Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Make a Bike


Alpha never liked walking. It was always hard to do. The constant pounding of his feet on the ground. It would cause him to have cramps to walk from the docking bays all the way to where he was going. He wantd to make something that was speclised for him to ride. It would have to be small enough to fit in his ship, Joxxie. He deemed a speeder would work.
Alpha needed Durasteel for the frame, Ultra chrome for the armor plating, and wheels. The metals he could find, but the wheels would be a different story. He was currently frling to Raxis Prime to see if he could find something in its wastes to make or find wheels.
The planet was known for a place to go when droids or ships went to die. Alpha didnt really like the robots because he was made by them. It brought back painful memories. Taking his ship planet side, he would have to walk some more to find the wheels that were despratly needed. Alpha landed in a pretty open area near a reconstrction of the Jedi Temple on Courscant. It was oblivoulsy rusting and breaking down. it took him a while to find a place to land since his ship was pretty big. he opened the ramp down to the surface and got a wiff of the toxic smelling chemicals of the Planet. His resprator would filter out the chemicals but it wouldnt get rid of the smell. Alpha covered his nose and mouth area with his arm. Thundrous steps went down the ramp to the surface.

Off to the side Rodians had gatherd to watch the man exit his ship. They were perticaly staring at the blade magnitized to his back. It was huge. He was also carrying two blaster pistols of some kind and a rifle. They would stay back for now to see what he would do. the leader of the group Jorx smiled at the man and decied to walk infront of him to see his reaction.

Alpha saw a Rodian walk infromt of him. He was armored for war. Alpha raised his Rifle at the creature and asked "What do you want from me?" The Rodian said in Galatic basic "You come to my clan ground. Why here?" Alpha was cirous about this "Clan grounds" He simply stated "I am looking for wheels that I could use. If you could spare me some It would be much appreacated." Jorx laughed at him and said "You take nothing from us. You take, you die."

Alpha was not going to let that happen. He wasnt going to die over some wheels. But he shrugged his sholders and fired at the thing. Shooting him right between the eyes. He new that there were more of them around here some where so he turend around to meet a clan of them running to kill him.


Alpha started to fire on the clan and taking one after another down. There was a group of about 20. he was down to 15 when he ran out of ammo in the clip. With no time to reload, Alpha threw the rifle around his back and took his sword. He used it as a shield like he always does and charged. BAM, BAM, BAM. He slamed into three more guys taking them to the ground.

He heard something charging up. His eyes widen beneath his helm. Alpha was not going to be hit by what ever it was. He took a tremdous leap to the left. leaving all of them behind. He looked at the oncomming troops and noticed that one of them had some sort of blaster it was still charging. He heard a sudden round of rapid pops. It was a large blaster that was fiering at him. How in the world did they get that? Alpha jumpped again towards the Rodian and used his blade to cut the gun in half. In the prosses he cut the creatures hand off right at the wrist.

He swung his blade around in a circular moution that would cut any one within the blades range. he felt a good solid tumpp as his blade took another out. Alpha was not expecting them to have grenades. he was blasted back and landed on a old hull of a YT-1250. he smacked into the it hard enough to leave what was a body shaped indent. he dropped his sword durring the blast. One of the Rodians tried to take the blade form the ground but with how much it weighed the little creature couldnt lift it. Alpha pulled out his revolver, and his disruper pistols. Taking aim he fired at 2 of them. his revolver round hit the creature in the chest just left of the heart area. The disrupter pistol went though armor of a Rodian and made him fly back a few feet.

Alpha ran towards his blade on the ground laughing at the Rodian that was trying so hard to lift it. he came over and wrapped his arm around the rodain's neck and twisted to the side breaking his neck. Alphs shot a few more times to take some more out. hitting them from the chest, head, arms. he didnt care what he hit. He ran out of thoes clips on the pistols. he didnt have time to relaod so he holstered them and grabbed his blade from the ground like a child would pick up a stick.

Alpha ran at the last 5 or so memebers of the clan assault. he charged with the blade out to his side. Taking a few hits from their blasters. His armor would absorb the hits but not the impacts making him slightly if at all slower. Alpha reached them in meer seconds and choped one in half at the waist. he hread a gugrle from the lips of the creature. moving to he next one he punched a female looking on in the face. He heard a few snaps as the boned in her face and neck broke. He winced at the thought. Taking his blade again he used the pommel to.....pommel the chest of a rodian rinning at him with some sort of pike weapon sending him flying to his one of his comrads. He was hit in the back of his head with some metal object he turned around to see another rodian that he had not killed yet. He picked him up by the little antenna on his head. The rodain made screaching noises as he threw him at another once of his team mates.

Alpha was ited of them fighting him. He still had 2 more to go. Alpha lifted one of them that ran at him. He was choking him. He crushe his wind pipe with his one hand hearing cracks from the bones he was crusing. What made it worse is that he crushed it hard enough that blood squished out of him. He threw him to the ground when the second one came up. Alpha pushe him back and used both hands to bring the sword down on the las one. His body opened up right down the middle. making the blood smear all over him. "You have got to be kidding me." Alpha tried to wipe the blood off but it just smeared some more.

Crunch, crunch, crunch. He was walking though the left overs of the ships and droids. He had found the chain for the bike to move the back wheel. he wrapped that around his belt It hung behind him like a tail. ALpha needed to find an engine and some wheels here. He wanted something big enough to hold his weight and carry him, and fast enough to get out of situations as fast as he could get into them.

Alpha found what he was looking for. It was a broken down BARC speeder. It was rusted out and had the fins on the front taken out. He then tore off the cover piece by piece so he could get the engine out. It was about 10 mintes later that he finaly got enough clearance to lift it. Shaking himself so hed be loose, Alpha gripped the bottom of the engine with his hands. He had to remember that he would lift with his legs not his back. he made grunt sounds as he lifted the heavy engine.

It took him twice as long to walk back to the ship as he did to get to the speeder. Walking up the ramp he place the engine in the work room next to the work bench. "Holy shit that was heavy." Alpha whezzed. He would have to make the wheels then. He was tired of looking. Alpha closed the ramp and began to work to make the wheels. he used durasteel on the wheel frame and he had found some rubber when he was grabbing a small amount of Durasteel. He then used the Furnace in the work room to melt the Rubber to shape it so it would fit around the wheel frame.

SO far he had made the wheels and was trying to fix the engine. He wanted something that he could use so only he could drive the vehicle. He foudn what he was looking for. Taking a simple piece of durasteel he made a key like object that would fit into the starter. He put some fuel in it and began to twist the key softly. It stated up for a few seconds and then died. Come to find out from trial and error. Teh fuel line was cracked. Using a welder he shut the crack with some extra metal. He reved it up and let it run untill it was out of fuel.

He smiled as it died. It ment that he had a working engine.


Alpha began to work on the frame using durasteel ingot that he had been storing. he had just the fight ammount. he made the main fraim and the motor mounts for the engine. He made the handel bars out of Durasteel and the rest of the components he would make the shape of the seat so he could sit in it. then have a second seet just incase someone was with him. He was glad that he had goten it. he checked the time to see that about 3 hours had passed since he started to make the frame. he still had to put the engine in it though. using a tool called the "Cherry picker" or known as an Engine lift. Alpha lifed the engine into the frame and bolted it into place. he then used his welder to make sure that the bolts stayed there. he also welded part of the frame with the top of the engine. give it alittle more stabilty. He was now ready to make the armor for the speeder.

Alpha was thinking on going back outside and serching for some Ultrachrome materals. He decided that he would go back out side to look at old ships to see if he could find the ultrachrome maybe some of the Rodians weapons and armor were made of ultrachrome? quickly he went out side jumpping off of the ramp before it even touched the ground. he launche himself over to the leader of the rodians and checked his armor. to do so he would need a blaster. Ultrachrome was known for reflecting the shots back at him. Aiming the blater pistol at the chest he fired one round. A PING sound was followed. Alpha picked up the creature and threw him towards the ramp. the boddy hit with a solid 'Thump'. he smiled and walked over to the next one. getting the same reaction he threw the next body at the ramp again.

He kept doing this, but to have a little fun he was trying to see if he could get one inside the ship with out rolling up the ramp. Every time he did Alpha pumped his arms saying "SCORE!" He gathered about 12 of the 20 bodies that had ultrachrome armor. He thoughabout it for a second why the rodians had such powerful armor. And he came to a conclusion. They used the hulls of the ships to make their armor, they would then color the armor with dyes or tattoos of some kind to dignify their rank or specalty in the clan. Alpha nodded his head and began to chech thourgh the weapons. Doing the same thing as before he found 5 of the swords made of ultrachrome.

Alpha felt good about that and began to gather the bodies inside his ship. from there he took the armor off of the bodies and threw them back out of the ship. it took him a good half an hour to get all of the armor off. Alpha then molded the metal using the furnace. he only wanted it hot enough to mold it into panels that would cover the frame and protect the engine. getting the shape just right would take alot of work. he figured out that the furnace would need to be not roaring but only coals, and to leave it in there for only a few mintes at a time. he would take a hammer and an anvil to the metal forming the plates.

He shaped them to cover the entire frame but leaving the frame open at the wheels. it would make the speeder lighter and also allowed room for the bike to turn. He made the chain fit around the wheel placement where it would be runned by the engine. Moving the wheel at very high speeds. Alpha jsut had to make sure that he could keep all of the plates on the speeder. to make usre he welded them to the frame and bolted them in. he then used a grinder to make sure that there wouldnt be any air drag.

now he just would have to test it. alpha rolled the speeder down the ramp to the ground. this would be the perfect place to start riding. the bumps would test if it wcould hold all together. He swung his left leg over the seat and sat down. he eflt good. and nervous. he turend on the engine. it roared to life. With out realiseing it Alpha was holding his breath. he then took note and breathed. he then eased the vehicle foward. it started to go faster and faster. he could feel the wind drag him. it felt really good. with knowing that he could go fast he went even faster.

Zooming though the junk piles he ramped over a ship and landed on the other side. the shock absorbers were holding up. "Hahaha, Whooohooooo!" he screamed over wind. He loved the thrill. now that he had made his bike he had to give it a name. instantly he thuoght of "Commando" It fits. he stopped and turend back around to his ship so he could go back to Kamino to show the others that were there.

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