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Approved Tech Tof Shield "Bain Breaker"

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Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden​

Intent: To create a unique shield for Hawthorn that will serve as both an important character element as well as a battle item
Image Source: Tim Paauwe
Restricted Missions: Scrapping Krag's Prosthetic Leg
Primary Source: Krag's Prosthetic Leg
Canon Link: N/A

Manufacturer: Tof Forgers
Model: Personal, Custom Shield "Bain Breaker"
Affiliation: Hawthorn (Tof Skykingdom)
Modularity: The shield can easily be modified by adding additional modules to the shield, such as external electronics hardware.
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Cortosis, Padding

Classification: Multi-purpose
Weight: 7kg
Quality: 8

Cortosis Weave allows the shield to short out lightsabers and conduct blaster bolt energy
Heavy edges and spikes allow the shield to make a deadly blunt or impaling weapon

As legend tells, a Tof warrior of legend found a glowing metal on his planet. The warrior brought this metal to the most renowned Tof blacksmith in the Firefist galaxy at the time and using a chisel and hammer the smith hollowed the hard, golden metal out of the meteorite. This metal was eventually used to make the shield presented here. The truth to this tale is a mystery, but the shield is very real and made with a masterfully crafted cortosis weave.

This weave is placed into the thick durasteel slab that makes up the front and rounded edges/spikes of the shield. Because of this, the shield has an immense capability to withstand a variety energy based attacks as it instantly shorts out lightsabers on contact. This weave is not present on the back of the shield, however, and the fact that the shield (48" diameter) is limited to one's arm it requires precision and excellent combat skills to manoeuvre properly.

  • With the benefit of a durable cortosis layer, the shield is made highly resistant to energy based attacks. Lightsabers are shorted out upon contact, blaster bolts are conducted through the metal; limiting their damage potential and other energy based attacks (such as electricity) can be easily dispersed by the material.

  • The shield is a heavyweight, blunt object that can double as an offensive weapon if all else fails.

  • While the shield itself is a relatively low-tech piece of equipment, it is easy for the user to add external technology to the piece.

  • The shield, while useful, limits the use of the arm it is strapped to and hinders the overall ability for the user to move around the field of battle.

  • The shield is phenomenal against blaster and melee weapons but against kinetic weapons, such as slugthrowers, the shield finds itself a weak opponent. The energy, while perhaps not always enough to pierce the tough metal, is more than enough to hurt the wielder.

Stories of a legendary warrior who fought against the Mandalorians during their invasion of Tof land in the Firefist Galaxy. This warrior was a weakling, surviving battle only through his cowardice. He was ostracised, beaten and ridiculed. "Not worth killing" they called him as they strung him up and beat him down. This warrior was brought to the edge of madness, going to a tall bridge on the Tof homeworld and prepared to throw himself from it. This is when he saw it, a Mandalorian ship that had crashed near the bridge and was protruding partly from the stony earth.

Struck by curiosity and pulled by a force he could not explain, the warrior approached the ship and found a dead Mandalorian inside and in his arms, he clutched a chest. The cowardly warrior opened it to reveal a mystical metal inside that shone like no natural Tof metal should. Mesmerised, he brought the shield to the blacksmith in his local city and bribed him with the armour taken from the dead Mandalorian so that his request was put in front of military orders.

The blacksmith agreed, putting aside orders for military cutlasses, that were still made by hand for tradition sake. The smith worked day in and out to craft the shield that the cowardly warrior requested and every day, the warrior came to check on the status of the shield. He knew that this metal was a gift from the gods and that the shield would give him the strength he needed to become the fearless warrior he was expected to be.

When the shield was finally finished, it was too late. The Mandalorians began raining upon the warrior's village with their faceless masks. The warrior ran to the blacksmith and found him dead with the Mandalorians raiding his shop. The warrior ran in, bursting through the doors and grabbing the finished shield from a Mandalorian soldier. The warrior pulled the shield away and the assaulted Mandalorian raised his beskade in anger. The warrior shielded himself and when the beskade made impact, it shattered against the shield. The warrior then used the broken blade to fend off the warriors from the shop before rallying the fleeing Tof forces and pushing the Mandalorians back.

From that moment on the shield was to be called "Bain Breaker" after the nickname for the Mandalorian Beskade in Tof "Bain Blades" for their tendency to cut through any armor the Tof deployed. The truth of this legend is unconfirmed, but it has not stopped the shield from becoming an iconic item within the new Tof society.
Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.
Hi there, very nice-looking sub! A few things:

  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
This field is missing, could you add it in? If there's nothing to put, just put N/A.

Hawthorn said:
Image Source: Tim Paauwe
Could you add a link here, please?

Hawthorn said:
Because of this, the shield has an immense capability to withstand a variety energy based attacks as it instantly shorts out lightsabers on contact.

If you wouldn't mind softening the language here - i.e. taking out the 'instantly'? It's a minor nitpick, but the wording is important.

That should be all, though.

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