Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tracks in the Desert [Mandalorian Dominion of Elom]

Location: Elom Surface settlement
Objective: 3 and 2 (sort of) and 4
Allies: [member="Anija Ordo"]
Post: [8/20]

Siobhan took a sip from her water, finishing the glass. "Then he better get ahold of himself and sort out what the feth his problem is. You still trust him?" Clearly the subject was touching a nerve when it came to Siobhan. She took a breath as she seemed to calm down.

"I can put you in touch with [member="Mirien Valdier"] if you like. She heads Firemane intel, and is a specialist in memory repair and such. She can help you so that you don't have to suffer in this way again." Her comm beeped and she picked it up. Briefly the Firemane team reported in, updating her on the operation to drill and train the local militia, which seemed to be going well. Firemane reps were talking with local bigwigs about mining rights in return for guns. Deactivating the comm and putting it done, she turned back to Anija. "Way back, when I was a Jedi, I was...possessed by an ancient Sith Lord. It was...horrid, so I know what it's like be trapped in your own mind, feel like it is coming apart and there's nothing you can do." Unspoken was the fact that to an extent her experiences with Shadow mirrored what Ordo had gone through with the Dark Lord.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: Elom Orbit – preparing to go to the surface[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Objective #1 – Provide aide[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Team: [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Lilin Imperieuse"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rianna once convinced the teams were prepared for all that would unfold before them made her way to the hangar deck joining a team that would sweep over the area first, while other teams landed near Briika and her teams to see if any patients were ready to be transported to either frigate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rianna scanned below them as the shuttle flew threw everything looked to be going to plan the surgical teams were working smoothly and fitting in with the rest of the medical corps.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There would be celebrations at MandalMedical when they returned home. A bit of movement off to the left caught Rianna’s attention.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Let’s go there” she directed the pilot.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Location: The surface – looking at the faces she should know[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Objective #1 – Receive Aide[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Team: [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] | [member="Nolan Detta"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Satine nodded when her name was said, the faces that turned looking at her she felt they were familiar she felt she should be able to recall their names. Her brow furrowed in frustration as she tried to remember.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He said his name was Kad Tor. How did she know Kad Tor again, squeezing her eyes tight she wanted to recall the name the face but blank. She let out a deep breath a sign of her frustrations.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Then a blonde appeared concern written all over her face, she nodded, ok a shot, and she was safe. Safe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They didn’t know safe the things that were hidden away on this planet the things that Satine stared hard at the ground.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]A name, she looked up, hope in her eyes, “Nolan?!” That name she knew. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They were planning on moving her, the one called Kad was helping her to move, each step was an agony. White flashes of pain struck, Satine clenched her teeth hard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They finally managed to get her to a gurney, she was breathing hard from the effort of walking. She looked again at the faces around her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She reached down and touched her leg. She had fallen a time ago and her leg had not healed quite right, infection was spreading.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She reached over and grabbed the one called Kad, “Nolan…please” She had to see his face had to know that this was not another dream.[/SIZE]
Location: Elom Surface settlement
Objective: 3 and 2 (sort of) and 4
Allies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Post: [9/20]

"I... don't know as he really can get himself sorted right now. I tried to talk sense into him... but, it pretty much came to blows between him and Arrbi over the issue." She sighed, and sipped at her water again, trying to stretch the stiffening muscles in her other arm as she did so. "That... I don't know..." she admitted after a long pause. He had stopped before he'd killed her. So maybe the real draco was in there somewhere. But he'd also come to blows with her riduur over the whole issue. "I know, that in there somewhere is the Draco I do know. What I don't know is how to bring him back."

Anija thought for several moments on Sio's offer. "That.... would probably be a good idea..." she said softly. "I've never had to deal with such an attack before... and now that i have, I'd like to avoid it in the future." She frowned. "Arrbi had started training me in his dissembling techniques.... but it wasn't enough.." As Sio put the comm away, Anija downed the last of her water. "I... should be alright... I think. Just.... feeling pretty worked over right now."
Location: Elom Surface(Elomin Settlement in A'driannamieq Mountains)
Objective: 3 - Defense - 4 - Testing of new armor.
Allies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Triam Akovin"] | [member="Strider Garon"]| @One_Two | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Sarli Ra-Suutar"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | @Teroch Gra'tua
Post: [4/20]

Ijaat smiled, and the lights dimmed, the metal and gold sheath rolling back from his face a bit. Oddly enough he pulled out a protein ration and wolfed down first one, then three of them in a quick almost inhale of food, sighing as the suit rolled back over his face with a pulling or suctioning sound. Shaking his head a bit, the nightvision activated, and bumps grew and then formed in his right arm and knees, summoning the full compliment of his armaments selected for this mission. Striding after the girl, he threw up the wrist with his flamethrower on it, then lowered it, thinking better of it with someone in front of him.

He really wasn't used to not being on point, but on this particular mission he was ok with it. Initiating his armor to link with Geoffery, he let the AI began a sensor sweep, also having it link up with his ship in orbit to send out a multi-spectral array and analysis pinpointed on his IFF and GPS location. If there was much valuable that was of any size beyond a hand held weapon, they'd find it. They might even find it then, no telling truly what [member="Coren Starchaser"] and Geoffery had put into HIS ship. The two had practically thrown out his design and started over, but he had to admit it was like a dream come true.

"Heat sigs up ahead, two of them!"

This was spoken as Geof pinged his HUD to mark the signatures as just a few meters ahead, still trying to fix exactly where.

"You prefer home-cooked breakfast or outrageously expensive dining out?"
Location: Elomin Settlement [A'driannamieq Mountains] ----> Cavern Exploring
Objective: 3--Defense
Allies: [member="Ijaat Akun"] ... [member="Strider Garon"] ... [member="Basaba Willamina"] ... [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] ... [member="Anija Ordo"]
Posts: [6/20]

The walk through the darkness reminded her of the time she had gotten separated from the main group during a routine sweep of the mines back on some backwater planet; a place the Republic had no business being there. Still, the event had taught her a valuable lesson. Rather more like two valuable lessons. Never play the hero role and never, under any circumstances, think it's a good idea to go chasing down fleeing suspects in near pitch black tunnels. If they want to run, let them.

While the duo were walking, her head swiveled back and forth while the torch attachment on her rifle barrel was a split second behind. Any crevice, regardless of shape or size, would not go unchecked by her. Pirates, mercs, or whomever was down here usually didn't play on an even field. Then again neither did she. Her old training instructor, a rather cheeky fellow with a stomach winning the war against his waistline, had once told her to always try to think like your enemy. Whatever your mind comes up with, it's a sure bet they thought it up themselves.

Suddenly the the silence was broken when her partner mentioned they were expecting company; two of them in fact. Halting her advance, she crouched behind a pile of rubble fixing the barrel down the corridor. The man, whose name she still didn't know, possessed armour that probably could withstand a few blaster shots while poor 'ol Sarli's armour, a loose interpretation at best, would probably not stand up to the scrutiny.

"Home-cooked breakfast," the reply came over her shoulders. Then she turned her head slightly to face him and added, "Are you a good cook?"

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Location: Elom Settlement [Surface] and Elomin Settlement [A'driannamieq Mountains]
Allies: [member="Sarli Ra-Suutar"] @Strider Geron [member="Ijaat Akun"]
Post: 4/20

Her hand finished punching one of the men as the transport came to her and she got her rifle again. Some of them were moving around the settlement and she rolled her shoulder sliding the rifle onto her back as she walked through looking for others. More people had arrived to the settlement and Basaba was walking the path as the transport came in behind her. Gun spinning and tracking for others that were attacking as she spoke. "Strider, we cleared our area. Where do you want us to relocate?" Her arm pounded on the hood of the transport as they plowed through some debris.
Location: Elom Chasm(Elomin Settlement in A'driannamieq Mountains)
Objective: 3 - Defense - 4 - Testing of new armor.
Allies: [member="Sarli Ra-Suutar"] (everyone else is up above us on the surface)
Post: [5/20]

Ijaat grinned as she turned to answer him, and for once, though his eyes were hidden, the grin was genuine and reflected there. This woman was quick on her feet and didn't just swoon at the sight of the Rally Master flirting with them. He liked that, actually a lot if he were honest. Too often money and power equated to women wanting to get their share of it and then leave. But this one seemed to either not care one bit, or just not know at all. If she didn't know... Well... She might be the last person on Mandalore to not have heard of him by now, with what happened at Selvaris. And that was just fine with him.

A hiss and firing sound, and two volleys from the charric style repeating blaster on his wrist and two bodies thumped to the floor, one dead with a shot right through the eye, the other hit in the abdomen and groin, and cursing loudly and holding the second injured area as he writhed in what was likely a considerable amount of pain. Ijaat merely walked up to the man, face appearing from his helmet as he quietly bent to him, bared a few inches of steel, and rather coldly just cut the mans' throat and stood, wiping the blood from his beskad.

"I cook better than I shoot.... I used to own a cantina. These lot are not too grubby, and their weapons are in good shape for what they are, so I think there is likely a bolt hole here they are fleeing to. Probably trying to mount a counter insurgence on our surface forces, if they have any tactical mind. Do you have a comm, or should I notify the others?"
Location: Space
Objective: Locate my Lost Wife
Allies: [member="Satine D'ulin"](Wife) [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Briika Detta"]

Nolan was sitting on the deck of the Mandalorian Captial ship waiting for a call to come in that would tell him it's time to bring in the Wreckingball when he got a completely different call.

His brother and sister Kad and Bri were on the ground and had found something that had been lost twice to Nolan. To say his mood was sour was an understatement. Having lost his wife to the Event a few months ago, and then again to her own family, Nolan was willing to take any risk to get her back.

Kad and Briika had found Satine. He could barely contain his enthusiasm as he forgot to grab any of his gear besides what was on his armor before boarding his own dropship and throwing it at the planet at Mach Jesus. The nose of the dropship shine bright orange and gold as it melted away because Nolan had forgot to engage the shields. The next thing for Nolan to do was get to the ground, fast. After breaking atmos, he ditched the ship for terminal velocity. Over 40,000 feet lay between Nolan and his love and he was coming down rapidly. He commed his family, but it would be drowned out by the rush of wind around him. His black armor would give his position away easily to anyone who looked up. It would appear that Nolan was going to Come in like a Wreckingball.
Location: Surface near a small town, some caves, mine, pirates etc.
Objective: Play with self, awwwwyis
Allies: Squadmates
Post: 1/20

"Where are we now and what are we doing?"

Almost as one the squad turned to look at Sasctayr who sighed, lowering his head to his hands as their shuttle touched down.

"Honestly? Does no one ever read the briefing? You don't even know where we are? Fine! Elom! Miserable cold desert planet, has useful mining. Two native sentients. Elom underground, Elomin above. Bunch of mercs and damned pirates- sorry La-"

"No problem, pirates are right bastards, this is true."

"have taken over most of their mines. Something about medical aid, something something cave-ins."

"Something something?"

"You're not going to pay attention to the details past that any way are you?"

"Good point."

The shuttle touched down.

"Helmets on!"
Location: Surface near a small town, some caves, mine, pirates etc.
Objective: Play with self, awwwwyis
Allies: Squadmates
Post: 2/20

The five man squad exited the shuttle, weapons not yet drawn. This little settlement was supposed to be friendly territory after all. They didn't always try and terrify the natives. Just if it was useful. Or funny. The shuttle took off again, more Mandos and supplies to move about.

Several tall, horned figures made their way towards the squad cautiously.

"Remind me a bit of Zabrak."


"Biologically extremely different. Definitely not related."

"Still look like 'em."



One of the Elomin offered with an incline of his impressively horned head.

"You must be the Mandalorian allies sent to help bolster our defences and to defeat the Rovers of the Silent Sky and reclaim our mines and people, as well as our enslaved brethren below, the Elom."

"Who are we defeating?"

"Not very good pirates."

"Ah, you know them?"

"Nah, but any crew needs a mouthful of a name like that they aren't very good. Trying to use their name to make a name for themselves."


The Elomin was of course unaware of this entire conversation, as the squad had yet to switch from their internal channels.
Location: Abandoned Mine
Objective: Investigate the Mine
Allies: [member="Andrea Kryze"]

Betna looked up at the mine entrance and scratched his cheek in thought for a moment. The mine was definitely abandoned and had been for some time. He'd managed to pick up the place for cheap for the Protectors to utilize and knew it was abandoned. He figured it was because perhaps the previous owners had run out of money or something similar. Either way, he could see now why it was left to rot in the wilderness. From the broken boards and detritus littering the ground, either a pack of wookiee adolescents had taken up refuge or something nasty had decided to make the mine their home.

Betna hoped it was the wookiee teenagers to be honest.

"What do you think?" he asked his companion for this mission. She was new to the Protectors, but a known Mandalorian. He figured this could be a good first job for her. "Predators or predator?"
Location: Surface near a small town, some caves, mine, pirates etc.
Objective: Play with self, awwwwyis
Allies: Squadmates
Post: 3/20

It was at about this point it occurred to the Mandos that probably they should respond in some fashion that their hosts could hear. It was likely about reaching an uncomfortable length of time to have the five just standing their, seemingly silent.

"Yep. That's us."

La allowed, over her helmets speaker.

"We are honoured."

The Elomin said, preforming a graceful bow. With his full head of horns pointing at her chest, La was glad to be in armour. That'd bloody hurt to be headbutted with.

"Allow us to show you our settlement."

With that they turned, leading the way back, the Mandos following.

"As you can see, our building are made strong, built of good materials from the mountains themselves."

So.. stone, durasteel, that sort of thing. They did look fairly solid. Of course on a fairly level patch of ground on a gentle slope at the foothills of the mountains in question, it also looked like a damned nightmare to defend. Scorch marks on some of the buildings said that this was so.

"Well this is pretty terrible."

La commented, back on the internal channel.

"Yep.. Slopes too gentle to allow them any real protection from those coming from below, and it's got a sharper grade just above it giving those coming from above the advantage."

"So basically they picked the worst spot possible."

"Looks like."

"And we're supposed to fix their defences and teach 'em how to not get shot?"


"I like the jobs were we just shoot things."

"Me too."

With her usual tact, La switched back to external speakers, and interrupted whatever whatshisface was going on about, something something dew catching, gravity fed whatever. No one cared.

"You built your town stupid."
Location: Surface near a small town, some caves, mine, pirates etc.
Objective: Play with self, awwwwyis
Allies: Squadmates
Post: 4/20

"I'm sorry?"

The Elomin managed after opening and closing his mouth several times.

"Look right, even discounting artillery or folks coming at you with a ship, saying all you have to fight are grunts with blasters and blades, which from the look of the damage is about the case."

"Well yes-"

"You built your town on a slope too gentle to give you any advantage from anyone pressing from the southwest, but next to a steeper slope so assuming they're already in the mountains and the caves which you say they are, anyone coming from the northeast is firing down into your town and has decent cover themselves."

"We-we were not expecting to come under attack when we built this place! It is designed for maximum efficiency of resources and-"

"How's that maximum efficiency working out when half your folks are dead or captured? Not so hot? Thought not. Don't argue with me, just fix it."

"I- You are correct, what should we do?"

"Well, you build damned solid, I'll give you that, it looks like you could pretty well just up and move most of your buildings. You got any repulsor lifts?"

"The Rovers stole, them, as they stole most things of value or usefulness."

"A'right sure. So we're gonna have to wipe these Rovers out early, good enough. Here's what you do. Either find a place on high ground with nothing higher around it, or since that's gonna be damned difficult around here, find somewhere next to a steep incline that's going to be difficult for enemies to scale in either direction so you can put your back against it. Start clearing and leveling it. We'll move your buildings there and then see about constructing fortified walls. Ideally if you wanna stay here and hold forever, more than one layer, so an enemy breeches one wall, he's now trapped between the two and you pick him off. It ought to be at least, two, three times your height. Some aliens are built damned big, you want to be firing down at them. Y'don't want to be exposed up on the wall either, so you're going to hollow out a passage in it, with murderholes for you to shoot from. Make sure their are strategic places where you can access the top of the wall of course, you don't want to be stuck inside it with your enemies having found a way to climb over."

The Elomin while paying very close attention was starting to look a bit overwhelmed.

"That's enough for now, we can draw you out plans for it later, when we get your gear back. Do the scouting and start clearing. You got coordinates or a map of where these Rovers are?"

"Ah, maps yes, I will fetch them, a moment."

He scurried off.

"When'd you turn into a general?"

"Pffft, normally I'm the one trying to breach the damned settlements. Just think about the things you hate running into."

"Fair enough."
Location: Surface near a small town, some caves, mine, pirates etc.
Objective: Play with self, awwwwyis
Allies: Squadmates
Post: 5/20

The five Mandos stood, again seemingly silent, helmets bowed over the map, occasionally a finger would move to trace a significant landmark.

"Don't see where we have much choice but head on. They're in a damned cave. It's got one entrance."

"And we don't have the gear to make a second entrance. Not quickly enough anyway, I don't want to spend months here, the girls aren't really my cup of ne'tra gal."

"When has that ever stopped you."

"You wound me, you know those other women are only a poor substitute for you. Some day you'll give in to my charms La'ika."


"If she's still making you match her kill count that's going to be never."

"A little faith vod!"

"There's faith and then there's idiocy."

"Either way, we have the fire power and the armour, if not the manpower. We can try and breach stealth-like to start, they're likely not used to any real resistance if this lot is any indication, if that doesn't work.."

She grinned, hand going to touch the Riot Gun. Her love for that gun was well known, and for good reason.

"Right then."

"Let's go."

As one, they moved out, falling by habit into formation as they trotted towards their destination at the ground eating lope they could maintain for a fair length of time. Even La with her hated prosthetic, rocks and all. She'd largely gotten used to it.

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct

Location: Abandoned Mine
Objective: Investigate the Mine
Allies: [member="Arrbi Betna"]

Andrea Kryze, initiate Mandalorian. Her armor was quite heavy, and the thirty pound gear caused her to slow down a bit. She was right behind Betna as they entered the dirty, sooty, dank mine.

Kryze was thankful that her temporary Mandalorian helmet was on, as it would protect her from the mine's worst. She crossed her arms, the wind rippling the blond hair hanging out of the helmet, and answered her commander's question.

"Looks fun. Dirty, but fun." Kryze chuckled, pulling her arms to her sides, one of them gripping a MT-14 heavy blaster pistol, "Whoever the predators are, that should be us. Right?"
Location: Abandoned Mine
Objective: Investigate the Mine
Allies: [member="Andrea Kryze"]

"We can only hope," he said as he checked over his ammunition and flicked the safety off his shotgun. It was a basic pump action model, nothing special, and was loaded with typical ammunition.

He squatted down near the mine entrance and pulled a knife from his kit. Using the point, he manipulated something on the ground. To the casual eye, it looked akin to an old stick or chunk of wood wrapped in old paper or rotted fabric. As the knife point touched it, the substance wrapping the stick crumbled slightly. He gestured for his companion to come close to look.

"See this?" he asked, nodding to the object on the ground. "Old bone. Looks like one of the local herbivores. Normally, you'd just find the bone, but this parchment stuff? It's skin and flesh. All dried up. Normally you see this on mummified bodies in warm and dry locations or even frozen in ice, but out here and in the open? That doesn't happen without help. Someone could have prepared a mummy out here somehow, but I doubt it. My guess is something that didn't need the flesh and pulled all the fluids out of the body."

Betna pointed the knife at some of the larger sections of woodwork still standing, namely parts of the frame of supports at the mine entrance. Many of the upper struts were still structurally sound and many seemed to bear scratches and odd stains.

"Now, there's claw marks and waste stains on the wood up there, see? They use the wood beams up there as perches, so they may be avian. Toss in the stains and how you don't see anything like tracks all around and that confirms whatever is in the mines are flying creatures," he said, then gestured to the closest of the clawmarks. "See how far apart those are spaced and how big the claws are? We're up against something rather large sized, probably vampiric, capable of flight, and from the lack of feathers and exoskeleton molt it's probably a furred or hairless mammal of some kind. Toss in that there's none out here, but plenty of evidence they sit out here, and we're looking at something nocturnal. My guess is that we've got ourselves a Borgle Bat infestation to deal with."

Betna looked at the woman's pistols and raised an eyebrow under his helmet. He jabbed a thumb at the small bundle of gear they had brought, namely the small case he'd set down upon arriving.

"Pop that open and grab the SMG from inside that case," he said as he stood up and sheathed the knife. "Should be some ammunition in magazines and a few spare power packs. I've no doubt you're a good shot with those sidearms, but you're probably going to need a little more volume of fire if we get swarmed."

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct
Location: Abandoned Mine
Objective: Investigate the Mine
Allies: [member="Arrbi Betna"]

If her helmet would of allowed it, Kryze would have been plugging her nose and pulling her hands across her mouth.


And there was a chance of fighting those things.

Kryze let out a small sigh though, this was what she signed up for. Easily though, even someone who wasn't force sensitive could sense how grossed out she was. The young woman observed the new weapon she was given. Being a weapons geek, beneath her helmet were sparkly eyes and an excited grin. She carefully took the weapon, shaking a bit from her eagerness, and formally held it in a military stance (after almost dropping the heavy rifle), "Thank you, sir! I'll take very go-"

She caught herself.

Kryze cleared her throat and tightened her stance "Um... -Sir, yes, sir!"

She hoped to move on from her unmilitary reply to receiving a new toy. She looked at the dark caves ahead, a more serious face, although still quite red, forming under her helmet, "Our plan of action, sir?"
Location: Abandoned Mine
Objective: Investigate the Mine
Allies: [member="Andrea Kryze"]

"Well, first off, don't call me 'sir'," Betna said as he walked up to the mine.

He flipped his helmet scopes through their cycle and thought for a moment. Giant bats that could fly in a mine shaft in the dark where they were in their element. All they had was the element of surprise and the fact that the bats were on the sleep half of their daily cycle. As he thought, he brought up the map he was given of the mine shaft itself and skimmed over it for a moment.

"We'll go down the main shaft to start with," he said as he sent the mine layout to Andrea's helmet. "There's only three side corridors and all of them branch off the end. When we get down there, we'll have to flush them out one by one, but for the main shaft we should be okay. Just have to watch all corners and angles."

He hefted the shotgun and stepped inside the threshold of the mine entrance. He took one last moment to check over his gear once more and turned to look at Andrea.

"I'm on point, stick close behind and make sure you keep up suppression if we get swarmed. Remember to watch to ceiling, too."

With that, Betna raised the shotgun and stepped into the darkness.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Location: Outskirts of Elom's surface settlement - Rapid Response Mobile Surgical Unit #1
Objective: #1 - Provide immediate medical aid & help re-establish a self-sufficient medical care system for the planet
Allies: [member="Rianna Ar'klim"], [member="Kad Tor"], [member="Lilin Imperieuse"], [member="Satine D'ulin"], [member="Nolan Detta"] & [member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Orick T'ane"]
Post: 4/20

Once back at the RMSU, Satine was taken into one of the trauma suites in the ER for further evaluation. The leg wound that the Mistryl Shadow Guard had was not looking good. They would have to act fast in order to save her leg and/or keep her from going septic from the raging infection, which could be life threatening if left untreated. Seemed the Manda had brought them all together for a reason as a sonic type boom was heard over their heads. Must be Nolan... The Wreaking Ball cometh?!

"I need cultures on both the wound and blood for baseline. Have the lab run those stat along with a complete chem panel and tox screen. Also, let's get an IV started for rehydration and get a broad-spectrum antibiotic going," Briika said, giving orders to the nurse assisting while grabbing a wound tray from the medical supply cabinet, then she placed her hand in a comforting way on to her sister in law's arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. The big question of course in Bree's mind was… had she seen Kable, but now wasn't the time to ask that, who had gone missing after the rapture.

"Satine… I'm going to clean up your leg wound now. Can you tell us how you got injured and/or came to be on Elom?"

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