One more note: the current prizes are:
A holocron for me
A lightsaber for [member="Alask Diruno"]
An ancient bodyguard/assasain droid; unclaimed
Various lesser artifacts (treasure, can be split)
If one person had any ideas for what they wanted to get out of this, and that something would require a factory sub, please let me know via PM and I'll take care of it. I will only make one more factory artifact; everything else must either be something you made up or something that doesn't require a factory submission. If you do want something new, try to make it different from all of the others.
The droid submission is here:
It's currently under reveiw and is therefore subject to change; however, the basic concept will stay the same. Would anybody like this one? PM me if you want it. If multiple people do, it's a matter of first-come-first serve. Everyone else will either get a share of the treasure or the one more special artifact that I will make on request. Keep in mind though these are the ancient heirlooms of a very rich empire and the heritage of all sith; this treasure could be sold for quite a bit, though none of it will have special powers.
[member="Grace Darkson"]
[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Kyle Jerhal"]
[member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]