Caius Flavian
Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic

Image Source: Battle Star Galactica (still haven’t figured out who precisely designed the vessel)
Affiliation: This vessel is intended for use by the Imperial Remnant as a multi-purpose transport vessel it is also intended for use by the Flavian Star Corporation as primarily an agricultural/administrative/research vessel
Manufacturer: Presently Crina Royal Industries is contracted for the production of this vessel with Regent Industries contracted for production of droids and automaton features. The X-1 was manufactured by Star Mule Industries (Bankrupt);
Model: X-1/Imperial TA-840
Modularity: Yes: The module system allows for interchangeability of exterior and interior sections of the ship. For this reason future module designs are in the works.
Production: Minor; Slated for Mass-production at a later date
Material: Durasteel; Duralplas; Glass; Flexisteel; Plasboard; O2, CO2; H20;
Classification: Transport/Medical/Science
Length: 300
Width: 180
Height: 160
Armament: 10 point defense laser cannons (For X-1); Armament rating 2
Hangar: This vessel is designed with a shuttle bay with the capacity for three shuttles/barges. The hanger can only allow the launching of one at a time. The hanger has a special capability of being able extend an expandable docking anchor that can allow for mass transfer of cargo and resources onto a station. This requires delicate maneuvering and handling with docking clamps to help keep the seal maintained. Typically this operation would be performed with zero gravity and full space suits for safety. The Hanger itself can be zero g or light gravity as needed in order to easily move cargo.
Consumables: 2 Years no modules; Depending on variant this may increase or become self-sustainable.
Special Features:
Standard Communications suite
Standard Holonet Transceiver
Standard Galley
Standard Life support systems
Standard Deflector Shield Systems
Standard Targeting System
Standard Sensor Array
Improved Navigational Systems
Improved Processing Systems
Standard Escape pod Systems
Interior Spaces are modular
Exterior Module System: Seven External Module hard points on the Dorsal Section; Nine External Module hard points on the Ventral Section.
All module units have their own life support systems to support basic habitation requirements. However there is an internal component of the aft section dedicated to supplying/supplement the needs of each modules design (Example a greenhouse module requires water and additional C02 in order to promote life for the plants that the modules life support system cannot handle on its own.)
Modules variants:
-Cargo module with 40 metric tons of cargo space; NOTE These can only be attached to the ventral exterior sections of the ship as the only freight capable lift/passageways run along the medial ventral part of the hull.
-Greenhouse Module with 36 metric tons of space with devoted systems in place with expandable and removable systems to house either poly culture or mono culture plants. This module is equipped with packaging and processing capabilities with light production capabilities to facilitate
-Laboratory Module with working space for either chemical use or biological use or both. Interior can be changed to suit needs.
-Medical Module capable of performing multiple roles such as being 14 fully equipped operating rooms; Or as a 25 bed intensive care ward; along with dental services, ct units; may also be a morgue; A medical laboratory; or a 100 bed medical treatment facility. NOTE: This module allows for versatility and can be scaled as needed. For instance 2 Operating rooms, 10 ICU beds; and 25 Advanced Care Beds
-Office Module is capable of function similar to an office building in a city. Administrative and accounting could take place inside this module variant.
-Future module capabilities under research by the Flavian Star Corporation and Crina Royal Industries.
Variable Gravity Passageway System: Throughout the ship all passageways are at different levels of artificial gravity. It is dependent on what exterior modules are presently attached. For instance greenhouse modules are different setting of gravity for the variety of plant species being grown. The entry/exit of these modules consists of 2 elevators and 4 ladder ways. This system is delicate and any irregularity by external forces or if pushed passed the ships optimal limitation can cause disruptions to its capability.
Maneuverability Rating: 15
Speed Rating: Super Structure can only tolerate speeds of 13 and above. The engines can be pushed to speed 11 at risk of damaging the super structure and placing the exterior modules at extreme risk of collapse.
Hyperdrive Class: 4 with a backup of 14
Main superstructure has a sturdy hull
Potential new modules may be produced
Specialist and crew berthing (term for quarters) are of good quality
Pragmatic design allows for utilitarian and flexibility in mission with its ability to be either a multipurpose vessel or a single purpose vessel
Slow vessel and poor maneuverability. The Variable gravity system is part of the reason
Low armament rating – any enterprise using this vessel would do well to place escorts with it.
External modules are lightly armored and immediately vulnerable to fire when shields are weakened.
Ascetically unpleasing the ship is not designed to with good looks which customers may find lack luster. It makes up for it with it being a pragmatic and utilitarian use.
Cannot enter atmospheres or low orbit. Due to its delicate Variable Gravity System and the design of the dorsal and ventral exterior modules the ship is incapable of entering the atmosphere of any world. It also cannot maintain low orbit as it would cause too much irregularity with the VGS despite the improved processors onboard.
Description: Presently one of a kind vessel with no other ships yet produced. It has improved processing systems on board to better assist modules that require more computing power and a stronger navigational system to safely navigate the vessel through unfamiliar space. This vessel was designed by Julia Flavian’s late husband as a gift to his wife. Upon its discovery after the purge the vessel was commandeered from the Republic and brought to Imperial Space. The vessel is a unique design and its true originators of the design are unknown. What is known is that It was going to be the Star Mule Industries flagship vessel in its endeavor before the corporation went suddenly bankrupt.
It currently remains to be seen if Julia is the only holder of the schematics, if not there is the possibility some other company or corporation may have it as well.
The core concept is that modules would define the purpose the vessel at any given time. These modules can easily change out at any shipyard with even the most rudimentary cargo claws.
The Module system however is reliant on specialists for certain variants such as the Medical, Greenhouse, and Laboratory modules. As such these specialist will have to be able to function at the optimal capacity.
The ships interior is designed with simplicity. Starting from aft to fore: Engine room (here gravity is not maintained) with a special passage way and eight ladder wells with gravitational rotation components for ease of transition from limited gravity to zero gravity. The engine room requires 10 crew members to man its stations at all times thus putting a minimum of 30 crew members for this section with optimal 60 to 90 for ease of personnel operations and efficiency.
Starboard and portside aft sections are massive H20, CO2, and O2 storage tanks. These are specially designed to support all exterior module systems simultaneously and have proficient recycling systems built in place and are separate from the ships life support systems.
On the aft ventral section underneath these storage systems is a ventral hanger bay. Here 4 of the point defense cannons are placed (exterior). With full capabilities of offloading cargo from the interior sections of the ship. There is a special lift of zero gravity designed for ease of transferring freight weight cargo coming from the Cargo Modules. Using a magnetic hoist and basic pulley system cargo can effortlessly be transferred to and from the hanger bay from barges or shuttles.
Dorsal sections in the middle of the vessel are where crew berthing and specialist quarters are built these are modular based on the size of the crew the spaces can be reduced for more storage/other use. There is one central passageway along this section connecting directly to the bridge in the fore. Along this passageway are the special elevators and ladder wells that connect to the dorsal exterior modules. In the fore section of the dorsal plane along the passage way are executive suites and reception rooms. The ships galley is also located here. A minor medical bay also built into the fore starboard superstructure. These fore section areas are not modular thus are standard configuration and require extensive dry dock time to be changed out for any reason.
The Bridge itself is a simple design with the captain and executive officer seats side by side similar to the shuttles cockpit. With a semi circle facing the observation window. There is minimal need for 10 crew members aside from the captain and xo to be manning the stations at all times. Because of this there is a need for a minimum 30 crew members available with 60 to 90 for optimal ease of personnel operations and efficiency.
Development Thread: A development thread will be made. Even if not necessary as a means of both providing a background to the production of the X-1 (Experimental design) and the story shortly after the purge of the Flavian Family.
Intent: To provide a civilian vessel that is capable of performing multiple roles and aid in developing the fledgling economy of the owner/affiliated faction/and contracted factions or companies. Also to hopefully inspire others to create vessels of similar design intent!
Who Can Use This: Limited Productivity; Slated for Mass production; Currently believed to be the only one of its kind the ship Seed of Renewal and the primary schematics are in the ownership of Flavian Star Corporation. The FSC is affiliated with the Imperial Remnant and thus this ship may be used by the IR and its citizens.