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Tournament of the Acolytes [Sign up]

| [member="Harley"] | [member="Xilo Gale"] | [member="Sophie Gustav"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Alaki"] | [member="Invicta Zambrano"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Sierra Momoa"] |

Hello children. I will begin preparation for the tournment tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you in battle.

The Tournament is still open and available for more Sith Acolytes or those of the same level to participate.

| [member="Viktor Romanov"] |

I will pair you up against a opponent. You may participate in the tournament.

There are ten people in the tournament thus far. That is a guranteed ten duels for each member, as each of you will square up against each other in the tournament.

There will be a win or loss system. There will be no draws. The more wins you rack up equates to you getting a better opportunity to lay claim to the prize that I will be developing tomorrow for the winner.

When every participant has faced off against each other in the tournament and the wins to loss ratio has been worked out, there will be a huge thread where all participants will be gathered, where the winner will be revealed in character, and where each participant ended up in terms of ranking.

In the event that there are two or more participants that end up with the same wins to loss ratio, then these participants will square up in a final round, where they will face off each other at the same time. This potentially leaves the opportunity for participants to end up in a situation where they are fighting two or more people at the same time, depending on how the math works out.

True to Sith ideology and philsophy, the Acolytes not participating in this end of duel have the choice to assist or stop a participant from winning. This does not mean that they then get to lay claim to winning the tournament or something like that. There will be guidelines and rules. Of course, this is all theory. Someone might come out with ten wins or something. Haha.
Alicia Drey said:
True to Sith ideology and philsophy, the Acolytes not participating in this end of duel have the choice to assist or stop a participant from winning. This does not mean that they then get to lay claim to winning the tournament or something like that. There will be guidelines and rules. Of course, this is all theory. Someone might come out with ten wins or something. Haha.
So can we cheat?
| [member="Viktor Romanov"] |

I will be posting a new reply in this thread and then add that same reply to my opening post to state the rules and guidelines of the duels, which will affect OOC and IC. Effectively, I will be acting as an RPJ for the tournament and supervising the duels both OOC and IC, although all participants are welcome to use an actual RPJ if they need a decision made. I hope to avoid this however and I hope writers trust my judgement.

However, I do encourage people to embrace all forms of Sith philsophy and tactics in this event, as we roleplay Sith.
| [member="Harley"] | [member="Xilo Gale"] | [member="Sophie Gustav"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Alaki"] | [member="Invicta Zambrano"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Sierra Momoa"] | [member="Viktor Romanov"] | [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] | [member="Sanus"] | [member="Arkia Zinn"] |

Tournament of Acolytes
The Tournament of Acolytes is competition between the Sith Acolytes where they will compete against one another to claim supremacy as the top students in the One Sith.

"Through passion, I gain strength."
Those competing in the tournament will be judged on their skill with the Lightsaber, the Force and the dominance they show over their opponent. They will also be judged on their knowledge and practice of the dark side and the tenants taught to them by their Sith Masters. Those competing should do whatever and anything they can to win their duel, taking them to the darkest recesses of their mind.

This is battle and a fight to the death.


"Through strength, I gain power."

The Beginning; Every competitor will be gathered in the bowels of the Sith Temple, where the setting will be made. Here, the Sith Lord Darth Ayra (this is me) will announce the first duels that will take place and the rules she has imposed on every competitor in the tournament.

This also gives the chance for other, more superior Sith, such as Sith Knights and Sith Lords, to come and spectate the opening of the tournament and the duels that will be taking place in it.

The Duels; Every competitor will face each competitor in the tournament. At the end of the tournament, there will be a wins to loss ratio calculated for how many duels you won and lost in the tournament. There will be no draws, as Sith do not draw. They either win or lose.

Sith only deal in absolutes.

Every duel will take place in an alternate thread from each other and will be done at the same time OOC. However, the IC setting for the tournament will be that each duel will be done in front of the other competitors and spectators watching. This is to keep the feel that this is a tournament.

At the end of every duel, I will make a decision on who won, based on the critera that I am expecting from each competitor. The limit for every duel will be 30 posts. By the 30th post, I will ask each competitor OOC via PM if they wish to continue, based on whether or not I think the duel has been clearly won or is at a stalemate. I will then give an additional ten posts for you to finish. In the event that by the 40th vote there is no clear winner, I.E both competitors are still on their feet, then I will make a decision on who won by looking at the overall duel.

Reat assured that I will be a fair judge of each duels by the 30th, or the occasional, 40th post. I have made a limit of 30-40 posts because I do not want the tournament to be slowed. By the time two competitors have finished their duel in another thread, then we might all be waiting for another to finish. Some duels can take up to several weeks or months to finish, so the 30-40 post cap means that the tournament can go at a fast and steady pace.

Each person competing are reminded that I will give a win to their opponent if I believe they're taking too long to post or if their OOC situation is stopping them from posting. If you cannot compete in the tournament anymore, then please PM me and I will remove you from it.

"Through power, I gain victory."

The Ceremony; When each competitor has faced off the other and the wins to loss ratio has been calculated for each person, then a ceremony will be held at the end where I will announce the each ratio calculated.

In the event that two or more competitors have the same wins to loss ratio, then there will be a final duel held at the ceremony to determine who will win first place and the prize that comes with it. The same 30-40 limit will be introduced and extension will be added until there is a definative winner.

By the end of the ceremony, there will be a Sith Acolyte who holds ultimate supremacy over his peers, having shown his or her strength and power over them. He or she will then be rewarded the prize that I will have developed for them by the time the tournament is over. The prize will be revealed at the ceremony.


  • The tournament will not finish until each competitor has faced the other.
  • Each competitor will fight to either win or lose. There will be no draws.
  • Each thread will have a 30 post limit. By the end of the 30 posts, a winner and a loser will be determined.
  • In the event that by 30 posts there is an unclear winner, then an extra ten will be allowed. Each side will then compete until 40 posts have been completed.
  • By the end of the 40th post there will be no more extensions. I will then decide who won and who lost the duel, based on what happened or if someone was defeated by the 40th post.
  • When I say 30 posts, I mean the overall number of posts. This means that each thread will reach up to 30 overall posts or 40. This means that competitors will have 15 posts in the thread to defeat their opponent or 20 depending on whether an extension was rewarded.
  • Competitors will not be allowed to enter each others thread if I did not pair them up. This means you cannot help Person A defeat Person B because you want Person A to win.
  • Competitors cannot kill their opponent. This is against SWRP:Chaos rules.
  • Competitors are advised to contact me in the event that there is an issue in the thread and both people cannot come up with asolution by themselves. I will then decide what happened. My word is final.
  • If competitors do not trust my word or judgement, then they can seek out a real RPJ. I suggest against this, as they have enough on their plate and it will slow the thread and tournament down for everyone else.
Everyone is advised to read this. It is what I will be mostly judging you on.

Sign ups are now closed. The gathering thread will be up in an hour or so from this post. Good luck.
[member="Sophie Gustav"]

I know it's over kill and a very minor thing, but could you please edit your post? I'd only be known as Darth Ayra to you and everyone participating in the thread. It's important to my other roleplay that nobody knows my name is Alicia Drey. Thank you.
| [member="Sierra Momoa"] | [member="Viktor Romanov"] | [member="Sanus"] | @Arkia Zinn |

Round 1 has begun. Thus far the following threads have been posted:

Round 1: Nick Gamastar vs Sophie Gustav
Round 1: Harley vs Alaki
Round 1: Warok the Defiler vs Vrag
Round 1: Bellona Vel vs Xilo Gale
Round 1: Invicta Zambrano vs Logan of Little Coruscant

If I haven't tagged you into a duel with another Sith Acolyte it is because you did not participate in this thread. The people who have been tagged in the above links did post in the Tournament of Acolytes, so I assumed they were still participating.

If I have tagged you in this thread it is because I am still waiting for confirmation to see if you still want to participate.

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