Alpha never liked walking. It was always hard to do. The constant pounding of his feet on the ground. It would cause him to have cramps to walk from the docking bays all the way to where he was going. He wantd to make something that was speclised for him to ride. It would have to be small enough to fit in his ship, Joxxie. He deemed a speeder would work.
Alpha needed Durasteel for the frame, Ultra chrome for the armor plating, and wheels. The metals he could find, but the wheels would be a different story. He was currently frling to Raxis Prime to see if he could find something in its wastes to make or find wheels.
The planet was known for a place to go when droids or ships went to die. Alpha didnt really like the robots because he was made by them. It brought back painful memories. Taking his ship planet side, he would have to walk some more to find the wheels that were despratly needed. Alpha landed in a pretty open area near a reconstrction of the Jedi Temple on Courscant. It was oblivoulsy rusting and breaking down. it took him a while to find a place to land since his ship was pretty big. he opened the ramp down to the surface and got a wiff of the toxic smelling chemicals of the Planet. His resprator would filter out the chemicals but it wouldnt get rid of the smell. Alpha covered his nose and mouth area with his arm. Thundrous steps went down the ramp to the surface.
Off to the side Rodians had gatherd to watch the man exit his ship. They were perticaly staring at the blade magnitized to his back. It was huge. He was also carrying two blaster pistols of some kind and a rifle. They would stay back for now to see what he would do. the leader of the group Jorx smiled at the man and decied to walk infront of him to see his reaction.
Alpha saw a Rodian walk infromt of him. He was armored for war. Alpha raised his Rifle at the creature and asked "What do you want from me?" The Rodian said in Galatic basic "You come to my clan ground. Why here?" Alpha was cirous about this "Clan grounds" He simply stated "I am looking for wheels that I could use. If you could spare me some It would be much appreacated." Jorx laughed at him and said "You take nothing from us. You take, you die."
Alpha was not going to let that happen. He wasnt going to die over some wheels. But he shrugged his sholders and fired at the thing. Shooting him right between the eyes. He new that there were more of them around here some where so he turend around to meet a clan of them running to kill him.
Alpha needed Durasteel for the frame, Ultra chrome for the armor plating, and wheels. The metals he could find, but the wheels would be a different story. He was currently frling to Raxis Prime to see if he could find something in its wastes to make or find wheels.
The planet was known for a place to go when droids or ships went to die. Alpha didnt really like the robots because he was made by them. It brought back painful memories. Taking his ship planet side, he would have to walk some more to find the wheels that were despratly needed. Alpha landed in a pretty open area near a reconstrction of the Jedi Temple on Courscant. It was oblivoulsy rusting and breaking down. it took him a while to find a place to land since his ship was pretty big. he opened the ramp down to the surface and got a wiff of the toxic smelling chemicals of the Planet. His resprator would filter out the chemicals but it wouldnt get rid of the smell. Alpha covered his nose and mouth area with his arm. Thundrous steps went down the ramp to the surface.
Off to the side Rodians had gatherd to watch the man exit his ship. They were perticaly staring at the blade magnitized to his back. It was huge. He was also carrying two blaster pistols of some kind and a rifle. They would stay back for now to see what he would do. the leader of the group Jorx smiled at the man and decied to walk infront of him to see his reaction.
Alpha saw a Rodian walk infromt of him. He was armored for war. Alpha raised his Rifle at the creature and asked "What do you want from me?" The Rodian said in Galatic basic "You come to my clan ground. Why here?" Alpha was cirous about this "Clan grounds" He simply stated "I am looking for wheels that I could use. If you could spare me some It would be much appreacated." Jorx laughed at him and said "You take nothing from us. You take, you die."
Alpha was not going to let that happen. He wasnt going to die over some wheels. But he shrugged his sholders and fired at the thing. Shooting him right between the eyes. He new that there were more of them around here some where so he turend around to meet a clan of them running to kill him.