Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[TSO] Facing The Mirror (Acolyte Trials)

[member="Shuduc Macar"] was a slippery one, that was for sure. The man turned his head as the girl lept, and instead of turning to strike again his hand took aim, and the Force would begin to fold around her ankle. With a quick movement of his hand he would try to simply send the girl flying to the side before she could even land. It was only then that he turned, bringing up his blade up to watch.

She growled in annoyance and as he grabbed her by the force she growled and reached out too but she had more than a mere grip in mind. She aimed to grasp his throat and crush it! The force fueled by her anger enough to break his neck if it worked. His distraction with the force use and attack likely leaving his defenses down. She growled at him. "You die! I am sick of your meddling!" She growled and if that failed she'd simply send a strong push of force telekinetics to smash into his chest possibly breakign ribs.

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