Jairus Starvald

OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION- Intent: Submit cool swords for story purposes
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- Manufacturer: The Hunter's Guild
- Affiliation: Closed-Market
- Model: Trin Blade
- Modularity: Nope
- Production: Limited
- Material: Netherworld metals
- Classification: Sword
- Size: Average (Made to specification)
- Weight: Starts off as Very Light. It has the potential to slowly shift in weight, growing heavier and heavier with time. From Light, Average, Heavy, Very Heavy to even Extreme in the end. More on this below.
- Weight: The Trin Swords are very light in nature. They feel like wind in your hands, even as they cut through many materials like they are butter. At least when they are first forged. Every member of the Guild are warned about this. They can only use this blade to harm and kill monsters. Those of maleficent intent, those that pose a harm to the Galaxy, those that are evil in spirit and purpose. When a blade draws blood from an innocent, be that humanoid or otherwise? It seems to feel the mistake it was forced to make. It becomes heavier in your hands. As if it feels sorrow, as if the weight of its deed is slowly settling on itself. Take enough innocent lives and it will not be possible to lift it anymore.
- ....unless you are willing to take its sorrow onto your own shoulders. The wielder of the blade can do that. Draw its agony and pain and suffering into their own body, until it is light again. This has been known to kill the wielder, though.
- Cutting edge: It can cut through many things. From reinforced durasteel, to force bonds and even force creations, the metal originated from the Netherworld itself. It has a connection to that spiritual place. Letting it cut through something beyond the material. Some guild members boast they can cut through Lightning or even a Force Push. If that is even functionally possible, it would be challenging a feat. Most are only mortals, after all, with mortal timing, accuracy and reflexes.
- Edge: Can cut and destroy evil in its many forms and shapes.
- Durable: As durable as it gets. Few things can outright destroy it, but plenty can damage it with enough time and effort.
- Weight: As described above. This was not meant to be used against normal beings. The sword itself judges, not the person wielding it. A murderer might seem evil to the wielder, but from the perspective of a tool... meant... to kill... it might not be so. Careful who you try to cut it with.
- Attraction: Its connection to the Netherworld serves as a beacon, if not properly nullified. When drawn from its scabbard it alerts and warns those strong in the Force to it. Force Spirits, Sith Lords, Masters of the Force, Sithspawn- all of them can come a-running to see what this object of power is.
Throughout the Akala Crisis portals were ripped open.
Access to the Netherworld.
Billions if not more lost to it. So much focus on what it took away, that few considered what it brought in return. Strange metals, places of power, artifacts, all of it and more. The trin ore, named after one of its founders, was one of the gifts given. The Guild brought it back to their lodges. Months of strain, trying to shape it into something useful, until the Trin Blades were finally forged. Cutting through virtually anything, weightless, these were perfect weapons against the growing darkness all around them.
The fact that it seemed aware somewhat?
Well, they had been fighting against monsters and worse for a long time now. Nothing truly surprised them anymore. While it couldn't talk, it could judge. Judge it did. Weighing the acts it was forced to perform.
Growing light and humming pleased when it was made to destroy evil, or at least the evil it understood.
Becoming heavy and sorrowing when it was made to kill innocence.
A paradox of a creation, but so was the Guild itself. Who could truly be surprised?