Bombshell Genius
"Ah yes, I can set the bone"
Setting the bone was a delicate operation, but at least [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] understood that no, Force-healing does not excuse the need for conventional precautions, such as setting bones when treating broken bones. That's part of a list of things several healers she knew would not do: performing orthopedic procedures of that nature without properly setting stuff could result in bent bones and other ailments that would not be what the patient would be looking for. Here she watched her student attempt to employ the same logic as one would use while welding. She knew broken bones, cuts were commonly-encountered injuries out on the field for Jedi, so better train new practitioners of Force-healing on that sort of things. Perhaps Jessica would have come to realize that chemistry-intensive Force-powers came very easily to her student, so much so that Taygeta may as well be learning Art of the Small through the backdoor, which is another Force-power usually considered to be intellect-intensive.
"You're much like an Art of the Small practitioner. Many Art of the Small practitioners tend to have a pretty good grasp of chemistry or of condensed-matter/molecular physics"
Setting the bone was a delicate operation, but at least [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] understood that no, Force-healing does not excuse the need for conventional precautions, such as setting bones when treating broken bones. That's part of a list of things several healers she knew would not do: performing orthopedic procedures of that nature without properly setting stuff could result in bent bones and other ailments that would not be what the patient would be looking for. Here she watched her student attempt to employ the same logic as one would use while welding. She knew broken bones, cuts were commonly-encountered injuries out on the field for Jedi, so better train new practitioners of Force-healing on that sort of things. Perhaps Jessica would have come to realize that chemistry-intensive Force-powers came very easily to her student, so much so that Taygeta may as well be learning Art of the Small through the backdoor, which is another Force-power usually considered to be intellect-intensive.
"You're much like an Art of the Small practitioner. Many Art of the Small practitioners tend to have a pretty good grasp of chemistry or of condensed-matter/molecular physics"