Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Trash Panda's 11 | Darkwire

Boops: Under Foot Under Foot | Hex Hex | Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim | Batch Batch | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Daiya Daiya | Saija Kwann Saija Kwann | Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds | Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber


Abigail curiously turned towards the girl speaking to her, only to be met with a very disturbed stare. She tried her best to contain a small laugh as the girl went on about Abby being a bit heartless, but she wasn't sure how effective her attempt would be.

"Aww, I'll keep an eye on you, don't you worry, but I'm not here to babysit anyone", she muttered semi sincerely as she momentarily returned her gaze towards the kid, before peering back into the dark hanger bay. "If you think you're big enough to go to space, you got to take care of yourself. Don't risk your life blindly depending on strangers."

She caught two more girls staring her way for a short moment, but neither of them audibly responded. Abigail couldn't exactly tell whether the both of them were incredibly shy or just didn't trust her, but she could tell she wasn't making the best first impressions. Not that it really mattered though, as she was here for a job and not to socialize with people who were pretty much basically half her size.

Yet almost immediately after deciding arguing with teenagers wasn't one of her hobbies, Abby heard something else which caused her to spin right back around.

'Mass murder'. An accusation of that kind was a pretty big deal in her eyes. She knew she'd probably get mixed in with some of the less holy types on this job, but she wasn't expecting it to be this extreme. As she curiously watched Hex for a response, her hand instinctively moved a bit closer to the blaster attached to her hip, but she managed to prevent it from being too obvious. She wasn't planning on doing anything with it, but she also wouldn't hesitate to act if the situation called for it. Abigail already didn't trust a single person aboard this ship, and accusations of murder definitely didn't help either.

Luckily though, in addition to the boy who displayed obvious disapproval, the blonde girl seemed just as surprised as Abby was. At the very least this meant not all of the other participants were murderers, probably. She momentarily shot an approving glance towards the girl before staring back towards Hex.

"Two hundred credits? And I thought I was supposed to be the heartless one", she muttered without glancing away from the blue haired girl. Sure, she wasn't feeling all too comfortable keeping her back turned towards the dark halls of the ship, but she definitely wasn't turning her back towards Hex.

Johnnyboy had kept himself quiet for the most part thus far, and for good reason. The Force was ever present, whispering it's sweet nothings into his mind like a lover who wouldn't let go of you. He could feel all the different emotions coming off of everyone here on this jaunty little mission of theirs. Daiya was definitely giving off a healthy amount of fear, it seemed like she was quite afraid of the cold, dark void of space. Couldn't really blame her there. The blue haired one, what did she say her name was to the cute boy with the bad-ass attitude? Hex, yeah, that's it. She was all over the map. Been a while since he'd come across someone arguing with eleven different versions of themselves inside their own head. But that's when it happened.

Johnny was a fair few things. A Slicer-dicer, a Netrunner, a Corpo-sabateur, and in another life; a former Jedi Knight. But one thing he wasn't was cold-hearted. Sometimes, he found himself in the right moment, saying the exact wrong thing. And well, wouldn't you look at the time? It was exactly 5 seconds before the normally chilled out Johnny Diamonds became exactly the opposite of that.

"So… what if you and your killer friends like you would go right and I would go left. Or vice versa, the point is we'll have to go in different directions." he told her.

Rich, hazel eyes looked from Jonah, to Hex, and back to Brie & Daiya. With a little bit of of the old 'now-you-see-me-now-you-don't', he found himself parallel to Jonah, and mused out loud. After all, Johnny Diamonds wasn't known to keep his mouth shut, especially in situations like this. "You know, for such a cute guy, you sure have a nasty way of speaking to others. Maybe next time, keep the ugly to yourself and just like, do what we came to do. Dig?" he said with a bit of a cocky grin and a sneer.

Seems like right now, Johnny had exactly zero chill. Not being a part of society as a whole for the better part of two, almost three years will do that to a guy. Could be all the mixed emotions affecting him, could be that he wasn't exactly fond of spacewalking either, or maybe it was just that old schoolyard adage; make fun of the one you think is cute. Either way, Johnny hefted his old fusion-cutter up, and prepared to follow the Half-Pint, the Short-Stack, and ol' Blue.

Daiya Daiya | Hex Hex | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd | Batch Batch | Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim | Under Foot Under Foot | Saija Kwann Saija Kwann

Weightlessness. Daiya expected it to hit her light a loaded speeder, tensing her muscles as the gravity plating was turned off in their section of the ship. Even with the Magno-Grip engaged on her suit's boots, the teen couldn't help her stomach from flipping over, waiting for the moment when she would start to float away. Daiya managed steady, if shallow, breaths as she readied her right arm, waiting for the moment when she would have to engage the cable launcher and anchor herself to the nearest wall. And do it all without throwing up all over the inside of her suit somehow.

The teen shut her eyes, scrunching her face as she braced for the moment that never came.

Her feet stayed fast to the deck, while the vacuum-rated lining in her suit gave the young shadowrunner the support she needed to keep upright. She peeked, one eye at a time, to find her world astonishingly still right-side up. Her breathing deepened with the relief, and Daiya swallowed down the bile still threatening from the depths of her stomach. With an unexpected confidence flowing through her veins, the young shadowrunner took a gingerly cautious first step in her magnetic boots. They responded with her, lifting off with her foot and re-engaging as she set it down, but she found her first step far too wide. Quickly and unsteadily, Daiya tried to catch up, and caught herself on the railing toward the landing ramp.

A few more steps helped her practice the new technique, her new suit working as designed for the vacuum and zero-g in space. Daiya made her way down the ramp, a grin on her face now, to join the others in the salvaging party. Stepping her way toward Hex and an unfamiliar new boy about their age, the young shadowrunner caught them deep in discussion. "I still have no fething clue what to do, Hex, so I'm going to stick with you and the new guy. You already seem to know him, wanna intro—"

"...committed a mass murder..."

"...two hundred credits..."

"...your killer friends..."

The teen drew a sharp breath in, her words impaled on the spears of her gasp. Wide blue eyes turned on Hex, the universe slowing down around her for a moment. Daiya spent a beat of her heart looking over her newest friend, and now her roommate, with that enduring uncertainty. It reared its head, knocking her stomach back over, as it had from the first day the pink teen had met her colorful counterpart. Wild, yes. Unorthodox, sure. A source of trouble, definitely. But murder? Mass-murder?! Her eyes scoured the face of her friend, searching for that malice at last unveiled.

"No!" Daiya let out in a breath of astonishment. Her fears of space travel, of zero-g, of drifting forever in the darkest blackness of space all seemed to pale against the magnitude of this fear. That second heartbeat of fear coursed through her, wiring every muscle for ready, for the inevitable moment of betrayal. Another friendship shattered. Another lesson burned.

Another in a long line of poor choices made.

"There's no way!" Daiya said to herself as her heart beat a third time. She stepped forward, past that fear. Past the other voices stepping up to question the blue girl. The young shadowrunner looked deep into the eyes of her friend, making one last effort to spot a reason to doubt the accusation. She placed her hands on either side of Hex, placing her helmet up to the blue girl's until they touched. "Right?!"

And then she knew, deep in her body, the teen just Knew. Daiya spun, tearing away from Hex to round on New Guy. His pink hair, his smug look, his dismissive tone, she took it all personally. Her heart beat a furious rhythm as the teen glowered at the boy, her grip tightening on the plasma cutter in her hand. "What the feth is wrong with you? It's all mass-murder and killer, why is everybody jumping to fething conclusions at the slightest little thing these days?"

She stepped toward him, raising the tool as her thumb reached for the activation trigger, and for an instant the boy in the helmet before her became a familiar, ginger face. Daiya stopped, stunned for a moment, Cartri's words from the tatt-chat playing in her ear again. Then her vision cleared and New Guy stood before her once more, his own words echoing on her mind. The teen pointed down the other way, "Get the feth out of my sight, you little chit. Don't make me..."

It wasn't Cartri in front of her, despite the echo of his repented words on New Guy's tongue. Despite the lingering rage that still clenched her jaw, and tightened her grip. Daiya didn't need to hold back on this boy, not this time.

"Feth it!" She cried, and her frustration drew a stifled groan from deep in the teen's throat. Daiya stepped to the side, using both hands to launch the plasma cutter with an over-head toss. A loud grunt followed from the exertion, and the teen threw her hand down the tool's hurtling direction. She seethed with long pants as she told him, "Go! Go in that different direction! We've got a real job to do, and for way more than two hundred fething credits."

Daiya turned away from the Little Chit, and it was the last time she would ever consider him. Her eyes were on Hex, escaping the sight of Brie, or the other two nearby. She drew longer, calmer breaths now as the teen stooped down to look into her friend's eyes. "Are you okay?"

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Samnai squinted at the darkness beyond. After some moments, she shrugged and went back to work.

She went for the platinum wiring first, knowing it will sell for a good amount. She tore down the wiring and stuffed it into her bag, looking around for the next target.

The majority of people lingered around the hangar bay. Samnai looked at them, and decided to go to the droid part. Maybe she could have the room for herself…if no one had the same idea as her, that is.


Tag: Under Foot Under Foot Daiya Daiya Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim Batch Batch Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd

Location: Squib reclamation
Objective: aquire components for home tech construction.

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


Hex grinned as they walked and Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx complemented her hair colour. "Thanks, it has grown like this for years now, it took some getting used to it but its all me now." The girl wrapped the two braids around herself, proud of the distinctive look they gave her.

Hex heard Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd speak, but just shook her head dismissively at the tone being used, she didnt need baby sitting. The older woman could be as grumpy as she wanted about working with teens, but when it was all said and done she was right, they were here for a job, in and out, if they were friends afterwards, great, if not it was no skin off her nose. Hex was more concerned with clear discomfort in Daiya Daiya 's face as she adjusted to the zero gravity. It was hard for Hex to comfort anyone here, she too was out of her element, but she gave her friend a reassuring look, or at least what she thought was a reassuring look.

"Yes I remember. You're the one who committed a mass murder for two hundred credits."

Her heart stopped as Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim spoke. "...You...weren't supposed.... no!" Fear at how her friends would respond to those words gripped her, it wasn't even true, not the way he said it anyway, but her own guilt for siding with that Hacks woman clouded her mind and she felt the full bite of his words. Hex looked around as one by one her companions heard and reacted. Both Abigail and Brie gave her withering looks. Abigail wasn't the problem, Brie needed to like her, she was Daiya's best friend and Hex was well aware what could happen if Brie turned on her.

'...told you so, it was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down.... again'
'...again and again and again...'
Hex twisted her neck and grit her teeth trying to remain in control. Anyone close to her would see tendrils of pink beginning to reach out from the centre of her blue eyes.

"you're wrong!" the blue haired girl snapped at Jonah, her voice weaker than she wished.

'...he wants to destroy everything you have...'
"shut up, shut up!" Hex angrily replied to her voices finally.

Hex had a moment's relief when Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds stood up for her, why? did she even deserve it? She was grateful nonetheless.

Daiya approached her and all Hex could see was the doubt in her eyes as she clearly now knew Hex was a mistake. The blue haired teen averted her eyes and scrunched her face up for a few moments as she fought against her demons.

'...oh dear, poor little blue girl has upset the girl she likes?...'

Hex bared her teeth at herself before returning her gaze back to Daiya. The blue of her eyes had been replaced almost entirely by intertwining branches of fuschia and there was a fire in her eyes. She just shook her head and replied meekly as Daiya asked if she was OK? "it isn't true."

'...oh..but it is, isn't it little girl...'
'...then tell him! Do it now...'

Hex gave Daiya a wry look that was not entirely her own but Daiya would see that the girl she knew, somewhere inside, was asking for her faith. She shrugged her way past and approached Jonah. Her butterfly knife was in her hand and her candles pistol was in the other, she wasnt aiming it, or even acting aggressively with it, but the movements of the large gun emphasised her speech pattern.

"If you are going to accuse me of chit get your karking facts straight.

Yes! I like to blow chit up! Yes I've killed people! It happens. You were perfectly happy enjoying the sight of that speakeasy that Hacks blew up if I recall?

But I'm not a mass murder! I killed ONE person in that attack, they were innocent and I wish they hadn't been there, but they were and I have to deal with that. And 200 credits? It was ten times that! And you know what? I got to spend a month with food in my gut because of that job.

Do you know what it is like to have to climb into a bin for food and hope the rats didn't get the best parts first? No, of course you don't do you? And I can't even go to these stupid soup kitchens because I don't karking exist!... Look!"

She took her butterfly knife and sliced it across the pad of her index finger, not enough to cause serious harm but enough to draw droplets of blood from the suit before its nano-repair systems sealed the breach back up. The pain didn't even seem to bother her in her detached state. With her accelerated healing the tiny wound was barely of consequence to her at all.

"seems pretty real to me? But no, no paperwork, no karking food"

She stopped and a sudden, but very serious expression came across her. She tipped her head to one side and a wicked grin decorated her face.

'...kill him...'

She thumbed the hammer on her large gun as she considered her options. "we aren't bad people, I don't know why you want us to be? We are better doing this mission as a team?" Hex was sincere in her twisted way, but the anger in her mind had taken over. The voices telling of Daiya and Johnny telling Jonah to leave had almost become permission for her to take the action she was considering.

"I Guess though, if I really am noone? There is nothing stopping me just shooting you is there?" she began to raise the gun with an impassive look on her face.

Written by Daiya and used with permission: From the side of Hex, Daiya's eyes had grown impossibly wide as they fixed a stare on her friend. "Oh feth..." she said in a low voice, an earlier tone of concern was now full-bodied alarm. A knot had jumped into her throat, as sure as a hand around it, and the young shadowrunner drew a shakey breath as she stepped in between Hex and Jonah. "Hex, no. No! NO!" She raised her hands, hoping against hope that Hex wouldn't shoot her. Daiya's new armor suit might be able to handle it, but she wasn't sure if her heart could. One arm waved at Hex's blaster, willing it down through a motion of mimicry. "Put the blaster down, Hex, please? He's gonna go, no need to shoot him." Daiya swiveled around to the boy behind her, offering him a glare that needed zero explanation. She didn't bother to check his reaction, looking back to her first item of concern ahead of her: Hex. Pleading, hoping to get her friend back to normal. "Little Chit is going, and then we can do what we came here to do. Let's just focus on that, 'kay?" (End of daiya's writing)

Hex stopped, her friend being between the gun and her target was jarring, her hand was still gripping the trigger as the young woman tried to talk her down. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to push her demons back down "I'm sorry, Daiya," There was a brief moment when not even Hex knew, whether she was apologising for her behaviour, or for shooting through her friend. But something began to give and her hand started to shake.

'! this has to happen, you've gone too far...'

Hex shook her head gently and stopped resisting having her arm pushed down. She needed Jonah to know she wasn't completely broken, that she wasnt some blind, money obsessed serial killer, but he needed to be alive to know that. She glanced past Daiya at him with a plaintif, apologetic look but said no more to him before she finally put the gun down and dropped to a low crouch holding her knees. She hated this, the rest of them were better off without her.

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Brie looked between Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds and the adult womans responses to the discovery of the blue haired girls dark secret, before she found herself focusing on the eventual reaction from the only one in the group she knew for certain would place either the boy or Hex Hex to the wall, demanding an answer; her best friend Daiya Daiya . She stood silent. Dead silent, as Daiya approached wierd girl and blunt boy in a search for answers. Answers that everyone seemed to demand tonight, if they were to proceed with the mission.

Time seemed to freeze for a moment, as Daiya confronted the two newcomers, asking Hex if it what she heard was true, but then making a sudden outrage towards the boy. An outrage that made Brie's eyes grow even wider, and her lips got even more sealed. It was like a Daiya she had never seen before, and it actually almost scared Brie. Daiya scolded him good, alright. Almost too good. The boy were blunt, maybe even a liar, but Brie believed in justice and that everyone should be treated equally fair. Especially as they were all in the same team.

''It's not just...'' she said silently, partially to herself, as she tried deny the fact that them as shadowrunners and Darkwire as a whole was simple murderers. It just were not something she would sign her name on. They were not. They sometimes killed the bad guys, and often not in person or on site and they stood for a larger movement of good. That made things slightly easier to bear. Daiya often didn't have a problem with it, and she was quick to continue and completely dismiss the young guy that had followed them on the mission.

Brie's magno-grip boots carried her the short distance up the ramp, seeing a sore need to try to defuse the situation before it all went south with Hex's drawn blaster and Daiya standing in between the two fighters.

''Of course, we aren't! We are not bad people, but we will definitely be if we start to hurt each other! Hex, please lower the blaster? You don't have to do any of this, you know...?'' Brie said, as she saw the blue haired girl raise the blaster above Daiya. She gave the guy of source to it all a glance, not unfriendly by any means, but enough to make him get the picture that he would do the best to leave now.

''Uh uh! No shooting, right?!'' she uttered and quickly stood buy Daiya's side, raising a hand towards Hex and hoping for the stars that all of this craziness wouldn't end in a real fight between themselves. The ball laid with Hex and the boy now.

''Uhh, are we okay now? Hex? Daiya? Are we done with the craziness now?'' she carefully asked her friends, as the blue girl lowered her blaster after giving an explanation to the serious accusations. An explanation Brie wouldn't know where to put right now, being all caught up trying to get her friends not to shoot each other.

''Was that really necessary, Daiya?'' she said with a hushed voice towards Daiya, the Rage from Denon.

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Jonah Wright-Kala'myr
Mr. Funny T-Shirt Guy, The Golden Boy, Overmind; Information Broker, Nite agent, Anarchist and Future Baron!
Objective: Maybe a new job?
Location: Squib Reclamation, District 3, Denon
Equipment: Current Attire | OPBC-01m
Tags: Under Foot Under Foot | Hex Hex | Batch Batch | Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Daiya Daiya | Saija Kwann Saija Kwann | Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds | Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber | Open
[ Nice Day ]
"Galactic Common" | <"Galidraani"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
T-shirt Text: "Eat the Corpos!"​

o tell the truth, Jonah seemed to get the answer about what they, the others thought. They refused to listen to the explanation or anything, they just defended the girl. That explained a lot of things. Anyway; of the the girl's whining, he wasn't heard too much, for the weapon what she pointed on him, that had been distracted him.

"It’s just a coincidence that one person was there and not hundreds… but it’s good to know that your hunger is more important than the lives of others. I hope you will tell your friends this too when you cut their throats for a bar of chocolate while they're sleeping." he said angrily.

He didn't even hear much of what Daiya had told him. Despite his words, Jonah was terrified. Never before has anyone pointed a weapon on him before. The roughest thing that happened to him was that someone pounched him in the face with his fist because Jonah stole the other boy's girlfriend. But nothing else. His heart was pounding quickly in his chest, he heard the rumbling blood in his ears after every heartbeat; and he didn't feel more secure with the fact the other girl standing between Hex and him.

But the reactions and deeds were more eloquent than anything else…

He saw them talking, possible talking to him too, but it all converged, it was nothing more than the crowd's rumble. Jonah started to back away after a while. As a noble, blue-blooded man, he took care to preserve his dignity. He finally got out of the hangar…

And he didn't see it anymore, that the others started to comfort Hex…


Boops: Under Foot Under Foot | Hex Hex | Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim | Batch Batch | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Daiya Daiya | Saija Kwann Saija Kwann | Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds | Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber


Abigail slowly lowered her blaster as the two girls seemed to succeed in talking Hex away from making this whole thing a lot more traumatic. Abby hadn't intended on shooting the blue haired girl, but she also wouldn't have been able to let her just shoot the boy. While she definitely didn't agree with the girl shouting at Jonah, Abby was at least glad Daiya seemed to have some sway over Hex to keep this from escalating.

As the two girls surrounded Hex and calmed her down, Abigail holstered her blaster again. She thought it was touching, really, albeit slightly concerning how quickly these people got over the whole murder thing.

Abby briefly looked over to the older man. It was slightly comforting knowing she wasn't the only adult around, although the man's behaviour didn't exactly seem to be very mature in her eyes.

As Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim eventually backed away and left, Abigail let out a sigh. She understood he probably needed some space, but she also understood that this old ship, which was on its way to hell, wasn't exactly the safest place to go wander off alone and mope.

She didn't want to follow him. She didn't know them, and she didn't care about any of these people. Why would she care? They were just random, entitled, slightly unstable teens. She didn't care at all. They were dumb. She managed to tear her gaze away for an entire three seconds, before finally giving in with a dramatic sigh as she turned towards the direction Jonah had wandered off to.

Before she followed him though, she made her way over to Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds . She tried to give the man her best fake friendly smile, although it ended up looking quite bad anyway.

"Hey, so, you look like you're probably older than like 14, so, how about you go and keep an eye on those angry loud children, to make sure they don't end up killing each other and stuff", she said, pointing towards the group surrounding Hex. "And then I will go and make sure that other angry guy doesn't accidently trip and die on his own, okay? Great, thank you", she smiled, without really waiting for an answer. She didn't really care much for what the guy might have to say, as she expected roughly the same smart-ass response he'd given Jonah earlier. He probably wouldn't do a single thing she asked, but at least she tried. Abigail turned away from the man and started walking towards wherever Jonah had disappeared off to.

"Oh, 'but I'm not here to babysit anyone' ", she mumbled, mocking herself as she left the hanger.

Location: Derelict Tron-class star destroyer
Objective: Get back on the horse after too long an LOA
Tags Out For Harambe: Hex Hex Daiya Daiya Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim Saija Kwann Saija Kwann Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber
The toilet paper drifted in zero gravity.

A lonely roll, slowly unfurling as it seemed to stretch through the infinity of space, on a slow quest from one end of the cargo bay to the other.

The Squib had discovered that the Corpos had apparently left behind an entire supply pallet of toilet paper, which was now drifting apart in a fountain of white ribbons that was spreading itself outward like a spider's web springing into being in the slow-motion of inertia.

"This might be useful if there were working refreshers on this ship," the Squib remarked glibly, making a notation on the datapad that he carried in an effort to create something of an inventory for them. Inside his helmet, the fox-like alien's ears bristled against the contained headgear as the Squib mulled through the question of whether the toilet paper was worth anything.

He supposed it'd save on some costs if he grabbed a few rolls for the refreshers around the landfill. Except this looked like standard Corpo aquisitions fare. Meaning, it was super cheap toilet paper. The kind of abrasive, single-ply sheets no one wanted.

If Saija had any of that thermaline gel left, maybe they could get a nice fire out of that toilet paper pallet before they left...

Turning his head inside the helmet, through the transparisteel canopy that was but an inch from his face, the fox-like alien could see where a group of the humans were interacting. From their body language, it seemed a disagreement of some sort.

That didn't bode well. Arguing almost always got in the way of profit.

He needed to find something to get the humans oriented back to why they were here. His tails trapped in the legs of his spacesuit, the Squib's balance was notably off as the diminutive creature started waddling away from the cargo bay in search of the next in this section. Bending down, the Squib rummaged through an open maintenance cover. There was still some aurodium fiber cable routed through kathor composite ducting... that ought to fetch a good price.

The Squib opened the comlink channel, preparing to call for someone to help with taking out the writing and duct work, when a flashing icon popped up inside in helmet HUD.


Yes, he forgot the comlink channel was still open.

"Chit. Chit. Chit. Chit..."
the Squib repeated, over and over, as he tried to run back toward the Aluminum Falcon. Which, with his tails literally trapped between his legs was not easy. The Squib stumbled and dropped onto all fours several times as he tried to hurry as best he could.

"Proximity sensor. We may have some company!" the Squib warned, as he fell against the wall and continued trying to make his way back to the Falcon. Not only were there weapons on the ship, but depending on what kind of company they were about to keep, they may need to get the feth out of here ahead of schedule.

Without any atmosphere to carry soundwaves, there was only the eerie silence broken up by their own chatter and the sound of their own breathing in their own ears. However, the sensation of something striking the ship was unmistakable.

Not one, but two sudden impacts.

Across two sections of the ship, the airlocks that had been hastily sealed up now suddenly turned red hot as something started to cut through.

It seemed as though a crew of Hackjackers had the same idea as the trash pandas, and probably wasn't looking to split the rewards.
So much was happening all around her, Daiya's head was in a whirlwind. Weightlessness didn't help, even anchored to the derelict's deck the teen still felt like she was going to float away. Part of her wished she could, just float away and leave the maelstrom of emotions and accusations below her. Just let go, abandon all her problems and cares to float to some new paradigm.

Daiya stayed fast, only wobbling against her anchored boots that kept her frozen in place.

Her eyes froze wide, pinned at their edges with crystals of terror. Impossibly wide, Daiya could see the edges of her vision peel back to reveal new depths and insights, but her eyes could only focus on one thing. Directly in front of her, the blue girl had turned primordial, even her eyes had turned a sharp hue of pink. A knot grew within the young shadowrunner's throat, growing from the seed of worry planted from the first moment she'd met the hair-trigger girl that was Hex. "Oh feth..."

Cold struck her worse than even the vacuum around them could impose, turning her tremor of her anger into the shivering chill of fear. Daiya stood fast, struck by the horror of watching another of her fears come true, as Hex rounded on Little Chit. The young shadowrunner stayed fixed on the exchange, not on her friend's words so much as her actions. Hex menaced toward the pink-haired boy, teeth at her lips, gun in her hand, and then a knife drawn across her flesh.

Daiya winced. Her feet lifted, unable to stop moving as the knot welled in the teen's throat. She drew a shaky breath through its constricted flow, the edges of her eyes damp, and her lips running a quiet mantra barely loud enough for her suit's microphone to pick up. "oh feth...oh feth...oh feth..."

Her feet found their way in front of Hex, and Daiya drew in a breath to see a blaster pointed in her face. Survival instincts kicked into high gear, throwing her hands up in front of her friend. "Hex, no. No! NO!" At least the girl Daiya thought was her friend. She was confident about her suit, it could diffuse catching a blaster shot without worry, even point blank.

Daiya didn't know if she could diffuse a friend shooting her point blank.

"Put the blaster down, Hex." A plaintive tone threaded into the teen's voice, and she swallowed to keep it steady. Her blue eyes fixed onto Hex's pink pair, holding a gaze her mind shrieked at her to break from. In the middle of a dead ship, headed directly into the sun, the last thing they needed out here was violence. Daiya could restrain her instincts enough to keep the peace, she only needed to convince Hex of the same. "He's gonna go, no need to shoot him."

She didn't know that for sure, the promise on her lips just had to be enough. Daiya turned, her eyes drilling holes into the front of Little Chit's suit as hot as she could muster, turning her face into an impassive, chiseled expression meant to will the boy into turning his feet around. Daiya didn't bother to wait, returning her attention to Hex instead. The promises returned, every bit of her hoping that they would come true. "Little Chit is going, and then we can do what we came here to do. Let's just focus on that, 'kay?"

Daiya didn't feel herself breathing again until the fuchsia eyes shut to the world. The gun lowered from its target, and then Hex lowered to the deck, an apology lingering in the vacuum between them. The teen couldn't bring herself to follow her friend down this time, remaining staunchly upright. She could feel her breathing coming back under her control, with the remainder of her surroundings resolving back into clarity.

Little Chit was gone, replaced with Brie asking after her own concerns. Daiya tried to offer the scrapper girl a smile, only mustering a twitch from the corner of her lips. She looked down at the shrunken Hex on the floor, then back into the eyes of her best friend. Her confidant, her rock. Brie was always there to back her up, except for now. Now the blond conscience was there to cross-examine her, piling onto the furtive eyes and heavy judgement Daiya was earning from all corners of the space.

"Was that really necessary, Daiya?"

"Feth if I know," Daiya spat in their direction, her shoulders twisting as though they could wrench free of the collective verdict weighing her down. "It worked, didn't it?"

The teen regretted the brusque words the moment they left her mouth, even if she stood by their meaning. Scoffing, she unclipped the omnicutter from her utility belt, the only cutting tool she had left, and held it up for Brie's inspection. "Think this will still work for our actual job now?"

It wasn't a good enough overture, though it was the best Daiya could come up with for the moment. Whatever Brie thought of her actions, the two of them could talk it out on the way back planetside. Or even better, when they were on Denon again, where Daiya could stand up straight and breathe without waiting for something to stop her. Offering a pained expression at Brie, the teen shook her head, and took a step toward the subject of their actual job.

Only to find a whirlwind waiting for her again. The voice of the Squib sounded in her suit's speakers, reminding the young shadowrunner of the real stakes of being out in the dark of space. On Denon, Daiya could count on checking alleyways and shop windows for danger out of the corner of her eye. She could feel it coming there, aided by the city's structure, experience, and her own senses. Out here, the young shadowrunner felt exposed and vulnerable to the whims of the inky blackness beyond the cargo bay.

"Chit!" Daiya didn't know what else to offer, until her feet whirled her around to Hex. They rocked gently as impacts studded the derelict, but didn't waiver from her upright position. The teen still couldn't bring herself down to the blue girl's level, but extended a hand to help her up instead. "Wanna put that blaster to good use?"

Daiya grinned to her best friend at last, pulling out her own blaster to replace the omnicutter. "Now this is definitely necessary."

She tilted her helmet to direct their trio toward some abandoned pallets of supplies, as good of cover as they were going to get. Daiya feeling very ready for a whirlwind she could finally handle.


Johnnyboy was mucking about with his old fusion-cutter, damn thing always seemed to give him problems just when he didn't need them. I suppose that's why he considered it one of his good luck charms; if it was the thing that went wrong, chances are something else wouldn't. Though, he had a bad feeling creeping up his spine and making the little hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Something felt off, that much was sure. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but it just so happened that the other girl ended up right next to him. As he turned to look up at her, he could see a rather forced, and quite awkward smile form on her face.

"Hey, so, you look like you're probably older than like 14, so, how about you go and keep an eye on those angry loud children, to make sure they don't end up killing each other and stuff", she said, pointing towards the group surrounding Hex. "And then I will go and make sure that other angry guy doesn't accidently trip and die on his own, okay? Great, thank you", she smiled, without really waiting for an answer.

"Do I look like a domestic, honey? We are out on a giant, hulking wreck of a ship the size of a city. If they can't deal with the heat, shouldn't have come into the kitchen to begin with." he said with a bit of a scowl. Something was really giving him a sense of unease, and the fact that he could not for the life of him put a finger on what, really bothered Johnny something fierce. Deal was, Johnny would have kept an eye out for all of them, regardless. But you know, gotta keep up appearances and what have you.

Standing up, he strapped the old bucket-o-bolts to his back once more, having found himself some prime wiring, a few connectors, and some other internals from a data-term he came across during all the excitement of Ol' Blue damn near flat-lining Jonah. And wouldn't you know who won the pony?

"Proximity sensor. We may have some company!" the Squib warned, as he fell against the wall and continued trying to make his way back to the Falcon.

And THAT was what he was so uppity about, he knew something was amiss, and he felt stupid for not thinking along those lines. Not enough time in meatspace, much to much time in cyberspace. He had to get out and about more, that much was plainly obvious. He'd hit up Hacks over the CryptNet after this if he managed to get out of it with his hide still in-tact. The 'Teen Girl Squad' weren't that far from him, as he had been keeping an eye on everyone as per his normal M.O. & Abigail was keeping an eye on Mr. Pinky Attitude Boy. Just to be safe, he buzzed in over the comm-unit. <<Heard loud-n-clear, Fox-bro. Daiya; you keep an eye on 'Short-stack' and 'Blue', dig? I'm headed your direction, on my way back to the ship.>>

As Johnny secured what little scrap he'd acquired into his messenger bag, he felt around into the small, zippered pocket toward the bottom. Good. Lightsaber was still there, just in case. Force help him though, he was praying he didn't need it. Really did NOT want to have to explain that one to the group, unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary.

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Samnai rolled her eyes as the argument of the brats drifted over to her. It was not helping her headache or her concentration, so she shut down the panel she was working on and walked over to the group. “Hey, keep it down—”

The shaking ground almost threw her off as Under Foot yelled. She looked over to the glow and immediately pointed her gun at it, backing off into a corner.

Her confrontation was forgotten as she focused on the cracking airlocks, the sounds ominous in the darkness.


Tag: Daiya Daiya Under Foot Under Foot Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim Batch Batch Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber

Location: Aboard the derelict
Objective: aquire components for home tech construction.

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


Hex crouched on the floor as her friend spoke to her, her breath was ragged and flow regulator on her suit hissed as it struggled to compensate.

"Kark my life!" she whispered to herself as she pulled on her breath, she felt the need to just pop her face shield to get more air, but there was none to be had.

'...look at the mess you've made little girl, there is no going back...'
"Leave me alone! I pop this mask and you are all as dead as me!" there was nothing but a laugh ringing in her ears.

Hex looked up at Daiya, she didnt know what to say right now. But luckily something rang in her friend's ear and distracted her, the reassuring look on her face changed to one of panic.

"Wanna put that blaster to good use?"

"what?" she mustered, looking at Daiya confused? Her confusion was short lived as a beam of light from a high power torch breach the room and the first wave of hackjackers broke in to the corridor leading to them. These guys did not look friendly. Hex gave a slightly unnerving smile to Daiya, having something else to focus her energy on, before grabbing her hand to help her up.

"Not coming all this way to have some PUNKS! steal my pay day!" she emphasised the word 'punks' loudly whilst looking over her shoulder, as if her annoyance would carry through the cold vacuum of space. She looked at the others with them, trying to guage their response to the invaders, some were fleeing, others looked good to go.

There was a silent skittering as something skimmed along the floor. It was small radio device, Hex picked it up and looked at the channel, flipping her own comm to receive it and transmit it to her allies.

"We're taking your loot, we're taking your ship, if you play nice we might not take your lives?" The voice of the Jackers was hard and agressive, a man who would kill for what he wanted. There was a mocking cackle and more of the enemies filtered in and took up defensive positions around the bulk head. How many were there?

'...How....dare...they!...' this time Hex couldn't help but agree.

Hex began walking towards them, from their perspective they would just see the innocent looking girl with her hands in the air, but her friends would see a blinking light on the back of her hand, something was hung over the back of her middle finger out of sight. They were deep within the ship so explosive decompression was very unlikely, but Hex hoped her friends knew what she had planned.

"Don't hurt us, please, we are just scavengers, we're teenagers." Hex voice portrayed fear, but her walk had something about it that betrayed exactly how many chits she gave right now. She casually closed the distance to the wall of boxes their enemies sheltered behind.

"You! BLUE GIRL, not another step, get on the floor and keep your hands where we can see them!" Her foes demanded.

'...We should do what they say...'

With that she dropped to the floor, bringing her hands down. With the lack of air or gravity it didnt take a lot of force but her hand coming down flung the party popper towards her foes. In the darkness the light blinked ominously for a few seconds as it passed through the air toward their position, the Hackjackers had just a few seconds to take cover before it exploded.

"Feth if I know,"

Her best friends spat-out words made Brie flinch with utter suprise. Brie had a hard time telling wether Daiya Daiya had lashed out at the boy in such an extreme way, calling him things, but she guessed that it was either with care for Hex Hex or what wierd girl could do it she was pushed over the edge. It was probably a combination of the two. Either way, completely dismissing the guy wasn't that fair in Brie's book. Brie wanted to say something so badly, but while something was about to leave her lips she just couldn't get it out. One rarely shown part of her wanted to snap back at her best friend, the way she once had done to Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll . The more docile and reasonable Brie told her otherwise.

"It worked, didn't it?" Daiya added, seemingly sure of herself doing the right thing.

''Hm... Maybe for now.'' Brie answered in a mumble to the other girl, noting that it could come back and bite them in the tail when they least knew.

Speaking of tails. In the corner of her eye, a furry figure literally came tumbling towards them with haste. As Brie turned her head and the fishbowl helmet covering it, she could see that is was the squib returning with a warning.

"Proximity sensor. We may have some company!" he said, as she rushed past them and aboard the ship. The next thing Brie heard was one of the older guys - Well, was he two or three years older than Brie? - talking to them over the intercom and refering to her as 'Short-stack', a nickname she had got from a once scary encounter with a brute on Coruscant, and had spread in Darkwire. Despite Brie not being that short of a girl, which was really wierd but a name she could live with.

As the two sudden impacts were heard throughout the ship, Brie followed Daiya as she nodded them on towards a nearby pile of crates to take cover. Sliding in behind a crate and drawing her blaster, Brie peeked over the crate and watched as the doors were cut open and a not neglectable amount of Hackjackers invaded the ship. Kark. So much for an easy loot. At least, they still had the option to get out of here with the ship. Although, that option looked to possibly slip through their fingers as Hex left her cover and approached the gang of thieves. Brie exchanged a puzzled and are-she-out-of-her-mind glance with Daiya, before she saw the blue girl drop to the floor and an explosive leaving one of her hands.


Location: Derelict Tron-class star destroyer
Objective: Get back on the horse after too long an LOA
Tags Out For Harambe: Hex Hex Daiya Daiya Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim Saija Kwann Saija Kwann Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber
The Squib was starting to move at a decent clip.

Still slow, but he was starting to get the hang of moving his legs with his tail stuffed down his trousers. If he was right, he had two lefts and a right, then he'd be back in the cargo bay with the Falcon.

That notion was short-lived as a series of red-hot sparks suddenly leapt out from where a sealed section of the corridor was being cut into from the other side. "Flarblgob!" the Squib swore, stumbling backward as he awkwardly pulled at the small blaster at his side.

Running was hard enough in this ridiculous spacesuit. Shooting and running was a terri-bad idea. Much terrible. Many bad. Not good idea.

Pulling the trigger twice, the Squib sent two shots that were almost blind just to discourage pursuit enough to give him a head-start. "I'm cut off and going around the long way," the Squib announced, even as he tried to fathom what the long way around might be.

Hackjackers did this for a living. No surprise, then, they seemed to spread into the husk of the ship like angry ants pouring out from an upset anthill.

A junction ahead, the Squib could see two coming out into the ship. The gravity-boots locked only the deck plates and the Squib flailed as he stopped short, before the fox-like alien turned to double-back down a different turn. "If anybody makes it back to the Falcon, get the sublight drive started up," he called out.

Fighting in these conditions was definitely running a high risk of cutting into their profits. "I think we need to grab the scrap and run."

A dead end. Spinning around, the Squib flinched as a blaster bolt sailed just over his head. Squeezing the trigger on his blaster pistol, he fired a shot off even as he started down another path. "But also, save the Squib," he chirped.

Wait, profit before all else.

"But mostly, grab the scrap!"
This was why Daiya didn't like space!

With the grace and fitness to make the teen look like a youngling just learning to walk, Hackjackers swarmed into the hangar bay to take up well-practiced positions. With several making a beeline for the Squib's ship, and their only escape route, it left the remainder of the raid team for the rest of them. Peeking out from behind the supplies pallet, Daiya drew in a sharp intake of breath. "Oh feth!"

That was a lot more than she was expecting, and as the young shadowrunner turned her gaze up along the wall of the hangar bay, she found even more perched among the rafters of the ceiling. It was the ceiling to her, at least, and for a moment the city-dweller was bewildered how the Hackerjackers could even think to climb into the ceiling for cover. It didn't hit Daiya until later that without gravity, there was no ceiling, and the vacuum-natives were simply taking advantage of it. Right now, all she could think about was the anxiety breaking through her typical calm before a fight.

Her eyes grew wide to catch Hex strolling far too casually toward the Hackerjackers, presenting the ruse of an innocent little girl. Daiya might have done the same, if she hadn't caught sight of the pirate crew above them, too. The teen took a step forward, words of protest on her lips, "Hex—" before her hungry eyes spied the last detail in the hands of Hex that ripped aside any other pretense of looking out for others today.

Now it was every girl for herself.

Daiya huddled behind the pallet, tension palpable in her breath and palms as she waited for the party popper to blow. She tried to keep her muscles loose for the blast, hoping her suit could handle the brunt of it. Fingers gripped tightly around her blaster pistol, her eyes shut against expectation of world-shattering results.

Her suit registered the crack of the explosive with a sharp tone and flashing alarm on her HUD. Daiya pried her eyes open, her environment otherwise unchanged. She had felt nothing, nor had the blast sent her flying or even knocked her over. If not for her suit's HUD, the teen might have assumed her friend's explosive was a dud instead, she felt or saw none of the immediate chaos she was used to planetside.

Peeking back around her cover revealed the chaos at last. Little remained of the grenade itself, but the outline of its blast was written clearly from the scorch marks on the hangar bay floor and the pattern of shrapnel punctures of anything around the explosion, with far less of it directed above or below the grenade itself.

Daiya's mouth broke open, gaping at the bloody mass of the Hackerjackers who hadn't reached cover. Though bodies looked intact, she could spot a few of the rips and holes the shrapnel made, most easily by the trail of blood and gore droplets bubbling past their victims. She closed her mouth, using one hand to steady herself against the supply pallet, itself bearing a few holes where shrapnel had ripped through as well, and aimed her blaster at the pirates emerging from their cover once again.

"Are you okay, Hex?" Daiya asked, glancing to the side to catch sight of the scrapper girl as well. "Brie?" Her voice came short and high in between shots as the young shadowrunner squeezed her blaster trigger at the Hackerjackers who were now shooting back. She set her jaw while her usual wave of calm continued to elude her, growing more frustrated as her blaster bolts wound up sending more of the Hackerjackers back into cover than into the dark vacuum abyss.

Another alarm rang out on her HUD, signalling Daiya to what she already knew. Something had hit her shoulder. It took the alert to tell her what it was, and to swing her eyes back up to the ceiling where it came. "Feth!"

Largely unscathed, the pirates hanging around the ceiling of the hangar bay were scrambling toward her position near Brie, blowing the protection of their cover. Daiya fired back as fast as she could, grimacing every time her suit took a direct blaster bolt on its armored surface. It was built for this, but the young shadowrunner would rather test its limits where she was far more comfortable.

Like on a planet, where gravity made floors and ceilings made sense again.

"There's too many of them!" Daiya called, broadcasting to the whole Shadowrunner group now. She squeezed the trigger some more, sending blaster bolts to the ceiling Hackerjackers. They were more exposed than their cousins behind cover on the floor, but there were far more of them the shrapnel had spared. "Make for the ship, it's our only way out!"

Daiya reached for Brie, intending to tap the scrapper girl to send her on the way. Her eyes darted to the place she saw Hex last, darting around to find the blue girl. The teen would help if she could, and she bit her lip at the thought of if. There was no time to collect bodies now, making the teen hope Hex could still use her own two feet as Daiya powered hers toward the ship airlocks, shooting at Hackerjackers all the way.

This was why Daiya really didn't like space!

Samnai decided to bolt, ducking down from the bullets and keeping to nooks as she went for the airlocks. A hackjackers was gaining on her as she glanced back, so shot straight at his head and then at the one coming behind.

Her bag of steals, left abandoned, was spotted by her and she made a detour for it, loosely grabbing it which made some parts slip out of the open zipper. She didn’t heed them and continued on her way.

And as the doors opened to the airlock, she could hear the stomps of the innumerable hackjackers getting closer, not letting up…

What a headache.



[Johnny's Soundscape: Raw Power]

thoughts | speech | << comms >>

Feth. Feth, Feth, Feth, FETH!

That's all that went through Johnny's mind at the moment, hauling some serious back-side toward the Falcon. He just HAD to go delving into other places on this rusted, parted-out monstrosity, didn't he? Hijackers. He should have known better than to wander too far from their landing area. Johnny made his way through the dark corridor, mentally issuing commands to his
optical implant to switch over to low-light mode. Force be with me, he thought quietly as he edged toward the open door leading into the Hangar Bay where the rest of the team were.

Ohhhh kark...

Blaster bolts were being fired left, right, sideways, diagonally, pretty much looked like a laser light show on a sick Ryll-trip. Beautiful, in it's own psychotic way. Still, Johnny kept himself hidden within the shadows, taking stock of everything and everyone. His cybernetic eye sure as feth was coming in handy, as he began to scan the Hijackers as quick as he possibly could. What in the ever-loving kark am I gonna do? he mouthed silently behind the glasteel faceplate of his helmet. He had his lightsaber with him, but it would be sort of useless in this situation, regardless of how much he wanted to ensure the rest of them got out of this with their hides in tact. Ok, Johnnyboy, think. What was it Kana used to tell you? Relax, take a breath, and calm your mind. Easier said than done, but he'd give it a shot.


And like a bolt of lightning to the ol' skullsponge, it hit Johnny with the force of a hundred suns.


They all had maglocks installed in their boots. How else would they find sure footing in this zero-G environment? And just as the idea came to him, an explosion absolutely rocked the hangar bay, Hex's party popper going off and causing all sorts of mayhem. Fragged a fair few of the hijackers, and left the rest scattering to collect themselves, as their compatriots tried to gain entry to the Falcon. Johnny hoped the little squib has an ace up his sleeve, because he sure as hell couldn't stop them all. Still, the popper gave him the perfect cover. Concentrating on the Force, he would let it fill his being, let it wash over him like a waterfall, embracing it's warmth. As a natural technopath, he would focus upon the magnaton circuits within the hijacker's boots, causing the circuitry to simply fizzle and fail. After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality only a few moments, the hijackers began to free-float, unable to keep their footing. Even the ones up on the ceiling began to float chaotically into one another, causing enough of a distraction, he hoped, for the rest of them to make it to the Falcon.

<<GO! Get to the Falcon NOW, as fast as you all can!>>

His voice echoed within the comms, as he pulled out his rail pistol, and began firing off shots at the hijackers closest to the team. Daiya had seemingly gotten Brie and Hex wrangled, and He wasn't sure of the others, but he hoped this gave them time. One of the good things about a rail pistol; it fired slugs at high velocity. Enough that one or two good shots would send the now free-floating, thuggish hijackers careening out into the walls of the hangar, and even out into the blackness of space beyond. He began to run as fast as his own maglocks would allow him, firing off another few shots as he did. Pulling out another clip, he ejected the now empty one, and slammed the full one into the pistol.

Ok, Johnny. Time to do that get-the-feth-out-in-a-hurry deal!

Keeping his connection to the Force, he used the targeting program within his optical implant, and figured out the trajectory he would need to make a bee-line to the airlock of the Falcon. Once locked in, he guided the Force within his body, amplifying the strength within his legs five-fold. And in that moment, he switched his maglocks off, and pushed off as hard as he could, cork-screw spinning toward the airlock like a high-speed drill. He would try to fire off a few more shots as he did, but right now, his main goal was praying to the Force and to whatever other higher-powers that might exist in the galaxy that he made it...

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Tag: Daiya Daiya Under Foot Under Foot Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim Batch Batch Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber

Location: Aboard the derelict
Objective: aquire components for home tech construction.

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


There was a flash of light as the grenade went off, and a searing lash as if someone had struck her skin with a whip. "FETH! That hurts!" she cursed as she looked over her shoulder and saw a spray of her own blood come from her suit where shrapnel had torn open her suit across her shoulder. The droplets quickly froze in the cold of space and continued on their journey away from her. Alarms in her suit were also ringing as the pressure dropped, but these quickly silenced as the nano-tech sealed the breach. Her shoulder felt tight as her own healing factors kicked in but she could feel blood pooling inside.

"Are you okay, Hex?"

"Yeah, I'm good I think... chit!"

A flash of inspiration had her roll to one side, barely missing a stream of blaster bolts that would have torn through her suit. She lifted Candles and returned fire at a man who had positioned himself on the ceiling. The pink hued projectile blowing past any protection he thought he might have from his thin armour.

"Yeah I'm good!" she finally got to her feet just as one of hackjackers came running to her.


She ducked again as an assailant to the right of her she had not yet seen opened fire, narrowly missing her. With a smooth movement she tossed another party popper off of her belt at the hidden foe, having it explode behind his cover, ripping him to pieces. But now the charging foe was on her. His arm thumped her own, hard, and candles went spinning through the air towards her allies as they fled the room. The hackjacker pulled a knife, trying to swing it at the blue haired girl.

Hex lifted her legs in the air and kicked him on the chest as hard as she could, propelling the two away from each other, him towards his allies and Hex towards hers. As she spun through the air she pulled her lighter SIMP pistol and started firing wildly at him. With the movement it was a hard shot, but she would make damn sure he had something to think about as she carried on down the corridor. "we need to find a position to defend, we haven't managed to get out loot yet!" she called out to her team, it might fall on deaf ears, but she was not the sort who was keen to not get a payday.

'...And these suckers need to pay for screwing with our score!...'


Location: Derelict Tron-class star destroyer
Objective: Grab the trash and run.
Tags Out For Harambe: Hex Hex Daiya Daiya Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim Saija Kwann Saija Kwann Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds Abigail Meredydd Abigail Meredydd Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber

The nice thing about a Briletto was that it had all the power of a full-sized blaster pistol, in a small package that still fit a Squib's small hand.

The bad thing about a Briletto was that it only had a six-round blast cap.

Could the bad guys maybe do a time-out so he could re-load? Of course, loading and spending more blast caps was only going to cut into his profits. Recharging the spent tibana canisters was not cheap. And the damn unions on Bespin were going to make sure it stayed that way. This was everything wrong with organized labor. When it was on the other side of the consumer market. When he was in a demand position and the supply took advantage of that, that was not okay. When he was the one with the supply and had the demand sector at his mercy... different economic principles applied.

Squib economics aside, the reality remained that Under Foot was holding an empty gun and had at least two hackjackers after him. Were there more? He wasn't really stopping to check. He was focusing on running. Much exercise. Many breathing.

Also, maybe he should have invested in a spacesuit that fit him better, as opposed to this second hand one from an Ugnaught thrift store in Solitude.

Also, there were a lot of dead ends on this ship. This seemed a fire hazard. A code violation at the very list. DireX would be getting a complaint. How was he supposed to rip them off with these kinds of conditions? It was simply unacceptable.

Cornered, the Squib found himself looking for options and the only one was a large, gaping hole where a transparisteel window had been removed -- then again, given the insane amount of money dumped into the ship's construction, it had probably been crystalsteel. Either way, it was an escape. An escape into the cold, endless abyssal maw of space. But it was about the only option available.

So, he took it.

One small leap for Squib. One giant panic attack for Squib.

Probably not very philosophical. But now that he was no longer being run down by hackjackers, he had time to focus on other things. Like drifting into an endless night.

Well, he was wearing maglock boots. And the hull was made of metal. This might be workable. Clicking his heels together, the Squib tried to orient his body so that his feet were pointed at the ship. And did this thing have positioning jets that actually functioned?

He felt his inertia shift, as the ship seemed to lurch toward him as the small alien slammed down onto the hull.

Not exactly graceful. But it worked.

Now, which way was the hanger? Looking around, he was going with... that way. If he could figure out how to move.

"Click. Release," the Squib uttered to himself, as the maglocks on his boots clamped down onto the hull. A moment later, the lock released, as the Squib pushed off the hull of the ship. As he arced up into the dead of space, the magnets in his boots were already starting to pull him downward, attracted to the hull plating.

The Squib landed with an audible click. "Click. Release," he repeated, as he pushed off in another long jump.

It might be a long trek back to the hangar bay, but at least there wasn't anyone chasing him out here!

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