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Private To Learn the Blade



TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

Jonyna's duties were many. It wasn't often she found herself in the training dojo much anymore, but today she had set aside for just that. A new padawan had entered the order, and Jonyna intended to make sure this one knew his Ps and Qs, at the very least.

She stood in the center, holding out her own saber.

Alright Daughter, show them everything you've learned.

These days, it wasn't often that Jonyna got a chance to hear her mother speak. The soul stored within her blade's crystal often leaving Jonyna to herself nowadays.

But whenever her mother spoke, it was a moment Jonyna felt herself emboldened.

The Cathar stood tall, waiting for the padawan to arrive.

First Lightsaber Training Session

After having settling into the Jedi Temple upon Coruscant thanks to guidance from the Jedi Grandmaster and Tyron had been issued his new equipment alongside his Jedi Robes. A ping was alerting the Besalisk Jedi Padawan Learner that a fellow Jedi member was reaching out to him. He opened up the device to see a message on his Datapad linked with his comlink network that Jedi Master Jonyna Si of the Jedi High Council was going to host a training session. This was exciting for Tyron as he immediately got his belongings together that was required for this training he has with another Jedi Master to learn from. He finally arrives inside of the training spire of the temple to enter the duelling chambers arena where the Cathar female was waiting for him.

"Master Si." Tyron stated as he walked towards the arena and greeted her with a polite bow. The Besalisk was just a few inches taller than the Cathar plus Tyron was built like a combination of an athlete and a muscular figure of an individual. He relaxed his four arms and hands down to either side of his torso as he was ready to begin his training. "Thank you for letting me train with you master." Tyron said as he was always grateful in learning new abilities, techniques and theories as he spent his day inside of the temple.

He inhaled and exhaled calmly to settle his excitement and nerves where Tyron had no idea what Jonyna planned for the session. One thing for sure is the Besalisk knew it'd be some form of combat he'd be learning and will need to practice before leaving the Jedi Temple to assist other Jedi and members of the Galactic Alliance in the vast regions of the Galaxy. "I'm ready for our lesson." Tyron said to Jonyna as he waits for the session to commence by the Jedi Master who had the availability to share her teachings with him.

This was it, time to take the first steps in learning to become a proficient combatant for the New Jedi Order and be capable in protecting others throughout the Galaxy. For the Dark side continues to lurk in the shadows, crime syndicates causing chaos among many planets and Tyron believed he can make a difference. Bring balance and peace among various sectors of various planets that require the Jedi's aid and support no matter how big or small the impact would as long as he would be contributing for the cause.

Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

Jonyna always felt strange when bowed to. She had settled the matter of feeling like she hadn't earned it, but the formality of it always caused her to feel as if she had lived a different life.

Still, the boy was eager.

Jonyna walked over to the wall, picking a training saber off it, and tossed it over to the boy. "We'll start with basic stance. I take it your days as a youngling have taught you how to learn how to function a saber, yes?" A luxury she hadn't been gifted. Her own training was slapdashed, and didn't start until she was in her 20s.



Outfit: Clothes
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsabers
Saber Hilts: Guardian Hilt & Vanquisher Hilt

Tyron looking over to Jonyna as the female Cathar approached a wall with training lightsaber hilts stacked on the shelves. The Besalisk had only arrived and joined the New Jedi Order recently having had some weeks to adjust after meeting with Jedi Grandmaster Valery Noble. The boy was in his early teens only having learnt about a few theories in the Force from Valery's perspective. One of the elder Jedi Masters had taken the young Besalisk under their wing after sensing and seeing Tyron's potential.

He reached out with one of his four hands to catch hold of the training lightsaber hilt that Jonyna had thrown to him as they were inside of the training arena. Tyron hadn't learned the functions of a lightsaber just yet he was aware a laser beam would come out of the hilt having seen other Jedi students practice and spar each other when he first came to the Temple.

"I'm afraid Master, my days of being a youngling wasn't spent here. I have only arrived recently sorry." Tyron replied to Jonyna. Honesty was perhaps the best step forward and that was showing others the Besalisk was starting out in the right direction as a student of the Jedi Order.

Tyron did see the ignition button just away from his thumb and he didn't think anything more of it as it seems the Force was guiding him to ignite the beam out in front of his body. The lightsaber hilt gripped firmly in his dominant hand holding it in a guard position as the blade and tip was pointed vertically towards the ceiling.
"I am a quick learner though.." The Besalisk added and if Jonyna reached out with her senses it was almost as if the young Padawan was a lot calmer just as he was entering a combat situation.

There were still feelings and thoughts in where many Jedi students had excitement, nerves and much more going on but with Tyron it seemed he welcomed it all. Was he already embracing what he is about to commit to..?


TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

Jonyna stood tall, as she watched the boy mess with her training hilt, before finally igniting the blade. "Is that so?" She asked, a bit of coyness to her tone. "Then allow me to educate you."

She took a step forward, taking her own hilt with two hands, and standing in a solid, firm stance. Her blade held high on her right side, clearly showing her dominance in that side. "Stand as I do. Your forms will all stem from this stance."

Shii-Cho had much been adapted from the stances of traditional swordplay, Jonyna herself a master in both. Before she ever held a Lightsaber, she instead mastered the katana.



Outfit: Clothes
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsabers
Saber Hilts: Guardian Hilt & Vanquisher Hilt

Tyron stood opposite from Jonyna where she listened to what he had said in regards to his experience with Lightsaber Combat he began to watch what the Cathar Jedi Master was demonstrating to him. This was rather exciting as when the Besalisk initially arrived in the Jedi Temple. Guided by the Jedi Grandmaster, Valery Noble, Tyron took immediate interest when he noticed other Jedi students sparring one another in a training arena.

"Yes master, thank you." Tyron watched Jonyna set her body posture into the open stance of Shii-Cho and the young Besalisk Jedi began to mimic what the Cathar Jedi was displaying for him to copy while she showed it to him.

Kept in mind that the Jedi Master only has two arms and hands while Tyron on the other hand. He has four arms and hands so this would be a little tricky for him. Taking his right upper dominant arm and hand up, the hand grips the training lightsaber hilt followed his second most dominant left upper hand placed onto the hilt of his saber.
"Uhm my hand grip should be like this Master?" Tyron asked as he moved his body to be side-on. Left side leading his posture all while his right side had taken a step back to position himself in the guard of the open stance.

"Hope this is correct master. Never done this before. It feels a bit weird." Tyron describing how he felt while putting his body into the open stance of Shii-Cho. It felt strange to him, unrefined not yet second nature for him.


TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

Jonyna watched the boy, all four arms, try and find his positioning. While she only had two hands, Jonyna wasn't unfamiliar with the practice of using an unordinary amount of appendages to fight. Her tail instinctively flicked under her coat as she watched, walking over and putting her hand on his waist, adjusting him as she could. " this. There." She smiled. "You got it. Now, Hold that position for a few minutes. Memorize it. Then, when you think you're ready...stab forward. Let me see how you think you should."

Jonyna remembered her own first set of training at Shii-Cho. It was messy, admittedly, and Jonyna could feel her mother within her crystal giving her a look of judgement.

It was strange, being on the other end of the rope now.

Jonyna still felt, at times like this, that she wasn't worthy of being a Master.



Outfit: Clothes
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsabers
Saber Hilts: Guardian Hilt & Vanquisher Hilt

Tyron heard footsteps making their way towards him and it was Jonyna making her approach to help the Besalisk get into the correct posture of the stance she was demonstrating to him. He felt Jonyna adjusting his waist positioning and letting his muscle memory, his mind to become familiar with this stance. "Okay master.." He said as he got used to it. "Stab forward.. Right." Tyron just looked out to the open space in front of him getting ready.

Used his two upper arms and hands, the ignited blade of the lightsaber hilt came to the horizontal position, came down vertically and he stretched his arms to then perform a stab motion but it was a short and quick motion rolled into one. Tyron had also stepped one pace forwards to perform a sort of lunge movement to add into the stab. It was sloppy due to this being his first time using such equipment and stance. Not to mention being in a different environment too.

"Uhm like this master?" There was uncertainty in the Besalisk's voice as he began to withdraw his body from the stab-lunge motion he had performed in front of Jonyna. This all definitely felt and seemed foreign to him. Brought the lightsaber beam back to a safe distance and position as he waits for further advise and instruction.


TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

Jonyna paused, considering for a moment how to best get across what she wanted.

Instead of speaking, she ignited her own blade, and took the stance next to the padawan. Hers was much more firm, but steady. She felt entirely comfortable in her positioning, and her hands seemed loose in how she held the hilt.

"Like this."

A steady step forward, and her hands twisted as she lunged, extending the tip of her blade as far as her arms would allow. "You want to lead the tip of the blade forward, aiming for a target. The truer your aim, the better the blade will pierce."



Outfit: Clothes
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsabers
Saber Hilts: Guardian Hilt & Vanquisher Hilt

Tyron heard and saw Jonyna ignite her lightsaber beam from its hilt as she approached him to help him learn the stance and posture of Shii-Form from an alternative method.

Once she stood by the young Besalisk's side to show Tyron how the stance should look for practitioners using it. He began to loosen his body muscles removing tension upon them. Tyron copying Jonyna's stance, posture and positioning where he had noticed his own two upper hands were tense so he relaxed them but maintained a firm grasp and hold of his training lightsaber hilt.

"Okay, I believe I got it master." Tyron said to Jonyna as he was letting his body and mind remember the stance.

The young Padawan Learner began to rotate his hands around in his grip to then step forward as the Jedi Master did. Tyron brought his lightsaber blade's tip down from a vertical level to enact a horizontal stab lunge in the space ahead of him. The Besalisk had stretched his arms out as far as they would allow the blade to go.

"Right master, I understand."


TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

"Good. I want you to keep at it." Jonyna smiled, nodding to the boy. "Give me a few minutes of practicing that. Once you feel comfortable, we'll move on to the next step."

It was a matter of muscle memory, something that could only be taught through repeated practice. Jonyna had spent countless hours in her own ship's dojo practicing, prepping for battles.

But the next step would be the one that determines if this kid could commit.



Outfit: Clothes
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsabers
Saber Hilts: Guardian Hilt & Vanquisher Hilt

Tyron nodded his head to Jonyna as she instructed him to keep practicing what had been shown to him thus far. Placed his body back into the starting phase of the Open Stance for Shii-Cho. Kept his two hands gripped upon the training lightsaber hilt that he acquired from the Jedi Master.

Once more he repeats the one-arm, handed stab lunging motions as his hands and body were now building up the muscle memory to become more familiar with the required actions. The noises of the energy beam from the lightsaber blade moving as Tyron controls where it went to.

"Of course, I will keep practicing too if that is okay." Tyron stated as he was showing the sheer determination and drive to challenge himself in giving this training session his full and utmost attention, efforts.

"Appreciate receiving this training master as well giving some of your attention and time." The young Besalisk student said as he was repeating the movements and steps that were starting to gradually becoming more natural for Tyron. There were some moments he threw in some spinning circles and becoming more loose with his body yet still firm.


TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

Jonyna smiled, nodding to the boy, giving him the room to practice. The more loose he became, the less Jonyna piped in. Every so often she was offer a correction, but it was just a matter of practice.

After a while though, she cleared her throat. "Alright, alright. Next part. Now we need to teach you where to aim."

Jonyna pulled the cover off her wrist comms, and pressed a few buttons. A few minutes later, a PROXY droid walked in, looking all too delighted to train a new padawan.

"Hello young one! I am PR155, Training and Precision Droid of Master Jedi Jonyna Si. How may I assist?"

"Run training module 3." Jonyna nodded to the droid. "This one is learning the basics."

"Of course! Training Module 3, Master Obi Wan Kenobi!"

Suddenly, the droid's holographic panels lit up, as the droid deployed a blue training saber of his own.

"Hello there! I am Master Obi Wan Kenobi, here to teach you the basics of striking areas. Shall we begin, padawan?" The voice was still synthesized, sounding like an old holocron recording rather than the real thing, but it was enough to get the point across, Jonyna thought.



Outfit: Clothes
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsabers
Saber Hilts: Guardian Hilt & Vanquisher Hilt

Tyron had continued to practice the lunge and stab motions with the training lightsaber that Jonyna provided him with. Gradually it seemed the Besalisk was getting used to the actions that the Jedi Master giving the instruction in this training session that Tyron participated in.

"Yes master. Ready." Tyron stated as he paused performing any more practicing of the moves that Jonyna had demonstrated and guided him to use. He was getting a feel of Shii-Cho and using a lightsaber.

When the training proxy droid made its approach, Tyron was surprised to see one and it being equipped with a training lightsaber hilt.
"Hello PR155, nice to meet you." The young Besalisk bowed his upper body down to the droid before beginning.

Amazed when the droid's appearance and voice had changed to a past Jedi Master named Obi-Wan Kenobi. Tyron had no idea in who this Jedi Master was yet he will find out in later studies. Right now Tyron was focused on the practical session in how to aim for certain targets with a lightsaber.

"Hello Master Kenobi. I'm ready to begin." A little excited but determined to be more capable in using a lightsaber as prior to meeting and interacting with Jonyna. Tyron knew that the lightsaber is apart of a Jedi.


TAG: Tyron Khan Tyron Khan

Jonyna smiled, taking a step back as the droid went through it's routines.

"Good, now, start with a swing at my chest. The center zone is the most typical target, if the most easily defended. Even so, a jedi should be practiced in striking it. Easily defended can often mean lazily defended, and that can be a chance to exploit an enemy's weakness."

The droid turned Jedi Master took a Form I defensive stance, waiting for the boy to strike.

Jonyna watched with anticipation. She remembered when she had ran this simulation herself, and the difficulty she had in her early days.

Instinctively, she rubbed her backside. Old memories of falling on her ass more often than not.


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