Zlova leaned back in her chair as she turned her head to regard the spectral thing that had so boldly intruded upon her chambers.
"Well aren't you just adorable? One wrong step and I'll rip you into shreds." An uninvited guest? They were lucky not to have the crimson Twi'lek already laying into it the moment it surfaced. But of course she recognized such a thing as a messenger, and everyone knew it was only polite to hear the message
before killing the messenger.
"Let's make this quick before some Light Sider feels a disturbance in the Force." One unwelcome guest was enough.
Ah, yes, the future of the Sith. Freed from... etc. etc., try the free wine.
Although, Zlova was curious. Despite being among the Confederates as a result of helping that delightful urchin from Nar Shadda, Zlova had never stopped identifying as Sith. Sure, she'd been betrayed. Yes, she'd lost everything. There'd even been a time the Twi'lek simple danced for a living because it brought more fulfillment than spending the rest of her life trying to exact revenge. None of which had drawn Zlova away from the Way of the Sith; though her understanding of it had differed considerably from many others at the time.
Perhaps things had changed. Perhaps now was an opportunity to reevaluate her relation with this so-called Future of the Sith. After all, the worst case was this was a trap and she had to carve her way through countless fleshpops in a rain of blood -- something worthy of another Sith tattoo if she could find the space for it.
And if it wasn't a trap, but Zlova did not agree with this future? Well, then she would leave. Rip them apart as she did if necessary. Then let them carry on however they saw fit without spilling their secrets. After all, a Sith was good at keeping secrets.
Zlova didn't dwell on the journey there. Acquiring a ship was easy -- as a Knight Obsidian she could requisition all sorts of things, they were so overly charitable like that -- and following a spectral co-pilot was something even an Apprentice could do. All to lead her to the great Hall of the Mighty Sith.
The Twi'lek stood outside, hands on her hips, with her golden eyes peering up at the top of the pyramid. Light slid over her Lethan flesh and failed to touch the deep black of traditional Sith tattoos carved into her body and soul. And in that great moment of revelation, Darth Siron had only one thing to say:
"Of course it is." The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Never give up your opulent ways, she thought to herself.
Had to hand it to the ones throwing the party though, their pyramid of power was in pristine condition. Not like one of those ancient, dilapidated temples everyone gathered inside of pretending like it got them closer to Exar Kun or whatever other Dark Lord they wanted to get people thinking about when the self-appointed Leader made their appearance. Not that Zlova turned her head every which way to admire it; it was plain to see even with her eyes focused ahead toward the throne room where so many gathered.
Then she entered the throneroom and was immediately presented with statues of Every Great Sith Lord to Exist.
"Of course you are." Not just one, but
all of them? Little heavy handed, but you weren't aiming to be Emperor by playing modest or humble. With that said, Zlova took a moment to check for Darth Traya being there. Usually wasn't. Everyone liked praising Darth Nihilus. Some even envied the power of an endless hunger that would consume the cosmos.
Now there was something of a surprise to be seen, however.
Srina Talon
was here? Zlova hadn't actually met the woman in person. Chasing after the big names of any faction wasn't her game. Still, there'd been no expectation she or
Darth Empyrean
would be here. Perhaps they'd come for the same reason. See if this was anything worth contemplating, or just a good chance to drink fine wine on someone else's tab then pat them on the head with a cheerful 'good luck with that.' Given how many showed up, however, Zlova figured they had a decent shot. A promising beginning. The night might actually turn into something worth noting after all.
The Lethan wearing little other than leg wrappings and a wide band over her chest strode into the crowd. Her curved-hilt sabers secured at the small of her back. Nothing said trust like walking into a den of vipers.
Zlova stopped beside another woman and turned to regard
Darth Qis
for a moment.
"Anyone killed anyone else yet? These kind of functions are always so fun to watch everyone dance around each other. No one quite sure who they can speak to without starting a blood feud or other nonsense. How about you? See any familiar faces to form an execution party?" The Twi'lek chuckle to herself.
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