Yularen Nova
Objective: Route the Caamas Remnatns - Pirates or Sith "Freedom Fighters"?
The man held connections, at least he had. It had been very much quiet the entire time he was being processed and transferred. But it could have easily just been a Sith trap, which was why the Corellians were here. Caamas held a not so well hidden secret, an old Sith Imperial outpost. While the outpost was a known quantity, the budding New Republic intelligence agencies had reported suspicious ship movements in and out of the system. A blockade was put in place and ships were dispersed along Caamas' hyperlane egress points. On the opposite side of the planet another large warship sat, he knew, along with a small flotilla of support ships. On his side was the Conclusive Victory, a Strident-Class Star Defender not one year out of the shipyard, two interdictor frigates of Corellian design, and a pair of Hammerhead Corvettes that were on scan and intercept duties.
It was a welcome feeling being on the bridge of a dedicated destroyer vessel like the Conclusive Victory. While he had plenty of time off ship due to his position, but his main posting was on the massive Colony-Class Battlecruiser. The Ascendant Justice was a marvel of a ship, but it made him feel out of touch with the rest of the fleet, regardless of all the communications equipment and holoscreens that let him watch fleet movements. Here he felt like a real Captain again, even if the actual commanding officer was a Rear Admiral by the name of Elayne Phet. She was a capable woman, Ex-Republic Navy like him and a little older even if her dark hair and only slightly creased dark skin said otherwise.
A hand reached up and ran thick fingers over the rigid flesh flaps of humans likened to mustaches. They were monitoring the heavy traffic heading into one of the planet's western continents. Everything seemed normal, and maybe he should have been glad for that, but he longed to take control of the battle. They were letting traffic into the system, however the interdictors held shut the exit point and let ships maneuver to the egress point following inspection by the corvettes and the teams aboard. If the Sith were going anywhere, if New Republic intelligence could be trusted, they would be leaving, not-
"Sirs, we've got several vessels dropping out of hyperspace...They seem to be using a hidden hyperlane!" The Quarth made a half smirk half grimace and turned to look up at Phet from the duty station pit and gave a curt nod. She returned the gesture
"The largest looks Mandalorian, signature matches it to an older model Kandosii! The other vessels look like Privateer-Class frigates or uglies without any registered signatures."
"Scramble a squadron of fighters and bring us into firing range on that Kandosii. That will be our primary target," She looked down at Yularen, "Do you think this is the Sith?"
"Hrm...No...The ships are too old, even to be from One Sith, and the Mandalorians would have never sold their vessels to them. I think we just got lucky today. Broadcast a retreat for all the civilian vessels."
- - Aboard the Conclusive Victory
The man held connections, at least he had. It had been very much quiet the entire time he was being processed and transferred. But it could have easily just been a Sith trap, which was why the Corellians were here. Caamas held a not so well hidden secret, an old Sith Imperial outpost. While the outpost was a known quantity, the budding New Republic intelligence agencies had reported suspicious ship movements in and out of the system. A blockade was put in place and ships were dispersed along Caamas' hyperlane egress points. On the opposite side of the planet another large warship sat, he knew, along with a small flotilla of support ships. On his side was the Conclusive Victory, a Strident-Class Star Defender not one year out of the shipyard, two interdictor frigates of Corellian design, and a pair of Hammerhead Corvettes that were on scan and intercept duties.
It was a welcome feeling being on the bridge of a dedicated destroyer vessel like the Conclusive Victory. While he had plenty of time off ship due to his position, but his main posting was on the massive Colony-Class Battlecruiser. The Ascendant Justice was a marvel of a ship, but it made him feel out of touch with the rest of the fleet, regardless of all the communications equipment and holoscreens that let him watch fleet movements. Here he felt like a real Captain again, even if the actual commanding officer was a Rear Admiral by the name of Elayne Phet. She was a capable woman, Ex-Republic Navy like him and a little older even if her dark hair and only slightly creased dark skin said otherwise.
A hand reached up and ran thick fingers over the rigid flesh flaps of humans likened to mustaches. They were monitoring the heavy traffic heading into one of the planet's western continents. Everything seemed normal, and maybe he should have been glad for that, but he longed to take control of the battle. They were letting traffic into the system, however the interdictors held shut the exit point and let ships maneuver to the egress point following inspection by the corvettes and the teams aboard. If the Sith were going anywhere, if New Republic intelligence could be trusted, they would be leaving, not-
"Sirs, we've got several vessels dropping out of hyperspace...They seem to be using a hidden hyperlane!" The Quarth made a half smirk half grimace and turned to look up at Phet from the duty station pit and gave a curt nod. She returned the gesture
"The largest looks Mandalorian, signature matches it to an older model Kandosii! The other vessels look like Privateer-Class frigates or uglies without any registered signatures."
"Scramble a squadron of fighters and bring us into firing range on that Kandosii. That will be our primary target," She looked down at Yularen, "Do you think this is the Sith?"
"Hrm...No...The ships are too old, even to be from One Sith, and the Mandalorians would have never sold their vessels to them. I think we just got lucky today. Broadcast a retreat for all the civilian vessels."