Khamesi took a moment to test her range of motion before the match was going to begin. It felt good to not be restricted, and the few minor injuries she'd sustained in the first bout had healed nicely. Once the signal was given to begin, she ignited both ends of her dualsaber. Unlike who she had fought before, she would have to go all out to have a chance against this one from the very start. She breathed calmly, channeling some power into her limbs.
Krause Zelier
was faster than his sheer size would indicate, but Khamesi was stronger than her size would say. It was rare for her to find someone even bigger than her, but she had some training to counter raw size. The problem here was that it wasn't just size, but strength and speed she was up against.
She began circling her opponent, searching for an opening, and in the absence of one, she would create it. After a moment she didn't see an opening that didn't feel like a trap to her, so she mad a different first move. Without relinquishing her grip on her saber, she opened her mouth and took a deep breath. If there was no opening, she would create one. Blue flames sprouted from her mouth and shot out across the arena to envelop her foe. She highly doubted this would do anything to him, but that wasn't the point of this. The point of all of this, as she used some Pyrokinesis to do it, was to convert much of the sand between them into molten glass. Molten glass that great weight would have trouble slowing it's momentum through. If he moved through the flames at her, she had weakened the stability of his footing. If he moved around the flames she had created, she had forced him to take a different route. Either way, she could make a next move that suited her instead of him.
Of course, there was always the chance that he saw through all of this, and it wasn't terribly unlikely, but one had to try things to succeed. She'd rather force him to close the distance so she could control the flow than she did trying to close it herself. She kept her blade at the ready, ready to use more as a tool than a weapon. No, her physical abilities would serve her far better against a foe with defenses like her opponents. Especially as she had trained to smash through armor without using the force, let alone with it. The dualsaber was better served redirecting her opponents attacks how she wanted. Or at least trying to redirect them how she wanted.