Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel Tonight This Jedi Dies (open to 1-2 hostiles)

Was actually very friendly

The premonition struck Khefiir the moment his feet touched Lohopan soil. He staggered against the side of his X-Wing. There was tear gas on the wind, and blood. Lightsabers sizzled but nowhere close by. He pulled out his own saber and lit it up, hoping rituals of alert readiness could hold back the premonition.

It couldn't. He knew in his heart he would die tonight.

Khefiir bared his teeth and moved a few steps away from the X-Wing. He'd touched down in a gloomy forested public park near hab blocks. Violence had ripped through here and moved on, leaving only debris and broken lights. Across a good portion of Lohopa Two's population centres, the violence was a shifting and disparate mix of protesters, looters, civic defense groups, mercenaries, and Jedi. Or so he'd heard on the way down before comm distortions isolated him.

He squinted around through the trees. Was he safer here or in his little fighter? Was this premonition real? Could it be forestalled?
Location: Capital City - Lohopa II
Time: Early Evening
Weather: Rain
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Khefiir Khefiir

It was a night of blazing fire and shattered glass. While the rioters had needed very little in the way of encouragement, their uprising against the Alliance was all too convenient for the local cell of the Fellowship of the Eclipse. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Eclipse cultists had embedded themselves within the riots, turning the mobs towards more extreme, violent objectives as fuel for a ritual which had yet to manifest. Under most circumstances, the presence of a Sith was not needed. However, given the number of Jedi active within the city, Quintessa had been assigned to assist in the endeavor and to see the ritual through to its completion.

In that regard, through his visions, Khefiir Khefiir might foresee the ritual. In his foresights, he might envision an electrum goblet full of a wriggling mass of thick black liquid. He would then witness a supplicating human of nondescript features kneeling before a shadowy figure. The dark figure placed a gloved hand beneath the human’s chin, before pushing his head up and pouring the liquid into his mouth.

That was where the vision ended.

And yet, as the Jedi moved a few steps away from his X-Wing, a coruscating bolt of lightning lanced down from the heavens and towards the X-Wing, carrying within it an unnatural power that had the potential to destroy the craft entirely.

A vision, made manifest.

All the while, Quintessa stalked from the shadows, a cloak billowing around her tiny form as she waited for the opportune moment to strike.

Let me know if this is okay for your premise! Can contact me on discord (mellifluousicemage) or on the site, if you need any edits or want to open a line of communication.
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Was actually very friendly
The vision was grotesque, hinging as it did on humanoid anatomy. Khefiir recoiled, staggered—

The Dark Side surged. Lightning struck the X-Wing. The thundercrack baffled him — had it come from the sky, from the woods, from the other side of the fighter? The skewered canopy spat molten transparisteel and a flourish of sparks. If he'd been any closer...

He'd only caught the lightning in the corner of his eye. Blinking away the afterimage, he saw — or thought he saw — a cloaked figure in the trees. He gathered a dozen molten spatters in a whirling circle around his left fist. He hesitated. This was a civilian area. That shape could be anyone.

Quintessa Quintessa
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Khefiir Khefiir

Golden orange eyes surrounded by black peered down, the crowds in wonderous uproar. Perhaps the most free many had ever felt within the grasp of their societies fists. How pleasing it was that such atmosphere was around when the hunt was on. Even her retainer sounded excited when hearing what the target was. Oh how that girl was getting easier to please from the temptation of witnessing violence.

Not far from Quintessa Quintessa was another of the Kainites finest. Her wings stretched wide as they beat quieter than the wind itself. She glided and watched from above circling the one who was leading the task, something the giant Epicanthix Valkyrie did not mind so much. She was just happy to play with something worthwhile, something... entertaining.

Her eyes caught attention of the lightning her wing folding in as the arks zoom just past her. Quickly she spirals away from the light emitted before using that speed to swoop behind. There was a sound that was familiar to any jedi or sith, that was of the iconic snap hiss of at least two lightsabers coming to life. Yet no bright colour wrapped this blade, rather it had a heavy dark mist that emanated from an eriy black blade. No warning no hesitation, Teresa made her first attack as she passed over head, both blades moved from hovering below her palms to swiping in a run.

Her momentum would quickly carry her past now diverting attention away from her Comrade.

Location: Capital City - Lohopa II
Time: Early Evening
Weather: Rain
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Khefiir Khefiir Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Blinking away the afterimage, he saw — or thought he saw — a cloaked figure in the trees. He gathered a dozen molten spatters in a whirling circle around his left fist. He hesitated. This was a civilian area. That shape could be anyone.

A fiery cerulean gaze stared back at the Trandoshan Jedi from beneath the cloak, lingering as the imposing, winged form of the Dark Valkyrie swooped down towards the Jedi from above. In contrast, Quintessa anticipated that she might strike from below. As her partner launched her attack, the tiny speedster shot forward like a bullet, leaving the dark cloak empty and billowing to the ground in her wake as the dark side accelerated her movements beyond any natural or physical limits. Almost a heartbeat later, she came to a sliding halt to the opposite side of Khefiir Khefiir from the Dark Valkyrie, a maneuver intended to split the Jedi’s focus between the pair of Sith Knights.

On cue, both of the speedster’s lightchakrams snapped to life with a soft, yet ominous hiss, one a blade of fire and the other a blade of fulmination. Then, immediately after the Dark Valkyrie had delivered her attack, the speedster launched one of her own. Her left arm moved with unnatural speed, through which she hurled the cyan-bladed lightchakram from her left hand towards the Jedi with enough velocity to tear a shockwave through the air. Delivering her throw from 24 meters away, Quintessa sought to sever the Jedi’s right knee with the attack, in an attempt to inflict a disabling injury on her opponent before the fight could truly begin.
Was actually very friendly
Instinct surged, focusing Khefiir's attention on his lightsaber. He abandoned the whirling ring of molten droplets and let them fall to concentrate on defense. Survive the first rounds of what was coming, his gut suggested, and he might learn much more about what he faced. He might even find a way to survive the night, not just the next minute.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax came in first, a silent aerial attack in the dark. The cutting power of her Blackwing-crystal sabers still stood out in the infrared to his Trandoshan eyes.

As Quintessa Quintessa made her own attack, Khefiir lurched aside more adroitly than his age and bulk might suggest. One of Pellax's sabers grazed his left shoulder painfully; Quintessa's chakram struck Khefiir's low guard with brutal force and whirled away into the woods.

At least two enemies, then, both armed with lightsaber derivatives. One large - his size - and winged, the other small and fast. The terrain, a forested public park, might offer options against enemies like that.

Rather than attack, he lunged over to slash partway through the back right landing strut of his lightning-torched X-wing. The starfighter groaned but didn't settle.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Khefiir Khefiir | Quintessa Quintessa

Her wing began to angle hard causing a sharp turn to happen. All the natural inertia had disappeared causing her glide, there was no way of maintaining a level glide without beating against the wind, though it was her intention. Darting back to where the jedi and destroyed X-wing was. At last second her wings folded in and the woman dropped. Landing on the ground came with a dull thud that could be felt in the ground a little. Even in its low light, some features was easily seen. Her pale complexion and eyes that near glowed in the dark. Amongst that was the height at which she stood made some intimidated.

Her head tilted to the side slightly, Teresa could not help feel partly she was confused at why the target was destroying their craft furter. A moment of madness perhaps? Both blades hovered below her palms for a moment till grasping them firmly. The giant Epicanthix Valkyrie stood meters away to gain the most attention from the target. Oh how Teresa smiled, all the while her stance was fairly relaxed. Was it confidence or excitement, perhaps it both. Her sabers snap hiss again as the crystal inside switched to their red glow, black cored counterparts, the same time her focus became intense.

Visioning it in her head that the air getting colder freezing the moisture. Glass like shards while not huge started to grow near the woman's fingers extended over the hilt. With an intense glare the several shards shot fast, once gone Teresa's eyes struggled to keep up with them unsure if they would hit or not. Her wings stretched out wide obscuring what could be behind. Quintessa Quintessa was indeed fast and no doubt had her own plans. Yet Teresa intended to present all possible advantages for the one she fought beside.

Location: Capital City - Lohopa II
Time: Early Evening
Weather: Rain
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Khefiir Khefiir Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

It was immediately clear after the delivery of her initial attack. The Jedi was not an opponent that the speedster could outright blitz. He was a warrior of a higher caliber. Accordingly, Quintessa sank her hips into her stance and called her thrown lightchakram back, at which point the weapon whipped around on a looping trajectory to return to its wielder by flying around the Jedi and the Dark Valkyrie. All the while, Quintessa’s ears twitched upon registering the forceful beats of her ally’s massive wings on the wind as she touched down, at which point Passion was caught in the speedster’s grasp.

That was when she struck.

As the ice shards were launched from the Dark Valkyrie’s hand, Quintessa sent Prejudice flying towards the Jedi with a subtle spin imparted on the throw from 24 meters away. While the velocity was not nearly as high as that of her initial first throw, it might prove more deceptive in its trajectory. Accordingly, the lightchakram initially seemed to fly on a straight vector to strike the Jedi’s right side, before suddenly dipping low and to Quintessa’s right, thereby revealing its true course, which threatened to sever the Jedi’s left leg at the knee should it connect.

And yet, before Prejudice could reach its target, it shifted course once more.

This time, the change came manually, in the form of Quintessa herself, who had thrown the weapon before immediately racing after it with almost enough speed to create a shockwave in the air. As soon as she caught up to it, the speedster snatched Prejudice out of the air with her right hand and at the last possible moment, she planted her foot and pivoted to her left, shifting her body’s inertia through the Force as she did. In doing so, she carried her momentum (and the momentum of her lightchakram) back towards the Jedi’s right side, at which point she kicked her legs ahead of her and initiated a slide, before leveling Prejudice in a low, crosswise slash from her own right-to-left, aimed to take off the Jedi’s right foot at the ankle!

Was actually very friendly
Hindered by the grazing wound to his shoulder, Khefiir whipped his lightsaber through a defensive pattern. The ice projectiles hissed to steam or smashed painfully against his scaly hide. The true blizzard was the overwhelming amount of visual distinctiveness and visual clutter in this fight. Despite many years as a Jedi, he found himself struggling to keep up, to prioritize. The part of his mind that was a teacher kept coming up with ways to use this experience to develop an exercise for the younglings. Something with ribbons, perhaps.

The zigzagging course of the chakram escaped his defensive pattern. His saber met it gracelessly and threw it off enough to save his foot. The chakram still bit deep.

Pain blotted out all conscious thought. He sucked in an endless breath and fell to his knees.

Quintessa Quintessa Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Khefiir Khefiir | Quintessa Quintessa

It was her first time working with the tiny comrade and yet could not help feel marveld at the unique synergy potentials they had. Far different to when she was besides Kaine on Tython, she did not hate it, rather Teresa was starting to think about perhaps integrating better. As her mind slipped into the many thoughts, her eyes still watched everything so intently. The reptile was slowly accumulating damage, yet not once had it made a solid attempt to attack, neither did it run. That was the part of this encounter that made her frustrated.

One of the lightsabers returned to the strange scabbard threading into it like a needle. She still held one in her off hand as she walked forwards each step was heavy and easily heard. Teresa's eyes peered down, golden orange orbs burning amids black voids. She hoped it strong, for it to fight back. Those with less put up more resistance. The cold now extended past the tips of her fingers, the air itself began with a sudden chill seen on her breath. "I learned lizards have an innate weakness to cold. Their bodys slow and something happens ... what was it again." Her gaze shifted side to side thinking of the word till they snapped back with a wide grin. "Thats right, they go into a state of sleep. My my, now wouldn't that be bad for you."

She could not reserve that giggle as she teased. It was an irresistible part of her personality and it delighted her to watch the various expressions it makes. "Imagine, falling asleep when your life is at stake. Would it be as peaceful as others say, or would knowing make those last moments feel an eternity." The ground began to glitter as light reflected off the frost building up slowly. As she got closer, more became obscured by sprawling feathers, it makes the eyes wander to the middle where glints of gold and pale complexion drew attention. Teresa hoped the slight provocation might make the Jedi fight back with a desire of hope, it is what most sought allegedly. A silly notion to waste desire on Teresa thought but it was such a useful tool too.

Location: Capital City - Lohopa II
Time: Early Evening
Weather: Rain
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Khefiir Khefiir Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Quintessa registered the cut in much the same way a video game gave the player auditory or tactile feedback upon striking an enemy with a sword. In that regard, the speedster’s connection to Prejudice allowed her to feel the moment the blade struck flesh, biting deep into the Jedi’s leg in the process. Nevertheless, Quintessa did not linger after her strike connected. The Trandoshan was almost twice her height and more than three times her weight. It went without saying that if he could bring that strength and mass to bear, he might easily overwhelm her. Accordingly, Quintessa maintained her momentum until she was more than 10 meters away, at which point the speedster threw her body into a roll and came to a sliding halt along the dirt.

She could not reserve that giggle as she teased. It was an irresistible part of her personality and it delighted her to watch the various expressions it makes. "Imagine, falling asleep when your life is at stake. Would it be as peaceful as others say, or would knowing make those last moments feel an eternity." The ground began to glitter as light reflected off the frost building up slowly. As she got closer, more became obscured by sprawling feathers, it makes the eyes wander to the middle where glints of gold and pale complexion drew attention. Teresa hoped the slight provocation might make the Jedi fight back with a desire of hope, it is what most sought allegedly. A silly notion to waste desire on Teresa thought but it was such a useful tool too.

“Let’s end this quickly, Valkyrie.” Quintessa hissed as she stood up and began to cautiously stalk towards the Trandoshan. “Unless our Jedi wishes to bargain for his life.” She continued.

In that, Quintessa gave the Jedi a momentary pause to offer a few words, but otherwise, she had no intention of hesitating. After a few moments, she glanced towards the taller Sith and spoke, her high-pitched voice a knife through the air as the words left her lips.

“Ice him, sister.”

Was actually very friendly
The Jedi way that Khefiir had practiced for almost fifty years had no elaborate Force attacks. To control his pain, though, and regulate his body temperature — he'd taught these basic survival skills to generations of younglings.

And the fight had reached the inevitable phase that might just give him a chance.

The monologue phase.

On schedule, the X-Wing's five o'clock landing strut collapsed. The fighter's bulk canted. As it collapsed onto its starboard wingtip, Khefiir called on the Force and yanked as hard as he could to keep that motion going.

The fighter pivoted on its wingtip and flipped like a pancake, aiming to flatten one or both of the Sith. Molten transparisteel sprayed out around; the grass caught fire.

Khefiir closed his eyes and stayed on his knees.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Quintessa Quintessa
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Khefiir Khefiir | Quintessa Quintessa

She had a thought that there was a reason the Jedi had stayed so close to his ship, it was why it frustrated her. Teresa viewed the moment objectively and smiled profusely as she moved with such purpose while both wings quickly folded back. Rather than rush a retreat from the situation, she rushed forward and pushed her current ability to its limits. Where the ground had already frosted over and glicened from any light source, one singular ice pillar formed from the ground behind the giant and grew rapidly. Looking at how it made, the frost bound together in overlapping latices till solid. The top was different however as it split into two forks. Even if the spike did not withhold the weight of a starfighter crashing atop, it would buy time for the movement.

Side stepping the obstacle she would now focus on what her comrade requested, that was now to focus on ending it quick. She did not pass so close there was chance for an opportunity attack from a mear swing, though that was the same to her. Rather Teresa kept up her Cryokinesis to project a heavy cold mist the moment the pillar was erected, Mist kept dropping from her hands flooding the path ahead. In the low light and being visible enough from its heavy density, it was easy to tell with normal sight the mist had a hint of blue amongst the white. No doubt to the lizards eyes, he'd see such a deep cold with his natural thermal vision.

However it was her way to cover the attack that came. Red and black contained plasma receded back into the hilt of her blade she still held. Once the glow was gone it was suddenly followed by a lunge forwards in attempts to grab the Trandosian tightly in her arms.

Location: Capital City - Lohopa II
Time: Early Evening
Weather: Rain
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Khefiir Khefiir Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

The sudden collapse of the X-Wing’s landing strut drew a twitch from Quintessa’s ears, at which point the speedster shifted her gaze towards the charred form of the stricken craft as its mass shifted, collapsed, and pivoted. Realizing that her current position was a dangerous one, the speedster shot forward with the speed of a bullet, the air shifting around her form as she darted back to the opposite side of Khefiir Khefiir from her ally, before sliding to a halt 16 meters in front of the Jedi. The ground on the Dark Valkyrie’s side froze over a few milliseconds later, but the ice hadn’t spread to the speedster’s side.

In that regard, dodging the large form of the X-Wing had been relatively easy. However, the second part of the Jedi’s attack presented more of a problem.

On cue, sparks filled the air, bringing a blaze with them that immediately enveloped the area. Suddenly, Quintessa’s tiny form was bathed in fire, a blistering sensation of searing heat striking her nerves and coaxing a feral scream from her lips. Without hesitation, the speedster seized the only option she had for putting it out, before it cooked her alive.

She ran.

Fast enough that the rushing wind instantly displaced the air and cooled the fire on her body, but not so fast that the friction generated from her passage would create heat to stoke it. Accordingly, the fire was snuffed out quickly, at which point Quintessa was once more sliding to a halt within the forest surrounding the clearing, a little more than 220 meters away from the Jedi and the Dark Valkyrie. In that, the speedster immediately assessed her injuries. While she had only been in the fire for a few seconds, it was just enough time to burn skin through the protection afforded by her bodysuit. The pain from the burns panged from her lower legs, abdomen, and thighs, causing her features to twist in a grimace. Nevertheless, the fact that she could still feel them told her that the damage itself was not severe.

The speedster sucked in her breath. Control pain was a skill that she possessed, but only to a moderate degree. She worked to channel it, feeding some, but not all of the agonizing sensation back into her center of being, to be leveraged as fuel to power her use of the dark side.

She would simply have to bear the rest.

Once more, Quintessa gave a feral, earsplitting shriek as she surged ahead in a dead sprint, moving back towards the fight with the speed of a missile, intent upon finishing it.

The Jedi wanted to bargain. She sought to give him her best offer.

Was actually very friendly
Rather Teresa kept up her Cryokinesis to project a heavy cold mist the moment the pillar was erected, Mist kept dropping from her hands flooding the path ahead. In the low light and being visible enough from its heavy density, it was easy to tell with normal sight the mist had a hint of blue amongst the white. No doubt to the lizards eyes, he'd see such a deep cold with his natural thermal vision.

However it was her way to cover the attack that came. Red and black contained plasma receded back into the hilt of her blade she still held. Once the glow was gone it was suddenly followed by a lunge forwards in attempts to grab the Trandosian tightly in her arms.

Pellax lunged out of the obscuring mist, shockingly close and moving quickly for someone her size. She had a foot of height on Khefiir and maybe ten or fifteen pounds. Probably an edge for strength, too, but not by much.

Khefiir was still on his knees. As Pellax lunged in and stooped to grab him, she succeeded. Extremely strong arms closed around him.

He lunged up off his knees. The lightsaber in his hand ignited, point blank, aiming to cut off her left leg at the thigh: a textbook use case for Trakata.

Once more, Quintessa gave a feral, earsplitting shriek as she surged ahead in a dead sprint, moving back towards the fight with the speed of a missile, intent upon finishing it.

Khefiir's skillset was vanilla Jedi in all but one respect. He had trained under a Mist-Weaver, an eons-old tradition, and while he was no master weaver himself, he knew the fundamentals well. A dull filament, a line of tangible woven Force, took form between a nearby tree and the crumpled X-Wing. It did so at Quintessa Quintessa 's chest height. At the speeds she traveled, an impact with the suddenly conjured line might kill her outright. A decapitation was the best-case scenario. Other possible outcomes included diverting her course to buy time, knocking the wind out of her, breaking her ribs.

If Khefiir had one thing going for him, it was the extremely low probability that the Sith had faced a Jedi who could cast Summon Clothesline.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Khefiir Khefiir | Quintessa Quintessa

How her arms gripped tight like a vice, a binding force that gave hold an individual in an near unbreakable grip. She felt its moving, its squirming, it did squirm lots. She felt the heat against her leg as the jedi slashed and tried to cut free. It burned so wonderfully but did not cut, if not for the armor her Master helped adjust that leg would surely be gone. Her anger at the attempts to escape now was definitely shown as the woman bit into the back of the Lizards neck trying to tear flesh away.

Teresa wished she could see the expression for the next part as she began to laugh in a way one could call it an evil giggle. Carrying the Jedi into the clearing each blade she owned began to float in front of the two. One by one they fell into position as she carried on walking forwards slowing just as the Lightsabers began to make contact with the tips. She wanted it so scream out in pain, beg perhaps anything to sait her sadist tendencies. Four holes each where the joints met the torso burned, the smell of burning flesh was a scent that was as common, though did not make it less unpleasant.

All the Lightsabers pulled out and dropped to the floor. That vice like grip loosened while her hands shifted to taking the jedi's wrists and pulling them tight apart, enough to suspend Khefiir. "Dear, make it messy!" She directed to her comrade with a pleased expression. All the while the tension would gradually increase waiting for the sith.

Location: Capital City - Lohopa II
Time: Early Evening
Weather: Rain
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Khefiir Khefiir Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Quintessa’s Farsight flickered, then flared, projecting a gruesome image into her mind that took only a nanosecond to process. On cue, the speedster threw her legs forward, parallel with the ground, sending her body into a slide as she shifted her inertia in an effort to decrease her momentum. Moments later, she slid just underneath the Force-woven clothesline, having slowed down quite a bit in the process, but otherwise emerging unscathed.

“Clever…” Quintessa purred softly as she pushed herself back up onto her feet. All the while, the speedster watched as Teresa suspended the Jedi in the middle of the clearing. Her partner wanted her to make it messy, but by that point, Quintessa knew better.

Messes would have to wait. Her opponent was not so weak that she could defeat him in a reckless, explosive manner. Instead, she would have to end this swiftly, cleanly, and efficiently.

Accordingly, Quintessa launched herself ahead, fading into a blur as she sprinted along the edge of the clearing. Simultaneously, Passion was wound up and tossed towards the Jedi’s neck from 30 meters away, the lightchakram flying through the air with a speed rivaling that of a bullet.

Swiftly. Cleanly. Efficiently.

Was actually very friendly
Pinioned as he was, Khefiir couldn't get his saber up in time. The lightchakram passed cleanly through his neck in an interrupted heartbeat.

He retained consciousness for some moments after decapitation, but that consciousness mostly felt cold. The only warmth was the grass against his cheek, and the grass was his final thought.
Location: Capital City - Lohopa II
Time: Early Evening
Weather: Rain
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Khefiir Khefiir Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Moments After the Death of Khefiir

“The Jedi will have a body to burn.” Quintessa said as she deactivated her lightchakrams and walked towards the decapitated form of the fallen Jedi Knight. From there, the tiny speedster placed her weapons on her belt before glancing towards the spot in the grass where the Jedi’s severed head had come to rest. Then, with a soft grunt, the speedster pulled the head up from the ground and drew it towards her with the Force, before considering its inanimate, lifeless gaze with her own eyes.

“In retrospect, a mess would have been exciting, but also…indulgent.” Quintessa continued. “This however, sends a message that the Jedi won't so easily forget.” With that, the tiny Asa’nyx gently guided the head down next to the body, before allowing it to settle on the ground. “I will tell the Fellowship to leave the body undisturbed, for the Jedi to take whenever they arrive. It shouldn’t be long. Otherwise, I anticipate that the Eclipse Lords might seek to use it for their ritual.”

With that, Quintessa bent down to collect the fallen Jedi’s lightsaber—a supersized weapon in her comparatively small hands. After briefly studying it, the speedster offered it to her sister. They would present the lightsaber to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex together, as a token of their success.

Final Post.
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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Khefiir Khefiir | Quintessa Quintessa

Finally, that head fell fell with a satisfying thud. Her hands releasing the rest of the body a moments after. "Wait, your telling me the jedi come to collect the bodies.... just to burn them?" She asked partly puzzled by the notion asking a rhetorical question. "Such wasted effort. I thought everyone just left the bodies after." It was obvious that the woman did not view death as something to be mourned. Her attention snapped back to the smaller one. "Indulgent, yes, that's the reason why I would have, but I like your technique. The message would have been the same regardless though, one more of them is dead. Still glad it put up resistance at the end. That made it satisfying at least."

She watched as the Asa'nyx placed the head next to the body and even as far to inform someone about the non tampering of the corpse. The gesture lost completely on the Blackened Valkyrie though she did get how unique those around Kaine was. That name crossing her thoughts sure made the woman smile while looking at Quintessa inspect the lightsaber.

It was a rather... cute scene and as the woman reached out to give the lightsabers to Teresa, she dropped all the way down to one knee. With one hand she accepted the lightsaber, with the other the Epicanthix Valkyrie scooped Quintessa into the embrace of one arm. The action was fairly swift and a rather smooth motion. "My, a gift for my arsenal. I was gonna collect this." The woman spoke happily clipping it to the belt on the same side as the ancient and the old saber. "I dont have anthing for you though, suppose this is my first team kill... I will think of something. Anyway, you rest and hold tight. Your size is perfect, makes this a breeze if you do not mind me saying so. So hold tight, I don't mind where you grab."

She seemed in a fantastic mood while her other hand came to secure the smaller companion for what came next. Her wings rose high up after two steps and a hop, those giant wings beat down lifting the two further and eventually into the darkness of the skies.

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