Just another avatar for Cyttorak
Capital City
Sith Temple
Thid Qaal settled his modified Yorik-et transport on the docking platform near the flat-topped stone pyramid. The Yuuzhan Vong High Priest had followed the trail cut through the dense jungle canopy to reach the place. Exiting his living ship, he was immediately struck with the heat, humidity, and dense smells of the place. It seemed a perfect place for Yuuzhan Vong to be, and that was as it should be: the Vong and Graug had taken control of the planet and shaped it to their own ends
Climbing the steep, weathered stone steps, Qaal entered the temple. He came unarmed, wearing nothing but a simple belted loin cloth, his scars and bio-engineering plainly visible on his pale, mottled flesh.
"Master Dredge?" He called out, his voice echoing through the seemingly empty space. "I come for training!"
Capital City
Sith Temple
Thid Qaal settled his modified Yorik-et transport on the docking platform near the flat-topped stone pyramid. The Yuuzhan Vong High Priest had followed the trail cut through the dense jungle canopy to reach the place. Exiting his living ship, he was immediately struck with the heat, humidity, and dense smells of the place. It seemed a perfect place for Yuuzhan Vong to be, and that was as it should be: the Vong and Graug had taken control of the planet and shaped it to their own ends
Climbing the steep, weathered stone steps, Qaal entered the temple. He came unarmed, wearing nothing but a simple belted loin cloth, his scars and bio-engineering plainly visible on his pale, mottled flesh.
"Master Dredge?" He called out, his voice echoing through the seemingly empty space. "I come for training!"