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Trasker Needs To Be Terminated...

Connor Harrison

Hi all!

I recently created a new character, Nemesio, a cyborg. BUT I wasn't comfortable with his introduction. He just appears on the scene with a fabricated background. No, I need more than that for creative writing.

SO I have decided to blend my two similar characters into one. I want to make Ben Trasker, agent of the G.I.A, become Nemesio.

Basically following the 'RoboCop' style narrative, I need Ben to be gunned down or caught in an attack that leaves him near-death, mutilated and broken. This will be moments after he calls G.I.A for assistance who will arrive to find his broken body and take him away, and from then Ben Trasker will be "dead" and become Nemesio, and both accounts will be merged to carry on the character with some new direction and style.

This will then continue to develop his threads of past emotions, thoughts and memories ready for conflicting new ones he will be programmed with as a "product".

SO basically would anyone out there, of any evil Faction or simple nasty piece of work (even a corrupt hero!), like to do an RP to bring down Ben Trasker in his final assignment as a human law enforcer agent?

Just shout if you're interested. Thanks! :)
So the Last Action Hero needs to be reborn. I can dig the inspiration, and all the hallmarks towards Murphy and the shadows of Vader. Blitz is probably my most villainous character that actually thinks in a manner that would do something to this affect. Well he'd most likely orchestrate it. Dirty hands and all. It would also be nice to give some personal enemies to Big Brother Blitz. If this interests you, I'm sure we can work up a way to decimate Trasker.

[member="Ben Trasker"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Sawa Ike"] [member="Blitz"] - Thanks for the interest guys!

I hate to be cutthroat and reduce peoples' personal developments, so would be there be a way for you both to be involved somehow?

It doesn't need to stop with Trasker being taken down if you both have your own paths that work too...?

Connor Harrison

Seems a plan - I'll knock something up and then we can go from there and see what happens!

All in the wrong place at the wrong time it seems...well, for Trasker anyway. :p
[member="Ben Trasker"] Attack his drug supply shipments, or warehouse distribution center and I'll put the mark on him.

[member="Sawa Ike"] If you want to be the one that does the deed, I'm fine with that. We can work on collaboration.
I'll most likely be guiding by a form of communication. Holo-chat, commlink, that sort of thing. We'll have a discussion before Ben bursts in to take you down. I might even have a few surprise countermeasures available in the fray to aide you in his 'Termination"

[member="Sawa Ike"] [member="Ben Trasker"]

Connor Harrison

Is Coruscant a nice location for you all? To have some stashes on the planet that Trasker can hit and go from there?
Coruscant is touchy business right now my man. Nar Shaadaa, Nal Hutta, Phaeda. All good alternatives.

[member="Ben Trasker"]

Follow The Rabbit

[member="Ben Trasker"] If you need a terrorist cell in the mix we would gladly extend our services.

Connor Harrison

I'll bear that in mind [member="Follow The Rabbit"] - thank could have links for the future...

Follow The Rabbit

[member="Ben Trasker"] Very well then future metal man, enjoy your new body. *goes back to bombing civilians*

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