Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Trial of Motherhood

"No! don't touch her!"

Her? Tan'yill froze in an instant, to honor her daughters request, and narrowed her eyes in curiosity of the strange out of the blue statement. Was it a pet? A new companion? As the shielding dark tint of the capsule failed, Tan'yill saw that it was much more than just a companion for her daughter. A small child that Tae'l so protectively hurried after, which could only mean one thing - that it was hers. Her beloved daughter had become a mother herself.

Behind the now clear blaster-proof glass, an infant began to stir from sleep, and it's muffled cries becoming audible. She was a little girl with hair black as night, a human or perhaps hybrid perhaps.

Tan gasped slightly, the hazel colored eyes of the rutian Mandalorian became wide of surprise, as they looked at the infant in the capsule.

"Because this isn't about me anymore! It's about her... About my daughter, who is is Sith... because if the others find out, they will never let it go, and Mirium will never be safe!"

''Tae'l...? She won't be if you raise her not to be!'' Tan'yill urged and shook her head at her daughter, how far from reason that she was. ''Anyone having a problem with her heritage, will meet the combined blades of both of us...'' Tan assured, kneeled down close to Tae'l and Mirium and motioned back at Aloy. ''I promise you that, sweetheart... I give you my word, as a Mandalorian and your mother...!'' she promised and took off her gloves.

''Mirium? You chose that? It's a beautiful name...'' Tan'yill commented softly, feeling a smile being elicited upon her lips as she waved gently at the infant, before raising it towards Tae'l wanting to touch her daughters features after so long time. ''Tae'l... We've missed you for such a long time... Our lives haven't been complete without you... We've always had the same feelings for you as you got for Mirium... I... I hope, as a mother yourself... you could see that...?'' Tan explained and hoped her daughter would understand the pain and agony if Mirium did the same to her in a couple of years.


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