Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Toast to Tomorrow

There were ways to extend one's life for a very long time. Ra even knew such a skill that if her body were to die, she could attempt to take over another and thus live on. As long as that person was weaker than she was, if they beat her though, then she would truly die. Not telling him though, she listened to what he had to say. It seemed maybe he had an idea there was something more out there, even if he didn't know what it was.

His answer to her query though and action after caught Ra by surprise. For what felt like minutes but was just moments in reality, Ra blinked in a dazed state of almost shock. Then it dawned on her that she had gotten her first kiss from him. It wasn't her first kiss in all her life, but the first from Andulf. Her mind went sort of off the walls with different thoughts.

"This is a surprise for sure. I take it you might want to see me again after tonight?"

Attempting to be calm, her voice came out with the sound of the small smile she wore.

"I would like to."

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


And so it was as he spoke he could help note how to seem keenly interested or intent she seems to listen to what he had to say about the matter she'd posted before him. In regards to a subject few if any would expect one with his stature would even care or know off. Which by all accounts was most in part to the persona he tried present before the others. That of a typical highborn noble of a sort and hide away any faint resemblance or such of the part his past. To which feel somewhat emboldened by her seem subtle acceptance of his foward advances towards her to the point. He even dared in the midst of this den of assassin as it were the case to steal a kiss from her. To which no sooner had their lips parted that the thought of any untoward reprisal from her if any should come seem to him all but worth it. As he then slightly leans back thought keep close enough to here her reply soon after.

"This is a surprise for sure. I take it you might want to see me again after tonight?"

In which time with a nod and an air of nothing less than mutual respect for her.

"Very much even if it means to come back here or any place else if only see you again. That is....if that what you want to as well?"

His voice seems calm as it were respectful in tone for if nothing else despite what she'd told him thus far. And behind all the mystery that surrounded both them along with the underlying secrets that were for now seem left unsaid. He then hears her reply.

"I would like to."

At which time meeting her smile with his own he speaks try hard to calm his somewhat nervousness.

"Very well then I guess that it for now and what you say if we just set everything else aside. And just enjoy the rest of the day or the company... dinner perhaps?"
Not thinking they would need to meet here again, it was always an option though.

"We could eat here if you wanted."

There were other places​m but here they could speak freely, openly and be themselves. Outside of these walls, they couldn't do that. Ra would accept whatever answer Andulf gave.

"I am enjoying this time to just be me. It proves I'm not business all the time I think. That seems to be all I've known lately. Not even sure how to act on a date."

With a small tone of almost regret, she admitted this to him. The honesty she hoped he would accept and it might give him a better understanding of her. Why she acted the way she did. Like she wasn't familiar with the social graces of something intimate.

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


It was at that time step back and affording to give her space think things thru that she then came forth reply.

"We could eat here if you wanted."

To which with a nod replied back.

"That we could... though I hope you've been enjoying our little time off so far as much I have, Seeing there not been much time be doing so lately..or if there were i've not much good with it either. Time off and just going on dates i guess...."
Even though Ra had only been nursing her one drink, it was almost gone and another was brought in for her. When Andulf mentioned time off and taking it easy, Ra shook her head and laughed a little.

"Time off for me is very rare. I've enjoyed this little bit of time though. What are your plans for after dinner?"

Menus were brought with ​the drinks and they were given a few minutes to look over them before being approached for an order. Handing her menu back, Ra ordered her food and waited for him to do the same. After that, he looked at him and wondered for a moment what his answer would be. Her own answer would be pretty mundane and just a return to her work.

After he answered, she thought of another question that contained a small smile as she asked it.

"What do you like to do in these few moments when you have time off?"

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


Note how she shooked her head and giving a faint laugh no sooner he'd spoke as she adds a reply. Nursing a drink in one hand as another was then no sooner brought to her once she took the last few tentative sip of it as she replied.

"Time off for me is very rare. I've enjoyed this little bit of time though. What are your plans for after dinner?"

To which with a slight grin on his face Andulf replied.

"Yeah, I know.....time off in our line indeed such a rare thing that gets this moment spend with you been quite fun least say interesting. That I don't know...after dinner I should be head back get but will see maybe I'll take the rest of the day off?"

It was then from the sideline that a waiter of sort appeared handing them a pair of Menu each. To which he took graciously and began soon after to glance thru it wait after she'd order to place his own order. For what would seem to be a simple fare and not quite the elaborate dish one would expect from something of his stature. But then again he was never one be defined by stature but instead by who he was.

"What do you like to do in these few moments when you have time off?"

She asked him to which a faint smile came across her lips as he replied.

" Well for one I rather explore if not spend some time for myself away from it all during my time off."
They shared a grin at the thought of what could happen after dinner, but Ra kept her own to herself. Being sith did mean she was in touch with her emotions, one of the lines of her code even spoke of passion. A sudden thrill went through her body and her feelings at the moment, might have shown in her eyes if Andulf was looking at them.

"I already have the rest of today off..."

That was all she said on​ that, leaving it to his imagination where her thoughts went.

They were left alone again after their orders were taken and he said he usually just spent time for himself when he didn't have to worry about working. In her own time, Ra was usually researching something or training. Either others or even herself. Not hungry for power, she craved knowledge and that is what she gained in her time off.

"Any hobbies to speak of? Myself I don't have any."

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


It was then sitting across from her Andulf if anything else kept his eyes on her thought his sense secretly on everything around. The thought seems to let his guard down and acting somewhat nonchalant round her. Part him still tried he could keep his wits about him as more of instinct rather than choice. Of if much could be said of it the young Count was not as naive nor innocent as one would assume him be. Given the lesson learned from a past left unspoken till now, there was much about him so few if any knew off.

In any case, if but for the briefest moment as his gaze turn her that he could have sworn note a slight glint in her gaze at him. That caught his attention in a way none yet seem to have as for a moment. He couldn't help feeling a faint feeling of being drawn to her and a faint smirk come across his face as a thought passingly cross his mind.

"I already have the rest of today off..."

And he then seems to contemplate what she said in seem response his brief words as he then listens in hear her speak next.

" Well then in that case perhaps it is a good day for a bit of adventure then?'

She then seems to take on cue what he said spoke back.

"Any hobbies to speak of? Myself I don't have any."

In which take a moment contemplate the question just as the waiter approached and had began setting their food order earlier on the table. That he passingly glance over while replying ...

"Well other than the usual ones....."

And no sooner had he left that he continued on speaking.

" ...equestrian, arts, learning other languages or such taught to most of the noble House. I was quite the outdoorsman thought it was met with mix reaction and sort point of contention while growing up. As I was quite adventurous grow up ...quite the daredevil that most the most senior in my father court did well let their disapproval be known. "
When he spoke of adventure, Ra lifted an eyebrow. Adventure wasn't something she was familiar with, at least not anymore. Now her life's adventures consisted of travelling around the galaxy and meeting people for business. In a way, this date was an adventure for her even if they were sitting, having dinner and drinks.

"What sort of adventure are you thinking about?"

​As their food arrived, Andulf spoke of his hobbies he had. She found it interesting he had an interest in other languages. Ra was a very curious person and language was one area that interested her the most.

"What languages do you know?"

Giving him a small smile​ when he said he had been a daredevil growing up, she shook her head as she cut into her food and took her first bite.

"Hope you like the fare offered here."

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


It was then as he spoke that silently under his breath couldn't help take note of how her eyebrow lifted slightly upon his mention of adventure. Of which for the most part intrigued him so for most if not a whole lot of others rarely cared for such especially in circles such as theirs. Where so few if any care to gamble things on such frivolous things as a pure unadulterated adventure with little or very little strings attached. As a good plan, one with as much gear to ones gain or favor was what one his court tutors appointed by his father for them. Had one said and stressed ever so passionately during one if not most his lesson played in the back his mind as it did so. Seem had perhaps peak her interest as well as she no sooner came to ask next.

"What sort of adventure are you thinking about?"

And he then sheepishly grin came reply simply.

"Well other than the usual ones....."

He started to say and was soon paused before them the food they order came and had been placed before them. Only come to be concluded soon after with her ask of his hobbies and he obliged to response back. With the usual ones to start off leaving the rest trail off in the end to which seem the talk of language that he then notes interested her as much that she came ask.

"What languages do you know?"

To which he takes moment think his reply well before responding.

"Well other than basic pick up few others during my travel and during the time at the academy with your brother. Though have admit some if not a few I kinda not as fluent on as once was but I try to brush up on them when time permits. Like, say Shyrwookie, binary...on top my head. How about yourself?"

At which time with the talk then thankfully moving forward to something else that of hobbies that he answered as best he could without giving much away. At which she then turns back to the food before them that he reached over to grab a fork and knife cut into the meat. Take a few bits soon after that she came forth speak.

"Hope you like the fare offered here."

To which with a grin he replied back.

"Yes, it is and I guess now that you know a bit more about me that I hope to ask the same of you? Like, say what are your hobbies and out curiosity what sort of trade do your company engage in?"
She couldn't help but wear a small smile and show some curiosity when mentioned an usual adventure. With a shake of her head, she did let him continue on about what languages he knew. Ra had an ear for languages and inflection of them. Being able to pick up on them quickly, Ra rarely had any real issues with communication. It was one skill that helped in her trading. Not being around people that didn't speak Basic though was hard to find and she hadn't needed to test her skill recently.

"What is an usual adventure? It's been a few years since I've really had what I could consider one. I also highly doubt getting chased by killer droids would be considered something usual either."

Having to think on it, Ra realized she wasn't exactly fluent in any language other than basic. She could read and understand far more than being able to speak in them and she shook her head before answering.

"Honestly, I can only say I'm fluent in Basic, but stick me on some planet and I'll be speaking like a native in a few days."

When he asked about herself, she had already told him her greatest secret, but there was more to her. In giving a little thought to an answer, Ra took a few bites of her food so the silence was natural.

"Well, I love learning about pretty much anything. So when I'm not working, I'm looking up things. Of hobbies though, I don't really have any. No opportunity to get into anything. As for what my fleet trades in, it's pretty open. No weapons or dealing with the more dark factions. An example is I couldn't trade with the Sith. Even if I am one, there are rules I need to follow in my line of work."

It had been like this for two years now and she had no regrets. She focused on business over being a sith and that is what mattered to her.

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


It was then upon his smirky reply and sheepish grin seem have garnered a smile that was soon followed by a shake of her head. As he then continued on speak and reply to her next question about languages. That she then came forth with her next set of a question as if curious took the best of her in a way as she sought some better clarification.

"What is a usual adventure? It's been a few years since I've really had what I would consider one. I also highly doubt getting chased by killer droids would be considered something usual either."

To which he then raises a hand to stroke the lower part his face as if in deep thought after spoke mid-bite of his meal.

" Well have to say that is one interesting adventure indeed....although the close I've been chased by droids was that one time I kinda "happen to wander" off into a secure dig site that one time I think it was. As I had to end up explaining to the Academy Director the next day....or I tried to and sort won over that argument. Although it was not entirely true as you see real reason I was there was because of a dare. Between me and one the guys back during my academy days. Which thankfully didn't make its way back to my father court thought I would have hope it could be a far different reason....."

His words sort cut shot with brief memories came brush his mind and he soon continued on to say.

"...but that a whole different ball game altogether best said at another time. But suffice it to say it had been one of many misadventures I sort found myself in time. As academy life somehow lent itself to quite a bit mischief as well as growth in the knowledge I guess. As I got to go on an expedition or dig sites with some rumor have quite some interesting legends or myth if you're into all that local mumbo jumbo as one my buddies Jerrid use to say."

To which as the talk began shit back to the next conversation topic much his relief with her speaking.

"Honestly, I can only say I'm fluent in Basic, but stick me on some planet and I'll be speaking like a native in a few days."

He then with a smirk spoke back.

"Yeah, i understand.....for I guess given or stuck with a situation is one if not the more persuasive reason pick up another language."

At which time her reply soon after gave him a slightly more interesting brief insight into Ra than he'd hope so but none the less. Note her brief pause as she partook of a few bites from their meal that she came the reply.

"Well, I love learning about pretty much anything. So when I'm not working, I'm looking up things. Of hobbies though, I don't really have any. No opportunity to get into anything. As for what my fleet trades in, it's pretty open. No weapons or dealing with the more dark factions. An example is I couldn't trade with the Sith. Even if I am one, there are rules I need to follow in my line of work."

As he then came to then speak plainly.

"Hmm, I see well....guess that good to know about your fleet as if anything I understand completely about rules or protocols as it is with my line of work restricts not only the company or dealing I could do. Officially that is.... although only good thing I guess of having my own resources and connection is that I can be my own man. And be here meet with you although I have admitted the captain of my house guards wasn't all that or would be thrilled I snuck out on my own tonight. "

That time raise a glass and take a few sips of it.

"...but then again i guess that enough talk about that and what you say we instead talk of what do after all this meal over? You got any place you happen to want to go? See?"
Her question seemed to make him have to think of something that might top her adventure with the killer droids. Ra would have been surprised if he did, but Andulf came up with something close. Both had escaped with their hides intact which was a good thing. His adventure had been done on a dare, but hers had been a mission for a now dead government.

"Hey you know what I am, one of the few actually. Yes, I guess I'm into that mumbo jumbo stuff as you and your friend put it."

It was obvious he wanted​ to change the topic so she let it drop and didn't press her interest of it on him. There would hopefully be another opportunity to do so later. Nodding as he agreed that being stuck on a planet would incline a person to learn how to communicate with the people there, she took another bite of food. He further comments lead to another line of questions. That would have to wait though as Andulf continued on to ask what if anything she had planned for the day or if she wanted to visit some place.

Shaking her head slightly and giving a small shrug before she spoke, Ra finished chewing on her food.

"I really hadn't given too much thought. You see, I'm not familiar with where we are to know more than this place or what there is to see. What about you?"

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


It was at then as what could be said was without as he best put it not give much away about him or his past. Which was not so much about him not trusting her but more so in him not trusting himself. For what its worth, that part his life was something he had not quite made peace with and was not something he'd ever talk about with anybody. Not even his own kin but just the same she seems didn't mind as in the midst of their conversation she replied.

"Hey you know what I am, one of the few actually. Yes, I guess I'm into that mumbo jumbo stuff as you and your friend put it."

In which time he smiles as Andulf replied back.

" I guess so now don't I and well what can I say? We were young men back then and all we knew of things outside the border of the four walls of our family estate and family. Was to us nothing more than fanciful stories or mumbo-jumbo... that is till we both went our separate ways. With the conflicts and wars that follow.... one cannot help but expand one's horizon of thought as one my professor I've met before said. And although most of it can be quite shocking at best unnerving one no less come to terms with it. Especially now with how things are....hell I have to deal with both organic and nonorganic entities as part of my work. And believe me'll never know confusion till you try conversing with a droid. About the finer lines of simple things, we tend to take for granted in our daily lives."

It was then at that time as the conversation press on that not wanting elaborate much that he tried to steer the conversation away from more private or personal matter. To something more neutral or such which she seems have taken a hint on as Ra came to then reply. As she then slightly smiled and shrug while taking the last few bites of their meal.

"I really hadn't given too much thought. You see, I'm not familiar with where we are to know more than this place or what there is to see. What about you?"

In which case he then smirk and take a few bite of his food as well answered back.

"Well, neither do i ....but tell you what. Maybe we can come up with our own adventure seeing either you or I am familiar with this planet. Perhaps we can go explore it together by chance. Not that I reckon it is a problem would it?"
Returning that smile with one of her own, Ra was really starting to feel a connection with Andulf. Even if it didn't go past today, she would remember it for a very long time as one of the best days she had.

"I understand what war and conflicts can do to people. It may not look like it, but I've been in a few myself."

Shaking her head as she spoke, Ra looked into his eyes. The food, drink and talk had loosened her up slightly and instead of the neutral look in her eyes, there was starting to show some emotion. When he mentioned trying to speak to droid, she couldn't stop the laughter from coming. It lasted a few seconds and then subsided and she shook her head again slightly with that smile remaining.

"My dear Andulf. Did you forget where I came from? The Metal Lords. Speaking to some of them can be quite interesting to say the least. Get the older ones that haven't had a memory wipe in quite some time...they are the most curious kinds. I really like HK. Did you ever get the chance to meet him?"

Her dinner was gone and she sat back, picking up her drink, she saw the smirk he had and listened to what he said. Inclining her head slightly, she nodded.

"That would be fine and sounds like it could be fun."

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

Andulf Nicholas Teraan


It then seemed as the night wore on and most if not all the food before them was slowly being all but consume. That he couldn't help himself but feel draw gaze and if but a moment could have sworn. To have caught a glimpse of a smile as it brushes across her face as he had and with it feel a strange affinity or connection with her. For whom as his best estimate had only know if but a moment today and yet he found himself at ease for once. Listening as she spoke that he could help note some faint similarity as there was difference between them. Though he couldn't deny thinking if it were the wine talking or was he really as their eyes met... seem to find some common ground with her as such that.

He couldn't help but speak ... with a more relaxed tone as much as honest he could be with anyone outside. At which time let the words slip his mind while talking about a quip regarding droid that she picks up on it. Spoke to him after seem finding humor enough to laugh.

"My dear Andulf. Did you forget where I came from? The Metal Lords. Speaking to some of them can be quite interesting, to say the least. Get the older ones that haven't had a memory wipe in quite some time...they are the most curious kinds. I really like HK. Did you ever get the chance to meet him?"

And he himself laugh a bit and replied.

"Huh, well I guess did for a moment there......seem to slip my mind. But I guess they are a most curious kind and as for HK....i might have run across him during my initial meet and foray within the MetalLords domain while setting up the embassy."

And soon enought as the night drag on with their meal all but consumed that he soon got her response his last words directed at her. As with a nod as she then spoke.

"That would be fine and sounds like it could be fun."

To which he replied.

" Indeed so I guess if I may...."

He then stood and extended a hand offered to escort her out and onto the adventure of venturing out onto the unfamiliar location together.

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