Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trial By Fire (Jenna Templar)

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Jenna Templar"]

Noah sighed a little as he looked through his scope to see the motor pool. He had been waiting ten minutes for the agent to show up and she hadn't shown. Looking back down at his chrono, Noah sighed in fustration. After another ten minutes, Noah decided to get on his comm and call her to see where the hell she was. "Templar? Templar? Jenna!? Where the hell are you, I've been waiting for twenty minutes. There are like eleven guards on this place, so I can't run the risk of killing any of them alone without being discovered, so if you can get here now, I need to use your sniper." Noah said into the comm and continued to look through his scope at the enemy.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
The sound of a clearing throat behind Corek would indicate she was here; and just as he had called on her too. When he would turn to see her, however, Jenna had spot of blood all over her clothes and a little bried blood on her hands. Despite this she had a more passive look on her face.

"See? Told you we'd need two hours." she said as she pulled out her sniper rifle and scoped the place out. When Corek would ask about the blood her response would be "Just saying 'hi' to someone. No big deal. So we blowing this place or what?" in a dismissive tone.

After taking a moment to scope out the area for herself she handed Corek the sniper and indicated for him to take the lead. With his back turned Jenna would pull out her knife, seeing there was still some meat stuck on it, and quickly clean it before Corek could ask any further. Really she didn't want to go into details about what had happened in the gap of time she was gone. A little too gory to discuss anyways...

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Jenna Templar"]

Noah turned to find Jenna was right behind him, covered in a blood and wit blood on her hands. "I'm not even gonna ask how you got covered in blood, I'm just gonna chalk it up to another thing that I don't need to know about women in this world." Noah informed her.

Noah smiled and nodded in thanks when she handed him the sniper rifle. Looking down the scope, Noah sighed and lowered the rifle. "Alright, looks like a standard patrol pattern. Three on top and eight on the ground. We need to take out the roof patrolers first." Noah said ash he began to formulate a plan in his mind.

Finally, Noah came up with a plan that he thought could be effective. "Alright, here's the plan. We need to wait for those snipers to get in a area where I can put them down and their buddies won't see each other. Once their dead and we're sure no one can see them. You'll go down and get in the motor pool. I'll stay up her and provide overwatch. Any questions?"


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Huddled down next to him Jenna was quiet while Corek scopped out the area. She looked back between him and what she could see of the patrols down below, wondering what he would have in mind once he had a full perspective of everything. Thankfully it didn't take ong before Corek had thought up his plan and told her.

As he explained Jenna looked to where he was talking about, before understanding what her roles was. She nodded as he went on, she starting to think on how she would deal with the men below if need be, before he asked her for questions.

"Clear as crystal." she answered, patting the holster where her knife was. "Just watch my back and wait for my signal. Trust me, you can't miss it."

With that she snuck out from the spot and carefuly made her wya down. She kept to the shadows and covers wherever possible, making sure not to be seen or heard as she reached the bottom. Now she just needed to wait for Corek to make his move.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Jenna Templar"]

Noah nodded as Jenna walked away from him. Looking at her as she walked away, Noah aimed down the scope of his sniper rifle and watched as he backside swayed as she walked away. 'Head in the game Noah.' He mentally scorned himself and shifted his view to the motor pools roof.

Sighting up, Noah waited for a opportunity, he didn't have to wait long. Seeing one of the the snipers walk behind a high wall, Noah fired. The bullet pierced his skull sending grey matter and skull fragments splatter against the wall. Looking down his scope, Noah was the other two snipers had turned their backs to each other, he was quick to take advantage of their mistake.

Looking down to Jenna he signaled for her that they were clear on the roofs.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Seeing the signal Jenna gave a small one back to Corek, indicating she had the que, before making her way into the motor pool. She'd reached the fence that had protected it before making her way back far enough out of sight. From her pocket Jenna had a small cutting tool, that was almost light a mini-lightsaber, and made a hole small enough not to be seen but one she could easily crawl into.

Now with the cover of all the mercs vehicles Jenna had an easier time making her way through the pool towards the tank that Corek had told her they were taking. She would see a guard now-and-then passing by but she was quick and quiet enough to use the other speeders and armed vehicles as cover from them. One she'd found alone and in the way of an ideal crossing point, which meant a quick slice of the throat while covering his mouth would put an end to him. And it easily did.

Jenna had finally reached where the tank was parked but could see two men outside of it. One was outside the tank while the other was talking to him from the top opening to the inside. Given how distracted they likey were with all their talking, and knowing no one else would be along, Jenna smirked before sneaking over.

As the man in the tank ducked down to check something he kept talking to his friend, asking what he thought of one of the sports teams playing from Tatooine. He didn't get an answer through, only a vauge grunted noise that was muffled by something. He called to his friend, seeing if he was okay, only for Jenna to drop down and close the port behind her.

All alone with the lone pilot she smirked a "Hello." before pulling out her knife.

Three minutes later Jenna gave her signal to Corek, just not one he would've expected. She knew how to work the gun of the tank, which she aimed towards the front gate of the pool where most of the other guards were, before firing it.

Seeing it was a direct hit she yelled out "Woo!"

[member="Noah Corek"]

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