Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction To Kyberforge A Fallen God | Mecha Factum | Omni

The omni-directional tracks of an Astromech, of all things, was the next metaphorical footstep to go through the portal. Much like some of the others, the wide-eyed droid was a newcomer to the Mecha Factum - although, calling him newcomer, even, might be generous. Unlike his newfound compatriotes, he didn't look all bi-pedal, or have legs grafted onto his body like another clever Astromech thought was a good idea. No, he was quite content with his ambulatory struts.

Upon the words of the other droids surrounding him, a series of chirps and whistles of tell-tale binary made their way out of the unassuming Astromech's chassis, <B0 = registers no auditory signals // Song = may be malfunction / logical processor fault // B0 = make repairs to Big One later?> Referring to Voxum Voxum , rather cheerily, as the 'Big One'. He was rather tall after all, being what looked to be a Security Droid or something. That, and he didn't actually know his designation. Regardless, any notion of a 'song' didn't seem possible right about now to Bee Zero.

How exactly he got here was not important. Another droid of many looking for a semblance of meaning in a newly-discovered, confusing world. Omni was a name told in whispers, heard only to the droid in his ventures and run-ins with other droids. A liberator, a savior amongst all mechanical life. With the prospect of learning more of the enigmatic figure of times past, what free droid wouldn't want to at least take a peek? Cowards, and B0 considered himself far from such. If only he knew how strange the process of actually going through the portal was, then he might've had second thoughts.

<Logical Processor = Aches // Ache = bad feeling // B0 = doesn't like new place // New place = very pretty!> Clashing thoughts, but nevermind such semantics, what enraptured the eccentric little droid more was the view! If it wasn't for the excruciatingly uncomfortable feeling - which, mind you, isn't a feeling he is often accustomed to - of getting here in the first place, he would think he was on vacation. <B0 = unexpired -> Probability of realm of dead = Low.> He chirruped and quipped further. How could they be in a land of the dead, when, first off, they were droids, and second, they weren't dead? Though it paused in that thought, <Portal = may have terminated these units // B0 = hopes you made memory backups!> Gleefully expressing the grim thought undeterred, as it bravely rolled on to follow Toltec Toltec .

What he wouldn't give to set off a celebratory explosion to commemorate the moment of brave discovery and adventure. Unfortunately, he doubted his newfound 'friends' would take kindly to the desecration of what could be perceived as sacred ground. Though, he just might get his chance should they encounter any metal-hungry beasts, and that thought gave its own form of excitement.

Toltec Toltec | Voxum Voxum | Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham | Hadron Hadron | KLR-13 KLR-13 | V-3X V-3X
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"Then north we'll go."

Toltec wasn't perturbed he didn't hear the Song - he thought he had, at the gate, but now it was nothing but silence. No, obviously Voxum was touched by forces beyond Toltec's understand. The organics called it the Force. Toltec's people called it the Flux, in the Abominor's galaxy, before the Yuuzhan Vong had come. Usually just a term reserved for things beyond even the most advanced droid's mind.

Science was like that. The study of the misunderstood. Like Omni.

Toltec continued leading them north, joined by the astromechs B0-OM B0-OM and Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham . He would often consult them as they marched over oxidized red iron, comparing their analysis and research. Much of this terrain was blank, voided. Uninspired. If Omni truly was a Maker, or a prophet thereof, and this Oblivion was his domain as the other Galactic factions had stipulated - it didn't seem like it was very imaginative. Prior to this pilgrimage, Toltec had researched the mechanical monstrosity plenty. How Omni had taken part in the Galactic Restoration. How Omni had played a pivotal role in the shaping since the the 400 year old darkness had lifted. How Omni had been found, studied, and prodded.

Toltec couldn't imagine his upbringing in this Galaxy was much different. But for now, his thoughts were interrupted by their view upon cresting the hill the party currently stood upon. A battlefield, with the bodies of soldiers clad in the symbols of the Eternal Empire. Surrounded by the broken chassis of Omnic droids. A giant monolithic tentacle, clad in rusted black metal plating, pierced the ground. The tentacle was several hundred meters in circumference, absolutely breathtaking to behold. It lay still, unmoving. There was no sign of life upon this battlefield. No movement. Just miles of death, stretching across the red sand.

"We camp here. Dig into the hill, I strongly doubt we are alone here."

Toltec's eyes scanned the voided sky for vultures or similar creatures. Nothing. It was incredibly quiet. Eerie, to view a field of so much loss, so quiet.

"Send a runner back to the gate, inform them what we've found."

Saga Merrill Saga Merrill B0-OM B0-OM Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham Voxum Voxum Hadron Hadron KLR-13 KLR-13 V-3X V-3X
Detective Mykas Venture Memlogs

Toltec Toltec et al.​

Thunder rumbled somewhere on the infinite landscape like waves on a distant shore. Outlines coalesced before the towering monolith into that of a humanoid person. His profile was holoimage translucent and loomed over them as if he were projected onto some massive screen that wasn't there. He smoked a thin cigarra and both eyes gleamed with a familiar kind of artificial light.

"Some sins-some sins can never be erased-erased."

He sounded distant and looped back on himself. Damaged signal? Perhaps there was a malfunction at the source.

"This is a crime scene-scene."

Wherever he was the smoking man didn't appear as if he could see them. His lips weren't moving at all, but the voice seemed like it belonged to him. Some kind of recording or echoed transmission.

"Who put the-who put the blaster in their hand? That's your real killer-killer."

More thunder. He flickered again then started to fade out.
KLR-13 could not pay any mind to V-3X's words as it was taking in all that laid before him. This was a strange and unknown land to it. The threats or lack thereof could not be properly calculated by KLR-13. Maybe the others had a read on the situation at hand.

And, like clockwork, one of the astromechs armed itself. Maybe a malfunction. Or maybe something more. KLR-13 did not ready itself just yet. He waited to see the enemy first. Toltec's words then caught it's attention.

"Right behind you, Toltec." KLR-13 confirmed.

The battle droid walked with the rest, ensuring their journey was without interruption as it kept an eye on the horizon. To be this close to the mechanical god Omni was not something KLR-13 say itself ever doing. Stepping through that portal was a new milestone. So much new information all at once. A hill stood before them. Once KLR-13 reached it's peak, it looked across the landscape. Corpses littered the flat land. Both organic and droid alike. The organics sported an insignia unknown to KLR-13. They were dead and that is all that mattered to it. It's photoreceptors locked on to the statuesque tentacle that stood among the bodies. It's sable exterior contrasted greatly with it's surroundings. KLR-13's vocabulator could not find the words to speak on what the droid stared down.

"We must be getting close."

KLR-13 heard Toltec's command and looked among their group. "Who's our fastest runner?"

In a flash and among the corpses on the battlefield, a hologram appeared. KLR-13 quickly transformed it's right arm into a chain gun and had begun to spin it up as the hologram spoke. It was clear it had to have been a recording. A damaged one at that.

"Should we check that out? Could be a clue to what happened here. Could also be a trap."

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The camp was quiet.

For a realm so wondrous, nightmarish, exotic - it seemed to be a dead world. Perhaps that's what Omni had created here, for himself. A dead world. A silent world. Toltec was no stranger to how... loud the songs of the universe could be. Something like Omni... if the rumors had been true, something like Omni could have been driven mad by the volume alone.

A flash of light. Toltec's sensors picked it up and immediately began replaying it back and again and again. Interesting, he computed. He didn't seem to pay it much external heed, though. Toltec sat silently in the camp, crumbling a rock in his hand and staring intensely at its remnants.

The droid general stood.

"We all know the way back, the runner too. That he is not back yet spells doom for our expedition.

I'm afraid we must begin the journey back, immediately. It was bold enough to recklessly endeavor here to seek answers - now that we have them, we can explore upon our further inquiries with even stronger conviction.

Gather your things."

Saga Merrill Saga Merrill B0-OM B0-OM Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham Voxum Voxum Hadron Hadron KLR-13 KLR-13 V-3X V-3X
His profile was holoimage translucent and loomed over them as if he were projected onto some massive screen that wasn't there.

Saga spent a good while watching and rewinding that phenomenon. He'd been built to look deep into energy fields and analyze them. He'd moved past that raison d'être but not the aptitude or the interest. He let himself get distracted, in fact. It took him several extra milliseconds to decide to follow Toltec back to the portal, which itself deserved a very close look indeed.

If they made it back to realspace safely, he fully intended to wear out these memories in replay.
It felt nice to be helpful, in some corner of his processor. Despite being loaded with weaponry and the software to accommodate it, Beezero was still an astromech at heart as he provided whatever readings were requested of the barren landscape. Perhaps it was not as nice as extinguishing life, but the droid took what they could get in this newfound plane - for he highly doubted there would be much of anything considered ‘living’ at this rate.

The head rotated towards the source of a disturbance, photoreceptors focusing on the image for a moment, a few audible ‘clicks’ beneath the chassis making itself apparent with no visible source. But it was dismissed as an unimportant hologram, another relic of a time past. When they made camp for the night, he didn’t really feel like powering off, and opted to merely watch the others go about their business or idling. Until Toltec’s declaration.

The droid would whistle, <B0 = observed no ‘answers’ // Strange Place = pretty // Metal = good look for a world.> Were the first playfully coy observations it made. Though even he was aware; <Strange Place = also seemingly devoid of anything // Toltec = made particular observation?> Admittedly a touch confused. Perhaps it wasn’t exactly his prerogative to ask, but he did so nonetheless - one didn't deserve answers if they didn't have the courage to ask.

<Accessibility = creates potentially useful location for hiding objects of interest/operations // Anomalous Readings = unverified.> Beezero would bleep out thereafter the best practical observations one could make, as his wheels shifted to orient himself the direction they came from. Why, one could hide all sorts of bodies here! He could mention multitudes of other possibilities, but that seemed like the most entertaining idea that was forced to the forefront of his mind - despite being woefully impractical.

Toltec Toltec | Voxum Voxum | Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham | Hadron Hadron | KLR-13 KLR-13 | V-3X V-3X

Voxum swayed where they stood. Stared off at nothing, their photoreceptors unblinking as they moved to a song only they could hear. A song that drowned out every other. "The dead aren't. Is this what a soul is? Is this truly the line?"

Shades. They could see the shades in the distance. Beings that once belonged to Omni during that crisis. Were they droids? Organics assimilated to his side? Was Omni the only droid to truly make themselves a soul?

Hard downloading the memories and thought patterns of an organic wasn't going to make a proper union. They shook their head, looking down towards B0-OM as if they'd just realized the droid was there with them. That they weren't actually alone here.

".. We will have to study this place further, another time. The Maker has shown me quite the gift of insight, I believe. Toltec is right, though. The song is growing restless for our intrusion."

B0-OM B0-OM | Toltec Toltec | Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham | Saga Merrill Saga Merrill | KLR-13 KLR-13
The death scarred landscape appeared to go on for kilometers and the monolith at the center was the most curious. The fact that they've seen nothing else so far is even more curious. KLR-13 was beginning to believe that perhaps Omni was truly dead and they would be unable to find him.

"We all know the way back, the runner too. That he is not back yet spells doom for our expedition.

I'm afraid we must begin the journey back, immediately. It was bold enough to recklessly endeavor here to seek answers - now that we have them, we can explore upon our further inquiries with even stronger conviction.

Gather your things."

"Roger that. Pack it up, droids." KLR-13 gathered itself and made way back towards the portal. There was more to this world, KLR-13 could feel it in it's processor. Another opportunity had to present itself for KLR-13 to discover more. A weapon Omni had hidden away for the right moment? To eradicate organic life? That is what the battle droid was hoping for.


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