Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To Study The Blade


The last few weeks had been spent training Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne in the basics. While Andy knew she still had a long way to go, but he felt at this point he was happy with her progress. Now, he'd ready her to learn her own style. The sudden departure of Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , and subsequent stranding on Centerra had delayed what Andy had hoped would be a quick training session, but Andy was happy to simply use that time to keep training.

Today was the day though. He'd set up a time with the Sentinel of Harmony, and he hoped his new padawan would succeed in learning this new style.

Tag: Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze
Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

Braze's passion for lightsaber dueling went beyond mere dedication; it was an all-consuming obsession. His dream of becoming the greatest saber duelist of all time was not just a goal but a driving force in his life. He thrived on the thrill of combat, eagerly seizing every opportunity to cross blades with new opponents. Each fight was a chance to learn, to absorb new techniques and strategies, to dissect his opponent's style and adapt his own in response. This relentless pursuit of mastery had honed his skills to a razor's edge.

So, when the opportunity arose to assist in teaching another the art of Makashi, Braze's excitement was immense. He could barely contain the energy coursing through him at the prospect of sharing his knowledge and passion for this elegant form of combat. Makashi, with its focus on precision, control, and one-on-one dueling, was a style that resonated deeply with Braze's own approach to saber combat.

In the training room, Braze was a picture of focused intensity. He moved through the cadences he had been diligently practicing, his lightsaber switched off to better concentrate on the fluidity and precision of each motion. His movements were graceful yet deliberate.

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze

This new regimen had been quite the adjustment for Catronia. Most of her days now consisted of working with Andy to hone her skills with blade and force. She took easily to the latter, but saber styles and their intricacies were harder for her to grasp. It was most likely down to her aversion to fighting. Fighting for survival was one thing, but these training duels seemed more like play to her. With the help of Master Anthony though, she was slowly developing her abilities with a saber. So much so that the young padawan would now be moved to the next step of training.

Makashi was a word that was being thrown around a lot by her master and other Jedi, it was lost on her however. All she could parse about it was that it was a form of saber combat, one used specifically for dueling. Naturally curious as she was, Catronia wondered why such a form seemed to fit her. Such whys and wherefores were unimportant in the current situation. Her focus should now be on the duel.

She entered the training room with her head held high and a smile on her face, it was good to meet other padawans. Even those that were more experienced than her seemed quite friendly so far. Hopefully her new dueling opponent would continue this trend. With no small amount of anxiety about the coming event, Catronia stepped up to her young opponent. She bobbed a quick curtsy before addressing Braze.

"It is good to meet you sir. I hope that we can learn much from one another. My name is Catronia, might I have the honor of knowing your name," The girl with the painted face said with a small quaver in her voice.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne , Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun



Jasper entered, holding a bundle of kendo practice swords, constructed from a thick reed material, rather than the typical training sabers. They were an important part of the training regiment, though he'd get to that in a moment. Braze was already here, which was good. He had Makashi down, so he could assist in the training, but his student could use some practice to hone his skills as well.

"Sorry for the delay," Jasper apologized. "I had some things to pick up for the session. It's nice to meet you both. I'm always eager to help people along in their training, especially when it comes to lightsaber forms."

That was his bread and butter. There wasn't much he didn't know in that regard, but Makashi was easily his best form, perhaps a strange thing given his more laid back and unprofessional nature.

"Right then," he continued with a nod. "Everyone gets a kendo. We'll be fencing with these instead."


It had been years since Andy had used a kendo. Most Jedi would keep up to date on their training, learning new styles in their free time.

Not Andy. He had always been more of a specialist, preferring Ataru over anything else.

Guess that would change now.

“Of course Master Kai’el.”

Internally, Andy hoped this wouldn’t lead to a spar between the two. He really didn’t want his first time his new padawan would see him engage in combat would be her seeing him getting whooped.

Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne
Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

"It is good to meet you sir. I hope that we can learn much from one another. My name is Catronia, might I have the honor of knowing your name,"
Braze perked up excitedly at hearing that. He hadn’t been called sir before! At least not in a respectful tone like she had used. It made him feel grown up and he greatly appreciated that. He accepted a practice weapon from Jasper and flourished it giving her a gentle bow. “The honor is mine. I’m Braze. I think we’re going to have a fun time learning together.” He smiled flashing her his best ’charming smile’.

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Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze

Catronia took the kendo in her hand, taking a moment to get used to its weight. The sturdy wooden instrument was a bit more natural to her than a lightsaber. She didn't have to worry as much about fouling up any sensitive parts during training for one thing, that was a bonus. Once comfortable with her weapon, Catronia took her place in front of Braze.

Her heart was beating faster now, excitement mounting as the time of the training duel drew near. This would no doubt prove to be quite the fun match. Though, she'd be lying if she said she was confident in her ability to match the young Braze. Despite being several years his senior, the young boy actually had a bit more experience with a blade.

They would stand there in the training ring waiting for the signal to go. One last detail needed to be addressed before the girl was ready to fight. Using a small length of twine, Catronia put up her hair in a long ponytail. No sense in letting her hair freely whip around during the duel.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun , Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne


“Of course Master Kai’el.”

Jeez, so formal. If there was one thing Jasper couldn't move past it was how formally he was adressed now that he was part of the council. He wasn't even a Master, but that didn't really stop anyone from calling him such. It felt like stolen valor. Regardless, he wasn't here for that. He was here to assist with learning the second form.

"Alright then, lets start with a demonstration of the opening stance," he began, preparing his own training sword. "One foot forward, one foot back. Maintaining a strong footing is the most important part of Makashi. Actions should be fluid and quick with the least amount of steps possible. Whoever controls the most stable footing is the person who controls the battle."

He lifted his blade with it angled towards the ground, holding it in a fencing style. His grip was firm, but not overly strong. The blade needed to be able to move with his hand, not just be moved by it. His eyes would shift towards Anthony, his mouth shifting into a grin.

"Perhaps a demonstration would be good before they begin," the knight decided.

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

Braze watched Jasper with rapt attention, his gaze fixed intently on the Jedi Master's every move. Few things could captivate Braze's focus as intensely as the fine aspects of martial arts, and he was fully absorbed in the moment.

He tried to copy Jasper's positioning, adjusting his hands just so, attuned to watching the slightest muscle movements. This observation was not unlike the Echani way, where combat was a conversation, dialogue expressed through physical movement. Though the interaction was different from the traditional Echani methods, it was the closest Braze could get within the melting pot of the Jedi Order.

For Braze, this exercise was more than mere mimicry; it was a connection to his heritage. Each stance he replicated, each subtle shift in posture, was a step towards preserving the memories and traditions of his lineage. In the fluid dance of martial arts, he found a bridge to his past, a way to honor the traditions of his Echani roots. His training had honed his ability to notice the subtlest shifts in muscle and movement, a skill crucial in combat and deeply ingrained in his being.

It was one way Braze tried to stay true to his own heritage and what he could do to keep memories alive.

The idea of watching Master Kai'el go through the motions even if an example or drill was an oppertunity that Braze relished in, especially when he was not on the recieving end of the minitsatrions.


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