Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Training Duel

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor



[member="marlo tere"] and [member="Dianah Vrorae"] stand in the training room, training sabers at the ready.


Darth Miseria

Dianah stood in the training room. The cool metal hilt of her saber rested comfortably in her hand. She had attached a thin leather chord to the end that wrapped around her delicate wrist, securing the saber in it's place. For a while now, before anyone else had appeared, she had been standing stock still. Gathering a feel of the room and creating an impression of the things she might be able to accomplish here. It was a room suitable for what was about to take place. Her first ever battle with another acolyte. To say she was excited was an understatement.

When Marlo entered the room she gave him a deep, mocking bow. Her torso bent low at the waist making her long white hair graze against the metal floor. To anyone else it would have looked like a bow of respect. But her eyes, which were looking at Marlo through her thick eyelashes, said something completely different. She meant no respect. This was a battle she fully intended to win. Before anything unsavoury could happen she pulled her body upright, facing her opponent.

Just as she set her feet Marlo jumped unceremoniously around her and caught her in the back with a force push. She stumbled forward with a grunt. But she had been taught how to fall. Tucking her legs under her she rolled forward, her arms outstretched to prevent her from injuring anything on the solid floor. As she came back up to a stand her blade ignited, humming with life. It cast a deep red glow over the black room.

With a cat like quality to her movements she spun on her heel and dived forward toward Marlo, slashing out elegantly at his outstretched hand with her saber.

[member="marlo tere"]


Active Member
marlo retracted his hand before the saber hit it, jumping into the slashing at the leather cord wrapped around her hand. [member="Dianah Vrorae"]

Darth Miseria

With a flick of her wrist, she narrowly avoided a serious burn from the lightsaber. But she could feel it's heat radiating against her pale skin. She could even smell the singed hair on her arm.

As it happened, the flick of her wrist sent her saber hurtling toward Marlo's head. But that wasn't what she wanted. Killing him might have been amusing and it certainly did fill her with delight, but it wasn't right for here and now. She needed to get smart if she was going to win this fight, she could tell that much. Her mind was a blurr of quick planning and calculations.

She dis-ignited the saber as it came close and instead the end of the hilt brushed a good few inches away from his face. Using the momentum from her flick she turned on the ball of her heel, bringing an elegant leg into the air and aimed a swift quick at the square of his chest. At the same time her blade hand had found its position and she reignited it, bringing it up to defend her out-stretched leg.

[member=marlo tere]


Active Member
​marlo used the force to push himself out of the way of [member="Dianah Vrorae"] leg, landing on the ground...marlo got a idea gripping dianah's light saber with the force ripping it out of her hand pulling it towards himself​'' if she doesn't let go it will pull her arm out of it's socket.'' ​he thought to himself, if he won it would prove his strength.

Darth Miseria

Fortunately for Dianah her shi'ido heritage made her bone structure and tendons incredibly flexible. Marlo was truly skilled in the force thoughz, perhaps a little more than herself. She did, however, feel the painful tug of the ball and socket as it stretched her arm outward. It might not have dislocated but she would feel the sting for weeks after. In the few seconds it took her to realise what was happening, time seemed to pass slowly. If she didn't come up with a way to save herself she would be one arm shorter and one loss up.

Her body went as limp as she could manage from a standing position and she allowed herself to skid across the floor, using only the forceful pull of her blade to do so. Marlo had put himself in a compromising position and she would be dammed if she let it go to waste. Through sheer determination she managed to cling onto her saber for the time it took to cross the open space between them.

Her timing wasn't exactly perfect but when she finally reached where Marlo was lying she lifted a single foot into the air and brought the hell of her boot down hard toward the hilt of his blade. The force pull he had used in an attempt to remove her saber from her arm gave the stomp a little extra umph. Her light frame meant her foot travelled quickly through the air, but it also meant she was unlikely to do any permanent damage to his blade if she managed to hit her mark.

[member=Marlo tere]


Active Member
as [member="Dianah Vrorae"] foot came down marlo sent a surge of lighting into her face, in the same motion marlo grabbed his saber. dianah was smart but not that smart. afterwards marlo did a backflip landing in a fighting stance and continued to pull on the light saber.

Darth Miseria

The surge of lightning flashed bright red sparks that lit up her skin with the same glow. It blinded her for a few moments, sending her reeling backward from the shock. It stung like hell, of course. Sharp stabbing sensations wracked all the way through her body. But it was nothing compared to the pain endured during her training lessons with dear old Dad. Dianah was reminded for a brief instant of the long and gruelling nights and the searing pain that often followed the next day. She was glad of it, however. It meant that pain like this was only felt for a few moments before she could recover enough to defend herself.

With a quick shake of her head and a mental note to feel sorry for herself later, she was ready to go again.

The lightsaber was dead weight. If he kept up his force pull she would eventually be too tired to use the arm or lose it completely. So Dianah let it fly from her hand, judging it as a lost cause. The situation seemed pretty bleak, but not completely without hope. When it came down too it Marlo did have two lightsabers, but she was a born and bred Mandalorian. Hand to hand was something she had practised time and time again. It would be difficult with the double threat of being burnt to kark as she had only ever fought against one.

But there were a few more tricks up her sleeve yet.

A pale white hand thrashed upward cutting their air with an almost audible whip. Palm facing the ceiling, Dianah's fingers tensed and began curling slowly into a fist. The dark side of her oozed out thickly, like honey being poured from a jar. Her feet set themselves firmly against the floor, poised and ready to spring into action. The force crush was aimed at the tibia in his dominant leg. Dianah hoped that it would crush with the pressure, not to dust mind, just enough to disable him. He was far too agile, he could do with being knocked down a peg.

Her face twisted with the concentration of it, so much so that it made her hand shake violently in front of her. She had seen her father do this once and it tickled her to think how proud he would be.

[member=marlo tere]


Active Member
marlo could feel the force building on his leg like that time is old master made him bend his joints to impossible degrees so he could be more agile for the assassination missions he would he would do, marlo used the force on to focus on his leg reinforcing it, the pain was nothing compered with the pain [member="Dianah Vrorae"] was going to feel using the light saber taken from dianah he threw it at the paneling in the ceiling causing the panels to fall on dianah then jumping around her, reminding him when he fought that jedi knight on tatoonie, using the other light saber to mount himself on the wall with ease sending a force push into her.

Darth Miseria

Krif, kark, osik.

All the curse words she'd ever learnt went rushing through her mind. Dianah could feel the force counteracting her own. It pushed heavily against the pressure she desperately tried to manifest. What would make this weakling bend to her will?

Almost in slow motion, she watched the lightsaber leave his hand. Before she was even ready it had crashed against the metal ceiling tiles and brought one of them tumbling from its place. How he had managed to throw it with such force that the screws had come loose was a mystery to Dianah. Now she was in real trouble. A hefty lump of metal was crashing quickly toward her head. But her feet were ready, as was she. They pushed her frame off the floor, diving out of the way. With no lightsaber to worry about she allowed her landing to be messy. After all she was trying to avoid something that could have potentially turned her into jelly.

She skidded on her hands and knees across the floor and scrambled to get back up. She thanked the stars that she had remembered her knee guards. Otherwise she'd be nursing some nasty scrapes.

The force push was easy to postulate. He was getting rather predictable. A simple wave of the force had prevented it from doing nothing more then making her step back. With her saber now lying freely on the ground she used a force pull to bring it comfortably back into her waiting hand. She turned it off and slipped the strap over her wrist, let it hang down next to her leg. He had done her a huge kindness by providing the perfect ammo. Wasting no time she threw the shards of broken ceiling tile toward his face with a fury of force telekinesis. One after the other after the other.

[member=marlo tere]


Active Member
marlo jump into dodging the shards of metal landing a few feet away from [member="Dianah Vrorae"] ​''your strong, looks like I'll need practice.'' marlo walked out of the room he had yielded and he was tired.

Darth Miseria

The razor sharp shards flew this way and that way, attempting to find their mark in any vulnerable location on Marlo's body. High pitched metallic pings bounced from wall to wall as the pieces of ceiling tile missed their target. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't seem to make one even graze his body. Dianah made a note of his agility and reminded herself to ask about what training he had acquired for it. She might not be the shortest of girls but her body was light and quick. Quick enough to match his, with some schooling of course.

All of a sudden Marlo's voice rang loud and true through the discourse of noise. Dianah lowered her hands. In the corners of her eyes she could still see the red tinge of all the anger and force she had put behind the battle. Her chest heaved up and down in a steady rhythm from the weight of it all. She could barely believe it. The victory was hers. Marlo had been an admirable opponent, but she had come out better. Dianah gave a little whoop of celebration and a low bow to nobody in particular.

With a swagger in her step she left the training room, feeling a wave of relief as the pressure of the fight released from the tense knots in her shoulders. Dianah hoped she had made an impression on whoever was watching that day.

[member=marlo tere]

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