Post # 5
The IT technician swiveled his arms back and forth as the signal from below fell dead. The bright screen that stared back at him, reaffirming his failure at trying to locate Orion. He shook his head, trying to readjust the system.
"Did you find them yet, Samson?"
The technician turned in his metal chair, spinning and abruptly stopping. His blonde hair curling around the sides of his hat. His uniform was simple, a light grey with a silver lining. The attire of a Lead IT Engineer, capable of pin pointing severe damage to internal systems on many ships. Samson was a wise man, more than that he knew exactly how to find them. He hesitated, for only a moment before giving a clear report.
"I've looked in the Northwest sector of the shipyard, captain. We have a few more faint signals in other areas. If I could have just a little bit more time, respectfully sir, I may be able to find them."
Samson spun back around and took hold of the ship's systems. The blinking screen that greeted him meant there was more work to do. Before his skinny fingers reached to the top of the controls he heard the captain.
"Five minutes Samson, that's all I'll give them. If we have nothing by then, I will not wait for them and endanger the rest of my crew. Is that understood?"
Churchill was strict with his stance on keeping everyone alive. Staying there longer than they needed to meant a number of things, some that Churchill would rather keep away from the forefront of his mind.
Samson gracefully executed each tap on the keys. The tiny circle on the screen zipped up and down, before it finally locked onto a even smaller area on the shipyard blueprint presented. The intricate design shifted to the corner of the area and as it fell stagnant. The room the circle stopped at was large, large enough to house spacecrafts in need of repairs or fabricated. This had to be the place, it was only logical. The loud chim the beeped in his ear confirmed a target and just before Samson's lips curled into a smile.
It wasn't them...
Instead a large craft spun around on the screen, modifications listed to the side. what caused the signature to alert Samson, was the cargo. It looked like someone came prepared to blow the place to high hell. Explosives, each latched onto the sides of the ship, holstered in the hanger of the shipyard docks. Then, another ping alerted him. This time it was exactly what he was looking for, the leader of the shadow trooper squad from below. Her vitals confirming that she alone was still alive.
Samson stared at it with delight, but the explosives on the spacecraft he found was also an issue. If the terrorist that planted them there was still present on the orbital shipyard, it meant they had time. Quickly he shouted.
"Captian, I found one of our troops below. located on the far south side of the propulsion systems. She's alive, RN-7." He paused. "Before you ask, I'm still waiting to see if the executable I administered finds the others." He glanced at the screen as another picture popped up. A Barabel by the name of Grotus, apparently owned the ship. Samson grinned, he had to be stopped. "One other thing sir, this man." He shifted his arm to the side as Grotus popped up on the captains screen. "We need our unit below to find and capture him before this whole mission is a dud. Explosives are rigged to blow on his own ship. Judging by the dock time, he should still be onboard. He wouldn't set it to blow, before he hightailed out of there...would he?"
"Well done Samson. Lieutenant Addley, inform the other unit of this; Grotus. I will not have a terrorist jeopardize anything else. As far as patching through to Orion and his unit, don't. We could end up getting them in more trouble than it's worth. I trust we'll get an update when they are ready."
Lt. Addley ran to the nearest station, informing all units of the potential terrorist on board. Just before he went to patch over to RN-7, Samson stood out and yelled.
"RN-7, Sir!" He clenched his fist. "Her vitals went flat, we're in the dark..."
The sudden chill the crept onto his skin meant something he hadn't felt in a long time.
It wasn't fear for his life or the fact that he could die. Instead, oddly enough, it was a sudden fear of losing another troop. A sudden flash from his past sparked a quick image of Beth, a trooper he lost trying to escape the clutches of a Master Jedi. He bit down hard, waiting for something to happen. Unsure if he should move or help RN-7 as the guard approached her. Another guard, perked upward running towards the commotion.
Orion couldn't move, if he did, he too would have been spotted.
The mission didn't rely on her. RN-7 knew this. She was there to lead her troops, instruct and most of all preform better than the rest. it was odd to her that she slipped up, but what really happened was one of her own, a new recruit was going to be spotted along the far wall. She pushed him aside and took his place rapidly as the guard ran over. She stood, suit and all before placing her hands on the back of her helmet. The small pistol slot inches from her finger, waiting to be relased and into her hand. She would kill him, faster than most gunslingers could equate to. Skilled and ruthless, she performed. The button was pressed in as the pistol released itself from a hidden chamber. A red streak of vibrant light stretching across the dark upper shafts of the shipyard.
The bolt sliced through, but before another shot could be fired a sudden warm sensation slipped in from her back. A laceration made by what looked like another blaster bolt. It slipped through her like a knife through butter. Her lifeless body dropping to the grated floor. Blood coagulated around the burn and before she took her last breath, the lights of the shipyard went dark.
The power was cut, dismantled from the inside. The suits came well equipped for such scenarios. The pitch black that greeted Orion made him glide into action. hoisting himself over the banner and dropping into the fray down below. Pressing onto the side of his helm he gave the order.
"Everyone take out the guards now I'll take care of the ones on the ground floor. After that start securing all personnel. Interrogate and let me know when we find the commander of this station, over and out."
He wouldn't tell them of RN-7's fate. They needed to be focused on what lied ahead. He felt a surge of despair press against him. The dark side fueling him as he found his first target. He slithered through the crowd around him, the everlasting darkness becoming his home.
[member="Felix Hardy"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Satia the Cruel"] | [member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Drios Rapux"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Lark"] | [member="Norin Kellarov"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Darth Mara"]