Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Total War | The Confederacy Invasion of Galactic Empire held Tatooine Hex


Current Location - Carthnout staging area
Objective - Secure GE Outpost
Allies - CIS
Enemies - GE

He hated Tatooine. Hated the heat. Hated the sand... He just despised this entire rock. To Jayce Tatooine was little more than a dusty hutt filled slag pit that was better off being blasted into oblivion.... But it was strategically important to the CIS therefore it was now important to Jayce.

Being a Sith Lord meant that Jayce would normally be glad in his all black garb, but seeing as his objective was to survive the battle and NOT have a heat stroke he had went with something a but lighter. During this fight he would be wearing little more than a pair of loose fitting black fatigues and combat boots and a pair of specializes black sunglasses to protect his sensitive eyes from the blinding Sun.... Being half Miralukan his eyes were sensitive to even normal lighting. He had chosen to stay bare chested so his enemies could see the tribalistic tattoing that covered nearly eighty percent of his body.... Plus he had been told that he was in desperate need of a tan.

His loadout was quite simple as well with twin single handed lightsabers clipped into his belt near the small of his back and Pryde's Corruption clipped to his right hip.. He was ready for battle. Now ready he made his way over to the others and listened to the orders.
CO: CPT Esoryuko Tobruk | XO: CMDR Gabriel Torc
Outer Rim | Arkanis Sector | Tatooine
Galactic Empire
[member="Ephraim Tarkin"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Chūichi Haasa"] | [member="Orin Valk"]
Confederacy of Independent Systems
[member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"]
The bridge ran mad with action as klaxons blared obnoxiously; crews firing reports and status checks between each other and Jorell the ensign engaged in an animated dialogue with Captain Tobruk from their respective seats. The captain himself was doing much of the hand gestures, raising his voice and spitting out orders as fast as Jorell could respond back. Gabriel himself was as busy as his superior, coordinating the ship status that was relegated to him.

For ships their size and caliber, both 'Boo!' and 'Success by Design' had already reached the 4th squadron's own corvette group and begun to establish a fighter-security blanket, sharing telemetry data and spreading out both for additional security against turbolaser fire and to extend their overlapping fields of fire against incoming fighters and missiles. The maneuver paid for itself as the next wave of missile and fighter barrages surged forward against the imperial squadrons, forcing gunnery crews to earn their pay.

Gabriel watched silently as little by little, their point-defenses chewed through the massive signature blob: 'Don't Blink' was already working full time on interdiction, carefully trailing behind the profile of the Inconsequential with her sister ship. More importantly however was the worrying, glaring warning sign on the situation table:

The ship had been tied together with the enemy's capital ship, and that's the least of their worries.

Charlie the Unicorn (Gabriel had to suppress a smile reading the name out loud) was burning fuel for them, and all of their EWS ships were screaming back the same thing: Run.

But the Inconsequential couldn't run, not like her smaller ships. She could stand and fight however, and as he glanced over to the captain on his command throne Gabriel couldn't help but feel they were going to see why command kept him grounded.

"Divert power from non-essential systems to shields!" barked the captain, getting off his throne and walking for the emergency supplies cabinet. "Ship, sound the alarm: all crew is to get to a rebreather station in 30 seconds and prepare for zero gravity. Begin venting oxygen out of the ship; work from the outermost compartments. Nav, input these maneuvering protocols and prepare to execute on my command!" The hails of the ensigns added to the noise: Tobruk returned to the table with a mask around his face, tossing a spare at Gabriel who caught it deftly.

"Gunnery, hold fire until my say so: Jorell, press for 'Intent' to hold fire until she sees us fire and somebody do something about those vampire signatures!?"

"'Desirable' says she's got our backs!" replied the zabrak with a rebreather on his face now.

The mask was too tight, Gabriel felt but it had enough battery power to keep him oxygenated for the better of an hour so long as he kept his breathing regulated. As soon as he felt the air temperature dropped the rebreather kicked into action and he breathed in the sterile air, trying not to cough at the dryness of it. Holding onto the railings of the situation table, he felt the jarring transition as the gravity generators were powered off- all around him, the crew were already strapped into their console stations with safety bars or free floating around the bridge carefully, sticking close to an object for the inevitable command to brace.

Even for a ship of her size, the combined weight of fire from the Charlie's guns was draining the deflector shields at an unsustainable rate, closing in the distance at a sluggish rate. The impact of the missiles bit a further chunk out of their shields, sending shockwaves through out the destroyer.

"Shields at 47%-"

"-atteries fully charged, awaiting comm-"

"-tent reports she's in position and awaiting command-"

"Nav, execute the maneuver protocols now! Gunnery, arm missile pods A1 to D10 and empty the damn things the moment we make contact- all crews, brace for impact!"

From the Charlie's perspective, the Inconsequential was shifting her entire body to angle her 'dagger point' to meet the incoming heavy cruiser; the maneuvering diminished the star destroyer's profile, no easy feat given its massive size. It however, managed to reduce incoming damage to its damaged flank. All this, while simultaneously 'dipping' its nose and engaging its engines to send the ship at a forward facing at a downward angle: were the Charlie's captain a smart man he'd be already regretting his decision to charge- alone.

Tucked safely behind her shadow, the two EWAR frigates had essentially projected a target interdiction blanket, in addition to its jamming duties on both [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] and [member="Muad Dib"] 's flagships. Yet while those two ships hid, the INV Peaceful Intent had no intentions of doing so, lagging behind the rest of the squadron and 'above' her parent ship, barrels glowing green in dire anticipation.

Then they hit.

Gabriel nearly dislocated both his shoulders at the terrible, grinding impact that rattled his bones: he glanced up and gaped in horror at the sight of his captain's arm, bent out of position- for all that he endured through clenched jaws, his orders came out clearer from the sharpness of his pain. "OPEN FIRE!"

Where bombarding each other at range afforded both parties the luxury of maneuvering out of the shots, at point blank there wasn't sufficient room to 'miss': though the Inconsequential's shielding flickered out the moment they made impact, and while the Unicorn had more light guns than the Imperial capital, Tobruk had several aces up his sleeve.

The Tyrant had 72 batteries of heavy turbolasers, a full complement of its missiles and most importantly, an entirely unmolested Victory-class Star Destroyer firing all batteries at the trapped ship: worse yet for both ships, neither could escape so long as their tractor beams remained engaged.

5th Squadron's own bomber squadrons capitalized on this, running bombing missions along the entire length of the cruiser and suffering their point-defense guns.

Gabriel quickly pushed himself forward and reached for the captain, wary of the man's broken arm. "Corpsma-" Esoryuko waved the man off and instead addressed his systems ensign.

"Damage report!"

And then Gabriel's blood chilled as the reports started running in.

Action Summary
INV 'Boo!' & INV 'Success by Design' forms AAA group with 'Coyote' & 'Fleetfoot' of Captain Haasa's 4th Squadron; the corvettes space themselves out to cover as much angles as possible with their point-defense cannons and begin to chip away at the missile/fighter screen headed towards the combined squadrons.
- INV 'Desirable Consequences' interdicts some of the missiles and torpedoes.
- INV 'Inconsequential' disables its gravity generators and vents all oxygen from the ship: the crew is now working in zero-G environment with rebreathers. Power is diverted from non-essential systems to shields; [member="Muad Dib"] 's combined missile and turbolaser barrage nearly cripples the 'Inconsequential's' shield regardless.
-INV 'Inconsequential' maneuvers itself to face Charlie the Unicorn at a downward angle; thus the ramming makes contact, but rather than a mid-ship penetration both ships shaves their sides, with the Imperial ship placing itself 'below' the Unicorn. 'Inconsequential' loses all shields and suffers hull damage. Visual Aid.
-'Inconsequential' and 'Peaceful Intent' opens fire on [member="Muad Dib"] 's capital flagship with all supplement of turbolaser batteries: over 200++ missiles are fired point blank in addition to a bombing run by the Inconsequential's Scimitars (12 bombers)
- INV 'Desirable Consequences' still attempts jamming [member="Muad Dib"] 's communications and INV 'Don't Blink' on [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] 's Subjudator as well.

Force Comp
1x Tyrant-class Star Destroyer - INV Inconsequential Difference in Opinions - 1700 meters

-1x Tie Fighter Squadron (24)
-1x Scimitar Assault Bomber MKII Squadron (12)

1x Victory IV-class Star Destroyer - INV Peaceful Intent - 900 meters
-2x Alpha-class XG2 StarWing (48)

2x Indictor II-class Electronic Warfare Frigate - 524 meters
- INV Don't Blink
- INV Desirable Consequences

2x Intersector II-class Sloop - 100 meters
- INV Boo!
-INV Success by Design
Kurenai Yumi

Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems Ancient Eye
Location: Drop Ships/Surface
Objective: Task Force Hurricane
Enemies: The Galactic Empire & Allies
Post: 5
Gear: LightSaber Yari, Armor, LMG

Yes it may have looked odd for Kurenai to bow almost every time she addressed [member="Darth Metus"] and [member="Srina Talon"] as well as those watching but it was customary of her adopted culture, more so as she meant her greeting to also be a slight apology for being late. Any orders she would be given looked to be on hold as [member="Anastasia Verd"] along with general [member="Katria Vekarr"] and their ground forces taking priority, droids unloading along with tank and other fighting vehicles. The clanking sound of robotic feet pressing against the sand eve noticeable besides is softening texture, it was rather exciting, it had been many centuries since Kurenai had participated in a galactic military campaign. Though the CIS dominion over nearby space had provided many skirmishes and combat events, this here, the Alliance, Confederacy and Silver Jedi against the Sith Empire, First Order and Galactic Empire war was on a whole new level.

Glancing around Kurenai decided to take in a bit more of the current situation, [member="Er'in Tenel"] standing a bit off to the side, her presence here being a little odd considering her lack of experience in war, though a one would not learn by sitting on the side lines. Up in the skies the battle already underway, [member="Jorco Czeku"] and his fighter wing battling against the empires fighters and ground AA, probably the Rodian wanting the ground forces to start their attack as soon as possible. This only edged on the the bellowing sound of the on and only [member="The Matador"] over the com links informing Metus and the Echani, informing them about that their forces were set and ready for action, "Metus of the ancient eye" she mused to herself in a nostalgic tone. "I have a score to settle with him, he sounds even more, angry then when I last saw him, how people change".

Whatever the case all the veteran mercenary could do was wait until she received orders all the battle started, though on such an open area pitch battle and huge guns, on either side, her presence may not be much of a tide tuner, that was until they made it into the base, that is where the fun would begin.
Attn: [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] | [member="Galven Hansol"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Ephraim Tarkin"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Esoryuko Tobruk"]
  • 1st Fleet
    In Orbit of Tatooine

    Allies: CIS & Allies
    Enemies: GE & Allies
    Mission Objectives: Crush, Kill and Destroy
Fighter Complement:

  • Engaged [member="Aram Kalast"]'s forces
  • Turned the fleet at a 45 degree angle alongside the CIS fleet
  • Valiant-class Star Destroyers fired long range torpedoes at the enemy fleet, to cover the advance of the Adjudicators
  • Adjudicator-class Star Destroyers advanced with escorts to the front, then fired a salvo against the Conqueror-class Star Destroyers
  • Fighters and Ardan II Frigates repositioned to provide anti-fighter cover to the adjusted formation
  • Admonitor-class Cruisers and Chiselhead Corvettes providing support to the rest of the fleet
  • Storm Wolf-class Star Destroyers and Invictus-class Battlecruiser opened fire against the two Praetor IV Battlecruisers
  • Invictus-class Battlecruiser fired its main weapon (composite beam laser) at one of the two Praetor IV Battlecruisers


The tension mounted and mounted until it was so thick it could be cut with a knife. They called it the calm before the storm, that anticipation which seemed to stretch out forever, of the moment when the two sides would clash. Such was the way of things during battle. Then, the imperial ships arrived and sky and sensor lit up with enemy contacts. The tension shattered almost like glass, sudden and jarring, but Wolfe and his men did not flinch, for they had seen this a thousand times before. Such was the way of things during battle.

"Lord of Admirals, we are detecting two enemy fleets emerging on our flanks," one of the bridge officers reported, as was standard protocol, although Wolfe could already see what was happening on the big holotable at the center of the bridge, which gave a tactical display of the battle. He smiled. Classic pincer movement, he thought. How very... imperial.

He was not unprepared for this, however, and although it inconvenienced him, it did nothing to disrupt his plans, for the imperials had no idea what was in store for them. "Execute phase two," he ordered calmly, instructing his fleet to carry out the second part of their plan. "Realign the fleet in a forty-five degree angle from the Confederate armada. Position the Adjudicator-class Star Destroyers between us and the Conqueror-class Star Destroyers on our flank and have them execute a synchronized salvo against them. Have the Invictus target the first of the two Praetor IV-class Battlecruisers and synchronize with the Storm Wolf-class Star Destroyers for a salvo. Order the rest of the ships to engage at will, but have the corvettes and fighters maintain positions."

As the imperial forces under Aram Kalast concentrated on the Confederate vessels, Wolfe's fleet turned, firing as it did. Meanwhile, phase two of Wolfe's plan had begun with the arrival from hyperspace of two Indoctrination-class interdictor frigates, borrowed from the Confederacy for this specific operation. Using data transmitted from the Invictus, the two frigates jumped right in the middle of the Shrouded Republic's formation and immediately activated their gravity well generators, thus preventing the enemy from running away, or performing anymore microjumps and their position meant that they would be well protected.

The Valiant-class Star Destroyers fired next, launching a volley of long range proton torpedoes to cover the advance of the Adjudicators, which moved to the front of the fleet and simultaneously opened fire on the enemy Conqueror-class Star Destroyers, every shot synchronized so that they would all hit at the same time. Admonitor-class Light Cruisers defended their flanks, supported by Chiselhead corvettes and the fleet's fighters redeployed alongside the Ardan II-class frigates to provide an anti-fighter screen for the entire fleet.

At the heart of the fleet, the five Storm Wolf-class Pursuit Star Destroyers turned slowly, but surely, along with the massive Invictus, until they finally came face to face with their target. Every turbolaser, ion cannon and hypervelocity gun they and the battlecruiser had, fired at once, mimicking the same maneuver which the Adjudicators had performed, this time aimed at the two Praetor-class Battlecruisers.

Then, the sky split in half.


At the heart of the fleet, the Invictus had been charging up its main weapon. As it lined up with one of the Praetors, the two composite beam emitter arrays fired, twelve beams merging into two, two beams merging into a spear of blinding light which seemed to rip the universe in two as it traversed space at the speed of light. It was as if someone had taken a bit of the sun and threaded it through a needle and the beam would be visible across the entire hemisphere of the planet that was facing towards the battle above. For one full second, the sky screamed and filled with crimson light that promised bloody death to its enemies. For one second, the Invictus seemed like a god which had turned its angry glare upon the focus of its ire.

The imperials have come like banthas to the slaughter, Wolfe thought as he watched the Invictus unleash its punishing firepower on the enemy. So began the Shrouded Republic's campaign against the Galactic Empire. And the bloodthirsty, vindictive spacers aboard the Shrouded Republic's fleet, were prepared to unleash upon the Empire an atrocity not seen since the destruction of Alderaan: complete annihilation.




Side: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Objective:Task Force windstorm (Team 3)
Enemies: The Galactic Empire & Allies
Post: 4

He nodded to [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] and already kept his senses on high alert on the area around them, He heard the conversation that [member="Scherezade deWinter"] was having about how open they are and how vulnerable the sand crawlers are, He would have commented sooner but [member="Katria Vekarr"] and @BX_25233 already where explaining why to her and the conditions it would require for the crawler to get so heated. He simply kept walking to the sand crawler and headed on in as Kat waited for him and the others, The moment he entered the sand crawler he went to find the highest point inside the crawler that had a view area for him to see out of without leaving them exposed to much. Once he found his spot he sat down near the viewing port and started sharpening his blades as he felt the Crawler spurr to life and start moving north to the Fields and hopefully a safe and uneventful trip to the palace is in store but that might not be the case here.

○ - Theme - ○

○ - Aboard the INV 'Imperial Diplomacy' - ○
CO: Chūichi Haasa, CAPT | XO: Noval Tymon, CMDR
Outer Rim | Arkanis Sector | Tatooine

○ - Objectives - ○

○ - Defend Tatooine from CIS invasion efforts - ○
○ - Engage with and destroy CIS naval assets in orbit of Tatooine - ○
○ - Live to tell about it - ○


One of the sailors at his console called out over the clamor, "Scratch one fat-man!"

For some present the report hadn't been necessary. Captain Haasa could watch on the holographic display as the red target indicator of a CIS carrier was slashed through and grayed out before fading. The first blow against an enemy was always something worth celebrating. Some part of him imagined those bodies adrift in the vacuum and years let him see how odd it was that they were celebrating what they most feared for themselves.

Yet the cheers and excitement were reigned in as every person in the room and across the whole of the squadron knew they had greater tasks ahead of them. The most pressing issue of all was first found in the form of the klaxons that began to sound: a target lock. Target locks. Too many for even a dedicated team of EWAR specialists to defeat entirely.

The Commander called out, "Multiple vampires incoming!"

"How many?!"


Four corvettes - two from his own squadron and two further from 5th - and the frigate 'Picket Runner' were the most formidable tangible defense between the 'Imperial Diplomacy' and the incoming barrage. The crews of the collective EWAR ships were some of the best in their field. The gunners on the point-defense systems were some of the best in the Grand Empire. And yet numbers were a formidable foe in any battle and this was no different. What happened next was a spectacular light-show for any within visual distance to watch. The first blasts started just ahead of the assembled point-defense line when the first 'vampires' were torn to ribbons by counter-fire.

It carried as a rippling, fattening wave towards the squadron flagship looming to the rear of it all. And then it washed over against her shields like a tidal storm.

Chūichi was educated enough to know that sound couldn't exist without a medium to vibrate.

Over the next moments he became aware of just how effective a medium the hull of his cruiser was. He found himself clutching at the table again as the rumble of an angry god carried through the ship and up into the core of his chest. Oh her own point-defense had done a number on the incoming fire yet damage was undeniable. Just how much was the mystery needing solved.

"All stations report in!"

Throughout the CIC various sailors chimed in with their reports. The shields had temporarily failed out but engineering was saying they thought it a temporary loss. In the interim the upper half of the hull had received quite the vicious battering.

"Sir. Sections A7 on a through-line to D11 have lost atmosphere. We aren't getting anything on internal comms." If he didn't know her better, he'd have sworn he just watched the Commander turn a shade pale.

He consoled her the only way that worked on a hard-cut sailor like her, "They had their training. They had to have been getting their masks on."

And again if he didn't know better he'd have seen the briefest hint of fear in those amber eyes, "There were a lot of rookies down there, sir."

"We don't have anymore rookies today, Commander. Now I need you to focus. Do you understand?"

He watched her swallow deeply and mumble something with eyes downcast at the hologram platform.

Not good enough, "Do you. Understand. Commander?"

That seemed to stir her, "I said aye, sir!"

The fire was back in that amber. Good. "Karking excellent, Commander. Now what's the status?"

Commander Tymon was quick to answer him now. "Shields are slowly coming back around. We took damage to armor plating and possibly the super-structure. Weapons say they are still functional and engineering reports engines are still fully functional. We'll get casualty reports as sections have them." Relief was evident as it flashed over her features.

"What about the rest of the squadron?"

"Relatively untouched. 'Picket Runner' said it looked mostly as if the fire went for us and left a good deal of the squadron untouched. Minor damage to some shields but overall nominal, considering. And 'Picket Runner' also reports that she's set to work on repairing her engines and that she's vented atmosphere in forward compartments to combat the fires."

Another wave of relief passed through the CIC. With shaking breaths. A barked order saw men and women throughout the room quickly donning oxygen masks as faith in the CIC's stand-alone armor and compression waned with recent reports. Across the whole of the squadron where it hand't already been passed down the order was given. For the less experienced crew now was about the time the heavy weight in their stomachs grew yet more.

Chūichi pushed off from the table and started storming to the weaponry station, "Helm bring us about: heading 117, corrective nav. Gunnery, give me master-guns!"

"Correcting 117 off the bow, aye sir!"

"Master-guns is live. Master-guns live!"

The Captain came to stand at the weapons station where the "Master-Guns" lever sat. A bulky almost joystick-looking throttle that sat well and aside from the operator's main controls. A solid red light at its base and on the button atop it let the Captain know that it was very much life: that every main and secondary gun that could face forward was moved to do so and linked at the trigger to this one control. He waited and watched displays as the 'Imperial Diplomacy' turned the whole of her mass to be more finely bow-on with the 'Gambler's Fate' so that every gun would be given its optimal freedom to aim.

His lips were pressed in a tight line as gripped the lever in one hand and the station officer's shoulder in the other, "Do you see that ship, Ensign?"

The junior officer's eyes were affixed forward on his monitor and watching the 'Gambler's Fate', "Aye, sir."

The lever came slamming back. A rather unique klaxon sounded throughout the ship.

Five seconds later the lever came slamming forward and the whole main and secondary battery opened up targeted for the mid-ships of the 'Gambler's Fate'.

One raging god struck out at another as a heavy rumbling carried through the whole vessel aimed for that one, singular target. The rest of the squadron took note.

After the main and secondary batteries had fired on the 'Gambler's Fate' - accompanied by a voley of 24 missiles from the 'Imperial Diplomacy' - 4th Squadron began to align with priority targets among the enemy fleet.

With that announcement the whole of the squadron seemed to pick their targets as the split into separate groups of action.

'Imperial Diplomacy' led the largest of the two groups out. It was she, the 'Nobleman', 'Circuit Burner', 'Moonbird' and 'Picket Runner' who all began to turn their attention to the 'Gambler's Fate'. They put the relatively 'light' make-up and break from the Imperial norm that their squadron embodied in order to outmaneuver a more typical star destroyer or contemporary vessel. And they followed the cue of their core ship in short order after the blistering fire from the flagship. Though unlike the heavy escort cruiser they spread their fire out among the three remaining carriers and the apparently fleeing guardian vessel that valiantly worked to keep them shielded behind her bulk.

'War Maiden' blased her own trail as she pushed away from the others. Or rather she blazed her own trail just long enough to see her sleeping inside the protective envelope of the 'Peaceful Intent's' point-defense and secondary batteries. Her captain had eyed the daring move made by the enemy fleet's commander and were asked he would have formally sent a commendation for the man's bravery. A nose-on ram to counter-act a tractor beam hook? That was the sort of thing more aspiring naval officers needed to be taught to think of in the academy these days. But they should also be taught the downfalls of it, such as focusing the whole of one's main batteries on one ship with another heavily armed cruiser at your high stern.

This time 'Charlie the Unicorn' and her crew would be able to feel the blistering heat of those heavy turbolasers. It was another full battery salvo intended to rake up and down the length of 'Charlie's' top half. Perhaps that would be enough to weaken or destroy her shields. Or in a more perfect world it might be so lucky as to catch the shields failing from the ram and thus hit the armor and hull beneath.

General Actions
○ - Several missiles defeated by continuing EWAR and point-defense systems.
○ - Moderate damage suffered throughout the interior of INV 'Imperial Diplomacy'
○ - INV 'Picket Runner' initiating repairs on engines and successfully quelled internal fires.
○ - 'Imperial Diplomacy', 'Nobleman' and 'Moonbird' have moved to close distance with the 'Gambler's Fate' and carriers.
○ - Escorting fighter screen has stayed among the mentioned vessels as point-protection and interception screening.

Group 1
○ - 'Imperial Diplomacy'. 'Nobleman', 'Circuit Burner', 'Moonbird' and 'Picket Runner' orient towards 'Gambler's Fate' and carriers.
○ - Fighter screen moves with 'Imperial Diplomacy' group to act as fighter screen against approaching star-craft within envelope of point-defense.
○ - General volley fire against the 'Gambler's Fate' and carriers.
○ - Focused main, secondary, and missile battery fire by the 'Imperial Diplomacy' against the 'Gambler's Fate'.

Group 2
○ - 'War Maiden' has oriented to move more towards 'Charlie' and 5th Squadron, within the protective envelope of 'Peaceful Intent'
○ -
○ -

4th Squadron, 4th Fleet - "4th of the 4th" - The Red Javelin

INV 'Imperial Diplomacy'
○ - Vindicator IV-class escort cruiser
○ - 700 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, TIE/LN Mark IV starfighters
- ○ - Various non-combat/support craft

INV 'Nobleman'
○ - Vindicator II-class escort cruiser
○ - 600 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, Scimitar assault bombers
- ○ - 2x squadrons, TIE/IN Mark IV starfigthers
- ○ - 4x Sentinel transport shuttles
- ○ - Various non-combat/support craft

INV 'War Maiden'
○ - Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
○ - 600 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, TIE/M starfighters

INV 'Moonbird'
○ - Imperial Pilum-class frigate
○ - 435 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, TIE/M starfighters
- ○ - 1x Sentinel transport shuttle

INV 'Picket Runner'
○ - Tempus-class frigate
○ - 375 meters, total length

INV 'Circuit Burner'
○ - Indictor II-class EWS frigate
○ - 262 meters, total length

INV 'Coyote'
○ - Velox-class Corvette-Gunship
○ - 150 meters, total length

INV 'Fleetfoot'[/b]
○ - Velox-class Corvette-Gunship
○ - 150 meters, total length

○ - Enemies - ○
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Associated allied forces
[member="Muad Dib"]

○ - Allies - ○
Galactic Empire, the First Order
Associated allied forces
[member="Esoryuko Tobruk"] | [member="Ephraim Tarkin"]​

Dalton Kenway


Side: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Objective: Task Force Windstorm (Team 3) [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Darth Saethus"] | [member="Akabane"] | [member="Chalim Vern"] | [member="Amadi the Banished"] | [member="Riggs"] | [member="BX-25233"] | [member="Katria Vekarr"]
Enemies: The Galactic Empire | [member="Esmond Morcus"] | [member="Digam Merith"] | [member="Koenrad Neistov"] | [member="Anse Tahvo"]
"You shout the second anything appears out of the ordinary," he called to [member="Rapax"] as he went to the higher levels.

The Sandcrawler was quite cool, away from the twin suns, but it wouldn't be too long before it became uncomfortable on another less-than-luxurious ride across the plains to the palace.

Dalton took a seat on-top of a pile of square and rectangular junk to the corner, sat by an open grille for some fresh air and also a little view outside to the pale oranges and sky blue. The lumbering engine roared to life and the treads began to crawl. Much like their previous transport, apart from the restraints, the crew rocked this way and that from the motion.

Resting his hand on the butt of his rifle, the Corellian looked around and pursed his lips.

"Anyone got any amusing stories to tide us out of this trip before the Empire spots us?" A thought dawned on him. "That's a point - does anyone have communication with air support? The Empire is going to call in a TIE squad for back-up, so I think it would pay for us to have a few ships standing by to swoop in and take them out to give us a fighting chance."

He kicked himself for not arranging something sooner so he knew just what he was getting into.

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
Location: Tatooine High Orbit
Enemies: GE, [member="Atticus Rhein"]
Allies: CIS, [member="Jorco Czeku"]
Objective: Airspace Superiority over Tatooine

"Commander, incoming priority message." Szabla Two said over the communicator to Azrik.
"What is it now Szabla Two?" Azrik asked.
"Task force hurricane has been engaged by enemy fighters. K-Wing bombers are being engaged, airspace is contested.
"Roger that Two." Azrik adjusted his HUD and scanned over the radar and avionic displays to get a read on enemy positions. "Priority Redirect. All Szabla units hostile fighters are the new objective, prepare for atmospheric combat. Enemy has multiple multi-role fighters and a squadron of eyeballs "

The red fighter spiraled down from space with Szabla Wing, a wing of CSX-001s. Given the readout of enemy starfighters, Azrik hoped that the interceptors would shred those TIE Fighter deployed by the garrison and take down the XG-2s without breaking a sweat. As they swooped down to engage they would have the initial advantage in altitude, which would provided a great opportunity for a High-side guns pass. However he needed those K-Wings to hold their current course. "G1 this is Szabla Lead. Air support incoming. Maintain your flight pattern. I'll shoot them off your tails."

Diving down towards the XG-2s his Rassilon-Class Corusca Wings Custom's vulcan blaster spun to life, blaster firing spewing out at the lead enemy fighter. The CSX-001s followed in suit each targeting a XG-2 and firing in a quick dive and climb pattern.

Location: About a Mile away from the GE Outpost
Objective: Provide Long Range Fire Support for [member="The Matador"] and coordinate Artillery Fire on the GE Base.
Equipment: In sig and wampa
Allies: CIS and Buddies
Enemies: GE and Buddies ([member="Anya Malvern"] and [member="Adron Malvern"] directly)
Mythos Sniping Theme song

"I have you covered Cheiftan, save some for me and if you see a knight of ren. He's mine."

Preparing to shoot the wampa was an ordeal, the gear he had on was several layers of plasteel and insulated synthmesh as well as durasteel plating. The sheer power of the weapon he was about to operate meant that Mythos needed to be protected from head to toe in armor to not die from the explosion of the weapon. Beside him several soldiers of the NSF that aided in the set up of the weapon and to calculate windage, distance, elevation and all the other number crunching needed to make shots count at this distance and with this weapon. The scope and sights were down, tripod was set up, Mythos had assumed a prepared prone firing position and began to get a read on enemy positions.

"This is Paw Paw specter to AR-Seven Blue. Prepare to copy"

"Seven Blue. Send it"

He needed the reading for the compound to feed the artillery barrage, "The hammer of Angramar" was a type of system that required old school, infantry call for fire in order to make it work. Seven Blue was the 51st Artillery regiment, specialized in working this specific weapon system. A toggle here and there in the scope, several C.A.R.G.S. system layouts into his HUD and the help of the bellator battlenet gave him the reading of the enemy compound piece by piece.

"Grid. Seven, Four, Seven, Fife, Niner, Delta, Garond. Break" A pause, two clicks on the scope as he acquired his target and allowed Seven Blue to get the numbers he sent out. "Eight, Niner, Faour, Fife, Tree, Holo, Bravo."

A pause, static in the transmission. Over behind the lines Seven Blue calculated trajectory, aimed the seven guns to the target and let loose a volley so absolutely deafening that Mythos heard it distinctive from where he was firing from.

"Fire Out"

"Fire Out"

It was as if nothing crossed the sky, then like the hand of god a good half a mile behind the enemy compound the round of baradium tipped destruction detonated like a nuclear bomb. Mythos smiled at the raw display of power, it was exactly as he expected. It would take some time to recalculate and prime so this was when he could take his shot.

"Splash out"

"Splash out"

Two ticks on the scope, distance meter calculation and estimation of ground elevation calculated. A nod from his team and the second call was sent.

"Drop three, fire again"

"Dropping three, re-position"

It would take time and Mythos now had time to set up and fire on the enemy with his own weapon. Moving the weapon in the tri-pod to the enemy army Mythos adjusted the settings of fire to full power, consuming the magazines internal source of power into a single blast and readying his shoulder for the impact of the recoil. In the distance he saw walkers, Imperial AT-STs no less. Slow, big and not too heavily armored. Mythos got comfortable, controlled his breath, focused on the enemy in sight and the cockpit of the AT-ST and began his trigger squeeze. As he squeezed on the trigger of the colossal weapon he let the air go from his lungs. Boom.

A composite beam monstrosity of a laser blast left the rifle effectively leveling the damn side of the rock he used for cover and the shot went straight for the AT-ST's cockpit at roughly two and half miles perfectly calculated. The recoil took the breath that he did not have from his lungs as he was kicked back a full three feet from the blast and knocking those flanking him off balance into the rocky surface. It would take some time for another shot.

Summary of actions
Began calculating Artillery shells on the enemy base. Took a shot at an AT-ST with the Wampa
Location-outskirts of the garrison
Objective-survive hell
Allies-GE whoever rescues me?
Enemies-death [member="Aya Clarke"]

She looked to her sister blinking, taking a step back she shook her head as she took a deep breath and swallowed looking away then shook her head. No she couldn't do this...this was way to hard for her, she hugged her tightly as she teared up and let herself break as she sobbed against her. She held her right and looked behind her seeing the droids coming closer and closer to the base

Pushing her sister back she swallowed again and wiped her tears from her own face then her sisters...She spoke

whatever happens I love you sister, don't ever forget that you understand....please get back safely....may the force be with you only sibling

She stood and took off running glancing back then put the force to her step as she moved a bit faster, she kept running as she knew the droids would see her and likely start firing her chest ached as she ran seeing the garrison draw closer and closer

Then that horrible whistling started again, she turned and looked up watching the rounds spring through the air. Then suddenly as of time slowed she turned and screamed out as they impacted all around. BOOM! followed by the world shaking, suddenly it all sped as a round impacted nearby her and she was caught within its blast
Her ears rung as she laid on her back her entire left side covered in burns of varying degrees. That wasn't the worst part, her arm and a bit of her leg was missing. She reached out towards the twin suns

<is this how I die? On the planet I was born? In the middle of a battlefield littered with dead?>

She tried speaking but couldn't...She teared up and they fell down her face, she made a fist and her wounds suddenly cauterized as she screamed out in pain. She rolled to her belly and attempted to crawl back, but stopped as she broke down the pain simply just to much....She felt this was the end

[member="Muad Dib"] would have to wait.

Caal I'dadr had his orders.

"Prepare the men and our fighters, I fear our vod do not have much time in this battle against the Imperials," he referred to their orbital brawl, on the ground it was a different story. Aboard the Onderon and the Dxun, the twin Kandosaii dreadnoughts, while ancient had been restored to their former glory. They marched through hyperspace with a large group of warships their goal was to make a drop on Tatooine behind the garrison the twin dreadnoughts alone would bear many at arms, but the ships in their wake some boasted five hundred troops others a mere handful but together the might of Concord Dawn, Wayland, Dxun, Onderon and Sundari. Those who had answered the call of Clan Verd and their minor houses were with Caal the chosen naval leader on Amaya's behalf.

Even now, as Amaya transmitted what she could, he knew that the Imperials would hold strong. They would send their hundreds of ships in a show of power and the Confederacy would bear her teeth, and with a little help from the Mando'a she would do more than just bear her teeth. "Has Amaya been informed?"


"Good, now alert our A'lor."

A Mandalorian worked up the transmissions to [member="Darth Metus"] and by proxy [member="Aya Clarke"].

"Alor cuun likr cuyir gebi chaaj mhi hwa sol'yc o'aryihida daab bat Mayui'u miak jigr at gotal'ur eskarie tal'galar," he transmitted to their Chief, indicating that they would set foot on Tatooine first then turn their guns on the Imperials. Reinforcements were indeed on their way, but unfortunately, travel was the issue even as the Mandalorians did all they could to achieve an earlier arrival time. They only had to hope and pray that the Confederacy forces could hold on just a little while longer.


Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle

  • Commanding Officer: General "Ser" Aya Clarke of the Iron Crusade's naval command droid
  • Allegiance: CIS
  • Currently: In Space
  • Post: 5

The CIS naval command droid left behind by General Clark as she set foot to the surface had not been idle, no. Instead, it had been working to ensure every transport available had been primed and launched, ensuring that Operation Kingsfall was on the best foot possible. During this time, they had unloaded every fighter from their transports, even those from the destroyed vessels, having managed to scramble their fighters prior to the destruction of one providence and one lucrehulk early on in the wild barrage from the Hypervelocity guns. This gave a grand total of 5,200 vulture droids, leaving the droid in charge of a rather significant force. And, with the transports gone, it was now free to engage in the battle around it, freed of its standard obligations.

To do so, the droid had all forces report their status. Of the five Lucrehulks remaining, the substantial shielding had prevented three from taking damage, yet the positioning of two had caused some distress. Two of the Lucrehulks had taken some minor structural damage in the fire from the surface, though by some miracle the three providence class ships had yet to take on water, so to speak. The droid would've sighed if it could, instead it began to assess the situation, and respond appropriately. There was one fleet that needed their assistance above the others, and the droid knew what needed to be done.

"Providence class cruisers are to prime their weapons and activate thermal shielding. Move between Task Force Unicorn and their opposition. Lucrehulks are to prime weapons and maintain shields, but otherwise remain back. Fighters, engage the enemy at will."

Orders issued and received, the ships began to move into position. The three Providence class ships began the process of priming their weapons, their thermal shielding activating as they moved to provide a 'barrier' between Maud's forces and the enemy attacking them. At the same time, safely in the back of the fight, the Lucrehulk weapon systems were similarly primed, their shields maintaining themselves as the commanding skeleton crews kept the ships safely in the rear of the fight. The droid fighters, ever loyal, almost seemed bloodthirsty as the force some thousand strong began to rocket towards their foe.

Soon enough the Providence cruisers would be in position, and the fighters would begin taking the fight to the Empire yet again, as their troops were down below.

Naval Personnel:
[member="Aram Kalast"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"]
[member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Ephraim Tarkin"] [member="Esoryuko Tobruk"] [member="Galven Hansol"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Chūichi Haasa"] [member="Muad Dib"]

Fleet of the Iron Command Droid

Numbers are expressed as percents of the whole of the group rather than individuals.

Summary of Actions

  • Moved remaining three Providences into defensive formation between Maud and attackers.
  • Activated Providence Thermal Shields.
  • Primed all weapons across fleet.
  • Fighters have engaged the enemy.

  • Commanding Officer: General "Ser" @Aya Clarke of the "Iron Crusade"
  • Wearing: Knightly Armor (in sig)
  • Carrying: Knightly Sword, Gifted Lightsaber (both in sig)
  • Allegiance: CIS
  • Currently: On the Surface of Tattooine (Imperial Garrison)
  • Post: 4

With fighters in the air keeping the TIE fighters off of her forces, were the Imperial troops really going to hide behind their walls? She could not blame them, a siege was not an easy thing to stand against. However, there were many ways to break a siege.. by shattering the gates, by storming the walls, starving them out, or by knowing of a secret passage and holding a warrior fit to use it. While Aya could not afford the latter two, and lacked the ability to 'climb' over the enemy's fortifications, she did have soldiers a plenty. Well, droids, soldiers were there but not of her own command, as far as the woman knew. Or at least, not those who would respect her enough to let her lead. That suited her fine.

She would lead by example anyways.

"Begin forward advance! Line one provide cover for the troops, Lines two through five move into siege positions and begin firing at will. All droids, advance! We will take the garrison and fly our banner proudly by day's end!" She ignited her lightsaber, the brilliant blue blade springing from the phrik crossguard hilt, and she pointed the weapon forward as the forces began moving as ordered. The hundred thousand footsteps, muffled by sand, still rang in the air from sheer volume as the army began to march upon the Garrison, the first line of two hundred AAT's moving so as to protect the troops behind.

It was as the second and third lines moved into position that Aya noticed a woman taking fire, and falling in the battlefield. She cursed to herself, and activated a shield gauntlet in her left hand. She simply could not sit by and watch this... enemy or no. Any blaster fire directed at her, that which might not be fired at the tanks anyways, if not missing outright, would be stopped by her armor, which would mostly absorb it, or the shield which did it for her. Perhaps even a few would be clumsily deflected on accident by her saber. Whatever the case may be, she reached the fallen woman well ahead of the army, and checked her for signs of life swiftly.

Not dead.

Good. She sighed and deactivated her weapon, picking up the woman and slinging her around her shoulders not unlike a fireman might. The second shield activated, partly to protect the woman she was carrying, and she began to make as fast a movement to safety as she could. Along the way she spoke to the woman, her voice strained a bit from exertion. "Can you hear me? Miss, are you able to hear me? Groan twice if you can." While waiting on the response, she quickly activated her coms, reaching towards [member="Amaya Cardei"] and her troops, alongside anyone with sufficient supplies...

"This is General Clarke, I have one woman with me, injured, unsure of her status. She's alive at the moment, but needs medical treatment. Unsure of her reason for being here but I insist she be granted treatment posthaste. Do your troops have sufficient field medical supplies to treat her?"

Action Summary:
  • 200 AAT's begin moving towards the garrison.
  • All 124,000 droids begin advancing.
  • Aya Clarke rushes to rescue a woman (Anya Malvern) from no-man's-land.
  • Aya calls for medical assistance while making her return.
Army Composition:
112,000 B1 Droids (1000 MTTs) - Deploying -
12,000 B2 Droids (1000 MTTs) - Deploying -
2,792 AATs
1 General Aya Clarke

CIS Team Hurricane Tag List
[member="Darth Metus"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Aryn Teth"] [member=Kilia] [member="Anastasia Verd"] [member="Darth Atrox"] [member="Aoker Veru"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="The Matador"] [member=Mythos] [member=Nyx] [member="Amaya Cardei"] [member="Jorco Czeku"]

GE Tag List:
[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Anse Tahvo"] [member="Seto Du Couteau"] [member="Zesiro"] [member="Koenrad Neistov"] [member="Vrapir Detta"] [member="Fedrig"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Digam Merith"] [member="Amun"] [member="Esmond Morcus"]
Aerial Assault - Garrison
Allies: The Confederacy, The Ancient Eye, The Galactic Alliance​
Enemies: The Galactic Empire​
Long ago, a Gogi sat before the future - young, untested Mandalorians who were much too eager for their own good. At the front of his peers sat a sable-skinned boy who seemed to cling to his every word. Within the wrinkled hand of the teacher was a stick, and with this tool did he doodle into the parched sands of Mandalore. When faced with a mountain, the average man may attempt to cut through it. he said, drawing a large triangle to represent a Spire. Others may attempt to go around it...but we always go over it. He drew a curve up and over the mountain. The sky is our playground vode. We do not punch through their fortifications. We do not besiege their walls. We take the heavens away from them.

In the present, the old Gogi’s life had long since come to an end, but his lessons yet rang within Darth Metus’ ears. As he rode astride the Basilisk War Droid, hearkening to the missives sent over the comms by his alabaster Apprentice, the next move did he begin to plan. The opening salvo of proton beam fire tore through the air and bit into the enemy Garrison. Its walls did not crumble from this opening assault, no...for that would be too easy. And although duracrete and smoke blew skyward from the various impacts, the walls continued to stand. Good. It would have been a shame for the battle to have ended so quickly. Yet, before pressing his assault further, he listened to what his Apprentice had to say. [member="Aryn Teth"] had seen a rough ride to the planet’s surface...he was alive, though his forces were no doubt as diminished as the Vicelord’s due to the anti-aircraft defenses. It was only a matter of time before he rallied to their position.

What’s more, [member="Mythos"] and [member="The Matador"] of the Ancient Eye were inbound as well. Squinting, the Sith wordlessly directed the rangefinder and macrobinocular viewplate of his helm to work in tandem. Together, they afforded him a base view of their allies’ movements towards their landing zone. Initially, the Sith did not answer the information afforded to him, for his raised saber lowered first. Along with this motion did a new order bellow from his lips: ”Reload!” The J-1s, being the archaic powerhouses that they were, required precious seconds between attacks to see the next rounds loaded into their chambers. And whilst the accompanying droids accomplished this task, Darth Metus turned his attention to Srina.

Trust me.
The words were uttered not by mouth.

They came from the Bond shared between them.

Countless threads woven by the Force united Master and Apprentice. They emanated with emotion and thoughts that no other being in the Galaxy could so readily witness. Yet now, these streams converged - manipulated by the hands of the Vicelord. He opened the floodgates...He opened himself to the alabaster warrior. The whole of what it meant to be Darth Metus - his desires, his fears, his hopes, his ambitions - would first was over Srina like a mighty tide. And in its wake was experience: a lifetime’s worth of instinct which now roiled into her being. Everything he knew. Everything he learned.

And when it was it all said and done, Darth Metus could not readily tell where he sat upon the Basilisk. Two had become One.

Srina would know what to do next. She would know his thoughts the second his synapses conceived them. She would know to direct the Ancient Eye and Alliance forces to bolster the assault of [member="Aya Clarke"] on the wall - to have them commit men and cannon alike to breaching the enemy position. She would know to further coordinate Starfire Protocol by taking command of the J-1s and unleashing the next salvo towards the Imperial Armada above. She would know what madness the Vicelord had planned...and perhaps, she would see the method to his insanity. He would take the heavens from the Garrison.

”Hailfires at the ready!” came the thunderous boom of his voice. ”Fire on my mark!” The reverberations of ordnance locking into place echoed about the Artillery Line.

His next words were over the comm, echoing directly into the helm of [member="Amaya Cardei"]. Flawless Mando’a poured into her ears, yet Srina would understand it as thus: Daughter, I need every sky-worthy brother you have. Coordinate on my launch, we’re taking the walls!

Next, he jutted a finger in the direction of the latest additions to Hurricane’s ground presence. [member="Kurenai Yumi"] and [member="Jayce Pryde"] were among those designated. ”Follow my lead.”

Effortlessly, he slid off of the back of the Basilisk. Srina would feel a slight twinge of longing for the Beast echo from within her Master. But, for what he had planned, the Basilisk had to stay behind. For now, it would serve Srina as she coordinated the allied forces and took to breaching the Walls. And now, as soon as the Vicelord’s boots touched the hot sands, he lowered himself to crouch. The Force seeped into his bones, empowering every fiber of his muscles, before launching him skyward. And as he reached the apex of his mighty leap, a meager blink saw his jetpack roar to life. Thrust seized his form and saw him thunder just over the Confederate line.


With his command ferried by the comms, the Hailfire Droids unleashed Hell upon the Imperial Armor. The variety of Walkers stationed before the Garrison would soon find themselves staring down a literal wall of ballistic missiles raining down from above. All the while, the Vicelord quickly bridged the gap between the Artillery Line and the Garrison wall, slowing to a strafe once over the Imperial heads. Those who first raised their blasters to meet him were promptly met with a column of flame which erupted from his offhand’s wrist.

Soon, Amaya’s forces would join him.

Soon, Kurenai, Jayce, and even [member=”Er’in Tenel”] would follow his lead.

Soon, the Heavens would be taken from Wall.

  • J-1s reloading.
  • Establish Force Meld with Srina Talon - Mobius Squadron & Allies now under her command.
  • Hailfire Droids unleash missile salvo against Garrison walkers (AT-ATs,etc.)
  • Wall Assault commenced, Fett style.

[member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Anya Malvern"], [member="Zesiro"], [member="Seto"] Du Corteau
Aryn Teth

Tatooine, Arkanis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Objective: Enter the Fray
Allies: The Confederacy, Task Force Hurricane
Enemies: The Galactic Empire
The familiar sound of [member="Srina Talon"]'s voice echoed in Aryn's mind as he dragged himself from the wreckage of his craft, dropping to his knee for a moment outside as he looked out over the desert. He could see where the wreckage of some of his other craft had landed, and seen further along where the others had landed safely. In the distance he set his gaze upon the Empire's base of operations, along with the Confederate forces who had begun their assault of the walls. The sheer number of the Confederacy's droid troops assaulting the base caught Aryn's attention for a moment, and the Supreme Commander had to consider for a moment just how pleased he was that the Alliance had actually managed to form an alliance with the Confederacy, fighting against them would've just been a pain.

Pushing himself to stand, Aryn focused again on the presence of Srina, tapping his mind to hers as he began to run across the field to meet up with his squads. "I never was any good at taking orders, you should know that." Before long he met up with his own troops, their numbers were sorrowfully small at this point, the bulk of the troops that had come down with Aryn to assist the Confederacy having been decimated in the landing, still, he was less concerned about overall numbers, the Confederacy would do more than bolster their efforts, the Alliance troops alongside Aryn just had to be able to make enough of an impact, and they could do that.

It took only a few brief moments of planning before Aryn and his troops were once more on the move. The Confederacy had managed to gather most of the Imperial's attention around the Base, and so slipping into their lines was not difficult for the Alliance troops as they approached the walls themselves. Across the battlefield Aryn laid eyes upon the form of [member="Darth Metus"] and further back, Srina atop the Basilisk. Giving both a cursory nod, he shifted his lightsaber in its grip as hooks were launched by his troopers up the wall, the squads quickly moving to scale the wall itself once they were set.

Following the suit of his troops, Aryn took hold of one of the ropes and began to haul himself up the Imperial wall, leaping up and onto the wall itself as he cut down a number of Stormtroopers who had moved over to their area, just before the troops might've had an opportunity to sever the ropes guiding his troops up the wall itself. There was not a moments rest for the Supreme Commander or his troops though, Imperials were still swarming over the wall as the troops entered into the fray and found themselves surrounded on all sides. It was a dangerous push, but it was what his troops had come to excel in as they hunkered down once atop the wall, slowly began to push out as well as they could, clearing space for the Confederates as they launched their attack.

However, for now the opening that they had managed to create on the wall was small, Aryn and the Alliance troops would need assistance from the Confederates to hold their beachhead, they were only two squads, and highly trained as they were, the defences atop the walls and the number of Imperial Stormtroopers that were now bearing down upon those who had begun to assault the walls of the outpost were nothing to scoff at.

LOCATION: En route to Mos Eisley
OBJECTIVE: Secure GE outposts
ALLIES: The CIS in general | [member="Srina Talon"] & [member="Muad Dib"] specifically
ENEMIES: The GE in general | [member="Zesiro"] specifically

As with most people, there were a variety of descriptors one could use to describe Sol Damerin. Grizzled, grumpy, jaded, cynical, etc. All variation on the same theme of not being particularly approachable. One of the big ones people who don't know him particularly well would use would be taciturn. The mercenary didn't really talk much under normal circumstances and most people assumed that this was because of him being all those things listed above.

However, Sol could actually be quite talkative under the right circumstances. Ask him about his views on The Force and he'd talk philosophy at you for hours happy as a clam. This is a particularly apt metaphor since even if he was happy to talk philosophy he still doesn't show it. Some people might call it stoicism but Sol is just particularly unemotive for no clear reason. Anyway, another good way to get him talking was to anger him.

Despite being raised as a Jedi Sol did not view anger as something to be avoided. His general philosophy when it came to The Force was that you needed to get in touch with it by following your own path and you couldn't follow your own path if you did not embrace everything you are. Getting angry is very much a part of being a normal functioning adult. Learning how to get angry without losing control of yourself is a part of learning how to be a normal functioning adult with Force powers rather than a Sith. Anyway, the point we are making our way laboriously to is that Sol is quite angry right now and if anyone was listening to his comms frequency they would know it. The old merc knew quite a colorful variety of swears.

"Kark headed, nerf herding, son of a Gamorrean brood mother who just had her way three fertile males! Uglier than a Rancor who just got his face caved in with a gate. STOP SHOOTING AT ME!"

Swirving at the last second as a massive plum of dirt rockets into the sky Sol feels debris scattered across his body, some hitting his exposed face doubtless leaving red welts. Technically no one was specifically shooting at him. Oh sure, a few rounds had been aimed to try and take him off his speeder but he was a single fast moving target in the middle of a war zone. There were bigger and more important things to shoot at than him. That didn't mean that some people didn't try.

A flash from his battle precognition and he swerves once more. The shell that would have blown him to bits misses but a stray blaster bolt grazes his side making him gasp in pain as the force of it nearly yanks him from his speeder. Only his battle chest piece, which at this point needed to be replaced, and the fact he'd seen it coming had let him keep his grip.

"Fefing idiotic apprentice getting herself caught in a war zone when she's half trained. Going to be bloody lucky if I don't smack her upside the head."

Another splash of danger flashes through his mind and only one option remains. He flings himself from the speeder that streaks ahead a few feet right into a carpet bombing. Hitting the ground he bounces and rolls using the Force to absorb some of the shockwave from the bombs as he is rolled back a few dozen yards. At this point he is batter, bruised, and even more annoyed than he had been a moment ago.

Springing to his feet he lets the Force flow through him strengthing his limbs as he takes off like a shot. He wasn't quite as fast on foot as he had been on the speeder but he was still little more than a blur of motion. He was also a smaller target now which was handy since it meant even fewer people noticed him before he passed their field of view.

Finally making it into the outskirts of the city he feels about for Zes's presence. It doesn't take him long. He decides to just dodge the stormtroopers milling about than try and start a one-man rampage. He needed to get that idiotic girl out of this war zone and somewhere safe. Then he was going to make her regret putting him through this. She'd learn that when he said. "Stay out of trouble, while I am gone." He meant, stay the kark out of trouble, not, go get yourself caught in the middle of a war zone.

When he finally stumbled where she'd been left, laying injured with her leg broken, he looks down at her. His normally utterly expressionless face now has a very small downward quirk of the lips. She was utterly doomed. He takes a moment to catch his breath panting heavily for several long moments and if she opened her mouth he would thrust a finger forcefully at her face to indicate she needed to shut it. When he can finally breathe normally again he straightens wipes his forehead, pulls out his canteen, rinses his mouth, spits, and then takes a drink of water. This all finally done he looks at her and says six words.

"You are in so much trouble."

Letting those words sink in for several long moments he waits until she tries to speak before cutting her off.

"One thing. I told you to do one thing while I was gone. Stay out of trouble. I said that right? Didn't imagine it? I told you to stay out of trouble, you are half trained. You aren't even half trained. But where do I find you? In the middle of a war zone and look."

He points at her leg.

"You broke your stupid karking leg. Let me guess, you caught got in a bombardment? Of course, you did. And since you are half-trained you didn't see it coming with your battle precognition and even if you have you couldn't have done anything. Because you don't know how to create a barrier with The Force! You don't even know how to shield yourself from someone else's use of the Force properly yet! What if another Force user had attacked you? You'd be dead unless they were an apprentice like you!"

As Sol speaks Zes would see, for the first time ever, full on cracks appear in Sol's normally stoic facade. Genuine heat entered his normally monotonous voice and his slight downward quirk of the lips had developed into a full-on scowl. Yet despite how angry he appeared to be, she'd be able to see three other things in his eyes.

The first was disappointment. She'd disobeyed him and gotten herself hurt because of it and he was disappointed she hadn't listened to him. The second thing was worry. He'd been genuinely scared that she might have gotten herself killed, she had gotten herself hurt, and now he had to deal with that while he got her to safety. The final thing she'd see is relief. She was alive that was all that mattered. For all her master was a bit of a grumpy hardass, it was pretty obvious that he cared for her. She was his apprentice her safety was his responsibility. Plus he liked her, she was kind of like the daughter he'd never had... Or would be if he was actually old enough to have a daughter her age. He may look that old but he was really only eight years her senior.

Taking a deep breath Sol calms himself down. He swallows the rest of the very long list of things he wanted to yell at her and instead focuses back in on the here and now.

"Okay, we need to get you out of here. Where is The Empire keeping their transports? We will steal one and get you behind CIS lines, on a shuttle, and off planet." A slight pause. "And I swear by The Force if you give me any grief over that, I will drag you off world by your ear. Even with your broken leg."

Kurenai Yumi

Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems Ancient Eye
Location: Drop Ships/Surface
Objective: Task Force Hurricane
Enemies: The Galactic Empire & Allies
Post: 6
Gear: LightSaber Yari, Armor, LMG

The distant rumble of a huge warhead detonating echoed as the Ancient eye began their attack on the outpost, it seemed odd that such a military instillation did not have a shield generator of some kind, or that the GE forces did not try and engage the invading forces before they had mobilized. Though she did agree the sight was spectacular the AE did seem to be quite the 'leave not survivors' type of government, not something she could totally get behind, more so if their reputation rubbed off on the CIS. She would honestly not be surprised if the Galactic Empire somehow wove in some genocide or inhuman propaganda story after this invasion to pain the CIS as the bad guys, from personal experience they did that quite a lot.

Kurenai remained by Metus side as the battle commenced, a huge blinding light and following rumble from the AE bombardment signaling the start of the assault, [member="Aya Clarke"] ordering her droids to move out in typical Confederacy manner, a slow moving firing line with tanks up front. "I guess some things never change', this was going to be a major show of force, the anticipation and thrill. Something Kurenai wished to revel in once more, she just hoped that the battle did not just end up being an arty only battle, the long and wide open dunes of the desert planets not really having the same need for close quarters fighting like urban and jungle planets.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a sharp commanding voice sounded from [member="Darth Metus"], himself ordering her along with the very, strange [member="Jayce Pryde"]. "I did not know M'lord would want an old lady like myself by his side, I suppose I should be honored you find me important enough for this job", following the dark Kurenai leapt from atop the tank, feet once again touching the soon to be blood soaked sand, herself keeping in close tiding behind the Sith Lord. The rumble of the tracked Hallfire droids echoed around as the ancient self propelled artillery surged forwards, lighting up a huge barrage of rocket upon the defending forces, "All we would need it a huge amount of storm troopers to counter charge and this would not be too different from the first battle of Geonosis".
Planetside on Tatooine - [Starts in] Carnthout Staging Area [Ends in] Imperial Garrison Near Command Center


‘You are incorrigible.’, Srina mentally returned to Aryn Teth, not realizing that her volume might be a little off, considering the current distractions. He would feel her relief despite the fact that he had landed off point. The dark-haired Commander had a terrible habit of getting into trouble. ‘I hope the Sand People eat you.’

Whether or not the Tusken Raiders ate Jedi or not was up for debate. Nevertheless, the Echani had to focus. As much as she wanted to worry about everyone around her she had to trust that they could handle themselves. Even [member="Kilia"], whom she wanted to keep out of harm’s way, more often than not. It would be a lesson for them all.

The assault of the Confederacy on the Imperial Garrison was filled with intricate movement and patterns. Each group, each ally, each droid was part of a much larger war machine and every move they made facilitated the undertaking of a new part of the plan. Her own orders to General Grievous rang in her ears, just as loud as the screaming proton beams that flew ahead, running headlong into the enemy encampment. ‘Do what must be done’, she had said, and Srina, as an apprentice to the Vicelord meant every word. From there she knew that the droid General would execute one of their final ground related measures.

Starfall Protocol was exactly what it appeared to be. An act of aggression on the ground so final, so extreme, that there would be nowhere for Imperial forces to hide. The deployment would be staggered, as planet crackers so fully equipped took time to unload, but when all was said and done, the droid army would sweep and clear Tatooine by sheer numbers. “Thank you. Your foresight, as always, has proven invaluable.”, the soft-spoken woman dressed [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] briefly, not wanting to clog his comms any more than absolutely necessary. “Tear the sky apart, General. Show no mercy and hit the enemy so hard it sends them running like scared younglings back into the black.”

None. They could not afford sentiment—For the Empire would have none for them.

[member="Mythos"] of the Ancient Eye responded to her call and provided the coordinates for his location. He was further away from the bulk of their operation than she would have liked, but still, within a reasonable distance. She touched the holo-HUD built into her gauntlet and checked the logistics of a flanking force. Soon, they would surround the Imperial Garrison, so the plan seemed sound. Their forces would need to spread quickly throughout the area to avoid making any single location seem like more of a viable target than others. Briefly, Srina reviewed the reconnaissance details that Mythos and [member="Kainan Wolfe"] had provided. It gave her a full scope of the area. Through her, this information was relayed to Darth Metus. “Understood. This is impressive work in such a short amount of time. I see the heavy enemy artillery marked outside of Bestine, Anchorhead, and Mos Eisley. We landed safely out of range from the dozen E-t.K. I units around Mos Eisley but they will need to be handled eventually. I will inform the Vicelord of your status.”

She marked the E-t.K. I units for any Confederates and their allies. She was a little worried about [member="Tytos Ardik"], [member="Lyla Quinn"], and @Fidelis. They’d been on the ground much longer and might not realize what sort of danger they were in. However, if half the stories about the Helix Syndicate were true, Tytos was likely already two steps ahead. At any rate, she knew that both [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] and [member="Katria Vekarr"] would keep their eyes peeled.

The Chieftain who served under Mythos, [member="The Matador"], came across the comm next. It didn’t matter how far they were from the staging area the Ancient Eye was working with. Their Cathedral ships descended from the clouds like incredibly slow-moving geometrical nightmares. She could only imagine what the people of Tatooine might be thinking. To that end, she ensured that their warning message was still playing over as many open channels as possible. “I can see them. There’s plenty of room to the west of us. Don’t drop anything too close—Stay staggered to make us harder to hit at once.”

It was then that Darth Metus asked for her trust, among issuing orders to their people, and the Echani replied just as wordlessly as he had asked. Of course. ‘Always.’ She could feel something change between them, as if some sort of safety had been removed, and a deluge of knowledge downloaded directly into her brain. She did not simply know if his skill set and aptitude—It was her skill set. It was her aptitude. For the first time that she could remember the Force didn’t feel like something designed to crush her at a cosmic whim. Darth Metus had control. She had control.

Srina inhaled sharply when the feeling settled and it could be seen that one of her eyes held the sulfuric glow of Sith corruption. She did not know how to return the favor, not right away, but slowly her combat experiences would bleed into him. Echani swiftness, precision, and determination. Patience. It was everything she had ever learned offered to her Master on a silver platter.

Everything blurred. The Echani felt less let herself—and yet, utterly complete among the strangeness.

The Sith Lord left her and Srina felt a jolt of displacement. It was not her senses but the lack of proximity. Her nerve endings felt raw—Filled with power and nowhere to go. It was as if there were a line of ants crawling beneath the surface of her skin. Instinctively she called the semi-sentient Basilisk to action and the war droid responded as if she were the Vicelord himself. Good.

Many members of Team Hurricane, including [member="Kurenai Yumi"], [member="Jayce Pryde"], and [member="Er'in Tenel"] would follow Darth Metus over part of the wall. They had yet to breach it but from the shelling it was repeatedly taking the white-haired Echani knew it would not be long for this world. Nothing could withstand such a brazen attack for long. Her head turned, sharply, like that of a hawk when she felt someone familiar close in. [member="Aryn Teth"], the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance, had finally arrived. ‘It’s about time…’, she called to him, watching his troops surge ahead, and start making use of a small hole in the Garrison wall. It was a dangerous road, full of Imperial defenses, and the occasional Walker. The Empire had some defenses, it seemed, but had not been prepared for an all-out assault.

Srina didn’t have to wait long for their friends in the Ancient Eye to arrive after that. Once they did she could feel the Matador making his approach, finding her straight away, considering she wasn’t hard to spot. Her eyes flickered at the news that they were already good to go. “Excellent.”, she responded, pausing, while he shared a few words with his men. “Chieftain—please send your men to assist General @Aya Clark as they press onward. We will need any Walkers or potential barriers between us and the Garrison neutralized as quickly as possible.”

[member="Anastasia Verd"] was handling the set-up of the command center from one of their landing craft, Mobius Four, while Srina directed battle droids on Mobius Five and Eleven to begin setting up and securing a large perimeter. There was a sudden and large amount of creative swearing pouring over one of the comm channels and Srina blinked. Were her mind not melded with that of Darth Metus her ears might have burned. “[member="Sol Damerin"]…Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Your change of venue has been noted. Stay safe—Join us when you can.”

More information passed through their channels and Srina could feel a growl begin in her throat. It wasn’t her own frustration, but, a more guttural sound that belonged to her Master. Intel from Storm Fleet stated that there were Imperial forces and landing frigates trying to pass their forces. Which meant that there were potential enemies inbound, seeking to destroy, or delay the progress they had made. “Karking…”, also, a word gleaned from Darth Metus. “J-1’s…Check your data. You have new targeting parameters.”

In the same breath, the apprentice also called sharply for the droids manning the J-1 Semi-Autonomous Proton Cannons to reload once more. Srina called for the DDT’s to reload as well but hold their fire since their organics would soon be entering the base. They wanted the Empire decimated, of course, but not at the cost of their own allies and soldiers. Despite the fact that the Confederacy had a staggering amount of droids they also had an intensely large number people among their ranks. “Stay on task. From this point on your mission is to watch the skies. Target and fire at will any enemy craft within range. Reload, repeat.”, Srina ordered the battle droids.

The J-1’s had decent enough range. Their next salvo was sure to ruin someone’s day.

From there Srina made sure that everyone knew their duty. Many of the systems were automated but for anyone that needed assistance, her comm, and that of Darth Metus was always open. In the meantime, it seemed that the structure of the Imperial Garrison had taken enough damage from their heavy artillery. It was time to make a hole big enough so that [member="Aya Clarke"] could maneuver her troops and begin extermination. Darth Metus sought to go over the wall. Srina would go through it.

The pale-skinned woman wordlessly directed the Basilisk droid to move ahead as she scanned for the weakest part of the Garrison wall. Once found, far enough from [member="Darth Metus"] and his team going over it to avoid hindering them, Srina began to move through the burned out strip no man’s land between the Empire and Confederate forces. The war-droid slowly moved from a lumbering gait to a decently quick clip while dodging left and right to evade blaster fire. It did stumble somewhat through the hot sand but for the most part seemed in control. Its frame was armored and could withstand a lot of damage, but the terrain was difficult for metallic feet to grasp. Nevertheless by the time they made it through, passing by countless, countless marching droids Srina commanded the iron beast to fire its four-missile payload at a singular spot.

Holding her breath, she pushed her body from the droid with a Force-imbued jump, and her slender form flipped backward as the high-boost engines kicked in. The basilisk droid sped away from her and the sound of permacrete and twisting metal heralded the wall breaking down as the machine flew, full force, into a damaged section. It rolled through the debris and smoke before eventually using its engines to try and come back to its feet. “Damage…?”, she questioned it as she stalked ahead, somehow knowing, through her connection to Darth Metus that it wasn’t good. She could see smoke coming out of the intake jets and the armored wings were definitely mangled. Stay down. Defend.”

Srina slipped inside of the Garrison with a slew of droids under the knowledgeable control of [member="Aya Clarke"]. There were bodies in the rubble, but not so many that Srina thought her stunt really impacted the Imperial fighting force. Just a few unlucky souls that hadn’t moved to the interior while they still could. With permission from her General, she commandeered a few dozen battle droids and began to lead them toward the command center, with the intention of taking away the control of their weapons systems. The sounds of metallic feet filled the halls, making no effort to hide their presence, while they did their best to navigate the Imperial base. Their intel was respectable, a little outdated, but with educated guesswork from individuals much more intelligent than she the apprentice had a good idea of where they were going.

It seemed strange to her that they were mostly unhindered, that is until she heard boots up ahead. A tall man ([member="Adron Malvern"]) in a very, very gray and drab uniform caught her eye and she immediately backed up behind the wall while the battle droids marched ahead and began to fire. It wouldn’t make sense for her to stick her neck out until she had a better assessment of what, or whom, she was dealing with.


Summary (TLDR-Sorry!):
  • Welcomed all CIS Team Hurricane Allies to the Carnthout Staging Area [Mythos/Matador/Aryn Teth]
  • Finalized execution of Starfall Protocol (Planet Crackers)
  • Accepted Intel from Mythos about the area and its defenses
  • Marked E-t.K. I units for CIS + Allies [A dozen each located outside Bestine/Anchorhead/Mos Eisley]
  • Acknowledge TAE Cathedral Ships Landing
  • Through the Matador asked TAE to back up Aya Clarke and her troops
  • Placed DDT's on Standby
  • Received intel about GE ships attempting to come down from orbit - Adjusted J-1's to try and intercept advances
  • Fully breached the wall of the Imperial Garrison and entered the interior. There is now a very, very large hole. (This was given the green light OOC by Adron Malvern)
GE Tags: [member="Adron Malvern"] @Vrapir Detta [member="Seto Du Couteau"] [member="Ephraim Tarkin"]
Allies: Confederacy and allies
Enemies: Galactic Empire and allies
Objective: Secure Task Force Windstorm safety and turn the Tuskens on the Empire.
Location: North of Mos Eisley near the canyon to the Bomar Flats.
Relevant NPCs: Shadow Furiae

Nothing was easy in Tatooine's blasted heat. Or at least she blamed the heat for any diminished focus she was beginning to feel. Even as she moved with little difficulty from the side of the Sand Crawler towards the skiff the Furiae had "acquired" she grit her teeth and fought through the agitation swelling up in her gut. She would have words with the rest of the Confederacy Command for their decision to take their fight to the Empire on this blasted, heat rock but that notion would have to wait. There was an objective to finish and she wasn't one to leave something incomplete.

Or, at least, she wasn't inclined to.

"Move the skiff into position, I don't want us losing that crawler... even if we have to get a better vantage point." The agent breathed as she pulled herself up onto the skiff and looked towards a gathering force of MTTs, AATs and STAPs near a landed C-9979. She'd never been fond of droids, with few exceptions, but as she looked at the culmination of their support she couldn't help but feel a small smile creep across her face; easily hidden and dismissed before anyone could catch a glimpse of it. "Direct our support assign twenty of our AATs to both sides of the canyon we'll be passing through, and be sure those STAPs are harassing anyone who might try to follow us.

Chances are no civilian in their right mind would follow us unless they had a death wish." She continued, making her way across the skiff where she could kneel down and prep her verpine for operation. As she did so, glancing up towards the cliffs they were approaching and thus their avenue to the palace in the distance, she blinked and brought her up her scope. "It looks like we have company on the ridge ahead, and likely at the palace upon our arrival."

She finished, noting the presence of a good several dozen tusken raiders along the canyon ridge and walls. For the moment they appeared to be watching but, if she was at all experienced with the world she clearly hated the most, there was always the chance they would take the first opportunity to hijack a supply train. She wasn't willing to sit by and let something as simple as a raid become a problem, however, and quickly began to think of a way to divert the attention of the raiders.

A convenience that came in the form of a platoon of Storm Troopers that began to approach the convoy, a mite far flung from their original course. A convenience that sparked a plan.

In one quick movement, holstering her verpine on her back, the agent moved towards the control console of the skiff and pivoted it to hover between the troopers and the base of the canyon wall. Once there, glancing up towards the position of the raiders, the young woman readied her rifle and took the first shot she could at the nearest Tusken's feet. Her intent? Exampled by an immediate return fire by a hand full of tuskens towards the approaching Storm Troopers.

She'd successfully kicked the hornets next and spilled the lot of them into a frenzy on the white armored soldiers.

It was time to move on.

[member="Dalton Kenway"] | @Rapax | [member="Darth Saethus"] | @BX-25233 | @Akabane | [member="Chalim Vern"] | [member="Amadi the Banished"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]

Dalton Kenway


Side: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Objective: Task Force Windstorm (Team 3) [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | [member="Katria Vekarr"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Darth Saethus"] | [member="Akabane"] | [member="Chalim Vern"] | [member="Amadi the Banished"] | [member="Riggs"] | [member="BX-25233"] |
Enemies: The Galactic Empire | [member="Esmond Morcus"] | [member="Digam Merith"] | [member="Koenrad Neistov"] | [member="Anse Tahvo"]
A noise. From outside. Blaster fire. Dalton looked up to the others. His face said it all.

"What the bloody hell was that," he said aloud. He moved across the lumbering sandcrawler. "[member="Rapax"] can you see anything?"

He moved across the somehow already cluttered floor of vehicle and peered through his air vents to the outside, noting they were heading towards a series of cliffs. More blaster fire continued in the distance, but nothing seemed to be too close in proximity.

"Things are about to turn ugly, and we’re a sitting duck."

Whatever was happening, the sandcrawler was about to head straight through the eye of the storm.
Objective: Survive
Location: Tatooine, Planetside
Allies: Galactic Empire [member="Seto Du Couteau"]
Enemies: Confederacy [member="Srina Talon"]

Adron was prepared to answer Seto, however an alert calling over the base took his attention.

“Alert! Enemy Forces have broken past the perimeter, all reserve forces pre-” The garrison rumbled softly as an explosion took out the base’s intercom system. If the Confederacy had already breached the perimeter, it meant there was no longer any hope of repelling them. This was not lost on the High Moff as he stood silently by the Inquisitor. Adron pulled the detonator from his belt, staring down at it with a detached gaze.

He could kill them all now. Why shouldn't he? The people of Mos Eisley would merely flock to the Confederacy if he did not. It was the Imperial thing to do, if you could not hold an asset, destroy it before the enemy could claim it. His mind, plagued about visions of Serenno, was under assault. His anger, rage, and hatred all told him to destroy the people.

A loud tap could be heard as the detonator fell to the ground. As his heel slammed into the antenna of the detonator he watched the red light fade as the signal to the explosives was lost. The High Moff had not known about the sweat that bled down his brow, nor did he know how his breathing had grown labored. Another explosion erupted which pulled Adron back to reality. A hand went through his hair, pulling the few stray locks from his face. “Inquisitor. Get back to the Command Center. Order a data purge immediately. Once that is done, begin evacuation measures. Gather everyone you can and get to the gunship hangers. Those gunships are capable of reaching the Imperial Fleet, that's your only shot.”

“Sir!” A man called out, the sound of boots slapping onto the ground chasing the voice.

Adron turned to see his personal guard, the Novatroopers. Their ebony armor clear of any signs of battle.

“Sir. The enemy has breached the perimeter, we need to get you out of here.” That's right, he was a High Moff. That meant his life was worth more than the others. It meant he was supposed to leave these men to die, to save his own life.

A confident smirk erupted from the Moff before he took his lightsaber from his hip. “Sergeant, we are going to cover a retreat, have your men get ready.” The Novatrooper fell silent for a moment before nodding. “Yes sir. We're ready to do our part.” The confidence and loyalty of the Novatroopers never did cease to amaze Adron. Adron intended on saying a bit more to the Inquisitor, yet the sound of blaster fire impacting the side of the hall forced him into a crouch.

“Droids!” The Sergeant of the Novatroopers called out, the rest of his men taking up positions in the hall, firing back at the Droid lines. Adron grabbed Seto, pulling him back behind the corner. “Get those people out of here! They're blood won't be on my hands!” His hand pressed into the Inquisitor’s shoulder before pushing him away. “Go!”

Blaster fire erupted behind Adron, explosions sounded throughout the garrison, a body fell to the floor. Through all of this Adron felt himself wanting to dip back into his battle at Serenno. Panic threatening to overtake him, he ran a hand over his lightsaber’s activation pad. The snap-hiss of his white blade was cleansing. The Moff’s pounding heart slowly stilled, and focus became control. Rounding the corner, Adron looked to the two Novatroopers that had fallen to the ground dead.

As his lightsaber came up, it slammed into one of the droid’s blaster bolts, sending it directly back into the droid’s chest.

My hesitation.

Another step forward, Adron’s hand flew forward, sending a kinetic wave of the force to slam into another of the Droid’s, knocking him into the wall and damaging his chassis.

My stupid pride.

Adron’s blue orbs began to haze over with the corruption of the Dark Side of the Force, focusing his anger as he continued to block the blaster bolts that flew towards him.

My dumb decisions.

Finally the corruption took hold, and Adron embraced the Dark Side of the force. With a loud yell, Adron threw his hands forward. The Force propelled itself from his hands, another kinetic wave slamming into the droid ranks. The Droid assault was halted, and the Dark Jedi stood in front of his men, trying to protect them from the oncoming fire of the Droid platoon.

Troop Compliment

Imperial Garrison-

- 6,356 Imperial Stormtroopers-Repelling invading forces.
- 8 Imperial Novatroopers-Escorting Adron Malvern
- 4 Imperial AT-ST- Taking indirect fire
- 4 Imperial AT-AT- On Standby
- 13 Imperial TIE Fighters- Supporting Reaper Squadron/Engaging K-Wings
- 20 LAAT Gunships-On standby

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