@[member="Daxton Bane"] @Siqa@Ginnie Verd@[member="Phoebe Draclau"]
Objective: Rescue the nexu-cuddler, and the various varieties of hostages and prisoners.
Vorhi nodded to Phoebe. He would've blinked at her statement, if he had eyes, instead his brows lifted in slight surprise. "Burn it down? No sense in doing that. Like I said, there's a chance of useful information. Killing will happen, but I had no intention of razing the facility, unless it was a toxic plague or something equally high-risk."
Vorhi heard Verd said multiple things on the comm-link, and then start giggling and talking about adoption. Bloody hell, this kid was green and nuts. Awesome. Like Dharma without all the lethality. He looked over at Siqa as he nodded. " Time to move, then."
Vorhi glared and charged in. Leave it to Daxton to start making a show and attracting all the fun opponents. "Daxton, Sith leader is likely headed your way. I'd prefer him alive to interrogate, so keep it to severe bodily harm and intimidation, as opposed to death, if possible" he said calmly, knowing how hard it was to convince Bane to go easy on a challenger. "Play dirty if need be. Hell, maybe you can keep the self-proclaimed master as a pet, or something," he said calmly.
He continue moving, avoiding the fight. Daxton was a big boy and could handle himself. "Largest place to hold prisoners, on the left," he said out loud, gesturing at Siqa to follow him. And then he was blocked by it--a nexu. Full of teeth. Grinning. Hungry. Not a lick of benevolence in it's' predatory gaze. "Siqa, This is going to sound like a bad plan. You will advance to the prisoner holding area. I will," he said calmly, "keep the nexu from following you. As stupid as it sounds, I am capable of this," he said, slowly advancing his foot into a ready stance. "It will pursue you. I will grab its tail. The it gets ugly. Go, on three."
"One...." He said calmly, shifting his hands to look like three fingered Rancor claws. A Ran cor was the best stance to break a Nexu's grin, after all. "Two," he siad as he bard his teeth long enough to look like a challenge to the Nexu for dominance. "Three! Now!" He half-hissed.