Hey guys, Tyrin's old abandoned writer character here.
Recently I've come up with some really cool stories for this character, but I feel he needs to be a bit more accomplished before I can plausibly do them. I want to develop him into a sneaky, manipulative, Emperor-like character, since I've done pretty much the opposite (Vader) with Tyrin. He has barely any skill with a lightsaber, utilizing Niman at the moment, and while I wouldn't mind developing a moderate proficiency with Makashi fighting isn't what this character is for. Right now, I'm still going to be focusing mostly on Tyrin, so I won't be doing much besides training threads. However, this guy is an accomplished slicer and always has a plan, so he should be able to run a few "errands" for whoever is kind enough to teach him.
I'm looking to eventually learn the following abilities, maybe with some others besides:
- Advanced use of the mind trick, leading into some mind control abilities and the ability to conjure illusions and nightmares in people's minds.
- Some combative force techniques, and eventually honing the use of force lightning to deadly levels.
- Sith Alchemy; genetic engineering only.
Once again, if anyone is willing to teach me some of this stuff, I'm sure you will find Assadar to be a useful apprentice.