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Too Many Masters In The Kitchen

Case in point...

Masters must be nominated by others of their faction... So someone makes a toon does massive threads in their tracker, most which are abandoned, and gets master in two months of joining. There is no character development and nothing is coherent. Oh but they have lots of threads so they must be good. Promotion happens... Toon gets killed three weeks later because the writer is bored...

This has happened several times... There needs to be more than IC thread count that spits out a master nomination. Unless a tank transfer no one should be able to go from rank 1 to 3 in two months...

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

Then the onus is on the faction masters to smarten up and read. That said, even if thread count is a flawed criterion, it seems that standards have risen by that measurement. A year, year and a half ago, you could get Master in the Republic with twenty, thirty threads. Without naming any names, people offered my Ithorian Boolon Murr a Master vote several times, at points when his thread count was under thirty, and he was not an exception by any means. (This isn't to say that all old Masters had skinny thread dossiers -- plenty of people went above and beyond.) Now it's more common to see 50-65 threads for a successful nominee, especially in the One Sith, and I can think of other factions that are deliberately trying to delay their own master votes to make their candidates ironclad. Any indicator of standards rising is a good sign.
On the Remnant thread Bucket mentioned that someone busted all his AT-ATs by throwing airspeeders with the force, so yea, it is a bit of a problem. But one that can be surmounted by base intelligence, take this.

On another site's thread, I played a Faleen Sith that had virtually no force power skill whatsoever, but I ended up being the leader of the galaxy. Why? Well, one of the other players was like the players were talking about, 'cept worse. He wanted his character to be almost exactly like Anakin Skywalker, so he made him uber, very uber. I manipulated him to be my apprentice, (Claiming we were "Equals") and used him to basically defeat all the other factions. Then I slapped on a Taozin amulet and back stabbed the sucker. And boom; Emperor Adar, (Well, my name wasn't Adar but you get the picture.)

The thing is, them being that, it's a disability, not an advantage. Sure they can turn you're AT ATs out, and a lot of people want to be all "Galen Marek" on ya. But they rely on the ability to be all-powerful so much, when they lose it, when it's countered, when they make a tactical mistake, they can't think on how to react.

So bring on your Ysalamirs, your Taozins, your cortosis, your force dead characters, heck even bring out lowly sonic grenades, the sound'll break their concentration.

And if all that fails, you've still got your OOC wits, and that's something you'll always have over the noobs.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Adar Bralor said:
On the Remnant thread Bucket mentioned that someone busted all his AT-ATs by throwing airspeeders with the force, so yea, it is a bit of a problem. But one that can be surmounted by base intelligence, take this.
That was a year ago. Some grudges don't die so easily.

Adar Bralor said:
On another site's thread, I played a Faleen Sith that had virtually no force power skill whatsoever, but I ended up being the leader of the galaxy.
That sounds awesome.
The way I see it. Force users have to put in the work to get those ranks, is it always fair, maybe not, but I'm not here to judge that. I'm here to Role play and tell awesome stories. If my NFU wants to tangle with a Jedi Master or a Sith Lord, and I haven't put in the work to acquire the goods to do so, i.e. dev threads for better gear, training threads to use cool things against them, then I should get the crap kicked out of me.

No one starts out being all powerful, everyone puts in a lot of time and effort to make their character what they envision them to be. Do the work and compose well crafted posts, think things through, and be prepared for when things go wrong and you'll win. Not all of the time, but everyone loses at some point. Losing builds character. but lose because things happened, not because you didn't come prepared to the fight.
Valiens Nantaris said:
[member="Jaron Lesan"]
Do you have specific examples of this?
As all masters are confirmed by the RPJs there's a duel layer they have to pass.
Yup what I cited is exactly what happened with a toon that I will not name here... if you want me to explain PM me.
A store to throw money at!

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