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Private Trouble On Shili

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Darth Tentaus Asonia Tsavio

"Ahhh old perv of course you would... sith do crazy things and after Maya and Veles all padawan know about sith stranger danger." She said it and looked at him and then at Asonia. "Contact the jedi, we'll get them out here for check on the people and make sure he is arrested." She nodded her head ignoring the galaxy revolving around her... their sabers were filled with kyber and kyber was at the heart of stars which everything revolved around so by association.. yes everything revolved around them. "Now though answer us this... why did you keep trying to disrobe us with clothing eating acid or flames huh? And the weird cameras in strange places?"

Asonia Tsavio

Asonia listened to the Sith Lord make his exuses. He was defending what he did! The audacity! How could he reason that Togruta getting sick and dying was acceptable?!

You a a Mad Scientist! You hurt people to see if they bleed! You hide behind big words and cold tones, you sir are a monster!

Akela asked Asonia to contact the Jedi, she nodded and stepped away already overcome with feelings, when she tried to use the comlink, their was a static noise, she tried another channel and then another.

She then turned to look at The Sith Togruta, his face painted with a perpetual smirk. She stepped towards them and said,

The coms are blocked.. you did this didn’t you?!

She felt a fire rising in her chest as she made a fist and reached for one of her sabers, she was angry, which was not the Jedi Way. She was beginning to realize he was not after them in sense Akela thought, he wanted to make them fall and he had done it in the most ingenius way, by appealing to their Jedi sense of justice. He was spinning a web of their own morality as a weapon and Akela wax focused on why he wanted to undress them.

TAG: Akela Ru Akela Ru

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Asonia Tsavio

Akela shifted and she looked at the other Togruta. "Breathe... relax." She said it when she was staying there. "Getting upset won't do much for us if the coms are blocked it will only serve to prove our theory about this old man." SHe was saying it and walked over and around as she looked at Asonia. "You got to focus and not give into the emotions he is trying to create... settle your mind Asonia." She turned to look at him and was debating what they would need to be able to do... Asonia wasn't going to last as the good cop much longer and making her bad cop was a dangerous thought if she was getting heated.... it really confirmed how crazy and overly emotional adults were and this was why she dind't work with them often.

Darth Tentaus

Darth Tentaus tilted his head as he saw the flame of ire rising in the Older One, he began to smirk. Then the Young One who kept insisting he was perverted required an answer,

You young blood.. I was not trying to disrobe you, I was trying to destroy you. You saw what the acid did to my servant, that was to be your fate.

He then saw the Older Togruta flustered as she accused him of jamming the coms.

The cameras.. there are none. Save in the droid you both decimated. The coms are being interrupted by my devices, to ensure that if a Jedi Strike Team arrived they would be at a disadvantage. Now..

He had successfully cut the cords at his toes and feet, and with a flex of his arms, he called forth flames to smoke the cords and he broke them off.

Where is my mask? And my saber.. you should have buried it.

He held out his hand and flying as boomerang into his hand from another room was the great dark metal shaft with its spiked crown emitters that he snapped one garnet blade and another to life.

I have infused cursed augumented crystals that I can feel and call to myself! As the Jedi have a bond with theirs, I have a dark connection through the sorcery I have poured into them!

He shifted into a defensive stance.

Shall we begin?

TAG: Akela Ru Akela Ru Asonia Tsavio

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Darth Tentaus Asonia Tsavio

She looked at the sith and Asonia as she shrugged and spoke. The saber there and here hands went to her hips as she plucked the twin blades. "I see a shame." Her shoulders rolled and stillness came over her. The breathing shallow and pounding of blood in her ears lowering to a near whisper. SLowly she moved to have the most space in the fight while looking at the saber staff and Asonia as she spoke. "Asonia, come on." SHe held the blades and looked at the siths blade before looking upwards at him as her demeanor changed... the war journal talked about this as well... having to defend oneself and fight... and Zak had shown several skills to do.

Asonia Tsavio

Asonia snapped her blade to life, leaving her shoto on hef belt as shel lunged with a growl, her cyan blue blade crackling against the garnet as she beat at one end of the Staffsaber, it twirling to parry her strikes and meet Akela Ru Akela Ru ’s blades. The Older Togruta was over ome with emotion, despite Aleka’s urging to calm earlier. She felt herself becoming more angry with each stroke as she beat against this Sith Lord with feelings of justice, righteous indignation. He had harmed her tribe, and done far worse. In her eyes she deserved to die, a Jedi Tribunal would do little, the bureaucracy often let criminals slip through the nose of justice, because Jedi have a sense of morality that allows them to be manipulated by men like this Sith.

Darth Tentaus

The Dark Lord met the blades of the two Padawans, spinning yhem over the table, he cut down, slicing the table in twain, and leapt up and spun his body, his lekku flowing as tails as he did another flurry of parries and cuts. One used Jar Kai, which was more intimidating than useful against a Staffsaber, the other was a traditionalist using two handed cuts, with each stroke he studied them, and looked for weak points, the Older of the Two was channeling rage, which was useful, she was fighting wildly, and so he could ensure a stroke landing. It was as she lunged he beat her back shoulder with a light tap of her blade, which sizzled at meeting flesh. He laughed,

I feel great ire in you Jedi.. you have anger and even hate.. release them and destroy me!

He was playing a two level chess, one was the duel, the other was in the mind of this Older Togruta Padawan, who with each lashing out was becoming more his pawn. For the dark side was his, and she was only beginning to feel it, and if he succeeded a Jedi would fall.

TAG: Asonia Tsavio Akela Ru Akela Ru

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Darth Tentaus Asonia Tsavio

SHe was looking at the two.. Asonia was striking but she was losing herself rather quickly... the sith playig with her as Aekla focused on remaining calm and allowing herself the time to focus. It let her breathe for a moment when the blade of the saber staff came near her. She brought one blade up to block while the other spun around in her hand under. "Asonia disengage, you are losing yourself faster then you are going to make him lose." She said it and was prepared She struck for a solid stab with her blade towards hie leg conserving herr energy as her other blade went for a defensive djem so stance. One forward and the other in a reverse grip.

Darth Tentaus

The Staffblade spun in a great circle, its red luminescence painting his face in red hues as he parried the eild charge of the Older Togruta, and tried to meet the Young One’s strike whicj he caught it heading for his leg too late, it bore into side and tore out as he swept it away. Not bad for a Youngling, he had become to oocupied with the potential of the one called Asonia’s fall. Steppimg back out of saber range, he released the grip from one hand and unleashed red bomts at Asonia, which he would use as energy threads, circuitry of the arcane sort to send power from her body to his. He had become rather weakened without his respirator that fed him adrenaline and other stimulants, and the injury burned his leg.

The Dark Lord oscillated his staffsaber to keep the Younger Togruta while he sought to draw fresh blood from Asonia. Force Drain was the only equivalent to Force Heal the Sith had, though far more violent and dependent on a host to draw from oppose to Healing which required only to conjure The Force itself to mend.

TAG: Akela Ru Akela Ru Asonia Tsavio

Asonia Tsavio

Asonia had not listened to Akela Ru Akela Ru and she paid the price as coils of crimson wrapped around her and drew on her life force. It was painful and she let out a scream, dropping his lightsaber which deactivated. The Masterless Padawan had let herself become a pawn of this Dark Lord, and now she was at his mercy, her only hope was Akela could break his concentration and she would be freed. For now she felt those tentacles of energy drinking like straws, and she felt herself going weak, as she collapsed on a knee, she tried to call to The Light, to break free of this dark sorcery.

She began to see the faces of her Masters, so full of disappointment. Was she ever to learn and achieve knighthood? Or was this as far as she would go? Some Jedi did not make the cut, others would forfeit the Path because it was not for them. Her mind recalled Ahsoka Tano, Apprentice to The Chosen One himself, and yet she walked away from The Order, and it saved her from Order 66. So perhaps being stuck as Asonia was at the moment was the Will of the Force.

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Darth Tentaus Asonia Tsavio

She remained at the ready and the attack was less focused on her as she breathed in and out... in and out. THe blood rushing through her head and making her pupils contract so she was focused on it. Asonia falling to the drain as Akela focused on it and debated how best to stop it... easy one is attack the sith... the other one is break his concentration as she twisted around. Using the blades but she was too far off. THe strikes were not the target to him as she was reaching out with the force and pulling at everything. A force whirlwind as she used the sabers less in her twists to build power and send pots, pans, utensils, rags, food and even drawers that were pulled out at the sith lord.

Darth Tentaus

The Sith Lord drew on Asonia’s like an Azant feeding in Soup, he mended his leg some when suddenly he was pelted with utensils, pots, and the foods, a big piece of ham landed in bis face, obscuring his vision as he fell back and the Drain was interrupted. The Younger Togruta did not use her sabers, he had once again used the unorthodox and it had been to his everlasting shame that he kept underestimating this Youngling. His bbacked up and hit the table that was now dipped in v shape in the middle, sliding him down with his feet sticking up in the air as he tried to get the thin slice of meet off his face, it reminded him of some parasite crab of salmon color clinging to his face.

This Scientist, this Sorceror was now once again in a pathetic posture where he was now at the mercy of a fiesty Youngling. Lord Tentaus who had turned Shili into a house of horrors was now on his back, kicking wildly as he pitifully tried to get this accursed cured meat off his face! Was this Youngling a Master of the Arcane? How did she turn honey, pickles, and ham into harbingers of his downfall?!!

TAG: Akela Ru Akela Ru Asonia Tsavio

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Darth Tentaus Asonia Tsavio

THe sith was going down and Akela still didn't move or stop... she focused and needed to keep some of it while she rotated her blades in her hands to send more. "Asonia, make a move.... do something." She said it and was looking at the situation.. they should run but given how quickly their bindings had been handled and how quickly Asonia slipped to being manipulated... it was a dangerous prospect. Her hand remained with her saber though while she took a step forward finally though mostly to reach up. Fastenings, plants, duracrete sections that she could managed being twisted and moved aside and towards the sith. Killing was a dangerous game but it was clear there was no remorse and he posed a threat.. so drop a house on him if need be.

Darth Tentaus

The Dark Lord could feel it, the intent if the Youngling had turned to shadow, to kill. Pausing the Togruta Sith slowly peeling the meat from his face and hoisted himself up to his towering height, this had been fun and games, now that he sensed the will to kill he changed his demeanor altogether, to back a Sith Lord in a corner was dangerious, like a Tu’kata trapped. He held his hand extended, finger tips beginning to glow with little orbs of purple, he unleashed a current of Lightning, the gnarled bolts wrapped around Asonia Tsavio who was already drained, and some bolts danced towards Akela Ru Akela Ru as the Sith Lord backed away, moving towards a window. He kicked the glass with his boot, shattering it as he channeled more bolts, and stepped out the frame, some of the burning arching bolts began to hit the tapestries, setting them on fire, then the table caught ablaze and smoke began to fill the house. The Dark Lord was making a tactical retreat, for The Jedi had been playful and now the mood had changed and he would have to shift to full Sith Lord posture, though killing two Padawans and girls seemed rather wasteful. He had not come to Shili to add more Jedi to his belt, but to test the chemical agent as he had related to them both when bound.

Once outside he saw the Manor was smoking and would in short time become consumed as kindling. Lord Tentaus paused to consider events, the Two had gotten the drop on him twice, and that exposed that he had besn hasty in his assessment of their strength. As a Scientist he dealt in numbers and quantifiable data, however, sentients had that X factor which required his more Arcane mind. Pointing his hand at the outside paneling, the Dark Lord unleashed a stream of flame to speed to the process along. If they found a way to escape, they would be worth further study, if not then may they rest in peace.

Asonia Tsavio

Asonia had barely recovered from the blood coils ehen she felt bolts strike her and throw her up against a wall, her body burning all over within and without. She fell go the ground as parts of the Mansion burst into flames, and smoke began to hover above. The Older Togruta had let the Sith Lord seduce her to anger, and the price had been dear, she had not been able aid Akela Ru Akela Ru in confronting this Darksider. The Masterless Padawan heard the lessons of her deceased masters, that she was too prone to emotional manipulation and needed to learn self control. That hard lesson was now was felt all over her body and soul. She was in terrible pain and unable to move from the floor as her own clothes smoked from the Force Lightning. This Sith Lord had harmed her home world and now her, she wanted revenge, but revenge was not The Jedi Way. She had been clouded by her sense of justice and paid a terrible price for it. Akela Ru Akela Ru had remained cool headed and fought on, she even had for a moment neutralized with slated meats, but then events turned dark when The Sith was cornered as all animals do when they suspect they are being herded for the kill. She had to admit this Darth adapted and thought nothing of retreating, and in that retreat setting the great house ablaze, as all Darksiders were prone to do. The question was would she emerge from this crucible? Or was this her death pyre?

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Darth Tentaus Asonia Tsavio

She watched the sith retreat and set the place ablaze. Her sabers deactivating as she moved and looked at Asonia. "Come on." She said it and motioned for her to follow when she was going through the frame of the door and pushed with the force to get the debris that was coming down out of the way. She allowed herself to breathed deeply and held it in her lungs as calmness washed over her and she charged a window leaping out of it. Her shoulder impacting the ground as she rolled and came up on her knee motioning for Asonia to follow suit and get out of there with her. "Come on, unless you want to join the force already."

Asonia Tsavio

TAG: Darth Tentaus

The fire swarmed around Asonia and smoke began to make hed cough as she laid ok the floor. The Drain coils followed by bokta of lightning had made her unable to get up at Akela Ru Akela Ru behest. She laid there coughing and in terrible pain, the warning of Alela that if she wanted to become One With The Force, this was her chance. Asonia did not long for death, she was badly injured, and she began to surrender, when a window broke near her and a hand resched to call her to it, she faded in and out of consciousness as she saw the Blood Orange eyes of The Sith Lord! What was he doing? Why was he helping her escape? Asonia coughed as she was held in the arms of the Titan who helped lay her beside a great tree far from burning Manor. She coughed some more as she looked up to him on his naked face. It had scars and was painted with a stoicism that did not match his behavior.

Asonia wasn’t sure where Akela was, but she spoke between coughs,

Why.. why have you.. saved me?

The Masterless Padawan was trying to catch her breath as she felt the warmth of the burning Mansion nearby.

Darth Tentaus

TAG: Asonia Tsavio

The Dark Lord once clear of the burning Manor, felt it, Asonia life force was fading and she was surrendering to the soot air. Turning to the window nearest, he smashed it and reached in with The Force, calling to Girl who flew into her arms and he carried her clear of the burning house. Lord Tentaus held the Young One as if a daughter, and then placed her carefully against a tree, he removed a flask of mineral water that he handed to her as she asked why he had intervened. He was not entirely certain himself, so he gave the most rational reasons,

That is no way for a youth to die, burning alive. I may be a Sith and a Scientist, however, I am not that cold. I started the fire out of self preservation, not to create a pyre for you and your boon companion.

Speaking of which he scanmed the area looking for Akela Ru Akela Ru , he thought she got clear, but was not sure. He figured if that Young Fiesty One found him in company with her comrade, she would probably attack.

I better leave you.. I need to return to my research, and you need to recover.

Pressing his wrist which illuminated peridot green a Blodfin Speeder scam zipping to him and in the compartment at the back, he removed a spsre respirator which he fixed to his face, and some cloth he made into binding for his lekku and montrals.

When you and your friend are ready, you may make your assault on my Headquarters further North. I recommend you avoid the mines.. I am already mending a child that stepped on one.

With that he twisted the handle on the Speeder and it zoomed off into the orange fog and forest.

Akela Ru

Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
Asonia Tsavio

THe fire continued as she was around outside of the mansion... walking and heard a speeder heading off as she ran and looked down. Taking in the sight of Asonia with a small nod while she crouched and held a hand out. "Hold still." THey were out of the fir which was good, the danger was still present and Asonia had shown that in a fight if they were threatened... she mostly overthought herself into being manipulated. Akela was focusing on the positive though, they had faced an enemy and survived.. they had gotten through his house of horrors and she spoke. "I think I know why you are not a knight yet... all of that stuff happened and you got swept through it like you were a leaf in the wind." She said it and had her sabers on her hip. "Come on." She said it while working to get her out of the area and somewhere she could start applying bacta patches.

Asonia Tsavio

Asonia dwelled on the kindness of the Sith Lord, he did not have to be. He could have left her to burn, was what The Jedi said about The Sith true? All her life they taught darksiders were monsters and evil, and yet despite his experiments on her homeworld he had spared her life and mentioned a child he was healing.

This did not exonerate him entirely, many were sick and even dying on Shili. That could not be ignored, but to label him a monster was an oversimplification, he had shown even in Mansion that he was wanting to speak terms, and it was Akela Ru Akela Ru and her that escalated things, when perhaps diplomacy and reason may have worked better than sabers. After all he was not a chaotic warrior, he had lured them into a Manor, and tested them, which Akela claimed she failed, even though she seemed to forget it was Asonia who figured out the acid orb would take down the Mecha Knight. The fact she surcomed to a Sith Lord, not an apprentice, not upstart, but a dark lord, made The Older Togruta not take Akela’s words to heart.

I admit I froze, but I was fighting a battle within Akela. He focused his assault on me, even using his lightning and drain on me.. I’d say that it is unfair to judge me harshly.. and yet he also pulled me free of the burning house. I am starting to wonder if the Jedi know anything at all.. he cared enough to save me.. and we detach and act as if bonds are threats.. well maybe the Jedi need to evolve and place greater importance on compassion than being the police of the galaxy..

Her tone was angry, she felt the Jedi had been backward. She lost two Masters, which were no fault of her own and all she ever heard from the lips of the Masters was criticism. She did not feel seduced to join the Sith, but perhaps somewhere in the galaxy a enclave still had an ounce of concern and care for others. The Jedi throughout their history never seemed to learn that sentient nature was to love and be loved, to be encouraged and treated with tenderness. They felt their duties to be Keepers of the Peace required some stoicism, and while reforms had allowed bonds, they always came with warnings.

I know that once this mission is over, I am going to seek out a Enclave that will let me be me..”

With that Asonia raised her hand and took some becta bandages that she placed over bruises. Before them was the prospect of entering The Fog and facing The Darth on his turf. Asonia would have called it off save her people depended on the experiment ending and she owed those sick and dying some justice. Though this time The Togruta Padawan would attempt a Consular approach and appeal to Lord Tentaus to leave and repent his crimes. That is where she had failed as a Jedi, leaping in blade blazing was a Guardian thing, and while many would have said it was justified since He was a Sith Lord, Jedi were suppose to be above petty rivalries, besides he wasn’t part of The New Sith, that was clear because he showed compassion, and even helped a Jedi survive. While Masters would claim it was a long game he was playing to turn her from The Path of Light, Asonia disagreed, he seemed to have a sense of honor despite the cruel mad science he had perpetrated on the planet.

Asonia fitted her respirator back on her face. And began to march into orange fog, the visibility was very low and she felt ahead with her hand extended in The Force for those mines Lord Tentaus had mentioned.

TAG: Akela Ru Akela Ru Darth Tentaus

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