Kalyn chuckled. "Aye, I suppose that's one word for it ain't it?" Not that she'd ever minded, of course. Solitude had been her first glimpse of freedom after years of wrongful imprisonment, she'd take its cramped interior over a labour camp any day.
"I saw a lot of the Galaxy when that was my only option, tho'. Stoppin' to fuel, or to stretch my legs. Amazin' how many worlds there are to visit, how different they all are. Still, if that ain't your thing I can see it bein' nothin' more than an inconvenience."
So not a starfighter. "I still reckon stealth's key, if you're hopin' to remain undetected. Some yachts have been known to carry stealth drives, or shuttles and the like. Nothin' I have, mind, but mine tend to be ignored for other reasons... They look like heaps of trash."
Another laugh. "Ain't worth the time it'd take to attack. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find somethin' to your likin' in time."
She didn't even pause or seem to think over the time it took him to respond, and instead she refilled his glass with juice just as he agreed to more. As she made her way back to her seat, Kalyn plucked another orange from the counter and began to peel it.
"I got some scrap I need to run through the rigger, but it's a ruddy noisy thing. You ever used somethin' like it?" She gestured with her head toward the workstation she'd been working at the night before. "I can hold off if you find it's too loud. Or you can help, and maybe learn a thing or two in the process." A simple shrug accompanied her words.
Surely she could find something else to do if he really was opposed to having the noisy beast running. Sitting around idly as they drifted through space, though, wasn't her sort of thing.