Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To Work the Land

"It's not unusual, I think. Quite a few Sith I've come across hail from some galactic noble house or another. Depending on the planet, aristocracy can be directly tied to the Sith."

Those with power ruled. It was a concept that both Carlo and Cora would be familiar with.

With a wave of her hand, Cora bid Carlo to follow her to the forested land bordering the field.

"I suppose when you're born into a position of influence, it can easy to believe that you deserve power - and selfishness is a path to the Dark side."

Looking over her shoulder, she gave Carlo a knowing smile. She didn’t think that Carlo was the selfish type, but she’d met plenty of noblemen who’d probably be too eager to get their hands on bled kyber if it met acquiring more power for themselves.

The lush, green forest around them slowly shifted the further they walked. Tree bark became brittle, leaves were pale and curled inward, and even the grass began to crunch beneath their boots. It wasn’t a drastic transition, but a subtle change in their surroundings.

"Not everyone is like that, of course. There are plenty of nobles who've made fine Jedi, and neither the Dark nor Light discriminate based on class."

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
"Oh, I suppose that's just the way of the galaxy—everyone shaped by the world that birthed them," Carlo mused, following Master Ascania toward the forested area. He absently brushed specks of dust from his robes, still not quite accustomed to wearing them and making a mental note that they were in desperate need of modification.

"The notion that anyone is deserving of power is a flawed ideal. Positions of authority and power shouldn't be wielded for selfish reasons but to improve the lives of others." He paused, contemplating his next words before continuing. "I see it as a circle: those in power should serve their people just as the people serve them."

Carlo's thoughts were briefly interrupted by a subtle shift in the environment. He narrowly ducked a low-hanging branch, forcing himself to focus on where he was going rather than the gradual changes in their surroundings.

"I suppose it ultimately comes down to the reasons why someone would choose to align with either side, doesn't it?" he remarked, keeping his attention on the path ahead.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

One corner of her lips twitched upward in a faint half-smile.

"Is it not a selfish desire to improve the lives of others?"

Cora cast a glance over her shoulder at Carlo. She quirked a brow – on the whole, she was in agreement with him, but sought to challenge his thinking. It could be difficult to balance the role of a noble with the teachings of the Jedi, and she still occasionally had trouble reconciling one with the other.

"To give to one, sometimes you must take from another. Depending on the particular code you follow, it is frowned upon for a Jedi to hold positions of governance. Early on in my training, I had to leave the Order to-"

Cora paused, feeling a wisp of ire percolate in her chest. The change in their surroundings had been gradual, but now the flora had grown darker and more ashen. It was as if they'd started walking in summer, and somehow traversed the seasons into a grey, gloomy late fall in an instant.

Darkness lingered more heavily here, and it made negative thoughts penetrate easier. The Knight steadied herself by drawing in a low breath and letting her feelings pass with an exhale.

"The effects of the nexus are more potent here."

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
Ducking under another branch, Carlo processed the notion that wanting to improve one's homeworld could be seen as selfish. "I suppose I never thought about it that way. I always assumed it was simply expected."

He slowed his pace, mulling over Master Ascania's words. He knew that being a Jedi meant putting the Order's mission above all else, but the idea of setting aside his duty to his homeworld caught him off guard.

"Has it always been like that? Surely there were Jedi in the past who balanced their responsibilities to both the Order and their homeworlds. Is it the same with members of the Senate if they would be Jedi?"

His attention shifted from the odd-looking plant he was examining back to his mentor. A flicker of concern crossed his pale features as he sensed the oppressive presence of the dark force returning.

"When we entered this area, I noticed the air felt heavier, like wading through quicksand with each step."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"The Jedi of today have stark differences compared to the Jedi of the past. At least, from what I've read about them - their Orders were far more strict regarding attachments, whether those came in the form of another person, or one's own homeworld. For a time, they would not accept children under the age of six or seven for training."

Cora shrugged, sidestepping a puddle. Even the water appeared dinged and grey here.

"It certainly can be done, if one manages to find a balance. It's not unheard of to have trained Force-sensitives in the senate. King Alicio Organa Alicio Organa comes to mind, but he has not taken Jedi oaths. His devotion, rightly so, belongs to Alderaan. Chancellor Auteme was a Jedi Knight before she chose a career in politics."

Carlo noticed that their surroundings had harshened.

"Find your center, look to the Force for guidance," she murmured. "The Dark lingers more strongly here, but we can resist its ill effects as long as we are aware of it."

Cora paused and pressed her hand to a dying tree, its bark parched and rumpled inward.

"Do you plan to succeed your father as King of Cardia, Carlo?"

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
"Huh, that sounds quite different from what I've seen of today's Order—or at least what I've seen in my brief time being a part of it. Is there a reason why they used to avoid training students under a certain age? And why is that no longer the case?"

A slight frown crept across his features as he glanced over his shoulder. Even though he knew there was nothing there, the lingering corruption of the dark side made it feel as though something was watching him.

"I didn't realize some members of the Senate were either Force-sensitive or part of the Order. Do they represent the Jedi, or are they part of a separate faction?"

As he hopped over a puddle, Carlo couldn’t help but notice how the very soul of the environment seemed drained from the soil.

"By tradition, I would technically succeed my father," he continued, coming to a halt and tilting his head slightly. "But if I didn’t take the throne, it would go to the oldest of my two sisters. To be honest, she’s probably more suited to rule than I am."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"When the Jedi forbade attachments, it was easier to teach that lifestyle to someone while they were young. There are still some smaller sects who follow the old ways. I'd imagine that changes were made gradually over time into the Jedi that we have today."

Had they been born a thousand years ago, both Cora and Carlo would've had to shed their attachments to family, and the duty that came with being born into nobility, in order to be trained as Jedi.

"Force-sensitive or not, the Senators are there to represent their planet, not the Jedi."

Cora frowned; there seemed to be a never ending tension between the Senate and the NJO. Chancellor Auteme had chosen to go into politics when Cora was too young to understand what that meant.

When Carlo mentioned tradition, one corner of her mouth twitched into a weary sort of smile.

"It is the same here. Women do not typically hold positions of governance, no matter how well-suited they may be."

Bitterness began to seep into her like the taste of metal inside her mouth. It was her signal to pause and exhale those feelings into the Force.

"Do you want to succeed your father?"

The forest seemed to shift. Subtly, as it had before - from green and lush to ashen and dry, and now to green and lush again. Up ahead, the sound of rushing water could be heard. They were closing in on the nexus.

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
"The Jedi of the past must have led some lonely lives if they were taught such things from such a young age," Carlo mused, reflecting on how different the Order once was. It struck him as something that might have been necessary in another era, a product of its time, but it still seemed strange to him.

He chuckled lightly. "Politics can be rather bothersome, not to mention headache-inducing, wouldn't you agree?"

Noticing a slight edge in the other's tone, Carlo wondered if the topic of succession was a sore point. Succession was always a tricky thing, often leading to internal conflicts or even wars. "Candidates for the throne should be evaluated, and the best among them should take the position of power. On Carida, it automatically goes to the oldest heir."

As he picked his way through the ever-changing environment, he was caught off guard by the next question. "I..."

He paused, thinking it over. It wasn't something he had really considered deeply. "I don't think 'want' is even an aspect for me. It's something that's expected of me, part of my duty." The uncertainty in his voice was unmistakable.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Yes," Cora agreed with a weary smile. "Politics certainly can be."

When Carlo explained that the throne was passed down to the eldest heir, Cora realized that she'd made an assumption guided by her own feelings.

"I see," she murmured. "You are the eldest sibling, then. I was too quick to presume that women would be discounted from that, as they often are on Ukatis."

Tilting her head over her shoulder, she fixed the Padawan with an apologetic smile.

"I am my father's eldest child, but my younger brother was always set to inherit hit title."

They were closing in on the riverbank; the site of the nexus. Darkness had been purged from it several years back, and while it now radiated Light, the nexus itself couldn't quickly undo all the damage to the land.

Carlo's hesitance was understandable - the expectation to lead a people was a heavy one, indeed. Cora's own perceived duty to her people had put her down a miserable path, one that she was still struggling to right.

"That sounds familiar," she murmured. "It can be difficult, feeling as though your life has been mapped out for you."

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino

"It's been this way for four generations. Someone shouldn't be discounted based on their gender," Carlo mused, his tone thoughtful. "I’m not sure how it works here, but in your position, how difficult would it be to reform that process?"

He crouched down to examine a plant, lightly brushing his metallic fingers over its leaves, noting the subtle changes. "Is your sibling much like you, Master?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

As they continued on, Carlo couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at how the nexus radiated light. It was a curious phenomenon, a striking embodiment of the duality of the Force, both light and dark in perfect balance.

"Freedom is truly the greatest value in the galaxy," he continued, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and concern. "The freedom to be whoever you want to be, but when you're expected to take such a significant leap, that freedom feels stripped away." Carlo paused, shifting his gaze from the nexus to Master Ascania. "And then there’s the fear... the fear that such a title and power might corrupt me. It's something I've been dwelling on recently."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"Reform in general would be…difficult." A low sigh parted her lips. "Ukatis is a world that does not readily embrace social change. While we've had Queens who've ruled on their own due to circumstance, women are still regarded as the property of their fathers or husbands."

From the corners of her eyes, Cora idly watched Carlo as he examined the plant. Her own hand was pressed against the bark of a tree; firm and healthy.

"Which one? I have eight." A finely manicured brow arched as a hint of a smile tugged at one corner of her lips. "They're…all different, but I suppose we share some characteristics. Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania is the closest in age to me; he is gentle and kind."

She'd left unsaid her hope that he'd soon succeed their father as Viscount Ascania.

"We were all raised on our family's estate. Its deep into rural territory, so my upbringing was rather sheltered. Coming to Coruscant was quite the culture shock for the first time."

Cora's eyes fell closed as she turned toward the nexus and breathed in the Light.

"This nexus isn't particularly strong, but it used to be Dark. With enough Jedi focusing, we were able to cleanse this place."

Her eyes remained closed as Carlo spoke of freedom and power, and the precarious balance between the two. The galaxy had no shortage of great men and women who'd gradually lost their noble intent in favor of power.

"I think you're right to be wary." Cora opened her eyes and looked to Carlo. "The King here began his reign by expanding trade and economic opportunities for Ukatis. And now," she sighed, "he's a bloated drunk of a man who neglects the very ideals he fought for. Not an outright tyrant, but not the progressive man who seized the throne twenty years ago."

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
"A planet and its people, set in their ways, can be difficult to reform. The notion of viewing another living being as property feels like such a draconian mindset," Carlo remarked, his tone laced with quiet frustration.

His sapphire eyes widened slightly at the mention of so many siblings. "That sounds like a very busy household! Having just two siblings is chaotic enough—I can't even imagine what eight must be like," he chuckled softly, memories of his own siblings' antics bringing a brief smile to his face. "Is he also Force-sensitive? Or are you the only one among your siblings?"

As he brushed specks of dust from his robes, Carlo continued, "Coruscant is... what's the word? A melting pot of culture. The Order itself seems to house so many different perspectives. It's fascinating to see how others live."

He had to physically restrain himself from moving closer to the nexus, his instinct to act before thinking threatening to take over—something he constantly struggled with.

"It reminds me of a miniature sun, breathing light into the darkness of space," he mused, captivated by the radiant energy before him.

Reflecting on Master Ascania's words, Carlo added, "I suppose the passage of time does change people and their goals."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Cora's lips pulled into a bittersweet sort of smile. Her devotion to Ukatis was deep, but even she had to admit that their culture could be…well, draconian.

"It is."

The recollection of Dominick - gentle, kind Dominick - had her expression softening.

"I'm not sure. He might be. I know that at least one of my sisters is, but…"

The Jedi lifestyle was not one she'd recommend to them, given the dangers she'd faced. While Cora had initially struggled on Coruscant, other Padawans had been quick to humble her arrogant behavior. It had been for the best.

Her attention flicked to Carlo, watching as he seemed to halt himself before taking another step forward. A miniature sun. A poetic way to put it.

"It is easy for anyone to lose their way. A Jedi straying from their path can be dangerous."

Cora looked out over the river. Its surface seemed to shimmer with captured particles of light.

"You get along with your sisters, then?"

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
"Force sensitivity seems difficult to diagnose unless the traits are well-known," Carlo mused, finding the concept intriguing.

Prying his attention away from the nexus, which had nearly hypnotized him with its light, he continued, "I suppose the level of danger depends on how well-trained the Jedi is. A master would undoubtedly pose a greater threat than a Padawan who lost their way, wouldn't they?"

The thought of a Jedi straying from their path was unsettling. Given their connections and training, if a Jedi were to use their abilities for the dark side or any misguided purpose, the consequences could be catastrophic.

"Considering that there aren't many years between us, I like to think we get along well. My youngest sister looks up to me, seeing me as someone to aspire to—both in personality and in the path I've chosen as a Jedi."

Picking up a stone, he examined it closely, finding amusement in its small details. "Siblings can be a handful, but the bond of family is one that should be eternal."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Cora hesitated for a few long, drawn-out moments.

"I'm inclined to believe that's true," she conceded. Her eyes lingered on some unknown point in the distance, unfocused as she delved into her own thoughts. "Anyone is susceptible, of course. A Master is less likely to fall than a Padawan, but they'd pose a more immediate threat."

Cora's lips pressed together in a thin line. She did not personally know any of those Jedi Masters who had fallen. Her expression softened into something more genuine as Carlo described his relationship with his sister.

"They are precious bonds," she said by way of agreement. There was a lot to say regarding bonds – emotional and familial – and how they could interfere with a Jedi's duty and potentially lead them down a darker path. For every story of a Jedi who'd stayed faithful to the Light despite their connections, there was another cautionary tale about one who'd fallen to the Dark.

Cora elected not to delve into that. Especially when, if she had to choose between serving the Jedi and protecting her family, she knew what her answer would be.

"Come, let's head back." Turning, she gestured to the path they'd followed to get here. "You did well today in helping to cleanse the land, and I wanted you to see the nexus. Now, we should rest."

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
Carlo lightly skipped a stone across the river's surface, watching the ripples spread with each bounce. "And the corruption would likely be much harder to detect," he mused, picking up another stone and sending it skipping across the water again.

"Sometimes, it's the bonds we form that define who we are," he said, pausing to enjoy the breeze before turning on his heel to follow Master Ascania.

"Thank you, Master."

It felt good to know he had played a part in restoring the land to its former state, before the corruption had seeped into its very core. "The nexus seemed to have drained so much from the land before it was halted. The difference now is like walking through thick, condensed air," Carlo added, reflecting on the shift in atmosphere.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

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