Earlier in the day, the fleet had a run-in with the Hapan Royal Navy...
"Unfortunate," Varos says, "I was certain we were the only starships in orbit at the moment, prepare the fighters in case we need to scramble them." In, the process, patching himself into Hapan communications. "Apologies sir, we weren't aware this was Hapan space, but please, don't be alarmed, we are merely on a business excursion on the planet below. I hope you'll allow us to continue." Leaving the comms.
Present time...
As the platoon makes their way to the Phelopean forest, they strike up a conversation with each other, "Ya'll see the race last night?" one of the troopers asks. Immediately knowing what the trooper was talking about Varos replies, "Dank ferrik! That the rodian podracer lost me 30,000 credits. Now, I'm flat broke." Chuckling, another trooper responds, "Hey, you never know, maybe this treasure has some cash in it or something y'know." The whole group starts laughing at the sad excuse for a joke, "Even if there were some cash in it, I doubt the big man would let us keep any, I mean this really isn't for us." Another trooper speaks up, "Yeah, yeah, but what i-"
He's immediately cut off by the sound of an explosion to the east, seemingly coming from the forests. "What was that?!" exclaimed a trooper, "I thought the Hapans were the only ones in the area, and even they stayed in orbit." Varos, somewhat concerned, speaks up, "Well, there's one thing we can do, lets give whoever's over there a little introduction."
Reaching into this left pocket Varos pulls out a tracker. Upon reading it, two signals show up, "I'm getting two speeder signals on here, there has to be people over there." On cue, after the hearing of his statement, the platoon takes off, eventually arriving at the forest in relatively fast time. When they arrived at the forest the group spotted smoke coming from the almost exact location of the markers on the tracker, "That must be them, lets keep going," Varos tells the group.
They soon come into a clearing of the trees, where through the bush, three figures can be seen, a woman, a man donning white and black attire, and another man, who happened to be carrying what looked like a lightsaber hilt. Varos attempts to listen in to the conversation but all he catches is the word "Corellian." "Wait, could he be... the Jedi Master Bloodborn?" He looks toward the rest of the platoon, "We may have a problem here, that man right there, he's not your everyday joe schmoe, back when I used to box on Corellia, I caught wind of a Jedi Master who roamed the area, from what I've heard, he was one of the most talented masters on the planet." Looking back at the man, "Be careful I guess..."