Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trial by Combat: A Padawan's Tale OOC

This is my first thread on this forum and the first starring Felicity in this particular universe. The story revolves around a group of Jedi padawans and their instructor out on a survival training trip in the wilds of Tython. Needless to say the trip goes horribly awry thanks to a fallen Jedi and his group of crazed followers (or possibly a Sith and a small cadre of Imperial soldiers, I dunno) and the young padawans are seriously put to the test after their instructor is killed.

The thread is open to anyone but unfortunately there isn't much room for many different characters. Like I said, it's a group of fifteen padawans and their Jedi instructor so I don't expect to see smugglers or Republic troopers popping out of the trees. If you'd like to play a padawan be my guest but please, no Jedi Knights or Masters. Erisi Airhart (an NPC) is the only experienced Jedi in the group and the only one carrying a lightsaber. The rest of the kids each have their own survival packs and that's it.

Anyway, aside from all that I'm pretty much just making this up as I go along. I've got some idea of where the story is heading but as usual I'm flying by the seat of my pants. ;)

You'll find the IC thread]here[/url].

Vincenzo Palminteri

I have a strange feeling a bounty hunter shouldn't join this for some reason

Vincenzo Palminteri

Yes, but how do you use fast reply with a sig and be in the IC thread, cause I have no image in my sig yet

Vincenzo Palminteri

Oh, and btw, this guy is independent until persuaded to join a side with a ton of credits and a single defeat.
Sooo, you have to pay him AND defeat him? :p

And I'm not sure about that quick reply / signature thing. I'll live if you have a small signature it's just the really big ones with fancy pictures that bother me.

Vincenzo Palminteri

Felicity Sage said:
Sooo, you have to pay him AND defeat him? :p

And I'm not sure about that quick reply / signature thing. I'll live if you have a small signature it's just the really big ones with fancy pictures that bother me.
Yeah, he's an Echani Bounty Hunter, the payment comes first, then the defeat, at least that's how I hope it'll go XD

And the fancy pictures are almost everyone that isn't new
It's just my own preference. Personally, I like it when the text from one poster flows right into the text of the next poster and big signatures with lots of pictures are like annoying unnecessary page breaks in a novel. I don't mind if it's in the OOC thread, but it breaks the immersion of the story if people post them IC.

Vincenzo Palminteri

Felicity Sage said:
It's just my own preference. Personally, I like it when the text from one poster flows right into the text of the next poster and big signatures with lots of pictures are like annoying unnecessary page breaks in a novel.
Most people here have one pic per sig
Already invited a friend of mine to play the Sith, we'll see if he accepts. Even if he does,though, there's always room for more and you guys can work together. ;)

Darren Onyx

Well a lot of posts can go on for days without going somewhere. You should see my first post on here lolz. You can find it somewhere. If you wanna read it then it's called "First Lessons on Korriban"
Well, that's good. I've been on forums before where I posted a story then came back to it a couple of days later only to find a gazillion posts and a thread that had wandered so far from the plot that I barely recognized it anymore. ><

Anyway, in case anyone didn't pick up on it from the tone of the thread or my intentions for the plot this story is primarily a character-driven thread. None of these kids have experienced combat yet and they certainly haven't killed anyone or seen someone killed and the first time they do they're bound to have adverse reactions to it. I'm trying really hard to avoid the Tomb Raider anomaly from the reboot where Lara Croft balked at killing a guy for like a minute then immediately afterward slaughtered an entire army without a second thought.

Basically, all that to say that there probably isn't going to be very much action in this thread (hence why there is only one lightsaber ;) ).

Vincenzo Palminteri

I'm hopin' to get some development done for this guy, cause unlike my 3 other accounts... I have a perfect way of going through this character's life and actions without being OP, not making sense, or just boring
I just had a thought and this won't happen until later but I imagine someone at the Jedi Temple would organize a search and rescue after being out of contact with the padawans for so long. This is how we can get more experienced Jedi involved in the thread, like Felicity's master Max Sage, (or even smugglers and troopers) but that's something I'll work out when the time is right.

And now I really am off for the night, I swear! ><

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