Cryax shattered like glass, and the Chiss was now free to move. "Rise, my servant, stand before me and kneel."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
With his mouth sewn shut, Cryax’s screams emerged now as anguished, muffled whimpers when the carving and bloodletting began afresh. As more foul designs were chiseled into his blue flesh, the inexorable torture drew on and the Chiss panicked that perhaps he had died and had been sent to the bowels of Chaos itself, sentenced to endless tortures of this magnitude. A few hours later the crime lord’s body was covered from front to back with cryptic runes that were almost beautiful in their intricacy. At least they would be if they weren’t permanent seared into his flesh by dark Sith magick.

Finally, his binds broke apart, and Cryax was allowed to rise from the slab in order to genuflect before his captor. He was exhausted and nearly in shock, with every nerve ending singing out in a chorus of pain. Still, he gingerly rolled over on his side and managed to lift his tired body upright. Swinging his legs to the side of the stone slab, Cryax placed his bare feet on the ground and arose, stumbling slightly, steadying himself on the slab with one hand. Then he let out a long sigh and lowered himself onto both knees, kneeling in front of the Sith Lord. Unable to face his torturer after such a long, humiliating process, the Chiss simply lowered his head, his blue-black hair matted with sweat and blood, and cast his sunken eyes to the ground.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Vornskr was pleased. The ritual had worked as intended, and now the Chiss' body was slaved to the Epicanthix Sith's will, and no matter how much he might have wanted to do otherwise, Cryax had no choice but to obey his every command. That was just for his body, however; but his mind would also need to be slaved to his will as well. There was the small matter of the Yorik Coral that his servant, Dredge, had implanted to exert his control over the crime boss, but it was sloppy and ineffective. Vornskr would have to remove it if he wanted total control over both the Chiss' mind and body, but he knew that such a procedure would most likely kill the Chiss during the operation, and such a violent death could damage his body. Steps would need to be taken in order to ensure that Cryax's body remained relatively undamaged, and thus a dark idea began to form in the Sith's mind, and he couldn't help but smile devilishly as it formulated.

Of course, the Chiss would need to die, but he would die by Vornskr's terms.

"Very good, my servant. Now rise, and follow me. Your body has received my gift, and by now your mind would as well, but there is something prohibiting me from doing so. I must remove it in order to continue."

He gestured for the Chiss to follow, and would begin to lead him out from the ritual chamber and down a few flights of winding stairs and empty corridors until they reached a room with walls of pale white. This room was a stark contrast to the dismal, and dark room Cryax had previously been in, and it looked like something right out a hospital ad. In a sense that's what it was, a surgical chamber used by the Sith Lord and his gruesome servants to perform various surgical experiments on both men and beast, and while the chamber looked well scrubbed and pristine there were still faint splotches on the floors and walls where blood had once splashed and then dried. Vornskr pointed to the surgical table at the center of the room, and commanded:


[member="Cryax Bane"]
When Kaine began to speak, Cryax tilted his head slightly to gaze up at the man through blood-matted bangs. A tight-lipped scowl appeared on his blue lips, pushing at the seams that were threaded through his flesh. His knees creaking, Cryax slowly arose as he was commanded to follow Darth Vornskr. Although it should have been reeling from shock, his sore and ruined body, bespelled by Sith magick, complied. He followed the Sith Lord out of the chamber and through the labyrinthine dungeon. They arrived in a room that looked like a hospital or med bay, complete with a surgeon’s table and various unknown instruments and devices.

Like a stubborn pack mule, the miserable Chiss balked at first and then soon found his legs moving themselves through no will of his own. He ordered his legs to run, but no dice, and let a muffled sigh escape his lips. The crime boss reluctantly hopped up onto the surgical table and sat hunched over, his red eyes flickering warily around the room. He finally rested his alien orbs on Darth Vornskr and levelled a death glare at him, his chest heaving with panic. How he wanted to strangle the man before him with his own blue-skinned hands. Unfortunately his gangly body wouldn’t obey and so he sat, his posture drawn, like a circus Kowakian monkey lizard waiting for an order to dance.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
A pair of Yuuzhan Vong biotechnicians suddenly appeared from seemingly nowhere, and began to move the Chiss in a laying position on the table, and began to restrain both of his hands and legs with leather cuffs. They then moved just out of Cryax's immediate view, tinkering with something sinister in the corner of the room, but Vornskr quickly walked over and made sure that the Chiss was giving the Sith Lord his full attention. "My servant put a nasty piece of yorik coral in that body of yours, a weak substitute for what I had performed on your body, as you can clearly tell the difference between your trance-like walks and your fully conscious ones. Sadly, if it were me I would keep it in your body to allow my servant some semblance of control over you if need be, but sadly that piece of Vong biotech interferes with what I have planned for your brain. So, understandably it needs to come out with all haste, but my Vong technicians say that the procedure to remove it would violently kill you and most likely lead to tissue damage and organ failure. Now, I don't want you to die, Cryax, I just want you to serve, but sadly..."

Vornskr then lightly placed both hands on Cryax's chest and stomach region, his fingers digging into the already molested blue flesh as his eyes thrummed with a dark innate power. It would feel like someone was pricking his body with needles, and with each prick everything seemed to become more hazy, more translucent mixed with the feeling of being yanked out of one's own body. Which, to be entirely honest, wasn't that far off as well. "I'm going to have to remove your soul from your body, but don't worry, you'll be coming back to us soon enough. Your body is useless as an empty shell, and trust me I've tested such a thing. A soulless shell is too slow to follow orders, and his movements are awkward and gangly." With a great pull, the Sith Lord began to rip the very soul out from the Chiss' mortal coil, using the magics he controlled to then tether the Chiss' spirit to the earth so that it would not escape.

Cryax, while being an disembodied and ethereal spirit, could still be completely aware of what was transpiring to his now soulless corpse. The Vong technicians would return with their grisly biotech tools, and would begin to cut open his body, and go through the lengthy process of removing every bit of the yorik coral that had plagued the crimelord's body ever since the monstrous Dredge had gotten a hold of him. But now, Vornskr was the master now, and with his dark magics he would do far more than Dredge could do with the coral.

"Soon you will be mine, body, mind, and soul."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
As two Yuuzhan Vong suddenly mobbed him, Cryax’s entire body began to shake uncontrollably. An intense fear of the Vong had been born out of Cryax’s extreme torture enacted by Dredge on The Omen. Reeling from the abject terror caused by the sight of the them, Cryax struggled violently as Kaine’s servants lowered him down and cuffed him to the table. Soon, Darth Vornskr towered over Cryax with a cold glint in his eyes and explained the procedure he was about to do, the beginning of his speech sounding surprisingly like a kindly doctor about to operate on patient. The Sith lord’s tone turning rotten and hateful as he advanced on Cryax, eyes turning black, he dug into the blue flesh of the Chiss painfully. Bane let out a muffled moan through his stitches.

Losing his soul felt indescribable. How would one describe full awareness, but absence of physical self? Was this how a paraplegic felt? Cryax’s heart rate, breathing, swallowing all gone. Yet somehow he could see and hear, although faintly and with some psychic distortion. He was aware of what was happening to his physical form, and although he felt no pain the act sickened him nonetheless. A knife sunk into his the soft skin of his scalp, slowly making its way around the circumference of his head, then his brain was carefully sifted through and pieces of surge coral were extracted. Cryax was dead, but not dead. Almost desperate to be back on Vornskr's slab if only for a chance to feel something, Cryax hoped this lonely inbetween would be a place he would never have to visit again.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
After hours of grueling surgery on both Cryax's brain and body, the last piece of the yorik coral was finally removed and sealed away by the Vong technicians. The incisions made by them would be sealed up, and healed so that it appeared that nothing had been done to his body at all save for the ones inflicted by Kaine earlier, and with that done the Sith Lord would grab the Chiss' soul by it's tether and place it back into his mortal coil. His right hand would gently grip Cryax's scalp, and another flood of incoherent High Sith chants were muttered as he delivered the final blow to the last nail in Cryax's coffin of freewill, and now bound the Chiss' mind to his own will so long as he resided within this body. An aura of dark red energy would envelope Kaine's body, and would slowly begin to cover Cryax's inert form as a segment of the Sith Lord's own darkness seeped into the crimeboss, and then a moment later disappeared within.

At last, the ritual was completed, and the restraints that held his body popped away with a snap, so too did the binds sealing his mouth shut broke one by one, and fell away.

"Rise now, Cryax, and tell me how you feel."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
“Rise now, Cryax, and tell me how you feel,” were the first words he heard upon reanimation by the Voice of the Dark Lord.

It wasn’t a question. It was a command. But to answer Cryax Bane needed to ask himself first. How did he feel? The query stirred in his head, slowly dragging itself over his consciousness like a dying man. Echoes of a death rattle escaped its dry and cracked lips. How did he feel? Like his body was a grave and his will was buried within. Like each time it stretched upwards towards the sky, gasping for air, blackened, worm-ridden dung was heaped on top, smothering it into submission, and too exhausted to exert itself much longer, his fragile will simply accepted its burial.

How did he feel?

Bane felt powerful. Blood-thirsty and bold. Like he could dance in the flames of war and not get burned.

The Chiss’ ruined body was exhausted but it thrummed with the heady dark energy imparted by the Sith Lord. Kaine Zambrano’s will rose up like a deafening war cry, claiming all that was his, Cryax’s body and mind. The Chiss crime boss slowly rose to an upright position on the surgery table. No more did he want to strike at the Sith Lord before him. The need to please Darth Vornskr overshadowed everything. Cryax was given a gift by his Master and he wanted to show his ultimate gratitude. Gratitude that came in the form of oceans of blood and pain, terror and sadness caused by the destruction of worlds at the hands of the Sith. Born out of his co-opted volition, Cryax moved off the table and took a knee before Kaine Zambrano, raised his head to the Sith Lord and answered.

“I feel,” he said with a hoarse, gravelly voice, his blood-caked mouth splitting into an ecstatic smile. “Like I’ve been reborn.”

[member="Darth Vornskr"]

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