Muad Dib
Paragon of Virtue
Travelling from the temple and heading for the cliffs Muad lowered his head and raised the scarlet hood from his leather jacket over it. From the shadows two blue orbs glowed revealing his eyes. With a trot he moved next to the togorian as they headed for the cliff. As they neared the edge they heard savage sounds of battle from below. Glancing over Muad was amused at the ferocious battle taking place. Then Berserker leapt from the cliff after making his statement.
“Sentimental fool. This one is all yours.”
Leaning against the massive, gnarled, solitary tree overlooking the beach Muad watched as his former apprentice went to battle over animals. He shook his head lightly while chuckling. Then Berserker went down and a savage rip tore off his arm. Frowning Muad sighed and gripped the sword before filling himself with the force and spinning. The force imbued blade sliced through the base of the trunk and with an audible creak it fell from the cliff and hit the slope to begin rolling down the hill.
Leaping after the trunk the sith knight leapt from small rock and stone to rock and stone, kicking every other one he came to with force powered strikes. The tree hit the beach and careened onward crushing many beasts while the dozen kicked stones unerringly flew at individual horranth crushing skulls, horns, and ribcages.
Hitting the beach at a run Muad swung the sword slicing through beast after beast as he ran through the mayhem caused. Quickly he made it to Berserker’s side and fought off several of the beasts who were renewing their attack. One of the beasts latched onto Muad’s leg while he was busy decapitating several in the front. Turning to dispatch the one on his leg he watched as the beast was tackled from the side by the young tuk’ata pup who stood no tall than half a meter. But the little sith hound tenaciously held to the side of the throat until the force of the horranth’s tossing head sent the pup flying … with a portion of the horranth’s throat.
Chuckling Muad watched as the remnants of the herd fled from the beach. Squatting by Berserker’s side Muad moved his hood and laid the sword to the side as he looked at the open wound where his right arm had once been. Rubbing his hands together they began to shimmer as heat built while taking on a bluish tint.
“Prepare yourself. This will hurt and I don’t want you swinging on me with your remaining arm and forcing me to cut it off too.”
Having said that he clapped his cupped hands against the open wound for several seconds, searing until the wound was closed and no longer bleeding. Rising he looked over at the face of the cliff and headed for a deep hollow. At the entrance he peered in and saw it was not a hollow but instead a deep cave. Walking in he crouched at a pile of stones and sent flames from his hands, being fueled by the force, into the stones heating them until they were bright red. Walking out the cave he headed for where Berserker was.
“Head into the cave and get some shelter. You can also cook up some of that meat on the rocks in there. Now be a good kitty cat and get out of the rain. And try to get some rest, I’ll be standing guard and making us a dugout for tomorrow.”
With a chuckle he walked to where the tree had landed. Glancing to his side as he walked the young tuk’ata pup strolled along as if wondering what was next. A grin crossed the sith knights face as they reached the tree. Removing his jacket he also slipped off the armor pieces from his upper torso and arms before sliding the tunic off as well. Then with the sword swinging in his right hand slicing large chunks from the top, as well as shaving off the limbs, his left hand burned with fire as it seared into the wood until with flame and sword Muad shaped the massive tree into a large dugout capable of being taken out onto the water.
Collecting his clothing Muad made his way to the mouth of the cave, gently prodding the sleeping pup to join him. At the cave Muad laid out his clothing before standing with sword in hand to look out on the storm still raging around them. Glancing at his left leg he saw the rent in his pant leg and where the horns had scoured his boot but no wound was there. A small grin flicked across his face as he thought of some beast dragging Berserker’s arm away and gnawing on it. Then he lightly shook his head and stood there feeling the flow and ebb of the force around him until the sky began to lighten with the first signs of morning. With the morning came small winged rodents who began to feast on the carcasses despite the rain.
“Sentimental fool. This one is all yours.”
Leaning against the massive, gnarled, solitary tree overlooking the beach Muad watched as his former apprentice went to battle over animals. He shook his head lightly while chuckling. Then Berserker went down and a savage rip tore off his arm. Frowning Muad sighed and gripped the sword before filling himself with the force and spinning. The force imbued blade sliced through the base of the trunk and with an audible creak it fell from the cliff and hit the slope to begin rolling down the hill.
Leaping after the trunk the sith knight leapt from small rock and stone to rock and stone, kicking every other one he came to with force powered strikes. The tree hit the beach and careened onward crushing many beasts while the dozen kicked stones unerringly flew at individual horranth crushing skulls, horns, and ribcages.
Hitting the beach at a run Muad swung the sword slicing through beast after beast as he ran through the mayhem caused. Quickly he made it to Berserker’s side and fought off several of the beasts who were renewing their attack. One of the beasts latched onto Muad’s leg while he was busy decapitating several in the front. Turning to dispatch the one on his leg he watched as the beast was tackled from the side by the young tuk’ata pup who stood no tall than half a meter. But the little sith hound tenaciously held to the side of the throat until the force of the horranth’s tossing head sent the pup flying … with a portion of the horranth’s throat.
Chuckling Muad watched as the remnants of the herd fled from the beach. Squatting by Berserker’s side Muad moved his hood and laid the sword to the side as he looked at the open wound where his right arm had once been. Rubbing his hands together they began to shimmer as heat built while taking on a bluish tint.
“Prepare yourself. This will hurt and I don’t want you swinging on me with your remaining arm and forcing me to cut it off too.”
Having said that he clapped his cupped hands against the open wound for several seconds, searing until the wound was closed and no longer bleeding. Rising he looked over at the face of the cliff and headed for a deep hollow. At the entrance he peered in and saw it was not a hollow but instead a deep cave. Walking in he crouched at a pile of stones and sent flames from his hands, being fueled by the force, into the stones heating them until they were bright red. Walking out the cave he headed for where Berserker was.
“Head into the cave and get some shelter. You can also cook up some of that meat on the rocks in there. Now be a good kitty cat and get out of the rain. And try to get some rest, I’ll be standing guard and making us a dugout for tomorrow.”
With a chuckle he walked to where the tree had landed. Glancing to his side as he walked the young tuk’ata pup strolled along as if wondering what was next. A grin crossed the sith knights face as they reached the tree. Removing his jacket he also slipped off the armor pieces from his upper torso and arms before sliding the tunic off as well. Then with the sword swinging in his right hand slicing large chunks from the top, as well as shaving off the limbs, his left hand burned with fire as it seared into the wood until with flame and sword Muad shaped the massive tree into a large dugout capable of being taken out onto the water.
Collecting his clothing Muad made his way to the mouth of the cave, gently prodding the sleeping pup to join him. At the cave Muad laid out his clothing before standing with sword in hand to look out on the storm still raging around them. Glancing at his left leg he saw the rent in his pant leg and where the horns had scoured his boot but no wound was there. A small grin flicked across his face as he thought of some beast dragging Berserker’s arm away and gnawing on it. Then he lightly shook his head and stood there feeling the flow and ebb of the force around him until the sky began to lighten with the first signs of morning. With the morning came small winged rodents who began to feast on the carcasses despite the rain.