[member="Canal Tal'Verda"], I don't know if I can answer that now. The event will be judged upon a writers fight/storytelling ability combined with IC logical sense, so I can't expressively say "yes" to your question. My gut says the answer should still be that you don't win since it started out as a Force bracket (and will remain that way with your exception, unless other NFU's come in to compete, in which I'll ask that you participate in their bracket). My mind though says that it might not be fair if it was automatically assumed you can't win anyway, as that might encourage the other contestants to merely ignore you, which I don't want.
I think I'll appeal to the message it would be sending in either situation, and I'm going to say that victory for you will be in the top three (because the two sith who win will face off against each other). If you don't make it to third place, then you can consider it defeat, and depending on your writing, it might mean I don't have any obligation to give you a reward. As for the second round of combat should you win your conditions, how about you face off with the victor of the Acolyte bracket (since their prize is to become a knight)?