The creeping fear of being alone again started to pull at him; with Taeli leaving, his one rock after all this mess, he would be once more alone but without the ego and self-righteous attitude. He nodded, and soon found himself hugging her back. Not fighting it, or acting tough or cocky, but genuinely embracing her and not wanting to let go.
"I’ll do my best," he whispered back, not talking loud for there was no need.
It was a comment that escaped his lips and a new found fear in him born out of the fact Taeli was always right, and that her words chilled him. Being alone was enough of a test.
"Please be careful. I can’t do this without you."
Eyes focused on nothing, over her shoulder, her hair tickling his nose, he began to feel like he was shedding his emotional armour.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
"I’ll do my best," he whispered back, not talking loud for there was no need.
It was a comment that escaped his lips and a new found fear in him born out of the fact Taeli was always right, and that her words chilled him. Being alone was enough of a test.
"Please be careful. I can’t do this without you."
Eyes focused on nothing, over her shoulder, her hair tickling his nose, he began to feel like he was shedding his emotional armour.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]