Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TotG:Meanken VS. Mrrew!

A world of fire, flame, and death. The planet was known as a world of constant volcanic activity, massive erupting flows of lava and huge spurts of magma were not an uncommon sight upon this world. Its polar region were naught but massive volcanic fields that stretched for miles and miles. Black rock etched with red rivers went on as far as the eye could see. Danger and death lurked around every corner, and it was here that the first leg of the tournament began.​
The Tournament of the Gods, the Opening of Moross space. Twenty Four people had been rotted from hundreds of thousands, each one exceptional in some way, each one chosen to provide entertainment for the masses.​
The God of Moross had created this tournament to turn the eyes upon their people, to show the galaxy what Moross had to offer, both through the beauty of its worlds, and the eccentricity of its Tournament. These battles were composed of everything, from deathly bouts in fields of lava, to the sands of a billion credit Arena. The Tournament of the Gods would be broadcasted to every home in the galaxy, and would be seen by all.​
The First world was Demonsgate, the unrelenting Hell Hole of a planet so coveted for its ores.​
It was here, in the northern volcanic fields that the twenty four contestants had been transported in pairs. Camera Drones hovered around them as they slowly gained their footing, and the match began.​
[member="Meanken"] VS. [member="Mrrew"]!​
Chaff pulled himself off the ground as he looked around the first battleground. Such a nice place, he thought. Looks like a Sith's dream world. As for Chaff, he just thought that the barren landscape would ensure that nothing else would interfere in the fight. He drew his gun in one hand, and deployed a wrist blade in the other, and warmed up his jetpack. In his wrist launchers, he had also loaded missiles in one hand, and a flamethrower in the other. he raised his gun and started looking for the opponent. Today, he wouldn't waste time playing around with the target. With a 5 mill prize on the line, the quicker he could gun down the target, the better.

Fitting place for a tournament; a volcanic world. Dark and dreary, contsant lava floes and clouds of ash thick enough to blot out the system's star. Probably was meant to make the tournament appeal more to viewers. But it would also be an excellent tool, the enviroment. The eight foot one Togorian was wearing his normal gear; his bandoleir and gunbelt which held his Oblivion rifle, pistol, and sword- as well as some thermal detonators hidden within the pockets of the bandoleir, his leather vest, jacket, and bracers; and, in his hands, his web rifle. He had a similer plan to [member="Meanken"]'s. The last two tournaments he'd been in, he'd fought masters of the force, a Sith Lord and a Jedi Master. Both times he'd gotten beat in about ten seconds. He was planning on striking first this time. The Togorian stepped carefully across the hot landscape, taking care not to burn his paws while searching for his oppenant. He'd seen a picture before the tournament had started, Full body armor, colored red. Would make it more difficult, but not impossible. Mrrew stepped around a huge hole int he ground he assumed was a geyser, and noticed he was on something of an incline, with a steep drop of ten feet or so ahead of him. At the end of the drop? His oppenant. Mrrew paused, waiting for Meanken to see him before firing. It wouldn't be a fair tournament in the least if he'd just shot him while his back was turned. Easy, but not fair. He'd shoot him afterwards.

(Sorry for poor roleplay, am on the phone)
Chaff spotted his opponent. He was hard to miss, being a big...something. Chaff wasn't sure how to describe him. Luckily, that wasn't why he was here. he saw that the....guy? Girl? Beast? Was already looking at him, gun out. Chaff quickly hit his jetpack before he started firing, strafing to the side and firing his DRX-11 gun at him. Usually, he would go right at him and try to cut him apart, but that was clearly not the best of ideas against something that had a good head or two over him.

Mrrew was moving as soon as [member="Meanken"] rocketed into the air. They'd seen eachother; now the fight had begun. He fully expected a wrist rocket or something equally destructive to fly his way as soon as Meanken could fire it off. People tended to do that when they saw a giant bipedal predatory cat that wanted to beat them senseless. He was rewarded for his paranoia- his quick movement down the small cliff had saved him from getting ripped apart by shattergun pellets. A few small pieces of projectile shrapnel lodged themselves in his jacket shoulder, but the alchemized Lotek'k hide held. Step one was make sure not to get blown to bits or cut into ribons. Step two was to attack. And Mrrew quickly did. Almost as soon as he hit the ground, Mrrew turned his upper body to the right, and fired his web launcher at the flying mercenary. Optimally, it would wrap him in an electrified fishnet. He doubted he'd win this on the first shot, however...
One of the nice things about attacking while using a jetpack was that it made it easy to avoid counterattacks in the event the shot didn't take down the target. Odd choice of attack to use a net, even if it did appear to be electric, but whatever. Chaff turned hard from his strafing flight to shoot up into the air. he stopped to cover about 20 feet off the ground. Usually he didn't go up that high for what he was about to do, as the closer he was to the ground, the less time the target had to dodge, But he damn sure didn't want the thing to jump up in the air and snatch him out of the air or something nuts like that, so he played it safe. Once he stopped, he started firing missiles down at the thing.

Now he fired the fething missiles. As soon as he had begun to hope the jetpack-toting mercenary didn't carry missiles, he started firing them. Despite being huge, and arguably as strong as the famous Wookiees, Togorians inherited the reflexes and speed of the predatory felines they evolved from. This means that Mrrew wasn't blown to little bitty bits. This does not mean he escaped unscathed. The Togorian bent his legs and flung himself aside, hoping to get into the cover of the ten foot cliff he'd jumped down. This half worked. The missiles didn't hit him directly, but the explosive force of the wrist rockets hitting the rocky groundn ext to him blew him aside, sending him hitting the wall he'd hope to have hid behind. Hard. Hard enough to knock the wind out of something. And considering the durability also associated with Togorians, that's saying a lot. Luckily, however, he was in cover for the moment...

Thing was fast, he'd give em that. Most people usually were turned into pasty chunks by the third missile. Chaff couldn't tell if he'd managed a glancing hit at least, but the thing had ran to cover now, so at the least he had em on the defensive. Chaff came back down to the ground, not having unlimited fuel here and wanting to save some in case it was needed later in the fight making sure to land far enough away that he'd have time to take off again if he tried to run out of cover and rush him. He'd gotten a good sense of the thing's speed when he ran, so he was able to take a good estimate of how far away that was. He aimed both his blaster and the missile loaded arm at the cover he'd taken. He had the thing pinned, no need to put himself at risk by attacking more. If he tried to poke his head out to shoot at him, he'd riddle him with slugs, and if he tried running, he had the slug thrower for that too, in addition to the missiles. He might be fast, but he wasn't faster then a speeding bullet.

While [member="Meanken"] was plotting his death, Mrrew was catching his breath. He suspected one of two things; his oppenant would either start chucking explosives at his cover, or wait for him. He wasn't stupid enough to walk right over. And since he wans't blown to bits yet... He was probably waiting. Fantastic. This would be a good time for a stealth device... or an energy shield. How to get out of this? He could try to use his jacket to save himself from blaster bolts, but not from missiles. He could make a wild run for it, but he'd probably still get blown to bits. What to do, what to do... Mrrew sighed. He was in enough cover that a wrist rocket wouldn't get to him... If he just stayed put, his oppenant would have to eventually just waltz over... Mrrew dropped his web rifle, and took the Oblivion blaster rifle off his back. And there he waited, watching intently in case a thermal detonator came rolling his way...
Chaff waited for him to do something. And waited. And waited. Eventually it became clear that they had reached a momentary stalemate. Chaff had no interest in walking over and exposing himself to attack, and the thing in cover clearly wasn't stupid enough to walk out and die. Was probably waiting to ambush him when he inevitably got bored. And he was indeed getting bored. Only conslation he had was that he was clearly in the superior position at the moment, which would no doubt be points in his favor if this ended up going to a vote from the dudes in charge. But Chaff had no interest in winning that way. He'd cave and walk over. But he wasn't gonna be stupid about it.

He started slowly walking toward the cover. Until he reached about 25 or so feet away from it, he keep his gun and missile combo aimed and ready. If he broke 25 feet without anything happening, he would put away the gun. In close range, it would be more a liability then anything else. Sides, he had better weapons. Instead, he readied his flamethrower, which he would fire the moment he saw the thing. in the other hand, he deployed a wrist blade, and held it in a defensive position. In the event the thing was insane enough to run directly through the flames, or tried to flank him or something of the like, he would have it ready to block the attack. he wasn't much worried about blaster attacks. His armor could take the one shot he'd might, if he got lucky, be able to get off before the flames burned him alive or forced him to move.

Mrrew had no idea what [member="Meanken"] was preparing for, but he had an idea. More then likely, he was going to try to flush him out. Which more then likely meant explosives; thermal detonators. The Togorian kept his legs bent, ready to jump aside at the first sign of danger. But he also was ready to fire. The saftey was off his blaster rifle, and his finger was clmaped over the trigger... As soon as Meanken showed his face, or visor, he'd get blasted. ... Any time now...
Once Chaff got close enough that he could, he flipped around the cover and fired the flamethrower directly into it. Only the thing had apparently been ready and leaped away. He had no idea if the flames had hit or not, nor did he have the time to check, as shots were now being fired at him. He leaped back to the other side of the cover, having of course been prepared for the thing to evade, but took a minor hit to the leg in the process. He hit the ground and found himself confused. The hell just happened? Why was he lying down on the ground? he snapped out of the funk after a moment, as it became obvious that he was taking cover from someone, and he remembered what had happened. The who was escaping him for the moment, but his experienced mind quickly dismissed that irrelevancy. He drew his gun and readied his blade as well, ready to react.

"I'll give ya credit, whoever ya are. You're good."

Mrrew had indeed been ready to dodge at the first sing of danger. but he expected a thermal detonator, he expected a few moments... What he didn't expect was for flame to suddenly burst out at him. And that's exactly what happened. THe Togorian had gotten out of the way of the center of the blast, but flame still cuaght his organic arm, burning a huge patch of fur completely off. Mrrew was quick to pat out the fire where it had briefly caught, but his arm was burned. And pretty badly. He'd gotten worse injuries, but it still hurt like hell... And shooting was going to be difficult. However, he did catch a break. The Togorian smiled as he heard [member="Meanken"] shout out from wherever he was at the moment. His rifle had worked. Whoever you are? Had he compeltely forgotten what Mrrew looked like? Oh this was a lot more then he could have ever hoped for. Mrrew smiled, a smile that quickly faded to a grimance as he used his organic arm to quickly put his rifle back on it's sling, onte h back of his bandoleir. Without hesitation, he drew his phrik blade with his other arm. His shooting arm was injured- but not his sword arm. Which was all the better.

Mrrew didn't wait to make sure it was safe. He was betting on Meanken not remembering enough to know to have his missiles ready. A massive predatory cat, appearing extremely angry, burst out of cover, holding a huge blade glimmering in the light casted from the far off rivers of magma. Mrrew roared at the top of his lungs as he ran Meanken- more for shock value then anything. Who wouldn't nearly poodoo himself to see an eight foot tall monster running at you with a sword, and giant fangs bared? And that's what he was counting on.
Chaff didn't scare easily. He'd seen a lot of things that would have made the common man wet his pants and craw into the nearest hole. But only a fool doesn't feel a little fear at the sight of a gigantic beast rushing them with a big sword. And where the hell did he come from? One would think he'd have remembered if he was fighting an 8 foot monstrosity. Regardless, he needed to react. He didn't have time to jet away before the blade came down. He wasn't about to directly lock blades with the thing. He had full confidence in his own strength, but he wasn't a moron. He knew he wouldn't win any blade lock with the thing, even if one of his arms had been majorly burned. So he went the other way, and deflected the blade away from him with his own blade, rather then trying to stop it completely. as he did that, he dropped his gun, and a second wrist blade came out of his other arm. Without any hesitation, he swung for the beast's sword arm, hoping to injure him enough to disarm him, but he would settle for whatever injury he could inflict.

[member="Meanken"]'s blade did score a direct hit on Mrrew's sword arm. In fact, it sliced right into the middle of his arm. Right through the layer of synth-fur, and right into the durasteel plating that protected his cybernetic's wiring from getting damaged. Mrrew smirked, and took the opening of Meanken's sword being lowered into his arm to raise his cybernetic, arm still wedged in the metal, and attempt to smash his elbow right into Meanken's visor. It probably wouldn't do much, but at best it could damage his visor, prehaps make a small crack or two. And if his visor was damaged, there wa sa chance he'd have to take off his helmet... and reveal his vunerable head. Not that Mrrew was planning on killing him, but it would be a lot easier to club someone into unconciousness if they weren't wearing a helmet. That he planned to do.

(Going ot head to bed, will reply in the morning. This is a really fun fight. :D)
The beast's attack worked exactly as planned. With the blade still wedged in what was now apparent to Chaff as a cybernetic arm, he had no real opportunity to defend against the thing's arm. With the display severely cracked now, he would indeed need to take it off in order to see anything. Unluckily for the thing, with Chaff's blade still stuck in the arm, Chaff did not need to be able to see in order to know where he was. And, better yet, his unstuck arm was the one with the flamethrower, which he fired in the direction his stuck arm told him the beast was.

(Agreed, this is most enjoyable so far.)

Again with the fething fire! On reflex when he saw the flamecaster raising, Mrrew raised his cybernetic arm- with the sword sitll wedged in it- to defend his face from the blast. This worked, but it also resulted in the strongest parts of teh flame hitting his durasteel arm. Which pretty much fethed over the arm. Durasteel melted in parts from the sheer heat of the fueled flame, exposing and disintegrating wires. And these things were built tough. The small bites of fire which had gotten around his farm quickly cuaght his jacket, and singed small patches of fur off his arms and neck area. Mrrew quickly jumped back- the sword pulling free easily of the damaged metal- and made it his first priority to make sure his jacket didn't go up in flames. He'd dropped his sword when his arm got half-melted. Not that he could use it at this point, anyway... Shooting would be difficult-- His jacket!

Mrrew used the few seconds he'd have that it would take his oppenant to remove his helmet, and proptly folded his fingers into a fist of his organic hand, before letting his claws come out. Oh sure, it hurt like hell. It drew blood. Which was the general idea. The next step was quickly shoving a slightly bloodied finger into a tiny interior pocket of his jacket. The one that was supposed to activate the jacket's special features when coming in contact with blood. The one that projected an aura of fear around anyone not wearing the jacket.

Gotta love AEL.

Chaff continued firing the flames till he felt the arm come free, clearly from the thing jumping back. This gave him a moment to yank off the helmet so he could see again. The black haired human grinned sadistically when he saw that the flames had clearly had the intended effect. Now it was time to finish this. He dropped into a crouch and grabbed his gun off the ground. Then it hit him. A sudden wave of unexpected fear. Chaff had no idea what the hell was going on at this point, if the thing was a force user, or what. All he knew is that this damn sure was not natural. There was one sure way to put an end to it, however. Kill the beast. He quickly aimed his weapon and fired, once again keeping a blade on the offhand for defense. The shots were somewhat less accurate then before, due to the fear effect that Chaff was currently experiencing, but he attempted to compensate for this by rapid firing.

Mrrew turned around, and leaped back into the cover they previously fought through before. Blaster bolts filled the air. One hit him square in the back- luckily being ineffective due to his jacket. Another hit his leg, a glancing blow, but enough to burn off fur and cause pain. It seemed like painw as a re-occuring theme here. Why did he sign up for this, again? Mrrew scurried back behind cover, watching as another blaster bolt hit the rock, causing a shower of sparks. The fear effect faded away the farther away Mrrew got from [member="Meanken"]. His helmet was off... which put him at a major tactical disadavntage. But he'd have to get close to use that. His arm felt like it was still on fire- the burn was turning an angry red. His leg seemed alright, but it certainly protested when he tried to stand. He could, but it felt like he had a hot dagger in his leg. Mrrew unslung the Oblivion rifle from his back. He wanted a blaster fight? He could have a blaster fight.

Abruptly, Mrrew lurched hismelf out of cover, laying on his side on the ground to avoid any initial blaster bolts, and started firing in short bursts at his oppenant. His aim was awful, every time he pulled the trigger it sent red hot pain through his burned arm, but the bursts meant that blaster bolts were flying all over the place around Meanken. Anhd aim didn't really matter; one glancing blow was all he needed....

Chaff was forced to take cover again when he started firing back. The shots were not terribly good, probably due to the major injury's the thing had taken. But Chaff was gonna have to be careful now, with the helmet off. A single good head shot could end him, and he had no interest in dying today. Chaff quickly considered the tactical situation. The thing was clearly banking on the 'spray and pray' method of attack now. Not a terribly good policy, but it was keeping him in cover for the moment. Chaff reloaded his gun while he thought. The thing's arm was seriously damaged, that much he could tell. He was barely able to stay on target at ground level. No doubt if he went aerial, it would be that much harder for the thing to even lift the arm that high, let alone accurately hit him. He hit the jetpack and flew over the cover, firing more missiles at the thing as he rose.


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