Hard Chrome
Atmospheric Conditions: Aquatic
Threat Level: Low
Auditory Levels: Within Normal Parameters
Assessment: Ongoing
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Silence. Or, near silence. Hard Chrome's auditory sensors picked up around 30 dB, fluctuations of course present due to the inherent nature of sound travel underwater. Aside from the occasional bubble of gas or oxygen as the water was disturbed it was what an organic might even call serene. What was actually going on however, was anything but. It hadn't taken them long to reach their destination, even shorter still for them to compute a course of action.
"Flood the facility."
The sounds of the facility hummed through the dense material of the water, reverberations and echoes indicating various points of entry. From where Hard Chrome sat, magnetically clung to the side of the underwater prison, its computational matrix did some fast math. Once completed, it set into motion. With quiet click, Hard Chrome detached itself from the hull and floated just in front of a small porthole set into a narrow hatch. Initial scans complete. Maintenance shaft. Pressurized. Unoccupied. Good. Hard Chrome shifted its weight, locking its feet in place against the hull and gripping one recessed edge of the hatch. With its free hand, metal digits curled into a fist before punching forward with force. Karoom! Karoom! Two violent thrusts sent a crack arcing across the small viewport, a third and final fist sending Hard Chrome's forearm blasting through. In an audible whoosh, water rushed into the now exposed open air of the maintenance shaft. With strain, the droid managed to hold on until the pressure had equalized. Breaching complete. Access acquired.
Reaching in, Hard Chrome grasped a nearby wall panel through the gap, ripping it open and tugging at the manual release. A soft clunk and the hatch fell open and the droid made its way inside. The shaft was narrow, and long. A vertical ladder was bolted along one side, piping lined the other. Certainly not a thoroughfare but it was an ingress point at the very least. Tucking its arms closer to its body, Hard Chrome let itself descend, closer and closer to the lowermost levels of the facility - the farthest away from the surface. Logic dictated that this was most likely where the most secure of the prisoners were housed. If not, there was a high percentage chance that's where the brains of the facility were housed, either of which would be advantagous to their success.
:: I have breached a maintenance shaft. En route to the lower levels now. Resistance, minimal. ::
Farther and farther it descended, sounds and reverberations indicating a hightened level of activity from within. The element of surprise was up it seemed. Speed would be their salvation. Speed and violence of action. Emergency Access Panel located. The same metal fist that had breached the viewport now found itself grasping at yet another release lever, this time unable to prevent its own movement. Another rush of water erupted, this time into a gaping maw - a wide corridor. Sucked into the gap, Hard Chrome tumbled and was spat out upon a cold durasteel floor, a loud hiss sounding behind him as an emergency bulkhead slammed into place. Depressurization protocols detected. Isolation methods still active. Investigate. Apparently, the station's anti-flooding measures were still in place in this section. At least, the emergency ones. That could change. Picking itself up from the floor, Hard Chrome scanned its surroundings. New Directive initiated. Locate control hub. Modify parameters. It may not have been the most graceful nor the most effective, but Hard Chrome could still contribute more - nullifying protective measures and gaining control of the station's systems would result in a high likelihood of success. 78% increase over other generated models in which control of station systems were not achieved. Probably.