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Approved Starship Tribunal Station

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  • Intent: To create a space station to serve as a primary headquarters/academy space/prison facility for the Judges of the Outer Rim, as well as doubling as a general facility for most Force-wielding traditions within the Outer Rim to have a common meeting grounds; it will also be used as the base station for some related location subs detailing it out further.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Deep Space military station/prison facility
  • Length: ~4,000 meters
  • Width: ~4,000 meters at widest point
  • Height: ~2,000 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space: Very High (30 squadrons)
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 18 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 12 squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: Slow: 5.0
  • All standard features
  • Modular construction: Physically adding new parts to the station is not particularly difficult, nor is removing and jettisoning damaged or compromised sections from the overall body; the primary limitation is managing to connect any new parts to the power grid.
  • Space Porcupine: Bristling with anti-starfighter turrets, salvaged turbolasers, jury-rigged proton torpedo launchers, powerful shields, and thick hull in the primary habitable sections, Tribunal station is a daunting target to try and besiege.
  • Hodge-podge: Constructed out of the salvaged remains of multiple different ships and space stations, Tribunal station sometimes suffers from issues of power allocation, weak joinings, and the like, requiring constant upkeep to maintain optimum functioning. Thanks to this, any infiltrator with sufficient technological knowledge could exploit this to remove power from entire sections, while a nimble craft that managed to penetrate the shields and other defenses could quickly begin to destroy the weak linkages between the heavily-armoured habitat sections—disassembling the station just as quickly as it was put together in the first place.
  • I Need A Map: It's neither fast nor easy to navigate from the inside, which can make the mobilization of defense forces or evacuation of those onboard difficult in an emergency, especially if any of the main pathways experience damage and are collapsed or destroyed entirely.

A personal project of Grand Marshal Cotan Sar'andor, Tribunal station is the culmination of ideas he had been bouncing back and forth with the former Grand Marshal, Dax Fyre. While the decentralized nature of the Judges was a definite strength, the lack of any specific headquarters for their organization, central roster of members, or even oversight for primary training had caused problems in the past—not the least being a recent uprising of 'Dark Judges,' turning from the goals of ensuring peace and order to establishing tyranny and control. Beyond that, given that many of the beings Judges might be called to subude and apprehend through their careers were beyond the capabilities of local prisons to contain, it seemed reasonable to establish a location where Judges could be trained, evaluated, and where their targets could be contained under higher security; lastly, there were also plans drafted for a general court space that could be used, functioning as a neutral ground whereby different planets or groups within the Outer Planets Alliance (or the Outer Rim at large) could come to resolve their disputes, or hold trial for criminals whose actions and depradations spanned beyond a single star system.

Of course, Cotan wasn't without his connections and duties to other groups within the Outer Rim, especially the space held by the Outer Planets Alliance; so he expanded the plans for the station to incorporate space for the various other Force-wielding traditions within the Outer Rim, such as the Svivren Jedi Enclave, the Wardens of the Sky, the Grey Paladins, the Way of the Light Hand, and others, as well as some space for Force-wielding allies of the OPA, such as the Silver Jedi Order; just as he hoped the station could serve as a neutral meeting grounds for the various planets and hegemonies within the Outer Rim, Cotan also intended for the station to serve as a common meeting grounds for the various Force traditions, where they could interact, plan, and cross-train with each other, to ensure their ability to stand strong in the face of the growth of the Sith and other Dark Side factions.

Once all was said and done, the plans had grown somewhat grandiose, and necessitated some cost-cutting in the form of construction; rather than designing it from the ground-up as a newly built station, the schematics were altered so that it could be created as an assembled deep-space monstrosity of salvaged ships and station parts; with the plans finalized, and after managing to secure funding for the space hulk, Cotan gave the green light for the station to be constructed.

And hoped he hadn't forgotten anything important; it was hard to keep track of how many different habitats needed specific life-support systems on the plans.
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Fiolette Fortan

Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor pretty good thus far and on par for the OPA, but I do want to suggest adding a PvP weakness which can be as simple as a vulnerability to EMP/Ion weapons or what have you. What you've presented so far are fluff weaknesses, but you wrote in Space Porcupine which is a strength in PvP against starfighters and gave I Need A Map, which okay I can see how that can be a weakness by having potential boarders get lost but it's iffy at best, to me at least. You're also under by five points, so if you want you can go ahead and adjust your station's ratings or leave it as is.

Let me know when/if you make any adjustments and edits so we can get this moving to the approved section. :D
I'll try and reword the hodge-podge weakness to be more clear when I'm home. The intention was to be a foil for how easy it is to add on to; somebody on the inside could easily mess with power allocation or collapse hallways, while a bomber or such that gets past the shields could easily break apart the joints between habitat sections and start disassembling the station just as easily as it was assembled. That's why the defenses are otherwise so high: Gotta rely on the spines to keep potential predators away from the soft meat underneath.

Fiolette Raaf
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