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To Tantorus We Go [One Sith Dominon of Tantorus ]

Scout surveys of the planets near One Sith Territory have found a most interesting planet; Tantorus.

Initial reports state that this is a planet that still maintains a Sith Culture long since thought dead. The population is almost made up entirely SIth, their culture remaining the same as any other Sith world. Kissai Priests have led the world as the population's lords, with many kingdoms dotting the planet.

The strict caste system of the Sith has remained in place with Kissai Priests leading, Suguruk Engineers building and progressing. Massassi Warriors are the defenders and hunters, and finally the slaves that serve their lords.

Technology levels haven’t reached the galactic standard yet, many of the most recent kingdoms still use outdated equiptment and weaponry. However, many of their devices and weapons are infused with the Dark Side of the Force to give them boosted abilites.

There are no traces of Rakatan technology, as the Sith have deemed it blasphemous in nature and have destroyed every bit of it they could find.

The objectives of the Voice of this Sector along with the One Site brethren are to do the following.

1. The introduction of the One Sith to the upper echelons of the Planet, the Kissai Priests.
2. Combating and subjugating any of the Massassi that do not take kindly to the One Sith’s arrival.
"Bring it" Balaya had not taken lightly to waiting and waded into the large group of Massassi warriors. Let them learn servitude at the end of her fists as she lifted on and swung him around by the ankles knocking into several of his friends. Her roars of battle showing her rage as her body bulked up and crackled before sending a blast of energy into the group. "You will bow to the dark lord." The snarl came out while she allowed a few other blackblades to come and join the fray. A laugh coming from the saber on her belt while her armor deflected a tremor sword before her claw grabbed the beings face and sliced into it.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
"THIS is the best you can send against us? You've become complacent, and now, you'll pay the price for it!" the Human Sith Knight roared as he cut down Massassi warrior after Massassi warrior, having been fighting for at least five minutes now ever since he had landed on the planet. Eschewing the use of lightsabers for this battle, Armyss had elected to make use of the twin Sith swords he had retrieved from Teta instead, the alchemically-treated durasteel blades crackling with force lightning with every swing of the blades.

Of course, in spite of his boastful claims, he had to admit that the Massassi warriors were no fools. They were ferocious and powerful, and they wielded their tremor swords and lanvaroks with great skill, but they lacked discipline and refinement, something that he could easily take advantage of with his equally ferocious and yet hauntingly graceful cuts and jabs. Once they submit to the One Sith, he would have to rectify that, he mused as he spun his blades around to deflect a flurry of lanvarok disks launched in his direction.

Once there was a brief lull in the fight, he glanced over at [member="Darth Praelior"], wondering how well she was handling her foes for a moment, but then he reminded himself that she was a Sith Lady for a reason. She probably wouldn't need his help.
Varis walked slowly behind the two Sith Lords, his sword sheathed for the moment as none of the Massassi had taken an interest in him yet. His eyes fixed on [member="Darth Armyss"]'s blades, recognising them all too well. If he had the time, he would have asked how he obtained them, but this wasn't exactly the best moment to do so. Finally drawing out his vibrosword, Varis charged forward at the oncoming enemy. Slicing quickly and efficiently, he cut down his opponents with multiple strikes, mainly to the chest area. He was no Sith Lord, but he could handle himself in a battle like this. Every so often a Massassi would try to strike from behind, but they had a habit of letting off some sort of battle-cry when doing so, giving Varis enough time to strike them down with his Force Lightning. Once a break in the enemy came, the Echani looked over to the other Sith to see their progress. It seemed the battle was going quite well...
The Mon Calamari did not doubt he, a weird fish-like creature, would not receive a warm welcome among the Sith species, more so that he thought himself Sith. Veles disliked speciesism. It was almost as backwardish and barbaric as slavery. The caste system belonged deep into the past as well. It was a shame, really, to see the ones his order was named after to be stuck in the past, unable to let go of their traditions and ways of life bacause of their foolish pride. Progress became very important to the Sith, the Order, not the species. Just as their hated enemies, they had to adapt in order to survive, become more effective than the Jedi and see new ways of becoming more powerful than the others. Hopefully, the One Sith diplomats possessed enough power to show the Sith the light they offered. After all, it was quite a generous offer; join us and keep your way of life or face the Republic and perish in a giant concentration camp.

The small shuttle landed right in the planet's capital, Tantor. The Sith Master inhaled the wet air when the door of his ship opened, black hood over the head to protect him from the burning sun a bit. The high moisture felt good to his sensitive skin and he found himself having a strange sense of positiveness. While many of his brothers and sisters fought the Massassi who disliked the arrival of the Dark Lord's messengers, Veles intended to take a more diplomatic approach. There was little difference though; some delivered death, others words and offers. In the end, it was all just a message from the One Sith to the planet's imhabitants. Walking down the extended ramp, his boots tapping on the metal, the sudden burst of light blinded his for a second. When the large eyes finally adjusted to the sun, they swiveled to gaze upon the welcoming party.

Four red skinned men approached him, to which Veles raised his webbed hand in a greeting. "Hail."

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Armyss could sense the Echani gazing upon his blades, and was almost certain of what he was thinking. To be honest, if one were to ask, all he would say was that it was a long story involving an incompetent medic, a transparisteel display case, and nerve gas. None of that really mattered though, at least for the moment, as the last of the rebellious Massassi was run through, the others fighting Armyss appearing to back off. He wasn't entirely convinced, however, and so he deliberately turned his back; sure enough, one of them tried to throw a dagger at him, the Knight ducking to evade before throwing one of his swords at the assailant, splitting his skull in two before recalling it back to his hand.

"If that didn't work the first seven or eight times, what made you think it would work that time?" he asked the befuddled Massassi with an amused chuckle. The red-skinned humanoids didn't respond verbally, but Armyss could tell that they had finally gotten the message. While not necessarily unintelligent, it sometimes took a little bit for the Massassi to realize that they couldn't win a fight, from what he understood about the ancient Sith. Either way, he had earned their respect.

"Now, restrain your rebellious brothers!" he commanded, gesturing to some more Massassi that had rushed in to confront the One Sith. Sure enough, the Massassi that he had cowed into obediance complied, and tackled the others to the ground, holding them in place without so much as injuring the others. "Tie them up and keep an eye on them; I'll deal with them later."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

This world was a lovely place it felt so raw and exciting as her skin tingled from the sensations from the darkside emanating from the species it hadd her senses expanding and contracting while she moved about. Focused but using what she could to slink around and not get into the brawl between the warriors and massassi. She could take out a few but unless she was going to be fighting while feeding from one of them she wouldn't make it through those beasts enough to be capable. Instead she would go after the priests and help the party seeking to handle and take the leading caste.
Only a few more foolish Massassi charged him, meeting their ends on the end of his Vibrosword. He looked over again to see [member="Darth Armyss"] had subdued his enemy with fear. Well, he assumed it was fear; either that or the force. Wiping the blood from his sword, Varis stepped away from the mass of dead bodies. "That can't be all of them... Surely more will come soon..." He spoke more to himself than the others, but they could surely hear him. With some spare time, Varis sheathed his sword, awaiting another opportunity to serve the order.
| [member="Sawa Ike"] |

Meeting with the High Echelons; subjugating the Kissai priests.

Darth Ayra settled her eyes on the One Sith and the amassed force they had brought to Tantorus, in order to subjugating the planet and bring it into the vision of their Dark Lord of the Sith. She felt a presence was watching her- and she did not quite understand it- but despite this, the Sith Lord would do what she presumed the others lacked in. Meeting with the Kissai priests and subjugating them to the will of the One Sith's vision would be difficult, and it would require someone with a diplomatic skill.

So the Sith Lord began her descant into the planets surface, before heading to the Sith Temple in which the Kissai laid.


(As Faction leader i choose to make a Third Objective MUAHAHAHAHAHA(no i just want there to be more to do, feel free to join me))
(Posted edited to make it Mierin instead of Shara. [member="Seras Goto"])
Bring the Zugurk Into the Fold
Mierin stood aboard the transport with a smile on her face.

This planet was something new to her, it was something that she had not heard of, and something that she had not expected. It was a world entirely filled with Purebloods! A world with her people. They were alive! More than segmented and fragmented tribes that roamed the galaxy Here was an entire planet filled with her kind! A world that hailed back to the Sith of Old, to the true ways of the Empire. She took in a deep breath as a shuddering wave of joy rolled over her.

Yes. This was right.

She would be among her people again, she would show them the light of the Dark Lord.

First she would begin with the Zugurk. Within the Old Empire they had been the backbone of every world. Of course the Kissai and the Nobles had been the face, she herself had been one of them of Course, but the Zugurk, they were the ones that you needed to actually run your world. They created the arms, armor, and ships that created the backbone of rule.

They were what was needed to bring Tantorus into compliance.

The Others could handle the Kissai, Mierin would bring the Zugurk into the fold, and show them the true light that was the Dark Lord.
Bring the Zugurk Into the Fold
[member="Darth Mierin"]

Raspy mechanical breathing as she walked, this world was many things but as Seras laughed to herself a little there were so many possibilities. She imagined a camp or two for those who resisted the vision. She could over see it concentration camps and labor camps were needed even if they said they were different. ll the better to hide the ones who might cause issues and dispose of them. A furnace or acid shower after getting as many experiments out of them as one possibly could for the betterment. That was why she didn't wade into the battle or go after the leaders they were something that might be needed surely but could cause problems, the third route of these Zugurk was possibly the more amusing to her and something she could exploit or use to get herself back into a position of running a camp like on Kahlee. So she walked behind the pureblood, coming home to this planet must have been sight exciting for her or at least seeing more of her people. She might have to ask and find out.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
"Of course it isn't, but it at least means that I won't have to fight alone" Armyss replied to [member="Varis Stalwart"] as the Massassi finished restraining the other upstarts and stood at attention, waiting for their next orders.

"You two, guard my ship - and don't get any ideas, the laser cannon turrets are automated and they will fire on you if you touch the vessel without my permission...and keep an eye on the ones we've tied up" he ordered, gesturing to a pair of them. As for the rest, numbering at eight total, he gestured for them to follow him as he finally left the landing zone that he had cleared. There was a certain sort of pride to be felt in commanding Massassi like that, just as the ancient Sith Lords did many millenia ago, nevermind that the Massassi were known to be fanatically loyal to their commanders, but that they had the tendency to follow whoever proved to be strongest, hence how he was able to convince them to start following him in the first place. As for where they were going, there was a military garrison fairly close by that needed to be either captured or razed to the ground. It wouldn't take long to reach it, even on foot.
[member="Darth Mierin"]

The behemoth of a Yuuzhan Vong mutant stood silently behind the Dark Lady, his red eyes gazing down a thousand yard line as if he had seen something truly awful. He snapped back to. The creature had come a long way from Yuuzhan'tar, deep in Horde territory. Left for dead by his people, this...beast ran to the only thing he knew.



The Sith knew him as the Dark Lord. Tsavong knew him as the avatar of Yun-Amon, god of evolution. The great beast had sworn his life in service to the Dark Lord, long, long ago... through many generations of his people.

But these other children of Yun-Amon...

Tsavong was the newcomer here, God or not. He would watch, and learn.

Darth Ira stood at the edge of the platform and listened to [member="Darth Armyss"] bark orders at the Massassi warriors like they were dogs. Her cloak billowed in the wind as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared out into the jungles, the sounds of the creature’s native to the planet echoing in her ears. A frown creased her lips as she turned to follow the various Sith Lords and Knights alike. She wouldn’t share a vision, or compromise, that wasn’t her intention.

Resistance would be met with death.

Her arms remained folded across her chest as she watched the various Sith take their own approach to handling the Massassi. She yearned for [member="Darth Isolda"] to be close by, the woman being like a mother to her, or perhaps even [member="Darth Nephthys"] who was very much her sister in blood. She would approach a tree and examine it, a hand reaching out to touch the rough bark. As her exposed flesh touched the living tissue of the tree, darkness consumed it. The branches began to crack and crumble, the sound of groaning earth echoed within the jungle and the cries of animals filled her ears bringing a sense of pleasure that one such as herself yearned for. The bark began to flake away as she held her hand there longer, wrapping the tree in dark wisps of energy. She could feel the anger of the living Force as she consumed, her hand withdrawing just as the tree began to fall. She took a few steps back to allow the heap of limbs and wood to collapse forward, away from her being. Her head would tilt in curiosity as she listened to the crying that echoed within the Force.

It was almost intoxicating.

Regardless of perception, this woman was dangerous and unstable. At times, she was like a confused, sheltered child who was just getting out to experience the world for the first time. Other times, she was an unpredictable rampaging bull rancor who could not be controlled, especially in the heat of battle. She had become the embodiment of anger. A construct of [member="Darth Isolda"], Sword of the Goddess, servant of the Dark Lord and the One Sith.


Bring the Zugurk Into the Fold
[member="Seras Goto"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Mieirn stood perfectly still within the transport, not budging an inch under the careful guide of the Monster that stood behind her.

Most of the One Sith were perplexed by the sudden announcement that Tsavong Kraal was to be a Voice of the Dark Lord. The thing was not of the One Sith, and more so, was a Yuuzhan Vong. It could not even touch the force, nor could the force touch it, and yet the Dark Lord had chosen it as regent of part of the galaxy. Many of the One Sith had simply accepted, deeming that the Dark Lord was not to be questioned.

Still, a lingering sense of...unease fell around Tsavong for most of the One Sith, and none more so than Mierin.

To her the creature was simply unnatural. In her age a creature that could not be touched by the force, and was seemingly dead to it, was entirely unheard of. During the time of the Old Empire even Ysalamiri had never been found, so the prospect of a Force Dead creature, much less an entire species, off set Mierin quite a bit.

She tried not to show her unease, but it was clear that the creatures very existence troubled her.

Darth Mierin shifted slightly as the transport landed upon the ground of Tantorus. They would be setting down in the southeastern fringes of the world, that was where supposedly the Zugurk based their factories.

“The Zugurk of The Old Empire followed us without question. If they hold true to the old ways, it is best I speak with them first.” It was not an order, but a suggestion for her two companions.

The old caste system supposedly held true on this world, and if such was the case, the Zugurk were bound to listen to her, a recognizable Sith Pureblood, far more than the creature or her other companion. After all, she would be a noble in their eyes.
Balaya looked up from her fight, she was handling the warriors but not killing them. Listening to the others though she stopped and repulsed to clear some ground bringing her clawed hand to stop the one apprentice [member="Varis Stalwart"]. "Do not kill, warriors are not useful to us dead and massassi can be some of the most dangerous apprentice." Her snarl showed and she turned to look at [member="Darth Armyss"]. "The same to you, we break them, twist them to our will but killing is a waste understood. They cannot appreciate the strength on display if they are dead and cannot serve." Her hand remained away from the saber as more lightning crackled between her fingers and she turned letting a bolt out. The feeling of [member="Artemisia Vy Kar"] on her perch was interesting but the large zeltron wasn't going to judge their newest convert. Instead she grabbed a massassi and backhanded him into the ground seeing the back of her claws leave the lines on his face.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Objective: Secure the local garrison

In Armyss' defense, he had attempted to subdue the five or six Massassi he had killed by nonlethal means first, but when they resisted, he was left with no choice but to defend himself. Nevertheless, he had every intent on sparing as many as possible, just as [member="Darth Praelior"] commanded. Now that at least some of the local population knew of what he was capable of, a mere demonstration should be enough.

"Is there any means of transport to the nearby garrison?" the Knight asked his newly-defected Massassi. One of them nodded and pointed to a wheeled vehicle, appearing to be some kind of troop transport, possibly the one that the Massassi had arrived in. It was crude and primitive, but looked rugged and dependable. Surely, it would do for this purpose. He climbed into the passenger seat as the Massassi piled in, one of them occupying the driver's seat.

"Drive" he commanded, and after a moment, the vehicle's engine fired up and it accelerated away down a road.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Darth Mierin"]

Seras gave a nod of her head to the sith pureblood, the being was here on a world of her peple after all that would mean at least in theory she would know how to manipulate them and watching the Vong it interested her to no end. She wasn't one to question or care but knew how to work with things. She'd have to see about how worthwhile his force dad genetics might work for future experiments. "Understood."
The hybrid nodded his head in concurrence and followed the Dark Lady. Tsavong had read many ancient texts written by his people's progenitors, labeling the Sith as potential allies in Invasion plans from centuries past. Perhaps it would hold true.

No doubt there would soon be a rite of passage for the Myrshavong. A chance to prove his strength and ferocity. A chance to earn his place.

He only needed to be patient.

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