Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Mm. Sounds like a plan to me." The large ursine being gave one last smile before turning to the exit. They'd be back soon enough. A large paw hit the switch to lower the ramp to the spaceport, and he stepped down while lowering his head a bit to keep from hitting anything on the way out. And then the humidity hit. Beorni always had their winter coat, so even a moderate temperature planet could give them heatstroke.

The hammer in his hand flashed with a blue light. A faint mist began to gather above his fur to help him keep cool. "Where first?"

Following Calder off her ship, she made sure to shut it back up and lock it. Unfamiliar with this world, Ailuros didn't know how often ships were stolen. Her ship she felt was unique in the galaxy, at least outside of Trian space.

"I wonder if I'll meet up with any others of my kind."

It was said more to herself, but since the speaker was on her helmet, it was broadcast aloud for him to hear. He drew her attention back to the quest though and she paused for a moment to remember what her orders were.

"We need to find somebody named, Targus Manch."

[member="Calder Icehammer"]
"I do not know enough about the planet to lead the way, so I shall defer to your judgement. There a place he's known to hang around by chance?" Calder kept slightly behind [member="Ailuros"] like an imposing bodyguard to let her to the talking. "Is it going to be hostile at all?"
Learning how to move in armor was going to be difficult and for a few minutes Ailuros probably appeared to be walking around like she was in a snowsuit of some kind. Once everything had moved into its proper position on her torso and body, movement became easier and more natural.

She took the lead like Calder suggested and went to find and inn that hopefully had beds large enough for the both of them.

"Not yet that I know of and provided I do my job right, it wouldn't be hostile."

[member="Calder Icehammer"]
"Good." I don't want to see you hurt were the unspoken words Calder dare not say aloud. She was indeed his friend, but the meaning behind would not have been that of friendship. The Beorni's blue eyes traveled to [member="Ailuros"] 's armored form. He missed seeing the patterns of her fur. The smile on her face. Her blue and yellow eyes.

Was this what infatuation felt like?

Eventually he tore his gaze away, looking about the city they were in as they walked through. It was a decent city, though not one he'd ever return to. "Should we find a place for the night while we're here?"

[member="Targus Manch"]
Almost forgetting she had a helmet on and Calder wouldn't see her expressions, Ailuros turned to look at him through her visor and nodded slightly. Holding one of her gloved paws out, she wanted to take one of his into it. Unless he pulled away, the cat would do just that. It would be the two of them walking hand in hand. Hopefully it wouldn't appear too out of the ordinary.

"Yes we probably should. At least until I know what's going on more and have made contact with Targus."

A place that facilities for two furred and large sentients. Looking around, she thought she saw one and pointed it out to Calder.

"You think that place is good enough?"

[member="Calder Icehammer"] [member="Targus Manch"]
Targus was slumming on the lower concourse away from his usual haunts, the Mandalore seemed prefer his own company and that of his companion, a medium sized strill called Jbewook. The pair were in a back booth, a half empty bottle of Corellian black ale on the table and nad half eaten platter of mysterious grilled meat were the evidence of a meal. His helm was on the table, near his right elbow, as he poured himself another glasses.

Like most Zabraks he wore an expression most races called intense but unlike the others he wore no facial tribal tattoos. His pale skin could almost make one think he had human genes somewhere in the mix, had anyone been brave enough to ask. He wore no obvious weapons save for the huge hand cannon that was strapped to his hip, but his expression did not encourage anyone to approach without a good reason.

This was his last night out before heading back to barracks and he wondered what this night would bring. He had this feeling just on the edge of his senses, like a hunch he couldn’t put his finger on quite yet. So he bid his time to see what was going on and act before he went back to the vod.

[member="Calder Icehammer"]
"Then we're in agreement. Do y-" The large figure paused midsentence, blinking down to his hand. And [member="Ailuros"] 's wrapped around it. Deep under the white fur on his cheeks the skin darkened with a blush. But Calder did not pull away, instead squeezing the gloved hand as his gaze turned towards the building in question.

"That will do, I think. Let's head in." The Beorni lead the way this time, stepping into the bar. He had to duck some to not hit his head, and his icy gaze traveled around. And settled on [member="Targus Manch"] . The ursine man almost laughed at the odds.

"Well, Ailuros, it seems the spirits favor us today."
Well that was unexpected, Targus thought to himself as his eyes locked on to the literal alien mountain of flesh that walked through the door. It was impressive that he even fit through the door to begin with but he gave the impression that it was looking for trouble. While it clearly outweighed and outmassed the Mandalore, the typhoon gave [member="Calder Icehammer"] no more than a passing glance, before pouring himself another glass.

The other patrons sensed trouble was brewing and discretely moved out of the way, one or two were already calculating the odds and making silent wagers on a possible outcome should a brawl suddenly occur. Reaching for the cudgel behind the bar, the barkeep kept a wary eye in case he would need to break things up. Probably way after the bear man got bored and left but hopefully before too much damage was done to the bar.

No one seemed to notice if anyone else was with the big fellow when he came in.
Ailuros found it odd the way the people in the bar reacted when they entered. A mandalorian and bear walking in together to search for a room to stay in. Not expecting to run into her target so soon, she almost stopped in her tracks to approach him. Having been warned not to cause suspicion, she continued on to speak to the barkeep.

Her voice modulated came out lower, but not still not masculine. Placing a hand on the counter, she looked at him and the weapon in his hand.

"Not looking for trouble. Need a room for my companion and I. Bed and bath large enough to fit us. You got anything?"

Having been slightly versed in telepathy, an opportunity was given for her try and speak to Calder.

Going to try and get us a room. Maybe see if he wants to play cards or something.

[member="Targus Manch"] [member="Calder Icehammer"]
Everyone was hoping for violence to break out between the man bear and the man people called the typhoon. Even odds were going it could go either way. So the disappointment was almost something you taste in the air when [member="Ailuros"] declared they were not looking for trouble. At least the bar keep seemed to relax his grip on the weapons handle to consider her question.

“We have space but its going to be a tight fit with the big fella. I hope he doesn’t turn in his sleep though, like I said it would be a tight fit. A hundred creds for 3 nights, how long are you both planning to stay?” The barkeep replied, “A word of friendly advice, tell your friend be careful who he eyes in here. We have a few here who might mistake curiousity for a challenge. Although the pit is always open if he is looking to make some money.”

[member="Calder Icehammer"]
"I'm not much of a fighter my friend." Calder spoke up, glancing down to the barkeep for a brief moment. "So I doubt I'd end up there. Though.." The large man paused as he heard [member="Ailuros"] speak in his head. The excitement in the air had died down, but that only gave him an idea. Once again he turned to [member="Targus Manch"] .

"My friend and I would like to talk with you, Mr. Manch. Given the rooms desire to see us fight what say we have a match in the ring?"
The room fell deathly silent as the full glass stopped halfway between the table and his mouth, his forehead furrowed as he considered the question as everyone leaned in to hear his reply. Already the oddsmakers were calculating the revenue that would head their way given the typhoon’s usual response to challenges.

“You seemed to know a lot about me, while I know so little about you. Did one of the vod send a wermo to get hazed? If so, go back and tell them Targus doesn’t have time to play jekta games. Besides I wouldn’t want to hurt you unnecessarily as I barely know either one of you.” While the statement was rather direct and straight to the point, it would also leave [member="Calder Icehammer"] with an impression that he was being dismissed by superior. The statement was in fact a goad to do the exact opposite of what was vocalised, just to see if the bear would rise to the bait.

All eyes turned to the new arrivals as Targus finished the glass of alcohol in one gulp and turned the glass over to signal he was done.
Calder blinked slowly. "Vod? Wermo? What does that mean?" The Beorni let out a hearty laugh. People and their fancy words. He moved to the table, stepping through the parting crowd as he raised a big meaty paw up, his eyes locked on [member="Targus Manch"] , and offered a shake.

"Calder is my name. As I said, my friend and I were asked to talk to you. About what I'm not sure, but I'd rather avoid any misunderstandings."
If Ailuros wasn't covered from head to toe in armor, her look would be clear. Instead one could only see the swishing of an irritated tail. As she was speaking with the bartender about a room for the two of them, Calder went and revealed he knew the identity of Targus and offered to fight him in the ring.

"We'll take what you have. If he doesn't fit in the bed, he can sleep on the floor. I'm sure it'll be fine though."

Placing the credits on the counter for the three nights.

"If we need to stay more, I'll pay you more then."

Seeing that Calder was trying to talk to with their target, he also revealed they were sent there to speak to him. Letting out a sigh, the cat hoped he knew what he was doing.

[member="Calder Icehammer"] [member="Targus Manch"]
The strill bared a mouth full of fangs as Beorni stepped closer, it probably would have growled as well had its vocal track been intact. It was a natural instinct of the creature to make the gesture at the perceived threat to its pack mate. But it backed down at discrete clicking sound made by Targus, who then rewarded the creature with some scraps of meat and bone.

Looking at the paw offered, he said, “Before I shake your hand, invite your friend over and lets have a drink or two. I want to know what possible business we may have that you would be looking for me. And a friendly piece of advise, learn the language and learn it quick or you wont last long in the Empire.” Clearly he was indicating the Mandalorian Empire in which this planet was on, a not so subtle reminder that he was on home turf and thus had the advantage.

[member="Calder Icehammer"]
"Which?" Calder blinked slowly at the mention of an Empire. This being the fifth planet he'd ever been on he wasn't sure of any empires. Asides from the Sith that was. Which wasn't where they were, hopefully. He turned his gaze to [member="Ailuros"] , smilog wide and waving for her to come over with his other hand while still extending the first for [member="Targus Manch"] .

"She'd definitely be the one to speak about business. Asides from your face and name, I know little on what we're doing. Asides from wanting to chat civilly with you." He turned his gaze back to the Zabrak, still smiling his bear smile.
“That would be first, usually when people first meet me they usually are either screaming incoherently or struck dumbfounded.” Targus flashed an amused grin which showed a mouthful of teeth sharpened in the ways of their people. “Call your friend over and lets have that drink, then I will see if I will shake your hand or we go to the Pit. What is her name by the way?”

Targus did not being in the dark, so if this was someones idea of a joke they would be a reckoning when he found out who. The big one was talkative enough, perhaps he would give some sort of clue as to the reason why they were here. “So the two of you are new arrivals eh? Not many folk so keen to head this way well unless they belong to a clan. Where was your last berth? Rather strange to go through all the trouble just to look for me.”

[member="Calder Icehammer"]
After paying for the room, the key in her gloved hand, Ailuros headed to where Calder was talking with Targus. Just in time to hear the question on her name, she stepped up between the bear and zabrak. Offering her paw to shake.

"Parja of Clan Wren."

[member="Targus Manch"] [member="Calder Icehammer]
“A drink first, then tell me why you were looking for me and perhaps we can shake hands.” He said as very nervous server brought a couple of glasses to the table and a fresh bottle of dark liquor with smoke escaping as the cork as popped. The Zabrak pour three equal and generous portions and offered the pair first choice on which glasses to choose from.

[member="Calder Icehammer"]

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