Vanessa had done a great deal of research, reading at a nearly inhuman rate as she pored through the Emperor's collected literature. The link of the Maw to the Mortis Gods was rather plain according to the information she had gathered: the Ones had incarnated on a planet in the Maw, where they grew more and more unstable without the Father's guiding precepts. The enigmatic arrival of the Mother was what had allowed for stability, stability that was lost as she aged and eventually transmogrified into the creature known as Abeloth. The documents detailed that the Ones traveled to Mortis from that planet - which could not have been easily possible were there no means of transporting between the worlds, or perhaps pocket dimensions, that had been created.
A theorem began to coagulate in Vanessa's mind, one that had enmeshed with past thoughts of things she had discovered in the Unknown Regions. Remnants of ancient wars long forgotten and documentation that spoke of the darkest of deities that once ruled the domain, the Architects who were in conflict with those Celestials that once lived. Her understanding now of what the World Between Worlds was, combined with that forbidden knowledge gained and long locked away, made her understand.
"The portal on Lothal... It was what I can best describe as an interdimensional gate. The "World Between Worlds" is a sort of primary universe, through which innumerable other dimensions have been crafted. Whoever has access to this world through an interdimensional gate - or alternatively through having raw power - may be able to access it directly." She pointed as an illusion of multiple bubbles would form before him, each connected through a thin strand to another with a much larger bubble in the middle, a visualization.
"The tales tell that after Abeloth became what she became, the Ones - the Mortis Gods - transported themselves to Mortis." She said, as the hologram-like illusion would focus on two bubbles. "This is the pocket dimension Mortis is in." She pointed to a smaller bubble connected to a larger one. "And this is our universe." She continued to speak as the illusion seemingly 'zoomed out.' "We already know of others like it - otherspace, for one." Another linked bubble formed.
"I will go to the Maw, should you wish, and determine whether the gateway to the World Between Worlds still exists there. It may merely be a gateway to Mortis, which in itself would be a valuable find, but understanding the principles of how it was made should also be beneficial. It may also be a determinant as to whether or not certain levels of power are necessary in order to access such a gate, or whether a gate is truly necessary in order to breach dimensions."
Darth Carnifex