Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction (TSE) Apprentice Try Outs

Apprentice tournaments. Try-outs; such a tired old way of doing things, in Khel's mind. Still, at least it was an easier way to see the capabilities of the apprentices without having to just toss them into the fray and hope they survived. That option was not always conducive to finding someone to personally teach, not in the early stages.

As a later trial, of course, it was entirely their fault if they failed and died.

The clone's head cocked off to one side, hearing voices a short distance away. Silently, a small remote drone floated over next to Marcis Sorr Marcis Sorr 's head, watching his interactions with those around him. Another rose, focused purely on the display going on below, supplementing Khel's senses through the Force. Honing in on the one who had just released the spell of darkness.

That acolyte was one of the most interesting of them down below, now, alongside the one who had earlier incanted her will into being; while Khel wasn't nearly as focused on sorcery as some others, he had more than a passing familiarity with it, owing to the inclinations of his own master. So he focused in, further, pinning down her particular scent in the Force.

"Don't gloat too long," he whispered, his words brushing up against Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil 's mind like a gentle caress. "Delays can mean death, after all." He paused, as the drone focused on the battlefield shifted, taking in the view of the other acolytes and the shadow growing around them, especially the one who had just lost their weapon.

"Strike when the opportunity presents."
With Leliana having disappeared already, Quinn's departure to meet up with her master, who was quite clearly more than just that, left Sylvia all by herself. This wasn't completely new, either. Leliana and Natima had been growing closer together and Quinn was completely head-over-heels with Vesta. She was happy they were all forming bonds that close, but at the same time it was a little difficult for her to be around. Sylvia had never been able to get over her feelings for Ellie, she had merely been distracted by virtue of being kept busy. Moments like these, though, were very real reminders of what she could've had if she hadn't messed everything up.

Luckily, she'd receive some distraction in the form of Arrik. Sylvia gave the shapeshifter a nod in greeting, though their first verbal interaction was straight to the point. "She's a mechu deru prodigy, so I'm very content learning from her. The overseer would've prevented me from getting a Sith master here if I wanted one, anyway." She had been explicitly told that the only way she'd be given the title of Sith was by killing Ellie. The very promise troubled her, but after what happened on Krayiss II she supposed she wouldn't have much of a choice in the event she crossed paths with the blonde again, even if she didn't want to do it.

"Good show, by the way," Sylvia remarked approvingly in an attempt to divert her own train of thought. "That poor guy got knocked the feth out, in record time too." The woman would be surprised if no potential master lined up for Arrik after that.

"How did you do that smoke thing, anyway?"

The earlier confidence had left the acolyte that had caught her attention more than others, replaced by awkwardness and exhaustion. In the rafters backstage, the Sith familiar allowed its master to observe the young Sephi as she tried to not intrude on a moment between Leliana Leliana and Acolyte Natima Vando Natima Vando . The officer thrall of Darth Insatious Darth Insatious had approached her, and although polite, the young girl hadn't immediately jumped at the chance to go with him. Perhaps she had been given further pause when the office also gave an offer to Natima as well.

The raven familiar took flight again, trailing wisps of darkness as it circled down to hover in front of Maya Bir Sinvala Maya Bir Sinvala , flapping its wings slowly to stay in place. It's beak opened to relay the message from its master, eyes glowing a soft bloody red.

"Darth Arcanix requests your presence."

The bird would dissolve into shadows with its message given, leaving the Sephi to either accept the request from the Dark Councilor known as the Lady of Secrets or consider further options.
"Oh nothing much, I was just going to read or maybe paint something-" Her words were cut off when the pair were interrupted by a young Sephi Maya Bir Sinvala Maya Bir Sinvala . The poor girl looked like she wanted the shadows around to just make her disappear. Leliana was almost tempted to offer such a thing, but she had a feeling the Sephi just wanted to hide herself in a comfortable corner somewhere.

She offered her a small smile. "It's all right, Maya. You didn't interrupt." Okay, technically she did but Leliana wasn't bothered by it. "And no one owns the seats here, so you're free to pick whichever." A little joke usually went a ways in easing someone's mind, albeit something about Maya made the assassin feel like that might not be accurate.

Natima's words caught her attention, and she raised an eyebrow at the redhead. If she had been looking at her, she would've seen the teasing look in Leliana's eyes.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Nat?" That would certainly grab Natima's attention, and Leliana flashed her the usual smile. "Just you and me? I certainly like the sound of that." Without missing a beat, Leliana leaned in and kissed Natima on the cheek. She was convinced the Shi'ido was probably going to invent a new shade of red at this point. The assassin looked down at Natima, realizing that her shirt was still ruined from her performance. An idea struck Leliana, and she stepped back a bit. Though, as she went to remove her jacket, Leliana sensed a presence in the shadows. She glanced over at Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf 's shadowy familiar, as it flew towards the Selphi. Interest peaked at someone else using familiar's formed from the shadows.

But that thought was filed to one side, as she looked back at Natima. "We can't have you going out with your shirt like that." Leliana pulled off her jacket, revealing the assassin to be in her usual white buttoned up shirt. The jacket was of the same styling as her usual long coat, but much shorter. She held it out for Natima to take, knowing it would fit her well enough.

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"Blast!" How can one be so dumb as to lose their lightsaber? Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil had stolen it and began to cast a shadow-like spell over the arena. Intense rage filled his head as he tried to zero in on his new found target. Gloved hands fumbled around his tool belt until he found the thermal detonator attached on the back. Ah yes, perhaps this can be used as a distraction to regain control of his weapon. Bel yelled his grievances at Jonu:

I don't really think you wan to do that! Don't you know that stealing isn't nice?" The armour clad Sith charged at Jonu. Sure, running headlong into not one but two lightsabers makes about as much sense as flying a Y-Wing with your eyes closed, but he still had the detonator and a plan. Dim lights flickered on as Bel's attached helmet lights lit his path. He jumped up and grabbed went to throw the detonator, but something felt off. Bel had forgotten that he had used the bomb to escape a barfight he had gotten himself into with some bounty hunters. In it's place was his Master's old lightsaber that he had taken after slaying him. Merely taken as a token of him ridding himself of the people he hated, it would actually prove to be needed in this encounter. The green blade ignited barred down on Jonu. I hate green, why did I have to drop my saber. Would Jonu react, or would the Nikto be cut down by another of her wicked spells. Maybe Serixibis Serixibis and Rexus Rexus would be annoyed with this imbecile interrupting their fight and zap him out of existence. Either way, he needed his saber back and he was not going to let some witch take it from him.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa's initial introduction to Ellie Mors Ellie Mors and Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin was marred by her having mistaken the former as one of the Emperor's many children - or as the child of someone else. "My apologies... Having hung around the Zambrano family tree for decades and watched its inherently exponential growth, often it's difficult to recall who's related to who, and how." She said. "I've heard a good bit about you. All positive things, I assure you. You have something to you that few Zambranos have, aside from your father and your cousin - a certain spark of greatness I've seen in very few Sith, even among your kin."

In response to Vesta's last inquiry, Vanessa shook her head. "I merely heard the name "Varanin" mentioned over the loudspeakers and was, if briefly, wanting to say hello, let Quinn know that I was willing to assist her in any capacity as I assisted her parents." She then listened to Quinn, and her face visibly fell upon the apprentice's use of the word "late". Ashin and Spencer were dead? Vanessa did not break into tears, but she was very visibly saddened at the loss of her former associates. Even if they had grown apart, she had always been fond of them. "They're... they're dead?" She said, the surprise finally having come to her face. "Well... I'm very sorry, Quinn." She said, voice a tad weaker than it had been previously. "Your parents were some of the greatest people I ever personally was privileged to get to know. I know you'll certainly make their memories proud." A smile started to come back to her face again. "If there is anything you ever need, please don't hesitate to send a message to the Nathema complex and let me know. It's the least I can do out of obligation to what your parents gave me."

Such was surprisingly frank. Different from the reason she worked with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , but a similar sort of obligation nonetheless. This was the first time Vanessa had ever come across any of Ashin and Spencer's children, after all - and benefitting Quinn would be a benefit to the Sith as well, if she ever managed to reach the capabilities of her mothers.

Inanna Harth Inanna Harth
The vulnerable moment was briefly cascaded as she felt like she may have been making things worse. The song of conversation was never something she had a chance to quite practice and well it was apparent yet her mind just wanted to throw more critique vs trying to come to an understanding. Still her body and mind were already braced expecting to hear a tirade from either Leliana Leliana or Natima Vando Natima Vando that perfectly reflected the chorus in her mind only to get some light humor instead. Just take a seat dummy. A soft, nervous relieving chuckle exited her mouth before muttering a simple "Right".

She went to scan around the room for a nice corner seat to steal and just hide away in. Her eyes looked around for a small bit however, what they found wasn't the seat. No no no no no. This was much different. Red corrupted eyes met the hovering raven that now encapsulated her world. Looking at a very essence of the shadows and now brewing a curiosity that made Maya's mind wonder over when she may have a chance to learn and interact with such creatures. The beak opened along with the soft red glow of it's void like eyes and would relay one sentence that would take her breath away.

"Darth Arcanix requests your presence."​

To Maya it felt like a freight train had slammed into her as her mind slowly took in each word the Raven spoke to her. The name was the first thing to hit her. Darth Arcanix, The Lady of Shadows, Pyramid of Galactic influence, dark councilor. One of the most powerful people in this very empire, someone who she would have love to have been put into the spotlight for, yet had ultimately doubted that would ever happen. The Raven had already vanished and the message had been delivered but her mind was still lagging behind before it understood the rest of it. The very structures that had kept her jaw fixed in place were threatening to come loose and cause it drop.

Wait... Was her performance really that good? Was she dreaming? Was this really happening? She had pinched herself only to feel pain, this was real. very very very real. Wait did the request mean that she was being offered an... The quite frankly simple meaning behind the message had finally hit home. Her mind being rendered blank for several seconds as something began to brim. Then an electric feeling washed over her, causing her to be on the fritz as her mouth was about to open in a desperate attempt to find an outlet for what was brewing inside her. Though she realized that maybe here wasn't the best place to fangirl.

"I got to go and take care of something. Uh, good luck and hope you find a master. Oh, I'm Maya by the way in case we bump into each other back at the academy. See you later. Bye." She would mutter to Nattima and Leliana in an almost manic rush before she took off, leaving the pair in peace. She quickly rushed to the one sanctum she knew she would feel privacy no matter what which was the restroom. Barging through the doors and entering a stall she could finally just let all the incendiary excitement finally explode out of her in one giant pressure relieving wave. A poor soul of a stage hand who had the misfortune to be just outside the bathroom wandering past would be subjected to an almost inhuman noise that was violating their eardrums. Barely muffled by the walls there was a sound that could only be described as a most infernal high pitched squeeing noise that would last for what seemed like a minute. Thankfully the ruckus would die down saving the stage hand's ears the thought of ending it all to make the noise stop.

Exiting the restroom was Maya as she rushed to answer Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf 's request.
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Whether the soon-to-be-hopefuls, Darth Insatious had shown interest in, would take his invite or not, was not really the end of the world for him. Having seen enough, the Lord of Hunger turned around and left the building with the officer close behind.

Besides, Insatious had other things to attend to, if no one bit the apple, or so to speak. Leaving the Amphitheater the Sith Lord stood once again in the ever continuously rain of Drommund Kaas. He quickly found his way to his transport ship and left the city to return to his Star Destroyer, so he could get back to work.

While he was a little disappointed in not getting one of the apprentices he found interesting and full of potential, but then again, the last two padawans he had one time ended up being rather useless and quickly losing their worth to him. having no more need for the officer, Darth Insatious dismissed the nervous officer.

He would wait a bit, to see if one of the two or both would bite his invitation, though he pushed it aside and continued his work and studies of an ancient Sith Relic.

//Exit Thread
Kad coughed up blood. It was a long, uncomfortable feeling. Not quite like drowning, but close enough to make him feel more fear than he'd felt on the stage.

He had been unceremoniously dragged from the stage and propped up against a wall. No one was fussing over him, the clipboard people left him there and the sith had far more important things to occupy their attention.

He wouldn't die. Kadann knew how much punishment he could take. His body healed well. It didn't change how he felt pain. This was going to be horrible for days to come.

He focused on that memory, that one instant. Seeing the larger and more capable acolyte actually showing fear in the face of his tanacity. Seeing how badly his nose had been broken was good too. Kadann thought about what might come next.
The words did not fail to be noticed from Khel Khel , but there was no turning her attention away from her spell. At least not until the saber wielding, armored being approached with intent. The growing frown on her face was plainly for Bel'sa'Nikto , but the forward charge of the armored one made her wait for the last moment possible, four claws gripping the stolen lightsaber tightly as she held the spell. The swinging blade invaded her space, and finally she moved, sidestepping while using the force to push against the attacking one.

The spell almost broke as she moved, her right hand still holding the final gesture while her own saber floated forward and replaced the stolen one. The blade sang with amber color, the stolen saber being placed on her hip.

"Brave, but foolish." There was nothing more than those words to warn him of her move as she pushed forward and lashed out with a now growing smile. "You lost your weapon so readily! What makes you worthy of being here!?" She chided him, going for a diagonal slash, shadows still forming around Rexus Rexus and Serixibis Serixibis while she fought.


Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil has managed to deal with the attack with lightning speed. Bel slammed into the ground after being on the receiving end of the Pureblood's Force Push. Jonu had commended the effort as brave, but noted that his was foolish as well. She asked how he was worthy of being here when he had lost his weapon almost immediately upon entering. While Bel was on the ground, Jonu swung down with her lightsaber in a diagonal motion. The Nikto quickly brought up his spare lightsaber to defend himself. He taunted back at the Pureblood.

"What makes me worthy? Here, let me show you!"

He grunted as he shoved back at the enemy and jumped back to his feet. Several more strikes came as he blocked them with equal strength. Heart racing, he ran over to the growing shadows and jumped into them. This was his chance to show his powers. As if he had thrown on camouflage, he used Force Stealth to mask his presence from the Pureblood. His voice echoed in the room.

"Awe look at youuu, so cute with your little magic trick." He laughed loudly. "Merely turning off the lights doesn't show me anything. It shows weakness, that you can't face an opponent head on." He continued to taunt her. "I'll play your game, stoop down to this level you've so desperately held on to. C'mon, gimme your best attack I know you've got one somewhere!"
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A former Jedi with an aptitude for an art that was rare even amongst the Sith? How very unusual, if favourable for Sylvia. "I can see the advantages in that, yes." Smiling coldly, the Changeling nodded towards the nearest Sith Lord, whoever that might be. "I doubt the Overseers could do anything but offer ineffectual protestations if a sufficiently powerful Sith took an interest in you. Most are not used to taking no for an answer."

Dismissing the conversation point as the nonfunctional tangent it was, Arrik offered no complaints at the conversation shifting to new topics, his little performance specifically. Even as he inclined his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement of her compliment, his tone remained dry.

"Yes. He should have known better than to accept me as an adversary."

Pale features unreadable, he tilted his head slightly sideways in that idiosyncratic manner of his. "You know what they say, a Magician never reveals his secrets." Even so, he opted to slowly exhale, a trickle of that very same smoke emerging and shifting into a fiendish visage before fading away.



Location: Emperor's Box,
Tags: Kadann Kadann , Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , Leliana Leliana , Natima Vando Natima Vando , Ellie Mors Ellie Mors , Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Marcis Sorr Marcis Sorr , Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

It all started when the backstage doors flung open.

The Stage Manager and a small crowd of attending stage hands practically burst into the backstage area where all of the acolytes were huddled after their performance's in front of audiences and prospective masters. There was a sense of urgency along with a degree of awe on their faces as they came in. The stage manager seemed to bark something to his attendee's before he turned to the crowd of apprentices "Where is Acolyte Kadann?" The man said. Once the young, battered young man was pointed out the group rushed over towards him. One of the individuals in charge of bacta and providing medical aid to the apprentices after their performances were immediately ripped away from another acolyte, and pulled right over. "Get this young man some bacta right now I say!" The Stage Manager said.
The young man had went out on to the stage and by all accounts he failed miserably. Instead of coming out triumphant somewhere during his performance something went terribly wrong, and he found himself defeated and beaten pretty severely. To many eyes it was a poor showing. But clearly something so profound had occurred that it was enough to direct all of the Stage Manager's attention away from the event and towards this one single acolyte, this one boy?
"Acolyte Kadann. His Supreme Excellency the Shadow Hand Darth Prazutis requests your presence and invites you to attend him in the Emperor's Suite."
The words boomed like thunder crashing over the various sounds surrounding the gaggle of acolytes both nervous and excited at either coming performances, or successful ones.

Location: Back stage
Tags: Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos Charlyra Araano
Charlyra knew where to find her master, she walked in and pulled her hood down and ignored the apprentices who were attempting to find their place among the hierarchy. She walked with poise and purpose, being part of the Valkyries had given her that. A lost soul among the fallen Jedi, turned to the dark side and was found in poor conditions by Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos on Nar Shaddaa. Her curved-hilt shoto in its holster, while two hidden vibro daggers laid comfortably sheathed along either boot. She knew that Kaalia would be selecting another apprentice and that suited Charlyra fine it would be a test for her as much as it would be the new young lady.
"Master," she called with her typical stern-by-the-books voice, "the information you requested."
She handed the small datachip to Darth Avacyn. "I lost the trail just beyond Mygeeto and had to duck several New Imperial patrols before ducking into the Galactic Alliance's realm. I followed your... friend for quite sometime. From Chandrila, to Jakku even a small-time on Kashyyyk and Botor." Chalyra paused a moment before continuing her report. "It seems she has been collecting crystals, I've placed a tracker on her as per your request. The last data transmission indicated she is headed for the so-called Violet Curtain. No doubt seeking her sister."
"The datachip will contain all of my reports and the tracker program so you may follow at your leisure."
"How have the trials gone?"
Mere moments after Darth Avacyn made her way towards Aradia, the girl began going off. She'd seen this side of the girl before but it seemed that no matter how many time the Sith Lady corrected her misunderstood view, she just wouldn't learn. Perhaps a bit of a different approach was needed in order to get her point across. Avacyn couldn't blame the girl for her abandonment issues, but that didn't mean they got in the way.

"Hm?" Avacyn looked at her apprentice with a bit of a confused look, though one that wasn't exactly genuine. "I thought you were about to tell me you were looking for a new master, with the way you just performed on stage." The words were infused with feigned disappointment, looking to turn the situation on its head and paint Aradia as the 'perpetrator' like the girl herself had done to Avacyn on a few occasions now. "I was only here to see what the next generation of Sith had in store, but I suppose if you wish to find someone new..."

A new figure then entered the amphitheater, someone the Sith lady very quickly recognized- Charlyra. Her expression shifted to a welcoming smile, she was happy to see her. The brunette was her first apprentice and she had grown immensely in the years she had taught her. As a Sith knight she was much more independent compared to Aradia. The woman was greeted with a stern nod.

"Perfect. Welcome back, Charlyra," Avacyn replied as she accepted the datachip. Charlyra went on to give a rough outline of where the person she'd followed had been, and what she had been doing. Based on that alone, the redhead knew she had not been let down. "Went right back to business as usual, then. Can't say I'm surprised." After inspecting the chip, Avacyn pocketed it with a satisfactory nod. "Well done. Very well done."

The conversation topic shifted with Charlyra's question, asking about the Valkyrie trials. "There have been some very promising successes after the relocation. Time will tell if they will live up to their new titles. As for future prospects..."

Avacyn turned towards the youngest of the three, drawing Charlyra's attention to her. "This is Aradia. She has been learning under me. Aradia, meet Charlyra, I have told you about her before."

"I thought you were about to tell me you were looking for a new master, with the way you just performed on stage." The words were infused with feigned disappointment."I was only here to see what the next generation of Sith had in store, but I suppose if you wish to find someone new..."

Aradia's eyes budged, the suggestion hitting her over the head like a ton of bricks.

"I-what-no-" Before she could get another word out, a woman approached, addressing her Master. Aradia was left reeling in place, her heart slamming erratically at the conundrum Kaalia had placed before her. Feigned or not, the naive girl ate it up. Kaalia's training had hardened the girl as a fighter, but life experience could not be bought in a training room.

Most embarrassingly.

Her cheeks matched her hair as she realized she stood before Kaalia's former apprentice. Of all the people to be on your back foot with, the elder Valkyrie she had been admiring from afar was not someone she wanted to fumble before.

It took a moment to find her tongue, but when she did she nodded her head in a long dip of respect.

"Are you here for try outs too?" She asked, all too quickly.

Oh, if she could eat a sock to take back that idiotic question-- she would. Her wince was palpable, her eyes crinkling in regret. "I mean-- for an apprentice. Not that you are an apprentice-- I mean I am an apprentice but I already have a master and I'm here-- not cause I want another," she added quickly, shooting Kaalia a glance. "...Augh." She made a noise of distress, her face beat red.

"I would like to go back to the training room now."
A date? Natima's eyes widened at what Leliana had said. A date? She didn't say date did she? It's happening again, you idiot. She's falling for you. The cautionary voice at the back of her head. She had done this dance several times before. Meet a cute girl or guy, get involved, get tied up with things and boom. Disaster strikes. Every. Single. Time. And what did she do? She ran away, leaving them to whatever cruel fate she had dealt them. Tell her. Her sensible side demanded, the guilt pressing down like a hydraulic lift. Lil had always wanted to pry at what the Shi'ido was about, then maybe now was the time. Natima went to speak, she wasn't sure what she was going to say, but it was going to be important. Or, at least it would have been, if Leliana hadn't gone and done what she did. The sensation of lips pressing against her cheek, and realizing that it was Leliana instigating all of it caused a short circuit in Natima's brain.

Lelaian's hope came true, as Natima's focus was thrown off wildly, her red blush turned more or a purple hue, as she looked a bit blown away at the advance of the assassin. The rush of chemicals to her brain override the sensible side of her mind, as the emotional half took over, and with it the crushing guilt lifted. It was going to different this time. She was sure of it. Giggling like an idiot, Natima grabbed the sides of her face, pulling her hands down across her checks as she was thrown for a loop. "Wow. Okay um..." She clasped her hands together, her cheeks still purple, as she looked to the ceiling for help, before finally looking Leliana in the eyes. She was starting to remember why she was so crazy about this girl. "Okay, you got me. It's a date." She confessed, finding herself unable to get out of the corner that Leliana had so masterfully put her in.

Having the obvious pointed out to her, Natima held the sides of her ruined shirt, before taking the jacket offered to her by the raven haired woman. "You are just the sweetest thing." She remarked, donning the coat and finding the sleeves were just a little too long. She could have just shifted to adjust it, but...Lil would probably enjoy it more if she let it be. Eyeing up Lil, Natima held a devious glance in her eye and bit ever so gently on her lip. Yea, she was going to make some bad choices tonight. "Hope you know I'm not giving this jacket back. That's how date rules work you know." She teased, taking the woman by the arm and feeling rather eager to leave this place behind. She'd have to touch base with Darth Insatious Darth Insatious later, she had something come up.

Leliana Leliana

Charlyra Araano

Charlyra acknowledged her master with a solemn nod. She turned and waited for the young woman to finish stammering. An enigmatic expression on her face, the Battle Sister closed the distance between herself and the young acolyte. She reached out and tilted the woman's head up by her chin and examined the scars that laid claim to her neck and the signs of a slave collar that had once been wrapped around her as well. Charlyra's hands would have felt incredibly warm to the touch, incredulously so. Charlyra withdrew her hand away from Aradia and walked around the woman, getting a look over the acolyte who had been taken in by her master. A small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, she wanted to say that the young woman was cute, but refrained and kept it by the books.
"A new noviciate."
"Time will tell if you have what it takes to truly become a Valkyrie, if you so desire." Charlyra's voice was firm and her hands were now behind her back as she shifted her gaze from Aradia to Kaalia. While she was glad that relocation had been going as well as it had been. Charlyra often found herself growing bored by sticking around and thus had taken to picking up any mission she could get her hands on. As for taking on a student of her own, the Battle Sister had no want or yearning to dote or teach an apprentice of her own. She would leave that with women like Darth Avacyn.
"If there is nothing else, then might I take my leave, Master?" Charlyra hadn't stopped by the Serran and wanted to get some rest in before looking at the boards to take up another mission.
Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

At the explanation, Kad went very still. He could feel eyes on him. He had wanted to show enough spirit that he wasn't completely excluded after Darth Daiara Darth Daiara called him out, to let them know he'd stand his ground no matter what.

The acolyte who he had refused to yield to was watching. He already had friends, from the small crowd around him. Kad did not. Kad made a mental note to find out his name and more about him.

Kadann had worked through several schools for delinquent children. They were more like prisons than schools. He was familiar with the game, but at the sith academy he suspected being murdered in the night was much more likely.

He hissed as a needle was driven deep into his arm to administer bacta. Two stage hands went to pick him up. Kadann waved them away.

Eyes on the acolyte who had downed him, face locked in a grimace, he planted his feet and pressed against the wall until he started to rise. Full of stubborn resolve, Kad staggered away.

"What is this?" he asked, "execute the worst student time?" He tried to sound defiant, but there was a very real fear creeping into his voice.

The manager shook his head. "Mind your tone, boy, understand where you are going. Not with me. With them."
"I'd have to be able to draw the attention of one, first," Sylvia retorted, holding back a scoff. Beyond her mechu deru skills, she had little that made her stand out. She wasn't incapable, but her mastery over traditional skills were simply average. Being talented in the field of Sith sorcery meant a Sith lord who was a master over it would find you eventually. When it came to mechu deru though, there weren't many interested potential masters out there. "But I have a path towards becoming Sith. I'll get there."

Even if it meant breaking her own heart.

Afterwards they moved to the topic of Arrik's unfortunate opponent, he was quite nonchalant about what he had done. It wasn't anything new from him, though the small amount of smoke he produced wasn't something she had expected to see. "Yeah, I'll have to remind myself not to challenge you unless I'm prepared." She wasn't much the type to challenge someone without very good reason anyway, but the point still stood.

"The rest of our group seem to be quite occupied, though. If you know what I mean," Sylvia said with a bit of an amused tone, her head tilting to look over her shoulder towards Quinn. "And I got this feeling Leliana and Natima are getting quite close." Her unbothered demeanor repressed a sadness, a sadness she wouldn't show to anyone. "I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but Lel especially has been acting a little... different."

Admittedly the display still ongoing on stage had lost her interest, she was much more interested in the spike of excitement she had felt backstage in the Force. Leaning back in her seat, her Sith familiar resting under her fingers as she stroked the shadowy feathers, she smiled. It would appear her offer to Maya Bir Sinvala Maya Bir Sinvala had caused quite a stir in the young acolyte.

"Make sure she knows to go to Box 5," she whispered to her raven and it took off again to act as a guide for the young Sephi. As she waited for the arrival of the acolyte, she pulled up the file on the girl from the academy, studying her backstory and her overall performance in her classes with the overseers. Yes, the girl was definitely something she could work with, mold into a powerful Sith, enhance those unique abilities of hers.

When she finally arrived, she would fine the Lady of Secrets silently gesturing at the seat next to her, the offer to take it obvious.
There was that look on Natima's face again, one Leliana had become familiar with ever since she had started to know the Shi'ido. It was something that always followed when either one of them got a bit to close. Whether it was Leliana herself, or Natima in their little game of back and forth flirting or teasing. She knew the redhead refrained from revealing much of anything, relying on half truths often, but Leliana had never minded that.

It just made the Shi'ido more interesting to her. Leading the assassin to further pry for whatever information she could get. Although, she never pushed it particularly far. Whatever had happened in Natima's past, it still stung her to this day. And much as she was eager to learn more about different things or people, she never wanted to ruin things with the redhead.

Leliana was an assertive type, especially towards something or someone she liked. She supposed in that respect, her time with Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin had rubbed off on her. The kiss on the cheek was a big gamble, and in Leliana's mind Natima would respond in one of two ways. Walling herself up more, or letting them fall a bit. So it was both a surprise and a relief when the latter seemingly came true. The redhead suddenly bursting into a fit of giggles, which just led to a bright smile forming across the assassin's lips.

The mix of colours that decorated the Shi'ido's cheeks was an adorable sight.

Leliana couldn't hide the smile as she happily weaved her arm around Natima's, letting the redhead guide them away. She smirked at the comment about keeping the jacket. "Oh I know, I'm already liking you wearing it."

With that, the two assassins made their exit.


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