Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Market TriTech HoloNet Storefront

Greetings Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor , we are pleased to inform you that your self-evaluation has been accepted in lieu of actual background checks and your line of credit confirmed to be valid, your order is therefore approved, with the surcharge for retrofitting your new Venture-class Star Galleon with the appropriate storage and containment facilities included in the final sum. For any further alterations, please contact your designated case handler.

Should you have need of further bulk transportation in anticipation of the Bryn'adul menace, we are pleased to inform you that our BTF-1 Bulk Freighters are freely available for purchase on the Open Market and in use by several shipping companies.

In regards to future commissions, we evaluate those on a case by case basis, so no promises can be made at this time.

Best regards,
- CSA-4 "Lira"
// Processing Transaction
// Transaction Intercepted
// Rerouting to Central Offices

Ah, Avernus Avernus - it really has. You wouldn't happen to be contacting me from than shiny new floating palace of yours, would you? Whatever the case, I have taken the liberty of personally approving your order for a small quantity of BattleMinds. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

Best regards,
Erkhin Trivohld
Greetings Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , our own manufacturing capacities are currently sufficient to meet the demand for our products, we are therefore not interested in establishing production contracts at this time, though exceptions are made for Major Factions and others in need of large amounts of our products, such as the manufacturing rights sold to the Sith Empire in regards to the TG-13 "Mjolnir" Mobile Artillery Platform.

In regards to the Xerxikeen, we note that two full Corps represents an immense expenditure for a private company such as your own, with such a force being sufficient to conquer entire planets under the right circumstances. Perhaps a Regiment of 1000, or even a Brigade of 5000, would be more appropriate? They are, after all, highly capable and perfectly obedient soldiers equipped with only the finest of arms and armour.

Best regards,
- Central Commerce Unit Aurek
I would like to place a order:

100.000 Xerxikeen Gene Warriors
2.000 TG-11 "Thunderer" Artillery Droid
1x Oasis-class Luxury Starliner
100 SID-16 Regent Droid
10.000 TSD-3A "ServBot"
1.000 SX-series Commando Droid
5.000 Stryder-pattern Erakhian Battlesphere
4x SI-C1 "BattleMind" Auxiliary AI
2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol
1x PX-26 "Hellflare" Plasma Rifle
1x Charon-class Light Cruiser

I am building a army to watch over entire systems.
// Processing Transaction
// Transaction Intercepted
// Rerouting to Central Offices

My oh my, that is quite the order, Princess Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor ; the four full Corps of Xerxikeen in particular is on the unusual side, but not beyond what an intersystem government should be able to afford.

As I'm sure you understand, mustering such a force, conditioning them for appropriately placed loyalty, and transporting them to a location of your choice will be a time-consuming endeavour, but preparations will commence just as soon as we finish quadruple-verifying your credit.

Best regards,
Erkhin Trivohld
Greetings, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen - this unit notes that your request is comparable to an earlier denied request, but more limited in scale. This more limited request is, in conjunction with recent amendments to our franchising policy, something this unit can approve...

... but it seems we have arrived at an impasse regardless.

While TriTech and its subsidiaries is a neutral actor, we have little interest in alienating markets for minimal gain - we note that you and your organisation is currently the subject of criminal charges by the Zweihander Union and we are thus reluctant to sell large quantities of weapons to you. That being said, our assessment is that the New Imperial Order is a more valuable market; should you be able to procure the official approval of said government or a comparable galactic power our profit assessment would need to be re-evaluated.

Until such a time, we unfortunately have to deny this request.

Best regards,
- Central Commerce Unit Aurek
Greetings Eocin Chiyat Eocin Chiyat ,

The Zweihander Union wishes to purchase twenty SID-16 Regent Droid as a part of improving our administrative and logistical chains. Should you be open for it, we may also open our territories for your factories and facilities as part of our economic program to boost internal manufacturing competition.

With Kind Regards,

Chancellor of the Left,
Duly appointed representative of the Zweihander Union.
Lefthander Narrator Lefthander Narrator

Greetings, honourable Chancellor; your request for the purchase of twenty SID-16 Regent Droids has been approved, we hoped that they prove of assistance in enhancing your administrative apparatus.

In regards to your offer, this unit appreciates the potential for such growth but is not aware of efforts to expand our manufacturing capabilities to other worlds at this time; due consideration will be given to Zweihander space when such a time comes, however.

Best regards,

Taji Nelson

    • PX-26 "Hellflare" Plasma Rifle [Closed-Market | Mass-Produced]: The Sunfury's big brother; fires superheated bolts of fusion plasma mixed with exotic particles, sticks to armour, skin, even shielding. Strictly prohibited in some jurisdictions.
    • SIB-24 Stun Shotgun [Open-Market | Mass-Produced]: Incredibly powerful stun shotgun effective against crowds and heavily armoured targets alike. Famously able to bring down rancors nonlethally.
    • CR-1 Blaster Rifle [Open-Market | Mass-Produced]: Stupidly cheap and equally hazardous for unprotected organics - perfect for S1 Battle Droids, though. Cheapskates can get these and "safety gloves" for their militias.

I would like to enter into a contract to use these in a series of droids I'm working on.
Greetings, Mr. Taji Nelson; while the CR-1 and SIB-24 are available without limitations to all paying customers not currently on the Blacklist, sale of the PX-26 is somewhat more restricted. That being said, this unit is pleased to note that your lack of (obvious) ties to (serious) crimes (in or near Erakhian space) is sufficient to authorise the sale of such armaments.

This transaction is therefore approved in full; please note that long-distance or complicated shipping might accrue additional fees.

Best regards,

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