Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Traitors Gate | NIO invasion of TSE held Vjun, Yavin and Vaal


Objective: Establish Space Superiority
Location: Space
Allies: TSE
Support: 1x Preventor II Class Battlecruiser | 1x Marr Class Star Destroyer | 3x Dramath Class Strike Frigate | 20x squadrons Caedus Class Superiority Fighter | 10x squadrons Caldoth Bomber
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: N Nyxeris | Legate Legate | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Eva Betrik Eva Betrik | Valen Arenais


"The repairs?"

Alina pulled her gaze from the planet of Vjun, hands clasped calmly behind her back. Beside her stood a Harch Admiral, his masked gaze still on the planet below. A light chittering sound echoed before he spoke. "As planned, Lady Tremiru. Our hyperdrive is still disabled, but the engines, guns, and shields have been repaired." The reality of a prolonged war on so many sides was just how beaten and battered so much of the Empire's fleet was. They needed to make due with what they had, repair what they could. And fight with whatever was available.

"Good. Make what repairs you can to the hyperdrive, but be ready for combat. The New Imperials are coming."

"On your command. Chchchchch."

"Enemy fleet detected. They're dropping from hyperspace." The report came in, and sure enough the enemy ships came into view. Alina's lips thinned. "Admiral Siege." There was an unspoken order in her addressing the Harch beside her. In truth, she knew too little about fleet combat to command effectively. It was why she brought Siege on board. She was here to observe. Learn. And, if it came to it, keep the bridge safe from any would be boarders.

One of the six arms of the admiral raised as all eyes turned to the figure. "Chchchchch. We are the shield for the cannons below. Send our bombers and a detachment of fighters to deal with those pesky Shieldships. Do not fire upon them. Instead, fire upon any ship that dares to try and approach around them and as cover for our bombers" His hand lowered as the fleet came to life. A defensive formation facing down the incoming fleet head on. Turbolasers would erupt to life, purposefully avoiding the imposing shields under Siege's direction.

Alina frowned slightly at this, glancing to the figure once again.

"Why not focus on those shields? Break them so the cowards have nothing to hide behind."

"Those shields will reflect whatever we might throw their way. Best to let the bombers that can bypass their shields take them out. Chchchchchch. Asides, we can have our bombers approach from the shielded side. Us their cover as our own." Alina's eyes narrowed. A handy trick, that was for sure.

"Another hyperspace signature approaching. Friendly. A Corvette under the command of an Acolyte Valen." The Sith Lord spoke up before the Admiral, a smile forming on her lips.

"Perfect. Patch me through to him." The Admiral peered at the Sith, who in turn shrugged. She knew Valen, well enough to know he wouldn't fail. Her image would form on the holocall, poised as ever.

"Acolyte Valen. Join the bombing run as an escort and make sure those Shieldships are brought down before they get too close." A fanged smile was flashed before the image faded. The fleet had their orders.
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Tags: Amon Vizsla
Equipment: In Bio​
Amon wondered what it felt like for her to don her armor once more? Not nearly the same as it had been all those years ago. She wasn't the young woman of twenty eight anymore. She certainly didn't feel like it either. The suit was a shadow a memory, it wasn't her true armor, and it was more of a means to an end rather than something she felt pride in. Her husband still held her original armor and helm, and without that, she felt incomplete. She had done her best to recapture that feeling in her new armor, but what it had turned into instead, was a walking fragment of her greatest failing. She had let Levo destroy her family. All because she fethed up in killing him.​
She wouldn't make that mistake again.​
She had read reports about Vjun, hell, she was going to live here at one point before she talked Levo out of it. Now here she stood, merely another obstacle on her quest for revenge. She owed Amon a great deal for this opportunity, else she'd have to do quite a bit of paperwork to get anywhere near this place. Now here she stood, side by side with Amon and a squad of infiltrators, ready to rip this place apart. Her glance met Amon's own, and she properly gave him the one finger salute, with all the intention of good humor behind it. He would appreciate the gesture. She had gotten a bit tired of the Imperial jabs; get some new content already.​
Sadly, she lacked a sonar mapper in her helmet, having to be one of the sacrifices she took when outfitting it with medical equipment. She had to supplement such things with droid scouts. She switched her helmet feed to that of her currently active droids sensory readings. "A moment." She remarked, her voice distorted by the voice modulator, looking over the data that now took up much of her display, and found the path that Amon was referring to. His reasoning was sound to her, as she found little to voice an opinion over. "Checks out to me, just have to trend carefully. There are big dogs on the prowl, and mighty as we are, we can all to easily become prey." It was a reality when it came to the Sith, the bastards had some mean little monsters locked up in their basements. If she was ten years younger and had an intact set of lungs, this was where she'd offer to make the first move. But, she had neither of those things going for her, and looked to Amon to lead the way forward. "Alright then Mister Vizsla, I hope you are as good as your file suggests." Gripping her rifle tightly, she gestured him forward. "Get that Beskar in gear, I got your six."
Here was to the start of a delicious revenge.​
Or at least, so she hoped.​




//: Objective //: Dragon Slayer //:
//: Target //: Ulrich Ulrich //: Undead //:
//: Allies //: None //:


Born of Blood, Risen from Ash

Viers inhaled the air deeply, the stench of death and decay lingered, and she nodded knowingly. This was here, the smell she had followed; the war around her was no concern of hers. The connections she had were the means she used to get to her overall goal. A hand gripped the twisted and uneti staff tightly, wielding it as a holy weapon of her Order. Looking upon the gargoyle statues that began to stretch their stone wings, she grinned.

Undead swarmed the battlefield as the Dragon above commanded them. Through the Force, she watched as the tendrils of control weaved and danced around each other. All fibers lead to the Dragon, and when she focused, she could feel the painful cries of the souls warped into these entities. The grin widened, her eyes focused on the undead mass and the Dragon itself. If she could survive this, slay the Dragon, it was possible the answers she so desperately sought after would be granted.

The displays of power did not go unnoticed; she watched wide-eyed, almost pleased as the Dragon smashed and destroyed the war machines. Everything was aligning perfectly for what she needed. The girl disappeared into the Force and moved quickly, gaining ground towards the undead hordes. She needed to show her own power, draw the attention of the undead’s foul beast of a master.

Standing in the center of a swarm of mindless undead husks, the Corellian suddenly appeared. A figure dressed in pure white, gold trimming showing her rank among the Uneti Monks. Her Order long forgotten by time, surviving on the threads of their beliefs and duty.

She waited, attention drawn to her by her living flesh. The tip of her quarterstaff emitted a warm hue of bright light, the will of Ashla flowing through her as she drew power from the light side of the Force. Then, in a blur, the quarterstaff whipped through the air as the small, slender figure followed. Heads exploded from the undead, entrails scattering as they fell, each freed from their slavery by the young monk.

Viers made a substantial hole in the forces of the undead. Blood and gore stained her face and white tunic. Fumbling quickly, she removed the cloak that protected her shoulders, hood falling to the ground as she tossed it aside. Eyes looked back up to the beast, almost daring it to swoop down and face her itself. But, catching her breath, all she could smell was death; she was where she precisely needed to be.

Tags: N Nyxeris
She was livid. Down right livid, and there was no getting around that. Nyxeris had informed her that they would be partaking in a conflict in the coming days, all in the name of the Empire. The warden had thought it no issue, they had done manner things in the name of the Empire, but siding with her former Sith masters? No, that was a line that had been crossed. Her fury was hardly contained, as she stood guard over the currently entranced Nyxeris, the apprentice pacing back and forth within her masters quarters, eyes darting to the acolytes that tended to her mistress as the ritual continued. If Nyxeris hadn't devoted so much of herself to Lilanna's own growth, if she hadn't such loyalty to the woman, this would be an entirely different scene playing out.​
Oh, she was certain Nyxeris had her reasons, her way to justify it, but to Lilanna, it felt like a stab in the back. Her presence began to unnerve the rest of the acolytes however, and in doing so, she realized that she was interfering with her masters own work. Angry as she was, she knew that Nyx put so much of herself into this, and to risk ruining that, even as peeved as she was, should be handled differently. She paused for a moment, standing as if she was about to say something, her eyes straining, fists clenched, no doubt Nyxeris could feel the tension, pressure, and rage boiling up within her apprentice. Yet, Lilanna said nothing. She merely sighed, gritted her teeth, and left her master to her rituals. There would be no point in starting an argument here and now. That would have to wait until later.​
Assuming Lilanna was still around to see a later.​
One thing was certain though, they were talking about this at a later date, and she would make her disapproval known.​



Allies: N Nyxeris

Enemies: Legate Legate Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt

H.M.S. Carnnia 2500/2500 Squadron Count in ships manifest
H.M.S. Fiyarro 600/600
H.M.S Saffia 600/600 2x Squadron of Eagles (24)
H.M.S. Cross 600/600 2x Squadron of Eagles (24)
H.M.S. Starfire 80/80
H.M.S. Sun Burst 80/80
H.M.S. Apiarian 80/80
H.M.S. Cylipso 80/80

She was here and to regather her forces, her personal capital ship had just finished being repaired. She was in her personal quarters, making holo calls, trying to find out which houses, were loyal to her, and those loyal to pretender Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku . She had been on calls all day, assuring people will return, and retake her throne. This was the merry go round, the question was where will it stop, with her, with Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Adron Malvern Adron Malvern , a new upstart. This was the question, how to put herself back their, and stop this merry-go-round for good.

She was in the middle of a conference call to an officer in the Serenno guardsmen when the alert came for general quarters. The was something happening outside. She ends the conversation, with "I will reward those that are loyal" She meant it too, the problem was all House of Serenno, were loyal to themselves, and knew when to switch from, great house to another on a whim. Ass he took to the bridge to see the scale of the problem, she saw a New Imperial Order Fleet on the horizon, she knew her duty, to ever regain Serenno, she and as such to serve the empire, and the empire needs her to kill them. The Fleet was large, but she was here with more than just her own fleet.

She began barking orders her own fleet to start taking up formation around H.M.S. Fiyarro, as that was artilery cruiser. Her own ship stayed to the back, as in this fight, was just a carrier, as it was designed for orbital bombardment. She then orders her fighter to deploy, She had many of her elite fighters with her, the
pipistrelle class fighters. The rest and slightly outnumbered were eagles, though they were excellent interceptors, they were no match for her best fighters. She was going to be at the rear of the sith formation, her capital ship could fight in this battle.

Soon though her artillery ship began firing at the extreme range at the enemy formation, whilst the others kept formation, she began making her way to
Noctule troops transport, and as the last pipistrelle left the ship, the ship began cloak, She was going to wait for the battle to be joined before she made her move. She was going to try and board and capture the enemy flagship, as this would be good for her standing.



Armour | Rifle | Pistol | Sohei | Hammer | Grenades
Company Strength: 200/200

Lady Marrow Lady Marrow , Sinestra Sinestra

It'd been a while since he had donned the armour. Meetings, promotions, it had all been so... Quiet. In such a way that it left him uneasy. What was he to do after securing the prized home of the Lord he served? The man who named another its regent, and him its championed defender. A position of honour were it not coming in the wake of fire raining down upon those he had come to lead. Those he had come to love like any brother.

"Tch," he uttered as the murky grey cloud vanished. His head was full of the quiet hissing as the acid rain came into contact with his armour. Nigh unaffected at first, he knew it'd get get worse with prolonged exposure to the elements. Angling downwards, Silas let himself glide loosely as gravity drew him rapidly to the surface.

This was not Ziost, nor was it Serenno. The aerial deployment was more in line with the engagement at the Redoubt Planetoid, he thought. Watching as dropships raced past him, he patched into his units encrypted frequency. "Engage," he ordered. Rotating over mid-air to look above him to see a company of his men... Fifth Company, sparking to life in the dark sky, their mounted jet packs bursting abruptly into existence as they slowed their descent and hit the ridgeline over looking the beach.

Silas, the Captain, was first. Clenching tight around the hammer's haft as he swung it up to rest its head on his shoulder. Staring out to the landing actions of the 501st and other combined forces, Silas marched on. Around him, jetpacks sputtered out as the Myrmidons of Fifth Company landed in proximity.

"Status, Lieutenant?"

"No casualties on landing. There's some concerns about the ra-"

"I'm aware," Silas said. A quick glance to the resting hammer through his visor was all that was warranted. In his minds eye, he could already see that the hammer would warp and become more of a detriment than an advantage. "Best to not get stuck in the rain then," he nodded.

"We take the walls ahead of the 501st." Raising up, the jetpack sparked to life, shooting him forwards along the over look.

From the looks of it, per his helmets sensors, it seemed ill defended. And the Myrmidons made good time, from time to time, groups of them fired on those easy pickings of Sith on the beaches. What little it did was likely enough to relieve some form of pressure on the attackers, or so they hoped. Silas on the other hand, was of single focus of the rising walls.

It was only then that the Battlemind AI, translating the information the sensors perceived, as a segment of the wall opened to admit a group of the defenders heading in their direction.

The first opponents of the day.

Seydou of Thyrsus




S H R I E K _ H A W K

skira [mando'a] - settling scores, revenge. feud (different to vengeance - more personal)

"Alright then Mister Vizsla, I hope you are as good as your file suggests."

"You have a file on me?" Amon arched an eyebrow beneath the helmet; ISB did keep tags on everything. Whatever her answer, he would nod to her gesture urging him to take point. The tip of the spear - that's where he excelled. Gripping tightly the hilt of the darksaber and remaining ever vigilant of his surroundings the Mandalorian led the way deeper into the sewer towards Castle Bast.

Boots crept and marched through the bilge, the acidic residues of the rain occasionally flaring sections of his energy shield enveloping his sabatons. The rattling sounds of war, muffled this deep underground, still managed to shake the earth around them as the New Imperials carried on with their two-pronged assault upon the Castle. The deeper they went and the more corpses littered the ground above, the redder the sewer's waters were. The blood of dead soldiers soaked into the dirty, brown soil and leaked into the sewers. Drop by drop until the astringent hue turned crimson.

A junction or two later, the Mandalorian duo had split from the main party and sought their own entry into the Castle. Here the tunnels were slightly narrower, his sonar mapper indicating a path with far more curves than their earlier route. Amon's own knowledge of the Castle's schematics was rather poor, Azula held far more intel on it than he did. The sudden tracing of a structure above them, indicated on his HUD's mapper, made him halt and ask, "You have any idea where exactly this'll lead us to? Take the first exit out or carry on further?"

The need for revenge itched at the back of his mind. The rivers would run red with the blood of Sith if it meant furthering Azula's cause.

ALLIES | NIO | Bright2 Bright2 [DIRECT] | Djonas Val Djonas Val | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Joren Loft Joren Loft



Operation: CENTURION

Objective 1:

Commonwealth Forces: Willan Tal Willan Tal Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart

Allies (NIO): Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen
Hâwmâr Lurais Henry Lucan

Allies (NJO/GA/FO/SJC/):

Allies (RGO/OTHER):
Augustus Tassar

Enemies (TSE/CIS): Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir

Primary: Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Claymore (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapon: Berach's Brass Knuckles (Right-pocket - right-hand wielding)

Blue-Heart Brigade (Mechanized-Infantry)
220 Cataphract Tanks
32 AFVs
6 ACVs
1 Battalion of Riflemen
1 Company of Combat-Engineers
1 Company of Elite Combat-Medics




'Oh, great! Hehehehe! Vjun decided to acid-rain for us after all! Check our 0100, Sith-trooper without his helmet on.... Gruesome sight, lads. Nae flames, but he's still writhing around in agony as you can see for yersels.', Corporal Johnstone exclaimed mirthfully from the LMG-turret above, albeit with a disgusted tone beneath it. Though it was no secret the young Tuath gunner had been crying out for new deployment environments since Csilla, it was becoming obvious to the others in the Saga that the young gunner was wishing for someplace that didn't kill threaten to kill him with acid from the skies, and that Vjun would be a relieved afterthought when all was said and done in the fight for Castle Bast. Barran could do nothing about the New Order's choices in deployment-location, and would rather not if he could've helped it, but he understood that hazardous worlds could present time-consuming risks that wouldn't be present in their preferred working-environments, so he decided to give the young Tuath a break and humoured it to get back to coordinating under newly-experienced conditions.

'Seen.... Guess ah'll just be stayin' inside the ACV then, eh?', the Brigadier-General quipped to nobody in particular, before turning back toward his map-holographic projections and sparked up a Fortaner cigar, settling in as he focused on playing the deathly map-game for a while. Though he hated it when he couldn't be more hands on with the job, Lord Erskine knew well enough that there was nothing else that could be done on his end until the coastal fortress had been breached, as ensuring a ceiling (throughout the process of fighting through to the overlooking turret-nests) would mean he could fight in CQC without the worry of seeing his flesh slowly melting away; but until then, all the Woad could do was try his best to find ways to safely speed their approach to relieve the Beachhead efforts, though such backseat leadership methods, in that instance, the Stormchaser would become begrudgingly acquiescent to. In the Lord-Commander's view, indirect leadership was always something that was utilised for the easier battles, as the hardest fights often required him to lead aggressively from the front most of the time, but the exception had surprised him by showing how willing he was to adhere to acid weather-patterns, how easy it was for the Stormchaser to be tested in name by the acidic variant alone.

<"Proost to Blue-Heart Alpha! Check your six, we've got friendlies rolling in-">

'Barran to Cataphract One! Seen, but do keep pushing on! Time's a-wastin', but so are the lives o' the New Order's best and brightest.'

<"Agreed, ordering the others to switch to their High-Explosive shells now. Cheers! Cataphract One out!">

And like clockwork, the heavier-hitting sonic thuds of the High-Explosive shells pulsated with white flashes of devastation on impact, scattering tonnes of rocky debris, dirt, metal, rubber, flesh, bone and blood to the skies and the lands around them, obliterated beyond recognition. A show of force that would have been seen by nearly every contingent in the area, right down to the last trooper, but whether this would make things more difficult for them on Spearhead: VEERS or not was still up for debate, a debate the Blue-Hearts wouldn't have the time or patience to engage in with their hands full. Not that the sounds of battle would permit them to do so, the loudness of the Proost-led cacophonies were being joined by their allies, giving them no choice but to shout instructions, affirmatives and orders between each other at the top of their lungs as fellow NIO-marked blips and those from the endearingly-dedicated Rim-Guard Order.
The Rimguard's lads were there for us on Ilum, an' they're here noo.... Gallous as feth!

'Barran to AFV One! I'd like it very much if you linked up with the fresh faces! They're proving very handy at the moment, as we're looking to clear another solid stretch o' distance in our next charge already!'

<"Copy that, Milord. Moving in to link with blips marked for both Henry Lucan and Augustus Tassar now.... Also, be advised, the Anaxsi have landed and are moving to bolster our offensive line! AFV One out!">


Yularen did say he planned to make some noise here! Should've noted it, ceasefire it is then....



<"Brand to Cataphract One! Friendlies are moving in to bolster the allied static-line! Aim for the larger fortified areas near the two-kilometer mark, you can manage that for now as I bring the AFVs forward for increased pressure on their infantry!">

<"Proost to AFV One! Good idea, switching to Armour-Piercing shells now!">

<"Nice one, Proost! Be there in fewer than five minutes, mate. Just keep chippin' away at these wasters for now, we'll be bringin' loads'a good ordnance with us in any case, AFV One out!">

Listening in abject wordlessness as the Lord-Commander monitored the progress of the strengthened mechanized line, the comm-link chatter of the two Leftenants in action was proving to be quite the passable distraction from their advances,"In the rear wae the gear", so Lord Erskine decided to leave the comm-link unit's speaker on at full-volume, impressed with the Archaisian's ability to work well under pressure; also impressed with Proost's ability to work well with folk from other planets in the Free-State's growing commonwealth, as this would be a key-factor in what gelled the brigade's soldiers together in their near-unrivalled standard of fighting cohesion. Barran knew exactly what would happen after Birrell's death, knowing fully that there would be a small riot of sorts in the collective vying for the MBT-leader vacancy, but the one thing that the Stormchaser hadn't banked on was the fact that there were still plenty Archaisians scrapping amongst the throng of tank-commanders for the chance to prove their worth; nobody had taken nationalistic sides in this fight, it was just a full-on mosh between hungry subordinates for the right to claim the highly-coveted,"Cataphract One", callsign, a greatly-appreciated tell of sorts.

'Gid t'hear the lads jus' workin' the-gither again, t'be honest. An' we never really gie oorsels the chance t'appreciate this fae a third-person perspective, though ah dare-say that's usually down to the fact everything's usually gawn Skee-Whiff aroon' us at the time, eh?'

With all nodding agreement, the Brigadier-General included, Murdoch was seemingly stating the quiet thoughts they hadn't bothered themselves to utter out loud, a good reflection on the honesty his fellow crewmen expected of him. All the crewmen of the Saga had proven themselves since their first collective outing together on Serenno, seeing some of the decade's wildest battles so far, and still working with great effect to keep Barran, and consequently - the entire brigade as a result, alive and wary in each and every battle they were deployed to. In each was a man of reasoned professionalism, with that little extra Commonwealth flavour that seemed to bring the best out of the brigade's fighting-array, but Murdoch had consistently proven himself as a,"Cut Above the Commoners!", on every occasion, proving himself the gel that held Lord Erskine's ACV-crew together whenever the Lord-Commander himself reverted to his infamously-known battlefield wanderlust.

'Well said, but speak for yersel. Ah hear it, see it an' hear-tell of it aw from that device up there when you're aw in tunnel-vision mode. But ah get whit yer sayin', an' in time, you'll see the sort o' brigade we're fieldin' every time. Some heavy-hitters in the Blue-Hearts, an' suhin tells me that Leftenant Proost can bring oot the best in Leftenant Brand, an' in ways Birell was much too kind t' goad 'im intae.... Now ah know some o' you are hinkin' the Gowrie-choice was silly, but gie it time - you'll see just how much the Wildcats and the Blue-Hearts can achieve when given the chance to operate independently of each other! Trust!'

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: Surface, Castle Bast
Objective II: Defense of Castle Bast
Allies: TSE
Enemies: NIO
2x Red Lightsaber
Battle Armour (Holding 75 Gallons of Dioxis)
EWR-52 'Purge' Flamethrower
12x Dioxis Grenades


10x XF-72a
10x Sith-Imperial Probot
2x KS-05
Akguza Guard
3x TG-11 Artillery Droid

1 Squadron Ajunta-class StarFortress

At first, it was just a drop, falling from seemingly nowhere plopping onto a surface creating the very first ripple. Than another. A small puddle, then a pond.

Moment by moment the darkness took shape upon the battlefield before Castle Bast.

Now it soaked the very ground on which they died.

Another drop.

It drenched the men and women fighting for their lives, dripping down from them like sweat. Born into existence by their hate for the opponent and their anguish over the demise of comrades, fueled by the firing of Ion canons and blaster alike.

And so it becomes a raging storm erupting upon all the souls that took part in the spectacle.

He bathed in it, embracing it with each of his thoughts. Washing his mind clear. The sheer beauty of this world of extremes was a sight most mortal men could not begin to fathom. None the less it was here, granting its miracles everywhere you looked, the dead returned and the lifeless came to life. It created illusions to mislead but also revealed visions of truth.

Feelings of souls long lost reached out and touched and infested any who could not guard their mind. Pain, suffering, torture, sadness, anger it was in the air they all breathed.

To some it was toxic to DarrVack it was power. It was energy and right now it soared through him.

There were others, brothers and sisters in the night all here for their own reasons but all guided and blessed by the dark side of the force.

Destinies in the making.


"My Lord, increased activity in almost all sectors of the designated perimeter, ammunition switch recommended"

The Akguza awaited confirmation which he was swiftly granted.

A couple clicks behind the castle up high on a rocky hillside top, three TG-11 Artillery Droid halted fire. Until now they had been steadily firing a shell every half a minute or so, raising hell where ever it hit in the form of highly acidic Hellpyre. They were attempting to cover as much of the beachhead as possible on which the New Imperium was dropping their soldiers.

Hellpyre was a nasty thing. A liquid that would burn away flesh and metal alike causing terrible pain to those afflicted by former and damage to poorly coated vehicles and weapons alike. The Acid rain was nothing compared to this deadly tool of the Sith.

Shortly after the fire of the three-legged giants continued. The enemy's troops were enclosing into the initial parameter of the Castle via foot and vehicle alike. The protozoan had planned to at least hinder their advances.

The nickname "Thunderer" that was given to the famous Sith Artillery Droids was about to live up to its name.

The first salve of freshly loaded EMP shells would be landing on the beach fronts. Upon impacting an electromagnetic radiation burst outwards from its point of entry potentially disrupting or overloading any technology caught by the rupture.

Than another nasty side effect of the Hellpyre would take place, by reacting with the electric charge of the EMP explosion the liquid highly volatile and almost entirely erupted into a devastating explosion striving to erase anything in its proximity to ashes.

More drops, many more.

The TG-11 would continue their quest for targeted annihilation.

Bright2 Bright2 Amon Vizsla

DarrVack who had rather returned his attention to witnessing the flow of darkness was once again interrupted by synthetic sounds of his droids. He did not mind truly, he had always felt comfortable with them. They were so easily communicated too, skilled in sending and receiving. They were forceless and unemotional perfect stale extensions of hands and fists that could execute the task ignoring mood or time of day.

The Juggernauts Probot had picked up on enemy droid scanners in some of the tunnels ahead. Somewhere off in the distance the first vermin was attempting to crawl out of a hole. He would make them squeal.

A group of five XF-72a Decimator Drones came to live hovering a few feet over the ground, their dead mechanical eyes would reveal to non their terrible capabilities as they began racing down corridor after corridor, stairs, and walkways now ordered to relentlessly hunt down the targets of that initial ping.

Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

The Sith Overseer turned his monstrous helm, there was something that he had to take another look at. Something he simply could not ignore. There was a disturbance of sort it was difficult to really taste it but the Ugor was sensitive enough to notice a certain darkness. It was bleeding out from somewhere in the deep dark labyrinth halls of the castle and it felt different than the rest. He wanted to declare it "tainted" but it felt so potent it would do an injustice.

In fact, it was so potent the creature could no longer resist. Enticed by the prospect the massive Sith left his two trusted Goliath droids behind and headed into the tunnels before him. The force was in the process of twisting fate and shaping destiny.

And among all those paths steered by the darkness, this was a destiny he wanted to witness a sight worth beholding.
Wearing: Black Knight Chitin

Armed with: Sword of 007 Blessings

Constructing: Double Bladed Lightsaber

With: Cameron Crownwraithe Cameron Crownwraithe

Nuetralizer Model 1 (300)

Nuetralizer Model 2 (1400)

The Cult of The Brain Demon (70)

Nuetralizer Equipment:

Disruptor Model 1

Laser Cannon Model 1

Grenade launcher (40 mm)

Objective: 1 (Xiphos, Cameron, Nuetralizer Model 2's)

2 (Brain Demon Cult, Model 1's)

One Day Earlier...

"I used to look down in those who used a Double Bladed Lightsaber..." Xiphos admitted to her newest daughter, Cameron, as she helped her construct her first Lightsaber in the privacy of her quarters aboard the Gozanti Cruiser known as The Absolution Of Loste. Xiphos was constructing one for her in her own spare time. But to prove she was truly ready for the responsibility of the Blade her adoptive Mother would be entrusting her with by testing how she used a custom built one.

Xiphos had begun rigorous instruction in the basics of Form 1 Lightsaber combat, the style she herself was most skilled in. The one most useful for killing multiple enemies quickly. Cameron would need it in the days ahead.

She had lain out all the parts necessary for the construction of either a single or Double Bladed Lightsaber.

"I always thought, a single blade should often be enough. And I was often right. That said, it is better to know a style and not need it than to need a style and not know it. I thawed to this method of fighting thanks someone very precious to me."

She had chosen to construct it in the method of Exar Kun, building it as a normal length hilt but with two emitters, a Viridian Rubat Crystal serving as the heart of the weapon, with lens of matching Kunda Stone . It's emitters were modified for Deflection. The whole hilt was composed of a black durasteel alloy.

"The Double Bladed Lightsaber is a specialist weapon. While I will not require you to take one with you, I do expect you to study how I fight with it in a live situation. It's excellent when paired with Soresu or Form 1 in an open environment like what we will be wading into. Glorious battle awaits..." Xiphos said, activating both ends of her hilt. She gave the weapon an experimental spin right as the door to her quarters gave a chime.

Letting Cameron work out her choice, Xiphos shut off her own blade and allowed the door to open and in stepped Lyssa, The Advanced Prototype, and first of her daughters, resembling a young woman with dark brown hair, appearance coded to look like she was clad in a silvery version of the spiked biker leathers Xiphos used to wear. Ever serene, even under grimmest danger, Lyssa's design had proven itself countless times already. She had also been uncharacteristically delighted by Cameron's unexpected adoption.

"Hi Cameron!" Lyssa said happily, stepping in. "Mother, We are in the Vjun system, the Cult Member designated The Battalion wishes to speak with you as soon as you land."

Xiphos sighed.

"Probably wants to coordinate defense. Tell her message was received..." Xiphos said. "Are my sons psyched for battle?"

"Like a Motherfether, Mom."

"Good. Good. Tomorrow we make another headache for the NIO..."

Lyssa turned to Cameron. "Good luck out there. I would go with you, little sister, but I'm needed to coordinate the Defense of Bast Castle on the interior."

"It's about time we test Cameron. Only so much training can prepare her. She needs the real thing..." Xiphos trailed, finishing guiding her through the construction process with Lyssa watching before bidding her to follow her to the conference room for final planning...


They had a Castle to defend. It made Laertia's skin crawl to go near something Darth Vader owned, but she despised the NIO something fierce by this point, and was taking any chance she could to hinder them.

As expected, they began the assault on the shores something fierce. Xiphos close to the beach defenses of the castle, other Sith troops desperately shooting at the NIO forces assaulting all their lines. Her Model 1's just now were starting to deploy into the tunnels underneath the Castle to butcher NIO vermin...

The Model 2's, however...

The Model 2's descended from drop pods on all fronts being assaulted, close to friendly lines, but not close enough that they wouldn't immediately encounter the enemy in minutes.

Upon dropping, the bulkier, larger Model 2 units organized into squads of 25 strong bursting out facing the enemy in Centuria Like Columns, armed with deadly, horrific weapons such as their squarish Model 1 Disruptor, in addition to their onboard Weaponry as the acid rain came down. They were thankfully resistant to it...that was why the Model 1's had taken the task of disrupting their assault on the sewers.

Xiphos chilled the air around her radius as she rushed into the lines of battle leading Sith troops and her son's with Cameron, blades swatting aside deadly bolts back to their source as she spearheaded an attack towards a Large infantry unit, freezing the acid rain drops before they could hit anyone in her very close vicinity, her secondary contact in the Cult, The Battalion whispering protective wards to help everyone around her resist the effects of the acid drops that did connect, a Sith Assault shuttle firing ahead into their ranks as she fought on the ground, starting to cleave through NIO soldiers and their Knights, trying to put a dent in the Nadine beachhead attack, while large amounts of her sons rained unholy hell from both frontline and fortified hill positions with their new laser cannons, very weak in damage but highly accurate and with good distance, with enough of an ammo pool that a rain storm of laser fire began to come down on NIO ranks getting closer to Sith defenses, some firing on the burst setting, others firing sing shots in alternating patterns, certain squads holding back while other Model 2's converged on inland choke points, firing at anything they could see not wearing friendly colors.

"AND SO YOU'RE BACK. FROM OUTER SPACE..." The Model 2's sang as they marched, firing their laser cannons in endless streams of volley fire, getting pelted by blaster and slug. Some in the front of their squads fell from the withering assault, but their was a fresh wall of armor and murder waiting behind them.

"I JUST WALKED IN TO FIND YOU HEEEERRRRE WITH THAT SAD LOOK UPON YOUR FACE. I SHOULD HAVE CHANGED THAT STUPID LOCK, I SHOULD HAVE MADE YOU LEAVE YOUR KEY, IF I'D KNOWN FOR JUST ONE SECOND YOU'D BE BACK TO BOTHER MEEEEEEE---" was another verse in the Model 2 war chant that NIO warriors would start to hear as the Model 2's attacked, Xiphos hell bent on vengeance after months of frustration.


The Model 1's greeted the first NIO teams with laughter and Disruptor fire, a number of white catsuit wearing Witches assigned to their squads as they began laying traps and ambush points. They would soon encounter the forces of DarrVack DarrVack , staying out of their way while going deeper, hoping to intercept more, the Witches casting terrible curses and Force Lightning to back up the choke points the Model 1's began to set up...

DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar
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Location: Hangar Bay, Vjun Orbit
Craft: Ragnos Fighter/Interceptor - Designation: SV-2121 - Lobeha Mwadu
Call Sign: Dancer Two
Onboard Equipment: FAE/A-09 Anti-G Suit“Judicator” Adaptive Battle Rifle
Allies: TSE (Valen Arenais Darth Banshee Darth Banshee Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru ) │ EE ( N Nyxeris Bright7 Bright7 )
Enemies: NIO ( Legate Legate ) │ GA ( Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt )

Her body seemed to vibrate as the
Lobeha Mwadu translated out of hyperspace over Vjun, only moments after the corvette of Valen Arenais had done the same. Jerked out of the quasi-stupor of hyperspace hypnosis, SV-2121 felt her lekku twitch as comm chatter vibrated against her ear cones. The crimson-hulled Ragnos interceptors of Dancer squadron followed close behind, emerging into the system with a series of small, yet reverberating booms. Dancer One immediately barked out orders over comms, designating her squadron to form up around the corvette of Acolyte Valen, anticipating orders from Admiral Siege to join the attack run in order to counter the assembled New Imperial shieldships.

For her part, SV-2121 opened a channel to the corvette, assuming her duties as Dancer squadron’s designated communications officer, all the while powering on her interceptor’s weapon systems in upon seeing the swarm of TIEs emerging from the hangars of the enemy warships in the distance.

“Chimera, this is Dancer Two. If you need an escort, Dancer squadron is on station to give it. We’ll cover you on the run in, over.” The Twi’lek sang out.

“Alright, Dancers, get ready for the charge. We’re expecting orders from Siege to commit to a bombing run. Our anticipated priority will be to cover his Caldoth squadrons, along with the Chimera. Let’s show the traitors the new Emperor’s wrath!”

Affirmative cheers erupted like a chorus over the comms, lending SV-2121 a sense of subdued fervor as the first of the Sith bombers began to close in on their target. Adrenal was injected into her bloodstream via her suit’s biorestorative systems with only a thought, her pupils slightly dilated as she set her focus on the mission, her mind filtering out any excess stimulation beyond what was strictly necessary to maintain awareness in a three-dimensional battlespace where the hunter could quickly become the hunted. Such was the volatile nature of dogfighting in space that one could snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Now, beset on all sides by the ravenous hordes of Ashla, Imperial, and heretic, the Twi’lek ace wondered if the Sith could do the same.
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Location: Beachhead - Vjun
Allies: TSE ( Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ) │ EE │ CIS ( Laertia Io Laertia Io )
Enemies: NIO ( Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Hâwmâr Lurais)

One Day Before

Her mother’s insistence on her constructing her ‘own’ lightsaber was...perhaps, mildly annoying to Cameron. In truth, the speedster didn’t see a need for it, having found that a pair of the Jasmine Lightsabers taken from Sris’ Praetorian Guards fit her needs just fine, in training, at least. Not to mention, Cameron wasn’t very mechanically-inclined and found such things to be rather dreary. Perhaps for the first time in her short life, her mother was actually boring her.

As such, the impatient speedster only had one thing to say at the prospect of building her own lightsaber.

“Do I have to, Mom?”


Something in her blood was attracted to violence.

The diminutive speedster had surprisingly little issue keeping up with the Black Knight, staying by Xiphos’ side as she carved a bloody swathe through Stormtroopers and Imperial Knights, though Cameron left the latter to her mother. Nevertheless, Cameron tested herself against the stormtroopers, harnessing her Speed to kill before they were even aware of her presence. Cameron and the pink blades of her twin lightsabers moved in blurs of motion as she cut through the Imperial soldiers, moving in a transonic dance that was almost completely imperceptible to the unenhanced eye.

A pair of unfortunate stormtroopers met their ends with swift, decapitating strikes, her first kills of the battle, which were followed by more only moments later. There, Cameron took full advantage of her affinity to rip through a trio of stormtroopers before they could fully react to her presence, her blades slashing through their armored forms with precise strokes to turn three men into six. Then, seeing a gunship landing nearby, Cameron turned on the jets in quite the literal sense, moving in a violent burst of preternatural speed to intercept the stormtroopers while they were still packed in a dense formation. The moment the bay doors slid open, Cameron was upon them, her sabers a flash of light as they slashed through the ten stormtroopers inside, leaving a pile of delimbed, decapitated, and horrifically hewn betaplast-armored bodies in her wake. Just as quickly as she had arrived, Cameron was gone, returning within the radius of her mother’s cold shield. However, the brief excursion outside had cost her in the form of a minor burn on her shoulder, owing to the fact that her bodysuit by itself was very much vulnerable to the caustic acid falling out of the sky.

After letting one of her brothers treat the injury with sealant and bacta, Cameron rejuvenated herself with another shot of the energy-restoring cocktail given to her by one of her mother’s associates, before returning back to the fray...

Adrian L’lerim Terassi Vandiir
Prince of the Eternal Empire, Disciple/Acolyte, assassin, sorcerer and alchemist
Uncrowned King of the Pocket Sand, Heir of the House L’lerim, Member of the Primyn Group
Location: Surface, Vjun
Objective I.: Primo Victoria
Equipment: Mnami Mirsûra, The Crow Cane | Deck of the Pocket Sand | Estran Attire | G1 OmniLink || Empyrean gland
Tag: Kar Bakar (planned)
[ Supreme ]

Everything was easier in the Netherworld. At least that was how the young man felt, because at least everything there was easy to see through. He still grumbled that he had to be here in this place. As he saw the enemy troops slowly arriving on the ground, it was already difficult to escape from here by boat. True, he wasn't worried, in the last resort he could still escape to Netherworld.

He was sure that Telis wouldn't be happy if he got away fighting in such a way with escape, even though it didn't interest him so much. He didn't know if his mother or Telis had talked to Eina, but the Valkyrja could really tell everyone that the boy had done everything he could to avoid fighting. This is exactly what he intended to do now.

The fights had already broken out, the chaos was starting to reign, so Adrian really hoped it would be perfect for him to find some sort of hiding place for himself where he could be until the fights were over. Did anyone seriously expect him to fight when he didn't have a proper weapon? All right, with the cane, he was able to defend himself or even beat others to death, but he didn’t want to get involved in a situation like this.

Now that there was chaos everywhere, it was time for him to seek shelter for himself. He started to do that.



soldiers live



• Treicolt Squadron
TIE/VX Vanguard x7 Squadrons
TIE/DF Drone x10 Squandrons
Praefect-class x2
TIE/HF Slasher x5 Squadrons
TIE/INx Interceptor x7 Squadrons
TXS Excursor x4 Squadrons
Inceptus-class x2
TIE/HF Slasher x9 Squadrons
TIE/INx Interceptor x6 Squadrons
TIE/HB Bruiser x3 Squadrons
Shieldship II x2
TXS Excursor x2 Squadrons
Tirailleur-class x4
Vanto-class x2
TIE/VX Vanguard x7 Squadrons
TIE/HB Bruiser x4 Squadrons
TXS Excursor x1 Squadrons
Vandal-class x6
Corporal Harper heaved the final crate from the hangar into his Excursor. He dropped the crate besides the others within the cargo-zone tape. Metallic thud reverberated sharply through the bay, recurring threefold against durasteel walls.

"Hey! Easy, Corporal! You'll take out the whole shieldship if you set those off."

"S-Sorry Sarge," Harper pleaded diffidently.

Flight Sergeant Everly shook his head at the modesty. What was he going to do with that boy? He had too much of his Mother's acquiescence in him. No amount of Naval hardship seemed to wring the soft out of a young man so used to being doted upon. She'd be rolling in her grave if she knew Everly's idea of 'looking after him' was having him enlist at nineteen.

"That all of 'em?"

"Yes sir."

"Go suit up, tell the others to as well. Chitstorm's coming any minute."

Harper nodded, whirling about-face to exit down the loading ramp. Three steps later, he stopped, whirled again to face Everly. "Uncle-"


"Right. Sergeant. What's in those, anyway? Thermal detonators?"

Everly grinned. "Victory," he replied.

Harper's right brow cocked upward. "That doesn't-"

The hangar's PA system interrupted with a sudden screech that heralded a female voice. <"All Excursors prepare pre-flight preparations. All Excursors prepare pre-flight preparations."> As if on cue, a muted rumble carried throughout the shieldship. A gentle jostling followed. Something had hit the forward dome. It made Harper's eyes go wide.

"You heard her! Suit up, Corporal!"


"Hostile fleet has begun engagement. Enemy bombers and escort en route to our point formation."

"Excursors are in pre-flight."

Eskel lingered on the information relayed by bridge officers. Something felt off. A sinister sensation he couldn't explain crept over him. Phantasmal, frigid fingers crawled up his spine to invoke a chill. Hairs on his neck and arms began to stand up on their own. "Those Sith are up to something," he muttered to himself.

"Sir?" Ensign Kran inquired, leaning forward slightly to survey Eskels expression.

Eskel blinked. He didn't realize he had said anything aloud. Dismissing the Ensign's prying, he instructed the comms officer to open a channel to the shieldships. Moments later, the captains of each ship appeared before him as holograms. "Those bombers want a closer look at your vessels. Accelerate, let them admire the finish," he commanded with a cold edge to his diction. Ensign Kran and Liutenant Vash snuck uncertain glances at each other.

"Yes Sir!" The Captains acknowledged in unison just before their holograms flickered off. The two umbrella-shaped craft surged forward with their respective escorts matching speed to remain huddled behind the parasol-shaped bow. Sith-Imperial bombers on point-formations were met with hard, shielded durasteel. Craft splattered into firey gore, like flies beneath a paddle.

"Increase speed!" Eskel shouted. The Epitaph II accelerated, keeping pace with the shieldships. Slashers and Interceptors scrambled from nearby cruisers to meet the surviving majority of enemy strike-craft with their fury. Metal hornets in a frenzy, indistinguishable in the distance beyond the bridge's viewports. Vandals and Tirailleurs began point defense, choosing shots carefully to avoid hitting the inner parasol.

"Admiral, Captain Inal is reporting reactor issues-"

A horrible feeling flooded over Eskel, making his heart skip a beat. In that very instant, a bright light flashed from the Starboard side of the Epitaph II. The NIV Lunaris had suddenly detonated. Debris hit the Epitaph II, sending light quakes through the bridge. The Ensign's report had come far too late. The tight formation around the Epitaph II put the bulk of Strikefleet Ceres right in the blast zone.


"No additional losses. All rear ships reporting damage. Epitaph damage is negligible."

"What the hell happened?"

"Sorcery," Eskel hissed. He'd heard the rumors, but the stock he'd put into believing them was minimal. Most of them had given him a good laugh, in fact. The supernatural capabilities of certain individuals were accepted fact, but this was something else.The feeling he'd gotten coupled with the spontaneous loss of a ship was too much to be a coincidence. The loss of Lunaris had made a believer out of him. "Get me Treicolt," he barked.

Eskel would appear as a hologram on the comms HUD of every ship in Treicolt squadron. "We've just lost an Inceptus. No ships have engaged the rear formation, it was Sith fethery. I felt it. I'm sure you know what I mean. Priority targets are now every ship containing an active glowstick. Sniff them out." The communication conduit closed as soon as the message was relayed. No time for back and forth.

"Maintain formation behind shieldships. Continue to hold fire on rear formation. Show me an active projection for the status of all reactors in the fleet." One after another, orders were fufilled. A screen with diagnostics for every ship in Strikefleet Ceres projected next to the Vjun theater. All systems normal. For now.

"Expedite Plan Hydra. We'll show these bastards."

Ceres increases speed.
Shieldships ram parasols into bombing squadrons.
Point-defense and dogfights begin.
NIV Lunaris (Inceptus-class Cruiser) and all squadrons within are destroyed by N Nyxeris
All ships containing active Sith have been marked as priority targets.

ALLIES: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
ENEMIES: N Nyxeris | Darth Banshee Darth Banshee | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Bright7 Bright7 | Valen Arenais | Seela Leini Seela Leini
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Darth Mori

The brief was OK. As always, everything were OK for Nukth, his men, House Hasklers of Anaxes and the New Imperial Order. As always, the captain was confident. Confident in his men, confident in his skills and confident in his hierarchy, by the way. The landing was...uuh...pretty good? Anyway, it didn't matter anymore, from this point. The landing was as it was, anything else...

He gave a look to his weapon, an SFR-58, to verify that it was in good conditions. "A good soldier is an good-armed one." like his first instructor said.

"And a good enemy is a dead one." Nukth thought to answer him.

He remembered his name: Nayeïr Orega, lieutenant of HHA's army. A Tod like the other Tods, and not a Banshee, by the way. Nukth knew that this operation would be something different than the dominion of Concordia and the Mandalorian worlds. In the past, they had a local support, in the name of the Sons of Mandalore. But now, they were alone. Just the NIO's soldiers against the Sith troop-...

"...losers." he thought "We're fighting against the Sith losers. Our victory is just a question of time."

Despite his confidence, Nukth could not hide his stress. Contrary that he thought, he knew that the were not troopers or losers but they were warriors. He knew a lot of things, he understood better than any trooper in his ranks the brief, but he wasn't a warrior, like the Sith could be. After Concordia, he discussed with Jerec Yularen, a captain from the Tods, and he learned that he was now a Sith's killers. A better warrior than Nukth would be in his entire life.

"Cap'?" questioned Double-Five.

"Are you OK? I have been silent for thirty minutes."

"Please use the code, Fifty-Five." grunted Nukth.
"Uuh...sorry Cap', but it was about another thing. It was not militar-..."
"Sorry Captain. I won't do that."

Another voice sputtered in the Banshee's comlink.

"Captain, fiirhukir [enemy defensive position] on our two. It seems like seven clicks from us to the perimeter wall."

The trooper was talking about the famous Castle Bast, the objective of Banshee Company. Nukth swallowed loudly before activating his radio.

"Copy. Raltrasoth fiirhukir [offensive dispersion on the enemy defense position]."

The ranks reorganized them into three-men teams and the troopers dispersed them in the desert battlefield to join their new rendezvous point.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal / The Red Witch
Bounty Hunter, Intelligence Agent, Spy and Assassin
Location: Surface, Vjun
Objective I.: Primo Victoria
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Kaldrweave Coat | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl (planned)
[ See me Fight ]

She couldn’t get to the crash site yet because ran into resistance on the way there. The strangest thing was that they wore neither NIO nor TSE insignia; they were more like mercenaries or pirates. Maybe they shot the damaged ship on which the woman also felt Zaavik? She had no idea, all she was sure was that they were also heading in the direction the woman was going. And was sure they weren't going to help there.

Probably others have spotted and seen the shipwreck, so this team and Ingrid may not be the only ones heading there. She didn’t really want to waste time, but she had no choice, had to kill this team before it was too late. She could only hope no others were nearby, so she would not lure them here with her future actions, or if she did, it would be too late.

Looked through the soldiers from her cover, again; did not want to reveal herself, her true being and nature, because she could not officially be here. That is, she does not have to kill in the usual way, but in another way. Ingrid didn’t like to deviate from the usual method because hers are sure and deadly, artistic. Of course, she wasn’t embarrassed by the new things either, especially if they were even more deadly than what she had used so far.

She sneaked silently and invisibly to the mercenary group; invisible death struck down in the form of the two vibroswords.




Objective: Establish Space Superiority
Location: Space
Allies: TSE
Support: 1x Preventor II Class Battlecruiser | 1x Marr Class Star Destroyer | 3x Dramath Class Strike Frigate | 16x squadrons Caedus Class Superiority Fighter | 7x squadrons Caldoth Bomber
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: N Nyxeris | Legate Legate | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Eva Betrik Eva Betrik | Valen Arenais | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Darth Banshee Darth Banshee

"Reports coming in. Shieldships have increased speed. Seems they intend to ram into out bombers. Casualties coming in." So the shield is being used to bash, then? Alina frowned further as she watched the approaching ships. "Three Caldoth squadrons caught in the initial ramming. Rest have scrambled to get around the shield."

"Chchchchch. Interesting. Tell the bombers to instead fly back towards us. I want them to punch holes in those shields for the cannons below. I want those Shieldships taken down befo-" A brilliant flash cut of Siege midsentence from behind one of the Shieldships. His chittering turned more annoyed than anything as he lowered his two arms. "Can someone explain what that was?"

"One of the enemy cruisers was blow up. I.. I've no idea why."

"Sith magic." Alina mused idly as she continued to watch from where she stood. Interesting choice, one of the cruisers. The Harch beside her continued his annoyed chittering as he turned his helmed gaze to the ensign behind him.

"Find out who that was! They should be targeting the Shieldships, not what's behind cover. Until those are gone we can't use our own weaponry!" Alina glanced to the Harch, her brow knit together in confusion.

"It's not like they can fire at us. We have the advantage of time, don't we?"

"No. They wouldn't be charging forward so recklessly if they didn't have a different agenda. For all they know, another of our fleets could arrive behind them. If those ships get too close, I fear we may just loose this battle."

The reports were sent out. Target the Shieldships with any weapon that could punch through those shields. Or, more aptly, fire where the bombers shatter through. More importantly, the two massive surface to orbit cannons below were given their targets. The Shieldships needed to go.


Location: Bitter End, Surface-to-Space Battery
Allies: TSE | N Nyxeris | Valen Arenais | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Bright7 Bright7 | Darth Banshee Darth Banshee | Seela Leini Seela Leini
Foes: NIO | Legate Legate | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt

Propaganda posters and holovids for the SICA were full of sweeping promises: Serve your nation! See the galaxy! Experience adventure! They always, always depicted young men and women on far-flung worlds gunning down hordes of invaders or seditionists, calm under fire, ready to march from battle to battle as they defended the rightful territories of the Empire. Long before she'd been old enough to join up, Eva had looked at those posters and felt her heart swell. That was what her brother Quinn had done, what he'd died doing: standing heroically between them and vicious enemies that were always pressing in on their borders, threatening their safety and prosperity.

In the months since she'd been deployed, though, the young corporal had begun to suspect that the promised "endless stream of adventures" had been a bit oversold. She'd seen action on Muunilist, sure, but that had been more the exception than the rule; even the pulse-pounding firefight she'd participated in had come only after a week of quiet infiltration, and that had come after many weeks of drills, marches, and training exercises. Now, as she lay on a roof and watched an empty street, she found that she was once again on the edge of adventure rather than right in the thick of it. She also found that, having experienced adventure, she was ok with that.

Guard duty wasn't particularly exciting, but it beat getting shot at. And it sure as chit beat having to bury friends.

As she lay there, prone on the duracrete roof with her rifle braced against her shoulder, Eva wondered if the same thoughts had ever crossed Quinn's mind. She'd been fourteen when he left, half a decade ago now, but she could still vividly remember her last glimpse of him. He'd been four years older and a whole lot taller, proud as all hell of his crimson SICA armband. He'd polished his armor and rifle until they gleamed, and the salute he'd given her and her mom as he'd left had been regulation-perfect. Eva glanced down at her own uniform, already pockmarked with tiny holes where the local acid rain had eaten through it. Quinn's gleam probably hadn't held up, either.

It'd taken a year to find out that he'd died on Dantooine. She wondered if he'd even survived his first battle.

With a sigh, Eva pushed the thought away. This was the downside of the long, non-adventure stretches of being an SICA soldier: when she got bored, she got maudlin, finding memories she'd rather leave buried rising up to the surface. She wished she could go find PFC Valenko for a game of pazaak - and maybe a sip of the smuggled Shesharilian vodka from the flask he always kept hidden in his ammo pouch - to take her mind off of it, but she couldn't. Although it didn't really feel like it here in Bitter End, there was a war on, and she needed to stay at her post. It'd really kill her mom if the second kid she lost to war died in front of a firing squad for dereliction of duty.

Maybe it was for the best. She was pretty sure Valenko was trying to flirt with her.

To pass the time, Eva turned her head toward the huge, pulsing surface-to-space cannons, watching them rock back with the recoil of each discharge. The dismal grey-green sky was lit up again and again as the blue and purple bolts streaked up through the atmosphere, a symphony of color that turned drab Vjun into something strangely beautiful. What she couldn't see was the brutal impact they would surely have above. The big guns were working hard to clear Legate Legate 's shieldships, operating in a one-two punch. First, the ion pulse cannon targeted and drained their shields, working to fry their systems. Then the plasma railgun smashed and burned what was left.

It was a withering barrage for the attacking fleet to endure, and formidable support for Admiral Siege's forces.

Tags: N Nyxeris
She stood there, looking out the view screen, feeling each of the lives blink out dozens at a time. All in the name of the Sith. Her slavers. Her hands squeezed tightly, her eyes narrowing as she was a pulsing aura of anger. She had been on the receiving end of the Sith's wraith before, and wore a constant reminder of all they had stood for. Now she stood here, feeling the power of her master, the resources of her lady, being wasted all so that the Sith could continue to live on. Disgusting.​
She was caught in her brooding, having given into her anger now as it simmered, boiled, and cooled. It was a miniature battle she waged within herself, and there would be making peace with it. She was only brought out of it by the arrival of a handmaiden, who's kneeling before her drew the wardens ire. She never liked the subservience nature, reminded her too much of her past. Nyxeris had called for her it seemed, though she could feel her master's strength was...being taxed to say the least. She was in no shape for an argument, so why had she been called for? Lilanna gave a slow nod, turning to follow after the woman who had fetched her, and upon breaching the curtain, her eyes fell upon her master.​
There was something at play here that she was not yet aware of. "Yes, my lady?" She asked, her voice laced with irritation at the situation, though she knelt towards Nyxeris, knowing it would be difficult to her what the woman had to say given her fatigue. She awaited what would be asked of her with a great deal of resentment, knowing it would be to service some end of the Sith.​

Objective 1 Spearhead Veers.

Equipment : Plattenpanzer , Kriegertod

Opponent: Viers Connory Viers Connory

As the metal juggernaut falls before my sorcerous assault I feel a twinge in the force as several of my necromantic threads are cut. It would seem that our enemies have decided to field one of their commanders. Launching myself from the burning wreckage I beat my wings ascending to a height where I may have vantage over the battle field. My experience with the devotees of Ashla has been slim , a single encounter among the tombs of Korriban with a martial aspirant, set to prove himself by destroying repositories of knowledge. He had been foolhardy, and zealously devoted to his cause , which to be fair may be a fault ascribed to fanatics across all belief systems.

It isn't easy to spot the girl amidst the chaos. She is after all a human, surrounded by hulks of iron bedecked with instruments of death. No less dangerous for it though. Only a fool would discount a force adept as no threat. And so I descend down on wings coated in metal crashing into the earth with a resounding thudd no less powerful than those made from the firing of artillery around us. Upon my hind legs I rise drawing myself to my full height of over forty feet , enough to tower over the smaller figure. She holds a quarter staff that is burning with the power of Ashla. That the weapon amounts to little more than a small twig to me is in this case irrelevant. The physical form of the device matters not for the only way that a a nearly unarmed girl such as this will be able to bring down a being such as I will be through the will of the force.

She is small, but the forces that would make of her their puppet are vaster by far even than I. I have my own metaphysical well to draw upon of course but as I lack the odium that many Sith possess towards Jedi I grant the child an out.

"Human youth you do not appear to possess the taint of Mandalorian lineage and thus I offer you a kindness. Should you chose to flee this battlefield and leave my servitors in peace I shall not harm you, nor cause those in my power to do so. I am not overtly cruel and take no joy in the massacre of children, such as yourself. However I am sworn to the Sith for so long as their aims intersect with my own and thus I cannot simply allow you free reign to destroy as you will. Weigh your options, there is a chance that the light side will make of you its avatar and grant you the power that you require to defeat me. But are you willing to stake your life on such a gamble? Your bones are tiny fragile things , your skin bereft of scales and your hands lacking the power to fell even easy game without weapons. I do not require miraculous intervention to shatter your body as a man would crush a rat."

I let these words hang waiting for a response. Should she acquiesce I will let her go as per my word. If not then I shall start our contest by lashing out with my tail , a blow to shatter ribs and spine.

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