Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To Work the Land


Rural Territory

"These lands have been infertile for years. Lord Crenel has allowed us to do what we'd like with them, so long as we curb the spread."

The pair of Jedi stood among barren soil plots and rolling hills, deep in the heartland of rural Ukatis. Cora gestured to the earth beneath their boots, dry and nearly ashen.

"A few years ago, Master Noble and I discovered a Dark side nexus in a river not far from here. It took a great effort to purify it, but we were able to shift its alignment toward the Light."

Cora paced between the soil plots, bidding Carlo to follow her.

"I believe that the corruption has been leeching into the ground for years, rendering the surrounding lands infertile. Come, feel."

Cora knelt next to the edge of a plot and pressed her hand firmly to the dry soil. Closing her eyes, she concentrated.

"Extend your senses outward, down into the earth. Do not seek out the Dark - just feel that it's there."

If Carlo did the same, he'd be able to sense the malevolent energy that lingered beneath the dirt. It wasn't strong enough to drive one to madness or lure them away from the Light, but it was still present.

This Dark had sucked away the soil’s nutrients and hydration, much as it had done to the surrounding forests before the nexus had been purified. The land itself had begun to heal, but it would need a little help.

It would be a lesson in purification as much as it was a brief, controlled exposure to the Dark. In order to avoid corruption on his path, Carlo needed to be able to identify the such things wherever he went.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino

Looking out across the barren landscape, it was hard for Carlo to believe that this was the same planet he had visited not so long ago. Back then, he wasn't the same person. Now, he was a Padawan of the New Jedi Order, although his joining still felt like a blur.

Lost in his train of thought, Carlo was snapped back to reality when something unfamiliar was mentioned. "A dark side nexus? Like some sort of conduit of dark side energy?" he queried before falling back in line to follow along. As ordered, Carlo knelt beside Master Ascania, placing a hand on the ground and closing his eyes.

Concentrating on sensing the energy that had seeped into the ground, Carlo's first encounter with the dark side of the Force felt numbing. It reminded him of being stuck in an ice bath—cold and empty.

Reopening his eyes and removing his hand from the earth, a slight frown crossed his features. "That is not a pleasant feeling. No wonder the land is barren if that energy is soaked into the ground."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"A nexus is a place where the Force is unnaturally strong, yes. They can form in man-made structures like a temple, or even in natural landmarks like a cave or a river."

Cora frowned. She wasn't sure what had caused the Dark nexus in the river, but she had her theories. While uncovering the root cause of the nexus was important, it was more important that they'd shifted it's alignment to that of the Light.

And even more important that they purify the Darkness that still lingered in the soil.

The Knight tilted her head toward Carlo, observing his face as he reached into the earth with his senses and felt the Dark.

"It's a shame. The vast majority of Ukatis is farmland, and many of the people here rely on farming for work and sustenance. Alliance intervention allowed us to both import food from off world, and pursue advances in agriculture."

Cora smiled. Carlo was one of the few people among the Jedi who would likely understand caring for a planet's populace in the same manner as she.

"Have you ever used the Force to expel the Darkness from anything before, Carlo?"

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
A place where the Force is unnaturally strong—that made sense to Carlo. It seemed that the Force could manifest physical vessels of itself. "So, would that mean planets such as Korriban and Tython are also nexuses of the Force?"

He had come across these planets in his studies, though he hadn't delved deeply into them. The topic piqued his curiosity, but questions would have to wait. He shifted his attention back to the barren landscape, wondering what had happened here for a nexus to form.

Blinking slightly, Carlo turned back to Master Ascania, lightly shaking his head. "Not in any way that I can remember." His features flushed briefly with embarrassment at his inexperience in the arts of the Force.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Cora's smile twitched a hair wider.

"An astute observation – you are correct. A nexus can form wherever servants of the Light or Dark congregate, and its influence can even engulf entire planets."

Her hand drew back from the soil, and the threads of Darkness faded into the background. Given time, the Light of the newly-shifted nexus would purge the impurities, but she wasn't sure how long that would take. Years, possibly.

"The Dark nexus we discovered here was small, but still strong enough to affect the surrounding area. Weaker nexuses can be turned to one side or the Force or the other, given enough tenacity."

Noting the faint dusting of pink at his cheeks, Cora stilled her own expression to keep her smile from growing too much. It hadn't been so long ago that she was in Carlo's very position – a Padawan, eager to learn and soak up everything around her.

"Force Light is a technique used to purify. This can be done against any manifestation of Dark energy – an object, a nexus, a plot of land...even a person."

Cora's gaze traveled over Carlo's shoulder, focused on some point in the middle distance before she brought her attention back to the Padawan.

"My hope is that we'll be able to purge the Dark from this soil, and use it to grow food that could be split between the Alliance refugee effort, and the people of Ukatis. It won't be much, but it could be a start."

There would be several steps in between now and then – they'd have to ensure that the soil was fertilized, and loop in some of the more agriculturally inclined Jedi.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
A sense of pride washed over Carlo when he realized his query had been correct. Though he initially felt it was a rather obvious observation, that feeling quickly passed as he listened to the discussion. The concept of a nexus intrigued him, and he made a mental note to do some personal research on the topic when he had spare time.

Pausing for a moment before speaking again, he asked, "Hypothetically speaking, if one were to channel that purifying power through some sort of Force-enhancing focus, would that theoretically be enough to turn a larger nexus, such as a planet, to one side or the other?" This question stemmed from pure curiosity; Carlo had no intention of attempting such a feat, even if it were possible.

He tilted his head slightly as he listened to the explanation of Force Light. The ability sounded versatile, but something about it bothered him. "Wouldn't using this ability on a person be dangerous, considering the potential lasting effects of a sudden shift in their fundamental nature?"

Allowing his query to linger for a moment, a light smile graced his pale features. "That is a worthy goal to have for one's homeworld," he added thoughtfully.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Cora tilted her head in thought as she considered Carlo's question. For a few long moments, it looked as though she was trying to recall the details of a distant thought.

"I suppose. Years ago, the Jedi of the Order attempted to do such a thing to Exegol. However, the Maw - the Dark-sided power defending the planet - performed a ritual that triggered Exegol's destruction before it could be purified."

She frowned, remembering the erratic witch that she and Jand had faced that day. It had been one of Cora's first true combat engagements, and a frightening one at that.

When Carlo expressed his observation about using Force Light on a person, there was a touch of concern in his voice. Cora's expression firmed, brow crinkling slightly and lips resting in straight line.

"That is the intention of wielding an ability like this on a person. It should not be done lightly, of course - but when used against a Sith, it can impede their connection to the Dark."

The levity vanished from her voice, and though she was facing Carlo, Cora appeared to be looking through him.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
Carlo listened intently to the explanation. It seemed the inhabitants of Exegol preferred to end their planet on their own terms rather than let it return to the light side. The fact that such a catastrophic event could be caused by a simple ritual was deeply unsettling. Before joining the Order, Carlo might have found that intriguing.

"If a Jedi or Sith were to lose their connection to the Force, it would be like losing the ability to see—a certain blindness to the senses," Carlo mused quietly. He noticed a distant look in his companion's features, wondering if his question had unearthed a long-repressed memory. Shifting his attention back to the barren plains, Carlo contemplated how many Jedi had fallen or been tempted by the dark side over the years.

"The light and dark sides of the Force don't seem inherently good or evil," Carlo continued, his voice thoughtful. "It's the individuals connected to the Force who mold it into one or the other." He wondered if his ancestors had thought the same way, whether they followed the light side or fell to the dark. "Truly, the galaxy operates on a certain chaotic nature."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"Blindness to the senses." Cora repeated with a thoughtful tilt of her head. "I could see that, particularly if one relies heavily on the Dark. But when a Sith is temporarily severed from the Dark-"

She paused, lips still parted while she searched for the right words.

"I've only seen it twice. Both times, they still seemed to be able to reach the Force, just not use any particular Dark abilities for a time."

What had happened to the Sith who'd been struck by the wall of Light on Exegol? Had they too recovered their ability to delve into the Dark, or had it been burned from them?

A pair of blonde brows arched at Carlo's observation regarding the Light and Dark sides of the Force. It took her a few long moments to gather a response.

"…I suppose it isn't particularly wise to assume that all who wield the Light do so with good intent," she admitted, "and those who wield the Dark do have the capacity to be kind.

"But, the Light lives in compassion and honesty, and the Dark draws from hatred and selfishness. It seeks to corrupt and destroy. Perhaps after we're done here, I'll take you to the sections of the forest that are still recovering from the nexus' damaging influence."

Cora swept her arm in a gesture towards the far end of the farmland, bordered by the creeping woods.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
"So the Force is like a candle," Carlo mused. "The flame can still flicker if there's enough fuel left. Huh, that really puts life into perspective." He shifted his gaze from the barren landscape back to Master Ascania as they spoke.

He hadn't intended for his queries to delve so deeply into life's mysteries; it was simply how his mind worked. After a moment's pause, he added, "Maybe the light or dark brings out who we truly are deep down, whether it's good or corrupt."

Carlo's sapphire eyes followed a sweeping motion before landing on the creeping woods. He had somehow missed this eerie area that reminded him of something out of a horror holovid. "Creepy" was the first word that came to mind as he stared at the scene. 'So that's how a nexus changes the landscape,' he thought before looking back at Master Ascania.

"That would be helpful to visually see the effect it has. Sensing such a force is helpful, but being new to this, seeing the effects makes it easier to understand."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"That's a rather poetic way to put it, I suppose."

There was a measure of recognition in her smile. Much like herself, Carlo had een raised in an aristocratic household with high expectations. Though Cardia was far more advanced than Ukatis, some similarities held true between noble scions - perhaps that was part of the reason why she'd sought to teach him.

Far too many men of high social standing abused their positions on Ukatis, and in the galaxy. Carlo didn't seem the type, but she was wary of his curiosity over the Dark. It was a fine line to walk, discussing such things for education versus attraction.

"Some people only ever know one or the other. I think-" she paused, her gaze passing over the forest before shifting back to Carlo, "-it would make it that much harder to resist the other, when you inevitably encounter it.

she waved a hand, leading him to the center of the field. "We will meditate here. In doing so, we'll restore what life we can back to the soil."

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
A slight chuckle escaped his lips before he spoke again, "Ah, you could say turning things into something poetic is a skill of mine." Whether this was a genuine talent or not was debatable, but Carlo certainly had a way with words.

As he listened to Master Ascania, he mulled over the concept. In many ways, the line between light and dark seemed like an ocean: one wrong step, and you could find yourself engulfed by eternal darkness. It reminded him of the saying, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," or something along those lines.

Pushing himself off the ground, Carlo followed Master Ascania to the middle of the field. Once they reached the center, Carlo assumed a meditation position.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The two Jedi sat in the middle of the field, facing one another in the traditional cross-legged position. Here, they were both far, far removed from the more opulent trappings they'd been raised among.

Cora's eyes fell closed as she rested both hands atop her knees. A gentle breeze rolled through, rustling the trees in the distance and the grass beyond the edge of the fields. It was easier to feel connected to the earth beneath them here, free of urban commotion.

"Take notice of the what is around us. The soil, the forest, the meadow - even the air. Feel the Force that weaves everything, including us, together to the earth."

A few beats passed before she spoke again.

"The soil beneath us houses embers of Darkness. It may sting, or attempt to work its way into your mind, but try and focus on the Light."

The lingering traces of Dark energy in the soil were weak, but not docile. The moment the Jedi tried to work the Light into the land, it would fight back, seeking to corrupt. It would play on insecurities and painful memories, trying to drag those thoughts to the surface and hinder the Light.

Cora's face had remained still in serenity, but her brow pinched as she felt tendrils of doubt probe her mind. She saw the face of her former husband, Crown Prince Horace sneering down at her with a cruel smile. Then, she saw his body splayed out on the garden pavement beneath the window of his study, limbs twisted at unnatural angles, his expression frozen in dull shock.

The visions conjured by the Dark were not particularly potent, but they were very real, unpleasant memories that tried to break her concentration.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
Taking a moment to adjust to the stillness of the atmosphere, Carlo found the peace and quiet unnerving. He was more accustomed to constant noise than silence, which felt less eerie to him. Once he settled, he closed his eyes and let the breeze wash over him, listening intently to Master Ascania as they spoke.

"Yes, Master," Carlo responded, focusing on the light side of the Force and channeling it to cleanse the ground beneath him of the dark side's corrupting influence.

For a few moments, there was nothing but Carlo and the Force, a sensation akin to standing on a shore and gazing out over the ocean. However, this tranquility was soon disrupted as the lingering dark side energy attempted to infest him, overwhelming his senses with a familiar metallic smell.

A cold bead of sweat ran down Carlo's forehead, and his mechanical arm trembled slightly as the fading dark side energy dredged up the harrowing memory of losing his arm. He saw a younger version of himself reaching into some sort of demolition machine, followed by a vision of echoing cries mixed with swirling colors of red and black.

Taking a deep breath, Carlo tried to dispel the tense feeling in his chest and refocus on the light.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

It was a scene that had played out in her mind's eye countless times. The moments following Horace's death had been filled with a strange sort of peace – the kind that could only be wrought from shock. Grief always lurked at the edges of her vision, even as she peered down into the garden, down to the corpse of the man who'd tormented her intimately for nearly a year. As the Dark tried to lurch its way into her psyche, she could see the life fade from Horace's eyes so clearly.

Then, she felt the pressure of his hand around her throat. Cora drew in a heavy breath, letting some of the rigidity fall from her posture as she exhaled. The Dark had a way of making one spiral, of blocking out the Light until you felt as if it was your only option.

Or, at least, that had been her experience.

Carlo breathed in deep, a sound of tension. Cora wondered what unpleasant memory had touched him – perhaps it had to do with the loss of his arm, which he'd explained to her during their first meeting. Although he seemed to have grown accustomed to his prosthetic, a traumatic memory was still a traumatic memory.

"It cannot harm you in the way that it first did," she murmured. In the stillness of their surroundings, even her low, quiet voice seemed to carry. "Observe it. Feel it. Then, allow it to pass."

Slowly, the image of Horace faded into white. The pressure on her throat evaporated, washed away by the steadily building strength of the Light.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
Fighting off the creeping darkness, Carlo focused on what he envisioned as a sense of light. By doing so, the traumatic event from his past transformed into the stillness of the snow plains in the mountains of Cardia, a place where he had always felt at peace.

Letting out the breath that had built up from the tension in his chest, Carlo felt a sense of ease wash over him. Still, he couldn't deny that the small amount of dark energy had left him unnerved. If such a tiny piece of the dark side could bring back that locked-away memory, what could the full brunt of it do?

Following his master's advice, Carlo concentrated on the light, allowing it to grow in intensity until it was strong enough to cleanse the ground beneath him of the dark side's influence.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Seated among the dirt of Ukatis, the pair of Jedi continued to meditate in relative silence. Occasionally, a breeze would roll through, gently ruffling their hair and robes. It passed, much like the Darkness that tried to leech into their minds.

Cora had lost track of time as she let the Light quiet her mind. Even though her eyes were closed and she remained still, she lapsed into an awareness of what was around her. The feel of the sun against her face, the scent of the earth beneath them, even the gentle stir of the trees at the edge of the field. She saw and felt it all - without looking, without touching.

Light steadily emanated from master and apprentice, pushing back against the Dark remnants in the dirt. They remained that way for some time, until they'd purged the last of the corruption from the land beneath them.

Cora's eyes fluttered open and she squinted at the sun. It would take her a few moments to adjust.

She drew in a slow, deep breath, exhaled, and looked to Carlo.

"Our work is done. How did that feel?"

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
Such tranquility threatened to lull Carlo into a light sleep. The gentle breeze and warm rays of light seemed to put his mind at ease, almost as if the area was trapped in a pocket of time where none of the chaos that drove the inner workings of the galaxy could breach.

As the dark side purge reached its completion, his sapphire eyes slowly opened to the brightness of the sun. Raising a metallic hand slightly to shield his eyes from the glare.

His attention shifted from the sun to Master Ascania. He paused for a moment, mulling over her question before speaking.

"It was rather tranquil," he said. "Well, until the darkness started fighting back. No wonder some fall to such a force."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


There was an unmistakable hint of relief in the smile Cora wore. Some Padawans struggled to connect with the Force and feel the Light, but she was glad that Carlo hadn't faced such a difficulty – both for his sake, and for her own. The young Prince was the first student she'd taken on.

"It can be tempting. The Dark often lures one in with the promise and power and glory– it is why so many of our...station have given in to its call."

Her lips thinned, stretching her smile into something a little less gentle. In her time on Thule, she'd encountered no shortage of Sith nobility.

"Have you felt the call before?"

Perhaps it was a probing question to ask, but Cora posed it with simple curiosity.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
Pausing to think, Carlo realized just how many nobles had turned to the dark side. It was strange to consider why this was the case. Perhaps their lust for power and position lured them to that side, or maybe entire houses had given themselves over to the darkness.

With a slight head tilt and a blink of his sapphire eyes at the other's question, he replied, "Not that I can recall. Honestly, today was the first time I felt what the dark side was like. But I'm sure that throughout the years, many have answered its call."

He paused for a moment, trying to remember something he had read long ago. "There are tales of the original founder of House Corrino having fallen to the dark side in his later years, but that's a story lost to time."

Catching himself before he rambled on, Carlo asked, "Why do people in positions like ours heed the call?"

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

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