Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trial by Combat: A Padawan's Tale OOC

You know what, I feel kind of silly now. I just found an ignore all signatures button. >.>

Anyway, here's some more story clarification. Sith and company landed on Tython for some secret mission whose purpose I'll leave up to the ranking Sith. They stumble unexpectedly into the group of padawans and violence ensues. The padawans get away and now the Sith are forced to hunt them down because as Ser Gregor Clegane put it so eloquently, "Dead rats don't squeak," and they're trying to remain hidden. The Jedi at the temple become concerned eventually at not having heard from Erisi and her group and send a small flock of Jedi Knights to investigate. These Jedi will periodically run into the Sith but they won't find the kids until the very end of the story, otherwise they'd be sent back to the temple and Felicity and friends would play no further part in this tale. So basically we'll have three groups all pretty much working independently of each other.

Well, that's all I got right now. If people have any questions feel free to ask.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I'm trying to nail down the right villain for you. Mikhail is a solid villain, but more talky than you may be looking for. I'll talk to some other people in the faction and show them your criteria.
I'm not sure how "talky" can be a bad thing. Unless we're talking Aragorn talky from the LotR books and then yeah, I can see how that would be annoying. That guy just doesn't shut up. :p
I would suggest myself and find a reason to be there despite my high and mightiness, but other than the fact that's a reason why I shouldn't be here, but I don't have any time to do it really :/

I suggest Spencer, since she's a betrayer :p

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