[member="Darth Arcis"]
She stopped.
A Zugurk headed towards her, running at a fast pace. There was a startled look on his face as he came nearer, as though he was surprised to see her. The Zugurk bowed low, a greeting fitting one of her obvious station. She frowned slightly, curious as to why he had come out here, usually the Zugurk would not leave their temples.
“My Lady. The King has called you to his palace, all of you.”
The man stuttered and stammered through his statement. Clearly he had been a chosen scapegoat for the others, none of them had wanted to approach this powerful new army. Mierins eyes turned downward, and she looked over her shoulder at Tsavong. She was technically in charge of this little incursion, being one of the Hands of the Dark Lord gave her some authority on military actions, but the Voice was to be respected.
“I will go. [member="Seras Goto"], remain here. Learn what you can and report back to me.” She turned on her heel and headed back to her transport, regarding the Yuuzhan Vong creature for a moment before speaking again. “[member="Tsavong Kraal"]?”
A question of whether he would be joining her. Whether he tagged along or not was his decision.
Only a few minutes later, it didn't take long with ships that could reach orbit after all, Darth Mierin found herself walking down the halls of what they called The Heart Palace, a small guard of Massassi surrounding her and those who had accompanied her. It seemed she was the first to arrive within the palace, and as such it was she who would be meeting with this so called King.
Bright yellows eyes scanned the area around her, falling on the door directly ahead of them.
The gilded gold parted, and revealed a massive chamber, at the head of which sat a man that She presumed to be the supposed King of Tantorus. She was unsurprised to find another Pureblood sitting there, though she was surprised to recognize him. The man had aided the fighting on Teta, though she herself had not been there, she had read the reports.
As they were led into the center of the room Mierins face remained passive.