Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey flygirl, just noticed you look like you've had to stop-drop-and-roll a few times.

I've got an old t-shirt I could give ya, and I'll switch you a pair of lucky cargo pants for a bottle of brandy.
[member="Chee Saren"]
Oh hai there stranger.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
Does Brandy exist in this universe? And what's wrong with my clothes!? It could be really, really hot where I come from. Like Ryloth. Like Ryloth.

Xander Lok

Why the brow? We're all friendly here.. Isnt that right dar'jetti?
Edit:Excuse my ignorance.. Hello. If you find yourself in Keldabe or Dathomir, you're welcome as my guest.
[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
I just might end up smuggling all the things you like one day, and you'll be like "Hey Tri'sta, could I have the things I like?" and I'm gonna be like "No way!"

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
...And people wonder why no one likes force users.
[member="Tri'sta"] Woah woah woah! What's with the hostility there, flygirl? Just tryin' to be nice and give you some prep advice...

That scrap TC unit blew up in my face and then the cap told me it was my fault his rustbucket was yawning.

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