Asonia dwelled on the kindness of the Sith Lord, he did not have to be. He could have left her to burn, was what The Jedi said about The Sith true? All her life they taught darksiders were monsters and evil, and yet despite his experiments on her homeworld he had spared her life and mentioned a child he was healing.
This did not exonerate him entirely, many were sick and even dying on Shili. That could not be ignored, but to label him a monster was an oversimplification, he had shown even in Mansion that he was wanting to speak terms, and it was
Akela Ru
and her that escalated things, when perhaps diplomacy and reason may have worked better than sabers. After all he was not a chaotic warrior, he had lured them into a Manor, and tested them, which Akela claimed she failed, even though she seemed to forget it was Asonia who figured out the acid orb would take down the Mecha Knight. The fact she surcomed to a Sith Lord, not an apprentice, not upstart, but a dark lord, made The Older Togruta not take Akela’s words to heart.
I admit I froze, but I was fighting a battle within Akela. He focused his assault on me, even using his lightning and drain on me.. I’d say that it is unfair to judge me harshly.. and yet he also pulled me free of the burning house. I am starting to wonder if the Jedi know anything at all.. he cared enough to save me.. and we detach and act as if bonds are threats.. well maybe the Jedi need to evolve and place greater importance on compassion than being the police of the galaxy..”
Her tone was angry, she felt the Jedi had been backward. She lost two Masters, which were no fault of her own and all she ever heard from the lips of the Masters was criticism. She did not feel seduced to join the Sith, but perhaps somewhere in the galaxy a enclave still had an ounce of concern and care for others. The Jedi throughout their history never seemed to learn that sentient nature was to love and be loved, to be encouraged and treated with tenderness. They felt their duties to be Keepers of the Peace required some stoicism, and while reforms had allowed bonds, they always came with warnings.
I know that once this mission is over, I am going to seek out a Enclave that will let me be me..”
With that Asonia raised her hand and took some becta bandages that she placed over bruises. Before them was the prospect of entering The Fog and facing The Darth on his turf. Asonia would have called it off save her people depended on the experiment ending and she owed those sick and dying some justice. Though this time The Togruta Padawan would attempt a Consular approach and appeal to Lord Tentaus to leave and repent his crimes. That is where she had failed as a Jedi, leaping in blade blazing was a Guardian thing, and while many would have said it was justified since He was a Sith Lord, Jedi were suppose to be above petty rivalries, besides he wasn’t part of The New Sith, that was clear because he showed compassion, and even helped a Jedi survive. While Masters would claim it was a long game he was playing to turn her from The Path of Light, Asonia disagreed, he seemed to have a sense of honor despite the cruel mad science he had perpetrated on the planet.
Asonia fitted her respirator back on her face. And began to march into orange fog, the visibility was very low and she felt ahead with her hand extended in The Force for those mines Lord Tentaus had mentioned.
Akela Ru
Darth Tentaus